MGS Miscellaneous Map Series M-184 Bedrock Geology of the Anoka Quadrangle,Anoka and Hennepin Counties, Minnesota by John H. Mossler 2009 GIS layers and digital files projection: All Arc/Info coverages are double precision and are in UTM zone 15 projection, NAD83. coverages and shapefiles --------- bgnt - net coverage of bedrock geology polygon and line features. btln - line coverage of equal elevation of bedrock surface. cw_top -line coverage of stratigraphic top of the Wonewoc Sandstone. export(e00) -folder containing arc export files of the covers. papg -polygon cover of the Anoka quad outline strln - structure line cover showing folds in bedrock sbpt - shapefile location point of engineering soil borings stln - line cover of faults wwpt- point shapefile of water wells from located CWI data. xsln- line cover of the cross section lines base layers ----------- anokabasebw.tif - black and white, modified version of drg for quad as tiff anokabasebw.tfw - world (registration) file for tiff misc ----------- anoka_mag.jpg - color image of magentic variation in study area, georeferenced Compiled map ------------- m184.pdf - published map as pdf image. Metadata -------- m184meta.doc - Microsoft word metadata summary. questions concerning the digital data may be directed to Tim Wahl ( ) or Rich Lively ( ). questions concerning the geologic information presented in the map should be directed to the author, John Mossler ( All may be reached by phone at the MGS at 612-627-4780.