pacman::p_load(readxl, tidyverse) setwd("/Users/shanchaowang/Desktop/Submission Data/") # read data # GDP deflator from 1929 to 2020, with 2012 = 100 gdp = read_xls("BEA Implicit Price Index for GDP (2014-04-03).xls",range = "B6:CP8") %>% .[2,] gdp = gather(gdp, key = "Year", value = "Deflator", `1929`:`2020`) %>% .[,-1] # RD data in 2019 US$ rebase gdp to 2019 = 1 gdp$Deflator = gdp$Deflator/gdp$Deflator[gdp$Year == 2019] gdp$Year = as.numeric(gdp$Year) # value of production VOP = read_xlsx("VA_State_US (2021-04-03).xlsx", range = "United States!B37:DJ37", col_names = F) VOP = VOP[,-4] colnames(VOP) = 1910:2021 VOP = gather(VOP, key = "Year", value = "VOP") %>% VOP$Year = as.numeric(VOP$Year) # merge VOP and gdp deflator VOP = merge(VOP, gdp, by = "Year") rm(gdp) # deflate VOP in $1000, /1000 to convert to million $ in 2019 VOP$VOP = VOP$VOP/VOP$Deflator/1000 VOP = VOP %>% select(Year, VOP) %>% rename(YEAR = Year) # load constructed knowledge stock load("Distribution.Rdata") # load truncated distribution weights load("weights.RData") weights_data = weights_data %>% rename(BLOOMEXPO = BloomExp, BLOOMREAL = BloomReal, BLOOMLINEAR = BloomLinear, BLOOMFLAT = BloomFlat) # read elasticity e_OLS = read.csv("3_outputs/res_robust_ols_WI_std.csv") %>% select(model, elasticity, lower, upper) %>% filter(! e_CO = read.csv("3_outputs/res_co_reg_WI_std.csv") %>% select(model, elasticity, lower, upper) %>% filter(! e_PW = read.csv("3_outputs/res_pw_reg_WI_std.csv") %>% select(model, elasticity, lower, upper) %>% filter(! e_DOLS = read.csv("3_outputs/res_dols_sw_reg_WI_std.csv") %>% select(model, elasticity, lower, upper) %>% filter(! model.names = e_OLS$model # BCR model # Enter model name, discount rate, return estimated BCR and 95% confidence interval mydata$BLOOMLINEAR_K = mydata$BLOOMLINEAR BCR = function(model, r){ BCR_data = merge(mydata %>% select('YEAR', model), VOP, by = "YEAR") %>% filter(YEAR >= 1956) Rt = BCR_data[which(BCR_data$YEAR == 1957), model] - BCR_data[which(BCR_data$YEAR == 1956), model] BCR_data = BCR_data %>% filter(YEAR >= 1957) if(model == "BLOOMLINEAR_K"){ temp = BCR_data$VOP*sapply(BCR_data$YEAR-1957, function(x) (1+r)^(-x))/median(mydata$BLOOMLINEAR_K) }else{ BCR_data$WEIGHT = weights_data[, model] temp = BCR_data$VOP/BCR_data[, model] * BCR_data$WEIGHT * sapply(BCR_data$YEAR-1957, function(x) (1+r)^(-x)) } temp = sum(temp) out = cbind(model, e_OLS[which(e_OLS$model == model), 2:4] * temp, e_CO[which(e_CO$model == model), 2:4] * temp, e_PW[which(e_PW$model == model), 2:4] * temp, e_DOLS[which(e_DOLS$model == model), 2:4] * temp) colnames(out)[c(2, 5, 8, 11)] = c("OLS", "CO", "PW", "DOLS") return(out) } write.csv(lapply(model.names, BCR, r = 0.001) %>% bind_rows(), file = "4_outputs/BCR_001.csv", row.names = F) write.csv(lapply(model.names, BCR, r = 0.03) %>% bind_rows(), file = "4_outputs/BCR_03.csv", row.names = F) write.csv(lapply(model.names, BCR, r = 0.05) %>% bind_rows(), file = "4_outputs/BCR_05.csv", row.names = F) write.csv(lapply(model.names, BCR, r = 0.1) %>% bind_rows(), file = "4_outputs/BCR_1.csv", row.names = F)