This Readme.txt file was generated on 20190806 by Clark Dennis GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Title of Dataset: Raw data from behavioral studies on bighead carp, common carp and largemouth bass to high-intensity lights in the laboratory 2. Author Information Principal Investigator Contact Information: Name: Peter Sorensen Institution: University of Minnesota Address: 135E Skok Hall, 2003 Upper Buford Circle, St. Paul, MN 55108 Email: Graduate Student Contact Information: Name: Clark Dennis Institution: University of Minnesota "Address: 132 Hodson Hall, 1980 Buford Avenue, St. Paul, MN 55108" Email: 3. Date of collection: 20170201 to 20190116 4. Geographic location of data collection: Minnesota Aquatic Invasive Species Research Center (MAISRC) Containment Laboratory, University of Minnesota, 1955 Fitch Ave., Falcon Heights, MN 55108 5. Information about funding sources that supported the collection of the data: This study was funded by the Minnesota Environmental and Natural Resources Trust Fund as recommended by the Legislative-Citizen Commission on Minnesota Resources (LCCMR). DATA & FILE OVERVIEW 1. File/Folder List Part1: Light Intensity (Lux) Data A. Filename: light mapping_coordinates.pdf Short description: PDF showing an overhead diagram of the laboratory flume that was used to determine the response of fishes to high-intensity lights, along with a coordinate list for lux measurement points taken along the centerpoint of the flume. Numbers next to the measurement points denote the distance (cm) at which light measurements were taken from the center of the straightaway section of the flume. B. Filename: light intensity measurements.txt Short description: Raw light (lux) measurements taken within a dimly-lit or well-lit flume at specific distances from the high-intensity light source. See "light mapping_coordinates.pdf" for a list of measurement points and diagram of the laboratory flume (with sample measurement points). Part 2: Fish Passage Rate Data A. Filename: bighead carp_raw passage rate data.txt Short description: Raw passage rate data taken from bighead carp experiments with high-intensity lights in both dimly-lit and well-lit conditions. The following information is presented for each test: date, deterrent side (east or west - side light deterrent was activated on), trial number (1-8, set of treatments - a total of 8 per group), stimulus (treatments - control/no treatment, 2Hz strobe, 5Hz strobe, 12Hz strobe; background lighting - 1 Lux (Dimly-lit) or 100 Lux (Well-lit)), trial (pre-test: 6 min period without any treatment, test: 6 min period during the treatment), time (time at which test was conducted), forward pass (number of passages where fish passed in-front of the high-intensity light bars during a 1 min period), reverse pass (number of fish passages across the back of the high-intensity light bars during a 1 min period), total passage (forward pass + reverse pass). Total passage rate data for each 6-min block of pre-test and test periods were summed to create a total passage rate count during a specific treatment - this data is summarized in "all species_total passage rate data.txt". B. Filename: common carp_raw passage rate data.txt Short description: Raw passage rate data taken from common carp experiments. See "bighead carp_raw passage rate data.txt" for a description of the data. The only change is the stimuli that were tested: control, 5Hz strobe and 12Hz strobe only in a dimly-lit flume. Common carp froze in a well-lit flume. C. Filename: largemouth bass_raw passage rate data.txt Short description: Raw passage rate data taken from largemouth bass experiment. See "bighead carp_raw passage rate data.txt" for a description of the data. The only change is the stimuli that were tested: control, 5Hz strobe and 12Hz strobe were tested in both a dimly-lit and well-lit flume. D. Filename: all species_total passage rate data.txt Short description: Combined forward and reverse passage rate data of bighead carp, common carp and largemouth bass for each 6 min pre-test and test period. This data was used to how species, stimulus and background lighting influences the tendency of high-intensity light to block the fish passage in our laboratory flume. Headings used for the dataset is similar to the raw passage rate data except "species" and "background lighting" were added descriptors. E. Filename: tl_tw_data.txt Short description: Total length (tip of snout to end of caudal fin) and total weight of fish that were used in our high-intensity light experiments. Headings for the dataset are: species (BHC:bighead carp, CC:common carp, LMB:largemouth bass), group (each trial tested 10 naive fish), date, signal (treatment/stimulus), TL (total length) and TW (total weight). 2. Additional related data collected that was not included in the current data package: Final data analysis of the total passage rate data is detailed in a manuscript "High-intensity light blocks bighead carp passage in a laboratory flume" submitted to Management of Biological Invasions. 3. Are there multiple versions of the dataset? no -------------------------- METHODOLOGICAL INFORMATION -------------------------- 1. Description of methods used for collection/generation of data: A. High-Intensity Light Measurements: Light intensity measurements (lux) were acquired using a portable meter (MW700, Milwaukee Instruments) with a waterproof probe (peak wavelength: 560nm; accuracy: ±6% of reading). This light meter was placed at a depth of 0.15 m and measurements taken along the midline of the flume at distances of: 0.00, 0.10, 0.20, 0.30, 0.40, 0.50, 0.60, 0.80, 1.00, 1.20, 1.60, 2.00, 2.40, 3.00, 3.60, 4.20, 5.40, and 6.60 m from the light. B. Fish Passage Rate Data: We tested the effects of exposing groups of bighead carp, common carp and largemouth bass to three types of high-intensity white light (constant light [0Hz], 5Hz strobing light, 12Hz strobing light) in either dimly-lit [1 Lux] or well-lit conditions [100 Lux]. Each experiment was comprised of 10 trials in which a different group of 10 naïve fish of the same species was tested on a randomly chosen stimulus. Our testing protocol used was based on that of Dennis et al. (2019). Briefly, each trial started with a 1-h acclimation period (no stimulus), which was followed by 8 sets of exposure periods each of which started with a 6-min pre-test period (no stimulus), followed by a 6-min test period (stimulus on [or not in the no-treatment control experiments]), and then a 10-min recovery period (no stimulus). Fish position was recorded during pre-test and test periods using overhead low-light cameras and analyzed after trials by quantifying the number of times fish crossed the midline of the flume where the deterrent system was located (i.e., passage rate). 2. Methods for processing the data: We used generalized linear mixed models (GLMM) using a Poisson distribution to analyze passage rate count data for each species and background lighting combination. Raw passage rate counts for bighead carp and largemouth bass were used as the response variable for experiments conducted in a dimly-lit flume because these fish moved as individuals. For the well-lit [100 Lux] experiments, fish were observed to move in groups of 10 and raw passage rate did not fit a Poisson distribution so we converted individual passages into group passage rates (i.e., raw passage rate / 10) resulting in a good fit. To compare the effectiveness of high-intensity light to block fish passage between different pulse frequencies, background lighting and species combinations, we used the blockage efficiencies (i.e., mean passage rate during light exposure compared to mean passage rate during no-treatment control) generated by the GLMM and then conducted a series of z-tests to compare specific blockage efficiencies. 3. People involved with sample collection, processing, analysis and/or submission: Data collected by: Clark Dennis III, Jane Feely, Rosie Daniels, Kirsten Engleseth, Pheng Lor, Dalton McGowan and Kory Davis. Data processing by: Clark Dennis III Data analysis by: Clark Dennis III Data submission by: Clark Dennis III