This codebook.txt file was generated on 20160714 by Valerie Collins ------------------- GENERAL INFORMATION ------------------- 1. Title of Dataset: SONIC - System of Network Incremental Connections 2. Authors: David Levinson, Feng Xie, Michael Corbett 3. Author contact: 4. Time coverage period: 1960-2004 5. Geographic location of data collection: Minneapolis, MN 6. Information about funding sources that supported the collection of the data: Based in part on work by the US National Science Foundation under grant no. 0236396 -------------------------- SHARING/ACCESS INFORMATION -------------------------- 1. Licenses/restrictions placed on the data: Attribution-Noncommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United States ( 2. Links to publications that cite or use the data: Corbett, Michael, Feng Xie, and David Levinson (2009) Evolution of the Second-Story City: The Minneapolis Skyway System. Environment and Planning b 36(4) 711-724 3. Recommended citation for the data: Xie, Feng; Levinson, David M. (2016). SONIC - System of Network Incremental Connections. Retrieved from the University of Minnesota Digital Conservancy, --------------------- DATA & FILE OVERVIEW --------------------- The software contains a network-growth simulation model. The logic is based on the strongest-link assumption (ie for a link to be constructed, it must be ranked the highest in terms of increasing accessibility between the two blocks it connects). Note: opening and running this program will require an environment that runs Java, such as Eclipse or Dr. Java, which can be downloaded freely. Instructions to run program: 1. Import all java files in the package into a Java platform, such as Eclipse or Dr. Java 2. Run "" as an applet 3. In the bottom-left corner of the applet interface, "sonic2.2.1- " will be the default entry into the form field. Type a number between 1-7 after the dash to load the parameters for the associated scenario. 4. Click "load" to load the parameters from the text file. 5. Click "Evolve" to run the scenario. 6. "Batch" runs the simulation in batch mode if you have set up multiple scenarios. 7. Use the controls at the bottom of the applet screen to view the results in different modes or to see results in a specific year. 8. The measurements have also been printed out to the console window. Files included in the zipped folder: java.policy.applet Automata.class BooleanStack.class DijkstrasAlgo.class DirectedGraph$ReadANumber.class DirectedGraph.class FloatStack.class IntStack.class Investment.class MenuFrame.class NetworkDynamics$TopologyIdentifier.class NetworkDynamics.class Sonic$DrawArea.class Sonic$DrawPanel.class Sonic$ScrollPanel.class Sonic$VariablesPanel.class Sonic.class TAssignment.class TDistribution.class TGeneration.class WindowDestroyer.class Sonic1184011627803.html Sonic1184120072150.html Batch.txt Coor_hexa10.txt Coor_hexa11.txt Coor_hexa13.txt Coor_hexa21.txt Copy of results_sonic2.2.1-2.txt Copy of sonic2.2.1-2.txt hexa10.txt hexa11.txt hexa13.txt hexa21.txt randoms.txt results.txt results_sonic2.2.1-1.txt results_sonic2.2.1-2.txt results_sonic2.2.1-3.txt results_sonic2.2.1-4.txt results_sonic2.2.1-5.txt results_sonic2.2.1-6.txt results_sonic2.2.1-7.txt sonic1.0.4.2-1.txt sonic2.2.1-1.txt - load this file for the results of scenario 1 sonic2.2.1-2.txt - load this file for the results of scenario 2 sonic2.2.1-3.txt - load this file for the results of scenario 3 sonic2.2.1-4.txt - load this file for the results of scenario 4 sonic2.2.1-5.txt - load this file for the results of scenario 5 sonic2.2.1-6.txt - load this file for the results of scenario 6 sonic2.2.1-7.txt - load this file for the results of scenario 7 -------------------------- METHODOLOGICAL INFORMATION -------------------------- From page 720 of the article (Corbett, Michael, Feng Xie, and David Levinson (2009) Evolution of the Second-Story City: The Minneapolis Skyway System. Environment and Planning b 36(4) 711-724 "An algorithm was developed to extract potential skyway connections for a given year and to evaluate the impact of building a candidate link on accessibility. It was run for twenty-one iterations, each of which represented a year in which at least one skyway was built, since 1962 [...] Consequently, a dataset of 1883 records was created, each record representing a potential skyway connection for a particular year, with a binary variable indicating if the potential connection was actually built in that year. A logit model was then estimated, using the statistical package Stata (Stata Corp LP, College Station, TX), relating the binary variable to corresponding accessibility measures. Building on the results of the logit model (as explained below in the results section), we developed a network growth simulation model on the basis of the strongest-link assumption, in which one and only one link is constructed per turn, and in which this link is the strongest among all the candidates and provides the highest increase in accessibility for the two blocks it connects."