This readme.txt file was generated on 20191025 by Nick Rodgers ------------------- GENERAL INFORMATION ------------------- 1. Delta Basin-2 Wave Experiments (2018-2019) 2. Author Information Principal Investigator Contact Information Name: Nick Rodgers Institution: University of Minnesota Address: Email: ORCID: Associate or Co-investigator Contact Information Name: Chris Paola Institution: University of Minnesota Address: Email: ORCID: 3. Date of data collection: April 2018-March 2019 4. Geographic location of data collection (where was data collected?): Saint Anthony Falls Lab 5. Information about funding sources that supported the collection of the data:N/A 6. Recommended citation for the data: Rodgers, Nicholas; Paola, Chris. (2019). Delta Basin-2 Wave Experiments (2018-2019). Retrieved from the Data Repository for the University of Minnesota, --------------------- DATA & FILE OVERVIEW --------------------- 1. File List A. Filename: ShallowFast - Photos Short description: Zip of RGB overhead photos in jpg format of the ShallowFast experiment. Subdivided by experiment stage (Building, Transgression, Transition). Each pixel is approximately 1x1 millimeter. Filename is experiment name followed by the date and time the image was taken. File size: 8.245 Gb File Count: 9,551 JPG B. Filename: ShallowFast - Scans Short description: Zip of TIFF images of the topography scans of the ShallowFast experiment. Each pixel is approximately 1x1 millimeter. Filename is the experiment name, the scan number, and the experiment time passed when the scan was taken. File size: 622.4 MB File Count: 56 TIF C. Filename: ShallowFast.wmv Short description: Video in wmv format of the photos from the ShallowFast experiment. Resolution is 1920x1080 and framerate is 30 fps. File size: 511.0 MB D. Filename: ShallowSlow - Photos Short description: Zip of RGB overhead photos in jpg format of the ShallowSlow experiment. Subdivided by experiment stage. Each pixel is approximately 1x1 millimeter. Filename is experiment name followed by the date and time the image was taken. File size: 12.49 GB File Count: 12,452 JPG E. Filename: ShallowSlow - Scans Short description: Zip of TIFF images of the topography scans of the ShallowSlow experiment. Each pixel is approximately 1x1 millimeter. Filename is the experiment name, the scan number, and the experiment time passed when the scan was taken. File size: 782.5 MB File Count: 60 TIF F. Filename: ShallowSlow.wmv Short description: Video in wmv format of the photos from the ShallowSlow experiment. Resolution is 1920x1080 and framerate is 30 fps. File size: 1.19 GB G. Filename: SteepFast - Photos Short description: Zip of RGB overhead photos in jpg format of the SteepFast experiment. Subdivided by experiment stage. Each pixel is approximately 1x1 millimeter. Filename is experiment name followed by the date and time the image was taken. File size: 4.28 GB File Count: 5,185 JPG H. Filename: SteepFast - Scans Short description: Zip of TIFF images of the topography scans of the SteepFast experiment. Each pixel is approximately 1x1 millimeter. Filename is the experiment name, the scan number, and the experiment time passed when the scan was taken. File size: 463.9 MB File Count: 37 TIF I. Filename: SteepFast.wmv Short description: Video in wmv format of the photos from the SteepFast experiment. Resolution is 1920x1080 and framerate is 30 fps. File size: 264.8 MB J. Filename: SteepSlow - Photos Short description: Zip of RGB overhead photos in jpg format of the SteepSlow experiment. Subdivided by experiment stage. Each pixel is approximately 1x1 millimeter. Filename is experiment name followed by the date and time the image was taken. File size: 8.12 GB File Count: 8,830 JPG K. Filename: SteepSlow - Scans Short description: Zip of TIFF images of the topography scans of the SteepSlow experiment. Each pixel is approximately 1x1 millimeter. Filename is the experiment name, the scan number, and the experiment time passed when the scan was taken. File size: 268.2 MB File Count: 26 TIF L. Filename: SteepSlow.wmv Short description: Video in wmv format of the photos from the SteepSlow experiment. Resolution is 1920x1080 and framerate is 30 fps. File size: 721.1 MB -------------------------- METHODOLOGICAL INFORMATION -------------------------- 1. Description of methods used for collection/generation of data: These experiments were conducted in St. Anthony Fall Laboratory (SAFL) Delta Basin. This is a fixed based basin (5 m wide x 5 m long x 0.5 m deep) that is fed sediment and water from an input source to create model deltas. Sea-level adjustment via relative sea-level rise is available in this facility and was used for these experiments along with a floating wave generator. This facility is able to collect data via an overhead DSLR camera (which made the time-lapse videos themselves) and a digital line scan camera capable of making digital elevation models with sub-millimeter accuracy. Delta experiments ran in Delta Basin-2 (DB2) with fluvial and wave forcing. Deltas experienced 2.5 mm/hr or 5 mm/hr of relative sea-level rise and a constant wave climate. Water and sediment discharge rates were varied between experiments to control the delta-top slope. ShallowFast: water discharge 0.1 Liter/second (L/s), sediment discharge 0.001 L/s, slope 0.008, relative sea level rise 5 mm/hr. ShallowSlow: water discharge 0.1 Liter/second (L/s), sediment discharge 0.001 L/s, slope 0.009, relative sea level rise 2.5 mm/hr. SteepFast: water discharge 0.1 Liter/second (L/s), sediment discharge 0.002 L/s, slope 0.017, relative sea level rise 5 mm/hr. SteepSlow: water discharge 0.05 Liter/second (L/s), sediment discharge 0.001 L/s, slope 0.014, relative sea level rise 2.5 mm/hr. Images were taken with an RGB camera overhead of the basin where the images took place. Scans were taken with a laser scanner. The videos were made by stitching together thousands of pictures taken from a fixed camera above the basin. The camera is oriented so that each pixel is roughly 1mm by 1mm. The scans generate a elevation model where each pixel is approximately 1mm by 1mm. 2. Methods for processing the data: Images were orthorectified by removing lense distortion and remapping so that one pixel is approximately 1x1 millimeter of the experiment. Scans were converted from raw format to TIFF. 3. Instrument- or software-specific information needed to interpret the data: Image / Video viewer for jpg and wmv files. A GIS program should be used to open the TIF files. 4. Standards and calibration information, if appropriate: N/A 5. Environmental/experimental conditions: N/A 6. Describe any quality-assurance procedures performed on the data: N/A 7. People involved with sample collection, processing, analysis and/or submission: Nick Rodgers, Chris Paola, Saint Anthony Falls Lab staff