This readme.txt file was generated on 20240520 by Kristine Q. Loh Recommended citation for the data: Loh, Kristine; Harbick, Kale; Eylands, Nathan; Kortshagen, Uwe; Ferry, Vivian. (2024). Supporting Data for Luminescent Solar Concentrator Greenhouses for Concurrent Energy Generation and Lettuce Production in the United States. Retrieved from the University Digital Conservancy, ------------------- GENERAL INFORMATION ------------------- 1. Supporting Data for Luminescent Solar Concentrator Greenhouses for Concurrent Energy Generation and Lettuce Production in the United States 2. Author Information Principal Investigator Contact Information Name: Vivian E. Ferry Institution: University of Minnesota Address: 421 Washington Ave SE, Minneapolis, MN 55455 Email: ORCID: Associate or Co-investigator Contact Information Name: Uwe R. Kortshagen Institution: Univeristy of Minnesota Address: 111 Church St SE, Minneapolis, MN 55455 Email: ORCID: Associate or Co-investigator Contact Information Name: Nathan J. Eylands Institution: University of Minnesota Address: 1970 Folwell Ave, St Paul, MN 55108 Email: ORCID: Associate or Co-investigator Contact Information Name: Kale Harbick Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Application Technology Research Unit Address: 2801 W. Bancroft St, Toledo, OH 43606 Email: ORCID: N/A Associate or Co-investigator Contact Information Name: Kristine Q. Loh Institution: University of Minnesota Address: 421 Washington Ave SE, Minneapolis, MN 55455 Email: ORCID: 3. Date published or finalized for release: 2024-05-23 4. Date of data collection (single date, range, approximate date): 20240429 - 20240514 5. Geographic location of data collection (where was data collected?): Minneapolis, MN, USA 6. Information about funding sources that supported the collection of the data: K.Q.L. was partially supported by the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship under grant no. 2237827 and received support from the University of Minnesota under the Ronald L. and Janet A. Christenson Chair in Renewable Energy. 7. Overview of the data (abstract): Meeting the needs for both renewable energy production and increased food supply to sustain growing communities remains a global challenge. Agrivoltaic greenhouses can meet these dual needs in one plot of land, mitigating land competition. Luminescent solar concentrators (LSCs) benefit these systems by providing additional design flexibility for crop-specific spec-trum modification while allowing sufficient light transmission for crop growth. Silicon quantum dots (Si QDs) have received growing interest as a material candidate for LSC greenhouses as well. We present an investigation into the impact of Si QD film concentration on the energy demands of an LSC greenhouse in Phoenix, Arizona through a comprehensive modelling framework. We then expand upon one Si QD concentration and simulate LSC greenhouses in 48 locations across the United States. We demonstrate LSC greenhouses can supply their annual energy demands in warm climates, where greenhouse heating demands remain low. LSC greenhouses can also be as profitable as the conventional glass greenhouse if the crop yield remains comparable or if the greenhouse can benefit from net metering. -------------------------- SHARING/ACCESS INFORMATION -------------------------- 1. Licenses/restrictions placed on the data: CC0 1.0 Universal 2. Links to publications that cite or use the data: Conference proceeding 3. Terms of Use: Data Repository for the U of Minnesota (DRUM) By using these files, users agree to the Terms of Use. --------------------- DATA & FILE OVERVIEW --------------------- 1. File List A. Filename: Figure1.csv Short description: This file contains the data that was used to generate Figure 1. Figure 1 was a schematic of the system with an inset that showed the absorbance and photoluminescence of silicon quantum dots as a function of wavelength. B. Filename: Figure2.csv Short description: This file contains the data that was used to generate Figure 2. Figure 2(a) showed the annual heating and cooling demands for both the conventional glass greenhouse and the LSC greenhouse. These demands depended on concentration (in wt%) for the LSC greenhouse. The data for the conventional greenhouse was plotted at 0 wt% as a reference. Figure 2(b) showed the annual total energy demand, which is the sum of the heating and cooling demand, as well as the energy differential, which is defined as energy generated - energy demand. This file contains the total energy demand, the annual energy generated, and the resulting energy differential in separate columns. C. Filename: Figure 3.csv Short description: This file contains the data that was used to generated Figure 3. Figure 3(a) showed the energy differential for 1.5 wt% Si QD LSC greenhouses in 48 locations across the United States. This file contains the location name, the latitude and longitude (to plot on a map), and the energy differential. Figure 3(b) showed the relative net present value (NPV), which is defined as the NPV of the LSC greenhouse - the NPV of the conventional greenhouse. This file contains the NPVs of both types of greenhouses as well as the relative NPV for greenhouses in each location. 2. Relationship between files: All files were used to generate the three figures in the conference proceeding. -------------------------- METHODOLOGICAL INFORMATION -------------------------- 1. Description of methods used for collection/generation of data: The spectra in Figure 1 were retrieved from Liu, Y., et al, Adv. Sustain. Syst., 7, 8, 2300107 (2023). The energy data in Figures 2 and 3 were calculated using the model reported in Liu, Y., et al, Adv. Sustain. Syst., 7, 8, 2300107 (2023) as well. The economic data in Figure 3 were calculated using a model reported in Hollingsworth, J., et al., J. Ind. Ecol., 24, 1, pp. 234 - 247 (2019). All calculations were conducted in MATLAB R2020a. 2. Methods for processing the data: The energy differential and the relative NPV were calculated by using the raw data of heating demand, cooling demand, and NPV. 3. Instrument- or software-specific information needed to interpret the data: N/A 4. Standards and calibration information, if appropriate: N/A 5. Environmental/experimental conditions: N/A 6. Describe any quality-assurance procedures performed on the data: N/A 7. People involved with sample collection, processing, analysis and/or submission: Kristine Q. Loh, Kale Harbick, Nathan J. Eylands, Uwe R. Kortshagen, Vivian E. Ferry ----------------------------------------- DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: Figure1.csv ----------------------------------------- 1. Number of variables: 3 2. Number of cases/rows: 3701 3. Variable List A. Name: Wavelength (nm) Description: Wavelength of light in nanometers B. Name: Absorption Coefficient (m^{-1}) Description: Absorption coefficient of silicon quantum dots in inverse meters. C. Name: Normalized Photoluminescence Intensity (a.u.) Description: Photoluminescence intensity of silicon quantum dots normalized to 1 in arbitrary units. ----------------------------------------- DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: Figure2.csv ----------------------------------------- 1. Number of variables: 6 2. Number of cases/rows: 16 3. Variable List A. Name: Concentration (wt%) Description: Concentration of silicon quantum dots in the LSC film in units of weight percent. 0 wt% is used to refer to the conventional greenhouse. B. Name: Heating Demand (kWh/m^{-2}) Description: Annual heating demand required to operate the greenhouse. C. Name: Cooling Demand (kWh/m^{-2}) Description: Annual cooling demand required to operate the greenhouse. D. Name: Total Energy Demand (kWh/m^{-2}) Description: The sum of the annual heating and cooling demands. E. Name: Energy Generated (kWh/m^{-2}) Description: Annual energy generated by the LSC roof for LSC greenhouses. F. Name: Energy Differential (kWh/m^{-2}) Description: Difference between annual energy demand and annual energy generated. ----------------------------------------- DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: Figure3.csv ----------------------------------------- 1. Number of variables: 10 2. Number of cases/rows: 48 3. Variable List A. Name: Location Names (CitySTATE) Description: Cities and states for each simulated greenhouse's location. For example, a greenhouse located in Fort Lauderdale, Florida would be named FortLauderdaleFL. B. Name: Latitude (degrees) Description: Latitude of the simulated greenhouse. C. Name: Longitude (degrees) Description: Longitude of the simulated greenhouse. D. Name: Total Energy Demand (kWh/m^{-2}) Description: The sum of the annual heating and cooling demands for the conventional greenhouse. E. Name: NPV ($) Description: Net present value of the conventional greenhouse over its 30-year lifetime in dollars. F. Name: Total Energy Demand (kWh/m^{-2}) Description: The sum of the annual heating and cooling demands for the LSC greenhouse. G. Name: Energy Generated (kWh/m^{-2}) Description: Annual energy generated by the LSC roof for LSC greenhouses. H. Name: Energy Differential (kWh/m^{-2}) Description: Difference between annual energy demand and annual energy generated. I. Name: NPV ($) Description: Net present value of the LSCgreenhouse over its 30-year lifetime in dollars. J. Name: Relative NPV ($) Description: Difference between NPV of the conventional greenhouse and NPV of the LSC greenhouse in dollars.