Minnesota Geological Survey M-126, Bedrock Topographic and Depth to Bedrock Maps of the Western Half of the Mesabi Iron Range, Northern Minnesota Compiled and authored by M.A. Jirsa, D.R. Setterholm, B.A. Bloomgren, and R.S. Lively 2002 The data and results of the project analysis are presented as ArcView Shape files that are compiled within an ArcView project entitled m126.apr. All of the map and plate files are included. The zipped files can be unzipped, using the WinZip program available on the Internet, to other drives and retain their original read/write permissions. A copy of the zipped files and the unzipped project can also be obtained on a CD by contacting the MGS Map Sales office at 612-627-4780, ex. 238. A paper plot of the map plate can also be obtained. Be aware that the ArcView project m126.apr requires the ArcView extensions Spatial Analyst and 3-d Analyst to open and properly display the map plates in ArcView. The metadata for various grids, lines and shapefiles in the project may be viewed as html files within themetadata folder in the m-126 folder. A list of the files in the project is given below: Folder: m-126 m126.apr Shape Files: Common to all views: graphicstmp—latlong tics trclpd – township and range lines with labels trsclpd – section lines with corners labeled Bedrock Topography view grid10-Bedrock Topography Shaded-Relief grid—restructured elevation data in program TopoShade to create shaded relief map of the pre-mining bedrock surface. btgdfromtin-Bedrock topography grid—elevation grid with 30 meter cell size of the bedrock surface. Database view glg83clp-geology polygons showing bedrock geology contacts and labels. exploration drillholes.shp-Exploration drillholes—drillhole data collected from agency and company files outcropclpd.shp-Outcrop locations—data collected from new field work and existing maps and reports water well locations.shp-Water well locations—data on water wells from CWI at MGS. Depth to Bedrock view dtgdclpd-Depth to bedrock grid—grid of elevation values representing depth to bedrock outcropclpd.shp-Outcrops—data collected from new field work and existing maps and reports ovrbdrn_thickln.shp-Depth to bedrock lines—isolines separating polygons of different depths to bedrock surface Location of Study Area view newpagp.shp-Study area outline—area covered by the bedrock topographic and depth to bedrock mapping. mncomdt.shp-Mn county outlines—polygon file of Minnesota Counties. Metadata can be obtained for county data from the Dept. of Natural Resources Data Deli at http://deli.dnr.state.mn.us/metadata/index_th.html Folders: btgdfromtin – grid of bedrock surface elevation values drgs – topographic maps for use in ArcView, in USGS digital raster graphics format (DRG) dtgdclpd – grid of overburden thickness from which the depth-to-bedrock map was created grid10 – grid from which the bedrock topographic shaded-relief map was created info – Arc info files required by ArcView to use the grids metadata – metadata about the shape files in the project. (btgd-bedrock topography grid; dtgd-depth to bedrock grid; expldh-exploration drillholes; dtln- depth to bedrock lines; outcrop-outcrop locations; btshd-bedrock topography shaded-relief map). CWI water well metadata is provided in Word 97 format as Cwiver4.doc. mgsattribute.pdf—metadata about MGS attributes used in some of the data tables The directory LCMR_rpt contains a pdf file of the Final Report for the 2000 LCMR Iron Range project completed by the MGS.