This readme.txt file was generated on <20240213> by Recommended citation for the data: Kaissar, Molly; Yoshida, Kyoko. (2024). Model, tables, figures, and data supporting Computational model captures cardiac growth in hypertensive pregnancies and in the postpartum period. Retrieved from the Data Repository for the University of Minnesota, ------------------- GENERAL INFORMATION ------------------- 1. Title of Dataset: Model, tables, figures, and data supporting "Computational model captures cardiac growth in hypertensive pregnancies and in the postpartum period 2. Author Information Principal Investigator Contact Information Name: Kyoko Yoshida Institution: University of Minnesota, Department of Biomedical Engineering Address: 312 Church St. SE, Minneapolis, MN 55455 Email: kyoshida [at] ORCID: 0000-0002-7251-134X Associate or Co-investigator Contact Information Name: Molly S. Kaissar Institution: University of Minnesota, Department of Biomedical Engineering Address: 312 Church St. SE, Minneapolis, MN 55455 Email: kaiss005 [at] ORCID: 0000-0002-2399-9676 3. Date published or finalized for release: 2024-02-16 4. Date of data collection (single date, range, approximate date) 2021-2023 5. Geographic location of data collection (where was data collected?): Minneapolis, MN, USA 6. Information about funding sources that supported the collection of the data: We acknowledge support from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute’s T32-HL139431 (MSK) and the American Heart Association’s 23CDA1048434 (KY). 7. Overview of the data (abstract): Heart growth in the pregnant patient helps maintain cardiovascular function while supporting the growing fetus. However, in some cases, the cardiovascular demand of pregnancy can trigger life-threatening conditions, including hypertensive disorders of pregnancy and peripartum cardiomyopathy. We previously developed a computational model that accounts for hormonal and hemodynamic interactions throughout pregnancy to uncover the mechanisms behind this heart growth. Here, we evaluated its breadth, applying it to normal and abnormal rat pregnancies and after delivery. This dataset includes supplemental data and tables that support our findings and accompany our manuscript -------------------------- SHARING/ACCESS INFORMATION -------------------------- 1. Licenses/restrictions placed on the data: CC0 1.0 Universal 2. Links to publications that cite or use the data: Kaissar (in preparation). 3. Was data derived from another source? Yes If yes, list source(s): The computational model was first described in Yoshida (2022) [1]. All reported experimental studies were identified through PubMed and Google Scholar searches, and are identified in the files below. 4. Terms of Use: Data Repository for the U of Minnesota (DRUM) By using these files, users agree to the Terms of Use. --------------------- DATA & FILE OVERVIEW --------------------- 1. File List A. Filename: Short description: The MATLAB code files for a multiscale cardiac growth model designed to understand how mechanical and hormonal cues interact to drive heart growth during rat pregnancy. Includes subfiles containing the model functions ('/Model'), code to run growth simulations and compare simulation results ('/Simulations'), and a copy of the simulated data and generated figures ('/EndResult'). Key scripts are explained in 'MultiscaleModel/README.rft'. The files necessary to reproduce all manuscript and supplemental figures are included. B. Filename: Short description: The supplemental figures, tables, and references described in Kaissar (in preparation). All figures, tables, and references are described in SupplementalMaterial.pdf. Includes accessable copies of SupplementalFigure1.png, SupplementalFigure2.png, SupplementalTable1.csv, SupplementalTable2.csv, SupplementalTable3.csv, SupplementalTable4.csv, and SupplementalData1.rft. C. Filename: Short description: A compilation of .csv files defining the experimental data used to simulate normal pregnancy ('/Input') and the data compared against model predictions ('/Compare') during normal pregnancy. Includes author, YYYY, PubMed identifier, time point(s), and experimental values. D. Filename: Short description: A compilation of .csv files defining the experimental data used to simulate three disease models of hypertensive pregnancy ('/Input') and the data compared against model predictions ('/Compare'). Includes author, YYYY, PubMed identifier or link, experimental group, and experimental values. E. Filename: Short description: A compilation of .csv files defining the experimental data used to simulate the postpartum period ('/Input') and the data compared against model predictions ('/Compare'). Includes author, YYYY, PubMed identifier, time point(s), and experimental values. 2. Relationship between files: Experimental data used in simulations in '' are provided in .csv form in '', '', and ''. -------------------------- METHODOLOGICAL INFORMATION -------------------------- 1. Description of methods used for collection/generation of data: Methods are described in detail in Kaissar (in preparation). Breifly, we incorporated time-appropriate reported experimental changes in hormones (progesterone, estrogen, angiotensin II) and hemodynamics (heart rate, systemic arterial resistance, stressed blood volume) to generate model predictions. We determined systemic arterial resistance changes based on reported experimental changes in mean arterial blood pressure and cardiac output. We optimized stressed blood volume to match reported experimental hemodynamics during pregnancy. Experimental sources used to generate model predictions are defined in each simulation file using the style <>, and raw values are provided in .csv files in '/Input' subfolders in '', '', and ''. All reported experimental studies were identified through PubMed and Google Scholar searches. When data was only available in published figures, we used MATLAB plug-in GRABIT [2] to extract data points from the image. 2. Methods for processing the data: We compared our model predictions to reported experimental changes in heart weight, left ventricular mass, end-diastolic diameter, posterior wall thickness, and cardiac protein expression (calcineurin, extracellular signal-regulated kinases 1&2, protein kinase B). Experimental sources used for analysis are defined in 'SupplementalTable2.csv','SupplementalTable3.csv', and 'SupplementalTable4.csv' in '', and raw values are provided in .csv files in '/Compare' subfolders in '', '', and ''. All reported experimental studies were identified through PubMed and Google Scholar searches. When data was only available in published figures, we used MATLAB plug-in GRABIT [2] to extract data points from the image. 3. Instrument- or software-specific information needed to interpret the data: This model was written for MATLAB, as detailed in Yoshida (2022) [1]. This model is compatable with MATLAB version R2019b and later, as of 20240210. 4. Standards and calibration information, if appropriate: 5. Environmental/experimental conditions: 6. Describe any quality-assurance procedures performed on the data: 7. People involved with sample collection, processing, analysis and/or submission: Kyoko Yoshida, Molly S. Kaissar ----------------------------------------- DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: ----------------------------------------- 1. Number of variables: 7 experimental data inputs ('/Input'), 6 experimental comparison outputs ('/Compare') 2. Number of rows/cases: 9 <> 3. Variable List A. Name: Angiotensin II (AngII, Ang II, AII) Description: Pregnancy-related hormone known to regulate cardiomyocyte growth. Hormonal input. B. Name: Estrogen (E2) Description: Pregnancy-related hormone known to regulate cardiomyocyte growth. Hormonal input. C. Name: Progesterone (P4) Description: Pregnancy-related hormone known to regulate cardiomyocyte growth. Hormonal input. D. Name: Heart Rate (HR) Description: Number of heart beats per minute (beats/min). Hemodynamic input. E. Name: Cardiac Output (CO) Description: Blood volume pumped out of the heart per minute (ml/min). Used to calculate systemic resistance (MAP/CO). Potential hemodynamic variable used in model optimization. F. Name: Mean Arterial Pressure (MAP) Description: Average blood pressure in the systemic arterial system (mmHg). Used to calculate systemic resistance (MAP/CO). Potential hemodynamic variable used in model optimization. G. Name: End-Diastolic Diameter (EDD) Description: Diameter of left ventricle at end of diastole, when it is fully expanded (mm). Potential hemodynamic variable used in model optimization. Separate files for EDD data used in optimization ('/Input') and model validation ('/Compare'). H. Name: Heart Weight (HW) Description: Weight of excised heart (g). Compared against model predictions. I. Name: Posterior Wall Thickness (PWT, WT) Description: Thickness of posterior wall of left ventricle at end of diastole (mm). Compared against model predictions. J. Name: Calcineurin (CaN) Description: Cardiac signaling protein that regulates cardiomyocyte growth. Determined from reported Western Blot measurements (CaN/GAPDH). Compared against model predictions. K. Name: Extracellular Signal-Regulated Kinases 1&2 (ERK12, ERK) Description: Cardiac signaling protein that regulates cardiomyocyte growth. Determined from reported Western Blot measurements (pERK12/ERK12). Compared against model predictions. L. Name: Protein Kinase B (Akt) Description: Cardiac signaling protein that regulates cardiomyocyte growth. Determined from reported Western Blot measurements (pAkt/Akt). Compared against model predictions. ----------------------------------------- DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: ----------------------------------------- 1. Number of variables: 2-3 experimental data inputs per simulation (/'Input'), 2 experimental comparison outputs per simulation ('/Compare') 2. Number of rows/cases: 2-12. All files contain at least <>. 3. Variable List A. Name: Angiotensin II (AngII, Ang II, AII) Description: Pregnancy-related hormone impacted/perturbed in some animal models of hypertension. Hormonal input. B. Name: Cardiac Output (CO) Description: Blood volume pumped out of the heart per minute (ml/min). Used to calculate systemic resistance (MAP/CO). C. Name: Mean Arterial Pressure (MAP) Description: Average blood pressure in the systemic arterial system (mmHg). Impacted/perturbed in animal models of hypertension. Used to calculate systemic resistance (MAP/CO). Hemodynamic variable used in model optimization. D. Name: Heart Weight (HW) Description: Weight of excised heart (g). Compared against model predictions. E. Name: Left Ventricular Mass (LV Mass, LVM) Description: Calculated mass of left ventricle using echocardiography or related techniques (mg). Compared against model predictions. ----------------------------------------- DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: ----------------------------------------- 1. Number of variables: 4-5 experimental data inputs per simulation ('/Input') (3 'Lactating' simulation specific, 1 'NonLactating' simulation specific, 2 shared), 1 experimental comparison output ('/Compare') (1 'Lactating' simulation specific, 1 'NonLactating' simulation specific, 1 file for unspecified data) 2. Number of rows/cases: 6-9. All files contain at least <> 3. Variable List A. Name: Estrogen (E2) Description: Pregnancy-related hormone known to regulate cardiomyocyte growth. Impacted by lactation. Hormonal input. B. Name: Progesterone (P4) Description: Pregnancy-related hormone known to regulate cardiomyocyte growth. Impacted by lactation. Hormonal input. D. Name: Heart Rate (HR) Description: Number of heart beats per minute (beats/min). Assumed to be same in lactating and nonlactating animals. Hemodynamic input. E. Name: Cardiac Output (CO) Description: Blood volume pumped out of the heart per minute (ml/min). Impacted by lactation. Used to calculate systemic resistance (MAP/CO). F. Name: Mean Arterial Pressure (MAP) Description: Average blood pressure in the systemic arterial system (mmHg). Assumed to be same in lactating and nonlactating animals. Used to calculate systemic resistance (MAP/CO). Hemodynamic variable used in model optimization. H. Name: Heart Weight (HW) Description: Weight of excised heart (g). Compared against model predictions. ----------------------------------------- References [1] Yoshida K, Saucerman JJ, Holmes JW. Multiscale model of heart growth during pregnancy: integrating mechanical and hormonal signaling. Biomech Model Mechanobiol 21: 1267–1283, 2022. doi: 10.1007/s10237-022-01589-y. [2] Jiro Doke (2024). GRABIT (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved February 13, 2024. -------------------------------- DATA TREE -------------------------------- | Readme_Yoshida_Kaissar.txt | +---LitDataHTN | +---Compare | | +---AngIIPump | | | HeartWeight.csv | | | HeartWeight.xlsx | | | LVMass.csv | | | LVMass.xlsx | | | | | +---RUPP | | | HeartWeight.csv | | | HeartWeight.xlsx | | | LVMass.csv | | | LVMass.xlsx | | | | | \---TAC | | HeartWeight.csv | | HeartWeight.xlsx | | LVMass.csv | | LVMass.xlsx | | | \---Input | +---AngIIPump | | AngiotensinII.csv | | AngiotensinII.xlsx | | CardiacOutput.csv | | CardiacOutput.xlsx | | MeanArterialPressure.csv | | MeanArterialPressure.xlsx | | | +---RUPP | | CardiacOutput.csv | | CardiacOutput.xlsx | | MeanArterialPressure.csv | | MeanArterialPressure.xlsx | | | \---TAC | AngiotensinII.csv | AngiotensinII.xlsx | CardiacOutput.csv | CardiacOutput.xlsx | MeanArterialPressure.csv | MeanArterialPressure.xlsx | +---LitDataPostpartum | +---Compare | | +---Lactating | | | HeartWeight.csv | | | HeartWeight.xlsx | | | | | +---NonLactating | | | HeartWeight.csv | | | HeartWeight.xlsx | | | | | \---Unspecified | | HeartWeight.csv | | HeartWeight.xlsx | | | \---Input | +---Lactating | | CardiacOutput.csv | | CardiacOutput.xlsx | | Estrogen.csv | | Estrogen.xlsx | | Progesterone.csv | | Progesterone.xlsx | | | +---NonLactating | | CardiacOutput.csv | | CardiacOutput.xlsx | | | \---UsedInBoth | HeartRate.csv | HeartRate.xlsx | MeanArterialPressure.csv | MeanArterialPressure.xlsx | +---LitDataPregnancy | +---Compare | | Calcineurin.csv | | Calcineurin.xlsx | | EndDiastolicDiameter.csv | | EndDiastolicDiameter.xlsx | | ExtracellularSignalRegulatedKinases12.csv | | ExtracellularSignalRegulatedKinases12.xlsx | | HeartWeight.csv | | HeartWeight.xlsx | | PosteriorWallThickness.csv | | PosteriorWallThickness.xlsx | | ProteinKinaseB.csv | | ProteinKinaseB.xlsx | | | \---Input | AngiotensinII.csv | AngiotensinII.xlsx | CardiacOutput.csv | CardiacOutput.xlsx | EndDiastolicDiameter.csv | EndDiastolicDiameter.xlsx | Estrogen.csv | Estrogen.xlsx | HeartRate.csv | HeartRate.xlsx | MeanArterialPressure.csv | MeanArterialPressure.xlsx | Progesterone.csv | Progesterone.xlsx | +---MultiscaleModel | | README.rtf | | | +---EndResult | | +---HTN | | | +---Analysis | | | | compHW.fig | | | | LVM.fig | | | | NetworkSpecies.fig | | | | | | | +---AngIIPump | | | | \---matchMAP | | | | Network.csv | | | | wkspGrowth.mat | | | | | | | +---RUPP | | | | \---matchMAP | | | | Network.csv | | | | wkspGrowth.mat | | | | | | | \---TAC | | | \---matchMAP | | | Network.csv | | | wkspGrowth.mat | | | | | +---Normal | | | +---Analysis | | | | | legend.pdf | | | | | | | | | +---CompActivity | | | | | Akt.fig | | | | | CaN.fig | | | | | ERK.fig | | | | | | | | | +---CompHW | | | | | LVMcomp.fig | | | | | | | | | \---CompShape | | | | EDDcomp.fig | | | | PWTcomp.fig | | | | | | | +---matchCO | | | | Network.csv | | | | wkspGrowth.mat | | | | | | | +---matchEDD | | | | Network.csv | | | | wkspGrowth.mat | | | | | | | \---matchMAP | | | Network.csv | | | wkspGrowth.mat | | | | | \---Postpartum | | +---Analysis | | | CO.fig | | | legend.pdf | | | LVM.fig | | | | | +---L | | | \---matchMAP | | | Network.csv | | | wkspGrowth.mat | | | | | \---NL | | \---matchMAP | | Network.csv | | wkspGrowth.mat | | | +---Model | | +---CompartmentalModel | | | CompartmentalModelRat.m | | | CompartmentalModelRatMK.m | | | | | +---Functions | | | +---ExpData | | | | et4dAVFHolmes.mat | | | | etShamHolmes.mat | | | | FistulaEDPVR.mat | | | | FistulaPV.mat | | | | ShamEDPVR.mat | | | | ShamPV.mat | | | | | | | +---FitScripts | | | | costFunctionAngIIVONetwork.m | | | | costFunctionE2Network.m | | | | costFunctionP4Network.m | | | | costFunctionVONetwork.m | | | | fitHolmesShamVO.m | | | | fitNetworkCouplingMap.m | | | | MonteCarloHolmes.m | | | | runSensitivityCoupling.m | | | | | | | +---General | | | | bullseye.m | | | | calculatePressureContraction.m | | | | calculate_pressuresandvolumesinitial.m | | | | colorbrewer.m | | | | fixPaperSize.m | | | | generateEtFunction.m | | | | getColourBar.m | | | | getCURE.m | | | | getEDPVR.m | | | | getESPVR.m | | | | getKinematics.m | | | | getRadius.m | | | | getStretch.m | | | | getThickness.m | | | | getVolume.m | | | | getXY.m | | | | getXYet.m | | | | ginputc.m | | | | multiWaitbar.m | | | | peakfinder.m | | | | perChange.m | | | | perDiff.m | | | | plotBullsEye.m | | | | plotBullsEyeVideo.m | | | | plotContraction.m | | | | plotDefault.m | | | | plotExp.m | | | | plotExpData.m | | | | plotGenerator.m | | | | plotGeneratorData.m | | | | plotGeneratorFit.m | | | | plotGeneratorPVR.m | | | | plotting_output.m | | | | read_capacitances.m | | | | read_resistances.m | | | | reverseplot20.m | | | | rk4.m | | | | rk4rat.m | | | | set_initialconditions.m | | | | set_VentricularParameters.m | | | | simulate_heart_beat.m | | | | simulate_heart_beat_rat.m | | | | stdProp.m | | | | valve_status.m | | | | | | | +---Growth | | | | calculate_stress_strain_relationships.m | | | | calculating_unloaded_geometry.m | | | | computing_dimensionsandhemodynamics.m | | | | computing_dimensionsandhemodynamicsMK.m | | | | computing_stressandstrain.m | | | | dimensionsofsphere.m | | | | dimensionsofsphereMK.m | | | | getExpData.m | | | | GrowthLaw_modifiedKOM.m | | | | GrowthLaw_modifiedKOMIsotropic.m | | | | initialize_circulation.m | | | | material_properties_during_growth.m | | | | plotGrowthBullseye.m | | | | plotGrowthMulti.m | | | | plotPVHistory.m | | | | Recomputing_LV_params.m | | | | runCalculatePlotDimensionsStresses.m | | | | runCalculatePlotDimensionsStressesMK.m | | | | set_initialconditions_noventricles.m | | | | storeHemodynamics.m | | | | storeHemodynamicsMK.m | | | | | | | \---Util | | | colorbrewer.m | | | fixPaperSize.m | | | getColourBar.m | | | getEDPVR.m | | | getESPVR.m | | | getRadius.m | | | getStretch.m | | | getVolume.m | | | ginputc.m | | | multiWaitbar.m | | | peakfinder.m | | | plotDefault.m | | | plotGenerator.m | | | plotGeneratorData.m | | | plotGeneratorFit.m | | | plotGeneratorPVR.m | | | reverseplot20.m | | | suptitle.m | | | valve_status.m | | | | | \---NetworkModel | | E2P4HypertrophyNetwork.m | | E2P4HypertrophyNetwork.xlsx | | E2P4HypertrophyNetwork_loadParams.m | | GrowthE2P4HypertrophyNetwork.m | | GrowthE2P4HypertrophyNetworkMK.m | | writeNetfluxOutput.m | | | \---Simulations | | compareHTNpregSim.m | | compareLacStatus.m | | compareMatchSimType.m | | | +---HTNPregnancy | | compartmentalGrowth_HTN_AngIIPump.m | | compartmentalGrowth_HTN_RUPP.m | | compartmentalGrowth_HTN_TAC.m | | | +---NormalPregnancy | | compartmentalGrowth_Pregnancy.m | | | \---Postpartum | compartmentalGrowth_Postpartum_L.m | compartmentalGrowth_Postpartum_NL.m | \---SupplementalMaterial SupplementalData1.rtf SupplementalFigure1.png SupplementalFigure2.png SupplementalMaterial.pdf SupplementalTable1.csv SupplementalTable2.csv SupplementalTable3.csv SupplementalTable4.csv