This readme.txt file was generated on 20191129 by Anvar Gilmanov Revised 20240829 ------------------- GENERAL INFORMATION ------------------- 1. Title of Dataset: "CFD-AB User Manual for simulation of fish swimming through navigation dams" 2. Author Information: Anvar Gilmanov, MAISRC, Univesity of Minnesota Principal Investigator Contact Information Name: Anvar Gilmanov Institution: Address: Email: ORCID: 3. Date of data collection (single date, range, approximate date): 20180701-20190630 4. Geographic location of data collection (where was data collected?): Minnesota 5. Information about funding sources that supported the collection of the data: Funding for this project was provided by MAISRC -- MAISRC Subproject 26: Updating an invasive and native fish passage model for locks and dams. -------------------------- SHARING/ACCESS INFORMATION -------------------------- 1. Licenses/restrictions placed on the data: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United States 2. Links to publications that cite or use the data: Zielinski, D.P.; Voller, V.R.; Sorensen, P.W. A physiologically inspired agent-based approach to model fish swimming fatigue and its application to upstream passage of invasive fish at a lock and dam. Ecol. Modeling 2018, 382, 18–32. Gilmanov, A, Zielinski, D.P., Voller, V.R., Sorensen, P.W. The Effect of Modifying a CFD-AB Approach on Fish Passage through a Model Hydraulic Dam. Water 2019, 11, 1776. 3. Recommended citation for the data: Gilmanov, Anvar. (2019). CFD-AB User Manual for simulation of fish swimming through navigation dams. MAISRC. University of Minnesota. -------------------------- INSTRUCTIONS FOR RUNNING THE CODE -------------------------- 1) For each zip file, unzip - go to the folder data_program_files/program_files 2) Compile the code: (on a mac) gfortran -o main main.f90 burkardt.f90 3) Run the program from this current directory ./main --------------------- DATA & FILE OVERVIEW --------------------- 1. File List A. Filename: "Code_AB_B22K" -- a folder containinig source code/subroutines in Fortran and input data to execute/run simulaions: a. main.f90 is a fortran code for simulation of fish swimming, b. burkardt.f90 is an auxiliary fortran code licensing under the GNU LGPL license, c. input_param.txt is a file with input parameters for the main.f90 program (see explanations in CFD-AB User Manual.docx), d. Gates_LD2.txt is an auxiliary file (see explanations in CFD-AB User Manual.docx), e. B22K_LD2.txt is an auxiliary file (see explanations in CFD-AB User Manual.docx), f. B22K.txt is an auxiliary file (see explanations in CFD-AB User Manual.docx), g. is an auxiliary file (see explanations in CFD-AB User Manual.docx). B. Filename: Short description: "Code_AB_R22K" -- a folder containinig source code/subroutines in Fortran and input data to execute/run simulaions: a. main.f90 is a fortran code for simulation of fish swimming, b. burkardt.f90 is an auxiliary fortran code licensing under the GNU LGPL license, c. input_param.txt is a file with input parameters for the main.f90 program (see explanations in CFD-AB User Manual.docx), d. Gates_LD2.txt is an auxiliary file (see explanations in CFD-AB User Manual.docx), e. R22K_LD2.txt is an auxiliary file (see explanations in CFD-AB User Manual.docx), f. R22K.txt is an auxiliary file (see explanations in CFD-AB User Manual.docx), g. R22K.stl is an auxiliary file (see explanations in CFD-AB User Manual.docx). C. Filename: Short description: "ABSwimFatigueNEW" -- a folder with the original fortran code from Zielinski et al. 2018 a. ABSwimFatigueV2.f90 is a fortran code b. LD8_Q22_MC1_AVERAGEtransW.txt is mean velocity information at all nodes in XYZP_Q22_MC1.txt c. LD8_Q22_MC1_STDEVtransW.txt is fluctuating part of the velocity information at all nodes in XYZP_Q22_MC1.txt d. XYZP_Q22_MC1.txt are coordinates and depth values in fluid domain. D. Filename: Short description: CFD-AB User Manual.docx -- documentation with explanations on how to prepare input data to run fish swimming E. Filename: Readme_CFD_AB_new.txt -- current file 2. Relationship between files: Files main.f90 and burkardt.f90 should be compiled by Fortran compiler and when the executed file runs it will request all *.txt files described above. 3. Are there multiple versions of the dataset? yes/no: NO -------------------------- METHODOLOGICAL INFORMATION -------------------------- 1. Description of methods used for collection/generation of data: Method is described in the "CFD-AB User Manual.docx". References Brett, J.R. The respiratory metabolism and swimming performance of young sockeye salmon. J. Fish. Res. Bd. Can. 1964, 21, 1183–1226. Brett, J.R. Swimming performance of sockeye salmon in relation to fatigue time and temperature. J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 1967, 24, 1731–1741. Castro-Santos, T. Optimal swim speeds for traversing velocity barriers: An analysis of volitional high-speed swimming behavior of migratory fishes. J. Exp. Biol. 2005, 208, 421–432. Gilmanov, A, Zielinski, D.P., Voller, V.R., Sorensen, P.W. The Effect of Modifying a CFD-AB Approach on Fish Passage through a Model Hydraulic Dam. Water 2019, 11, 1776. Kieffer, J.D. Limits to exhaustive exercise in fish. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. Part A Mol. Integr. Physiol. 2000,126, 161–179. Zielinski, D.P., Voller, V.R. Sorensen, P.W. A physiologically inspired agent-based approach to model fish swimming fatigue and its application to upstream passage of invasive fish at a lock and dam. Ecol. Modeling 2018, 382, 18–32.