Minnesota Geological Survey C-4 Geologic Atlas of Hennepin County Files available on this site: pdfs of atlas plates: plate1_database.pdf - Data base map plate2_bedrock.pdf - Bedrock geology plate3_surficial.pdf - Surficial geology plate4_d2bdrk.pdf - Depth to bedrock and bedrock topography plate5_quat_hydro.pdf - Quaternary hydrogeology plate6_bdrk_hydro.pdf - Bedrock hydrogeology plate7_poll_sens.pdf - Sensitivity of ground-water systems to pollution plate8_well_const.pdf - Geology and well construction plate9_resources.pdf - Geologic resources (lower resolution versions (150dpi) which should be satisfactory for most uses are included with "_150" in the pdf titles) GIS layers (zipped ESRI export (.e00) files) bdrk_geology.zip (bgpg.e00) Bedrock geology bdrk_topog.zip (btln.e00) Bedrock topography surf_geology.zip (sgpg.e00) Surficial geology GIS layers coordinate system is UTM, zone 15 and the datum is NAD83 for more info: Tim Wahl (tewahl@umn.edu) or Rich Lively (lively@umn.edu) 612-627-4780