The enclosed export files were generated in support of the U.S.G.S. Statemap project for the Shakopee quadrangle, 1998. They were created in ARCINFO UNIX environment and exported in an uncompressed format. If you are working in UNIX environment: The files are packaged in a compressed tar format. If you are working in a PC platform environment: The files were transferred via ftp over to a PC platform and zipped for compression. They are in a self exploding zip format. To expand the files, simply type "m87", and the directory will unzip. Individual export files can then be imported as covers in the ARCINFO environment. Also present is a text file called index.txt, which lists all cover names and a brief description of what each cover contains. Projection information is given for the covers by typing "describe [cover name]" in at the ARC prompt. All covers are registered in UTM coordinates, zone 15, NAD27 projection. Pdf files depicting thegeological plate are given at the ftp site. If you have any questions about the data please contact: Tim Wahl or Rich Lively Minnesota Geological Survey 2642 University Ave. St. Paul, MN 55114 612-627-4780