------------------- GENERAL INFORMATION ------------------- 1. Digitization of Minnesota and Wisconsin bathymetric maps resulting in hypsographic data 2. Author Information Principal Investigator Contact Information Name: Gretchen Hansen Institution: University of Minnesota Email: ghansen@umn.edu Associate or Co-investigator Contact Information Name: Christopher Rounds Institution: University of Minnesota Email: round060@umn.edu Associate or Co-investigator Contact Information Name: Kelsey Vitense Institution: Email: Associate or Co-investigator Contact Information Name: Amanda Van Pelt Institution: University of Minnesota Email: 3. Date of data collection (single date, range, approximate date) The digitization of state bathymetric maps took place from 8/1/2019 to 2/1/2022 4. Geographic location of data collection (where was data collected?): Upper Midwest (Minnesota, South Dakota, Wisconsin) -------------------------- SHARING/ACCESS INFORMATION -------------------------- 1. Was data derived from another source? Yes Hypsographic data was derived from paper bathymetric maps created and archived by the Minnesota, South Dakota and Wisconsin DNR. These can be found on each states specific lake finder website. These bathymetric maps are publicly available on each agencys website. Bathymetric data used for the validation was acquired from the MNDNR through the MN Geospatial Commons. 2. Links/relationships to ancillary data sets: The publicly available DNR datset for hypsographic data used in the validation can be found here Dataset: Lake Bathymetric Outlines, Contours, Vegetation, and DEM Metadata: https://gisdata.mn.gov/dataset/water-lake-bathymetry From: Minnesota Geospatial Commons, https://gisdata.mn.gov/ Bathymetric maps for Minnesota can be found through the MN DNR LakeFinder tool: https://www.dnr.state.mn.us/lakefind/index.html Bathymetric maps for Wisconsin can be found through the WI DNR Find a lake tool: https://dnr.wi.gov/lakes/findalake/ 5. Recommended citation for the data: Rounds, Christopher I; Hansen, Gretchen JA; Vitense, Kelsey. (2020). Digitization of Minnesota and Wisconsin bathymetric maps resulting in hypsographic data. Retrieved from the Data Repository for the University of Minnesota, http://hdl.handle.net/11299/216182. --------------------- DATA & FILE OVERVIEW --------------------- 1. File List A. Filename: Minnesota_Hypsography Short description: A folder containing csv files of hypsographic data from Minnesota lakes. CSV files are named by lakename_DOW B. Filename: Validation_Hypsography_CR Short description: A folder containing csv files of hypsographic data used for validation. Hypsographic data was digitized by Chris Rounds. CSV files are named by lakename_DOW C. Filename: Validation_Hypsography_AVP Short description: A folder containing csv files of hypsographic data used for validation. Hypsographic data was digitized by Amanda Van Pelt. CSV files are named by lakename_DOW D. Filename: Wisconsin_Hypsography Short description: A folder containing csv files of hypsographic data from Wisconsin lakes. CSV files are named by lakename_WBIC E. Filename: SouthDakota_Hypsography Short description A folder containg csv files of hypsoagraphic data from South Dakota Lakes. CSV files are named by lakename_lakecounty. F. Filename: MN_bathy.rds Short description: An R file with interpolated depth for a subset of lakes in Minnesota. This data is DEM data that was summarized from https://gisdata.mn.gov/dataset/water-lake-bathymetry G. Filename: Hypso_QC.r Short description: An R file used for quality control purposes with hypsographic data that has been digitzed H. Filename: ImageJ_comparison.r Short description: R Markdown file that has the comparisons between DNR derived hypsography and ImageJ derived hypsography. I. Filename: MN_areas.csv Short description: A CSV file with lake areas for every lake in the Minnesota_Hypsography folder J. Filename: WI_areas.csv Short description: A CSV file with lake areas for every lake in the Wisconsin_Hypsography folder K. Filename: SD_areas.csv Short description: A CSV file with lake areas for every lake in the SouthDakota_Hypsography folder L. Filename: How to extract area-at-depth information from bathymetric maps using ImageJ.mp4 Short description: Video tutorial of how to use ImageJ to get area-at-depth data from bathymetric maps (14:33 mins) 2. Relationship between files: ImageJ_comparison.r takes in the two validation hypsography folders and compares the hypsography digitzed by each user with the hypsography from MN_bathy.rds -------------------------- METHODOLOGICAL INFORMATION -------------------------- 1. Description of methods used for collection/generation of data: ImageJ (image processing software) version 1.53 was used to digitze and measure the the proportion area within each contour lines that was on agency paper maps. The measurements were then uploaded to csv files. R version 4.1.2 Was used for processing the csv files. 2. Describe any quality-assurance procedures performed on the data: Data was assured to be in a consistent format using a quality control script. 3. People involved with sample collection, processing, analysis and/or submission: Christopher Rounds ----------------------------------------- DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: Minnesota_Hypsography ----------------------------------------- 1. Number of variables: 2 2. Number of files: 537 3. Variable List A. Name: depth_feet Description: the depth in feet of the lakes B. Name: proportion_area Description: the proportion area of the lake that is at the depth_feet or greater. ----------------------------------------- DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: Validation_Hypsography ----------------------------------------- 1. Number of variables: 2 2. Number of cases/rows: 100 3. Variable List A. Name: depth_feet Description: the depth in feet of the lakes B. Name: proportion_area Description: the proportion area of the lake that is at the depth_feet or greater. ----------------------------------------- DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: Wisconsin_Hypsography ----------------------------------------- 1. Number of variables: 2 2. Number of files: 342 3. Variable List A. Name: depth_feet Description: the depth in feet of the lakes B. Name: proportion_area Description: the proportion area of the lake that is at the depth_feet or greater. ----------------------------------------- DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: SouthDakota_Hypsography ----------------------------------------- 1. Number of variables: 2 2. Number of files: 133 3. Variable List A. Name: depth_feet Description: the depth in feet of the lakes B. Name: proportion_area Description: the proportion area of the lake that is at the depth_feet or greater. ----------------------------------------- DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: MN_bathy.rds ----------------------------------------- 1. Number of variables: 3 2. Number of cases/rows: 73038 3. Variable List A. Name: depths Description: the depth in m for lakes in Minnesota B. Name: areas Description: the area in acres of the lake that is at the depths or greater. C. Name: DOW Description: The identifier for the lake ----------------------------------------- DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: MN_areas.csv ----------------------------------------- 1. Number of variables: 2 2. Number of cases/rows: 537 3. Variable List A. Name: DOW Description: The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources Waterbodies lake identifier (unique ID for each lake) B. Name: Area_acres Description: The area in acres of the surface of the lake. ----------------------------------------- DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: WI_areas.csv ----------------------------------------- 1. Number of variables: 2 2. Number of cases/rows: 342 3. Variable List A. Name: WBIC Description: The Wisconsin lake Waterbody Identification Code (unique ID for each lake) B. Name: Area_acres Description: The area in acres of the surface of the lake. ----------------------------------------- DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: SD_areas.csv ----------------------------------------- 1. Number of variables: 5 2. Number of cases/rows: 133 3. Variable List A. Name: Area_acres Description: The surface area of the lake in acres. B. Name: Name Description: The name of the lake. B. Name: County Description: The county name of the lake. B. Name: Latitude Description: The latitiude coordinate of the centroid of the lake. Units are in decimal degrees. B. Name: Longitude Description: The Longitude coordinate of the centroid of the lake. Units are in decimal degrees.