Study 1

Study 1 is divided into two parts. First the evaluation of the accuracy and agreement of the NVet, using fresh whole blood and thawed serum samples. Second the assesment of the best slope calibration factor for the NVet meter to use in dairy cattle.

Evaluation of the accuracy and agreement of the NVet, using fresh whole blood and thawed serum samples

True prevalence of hypeketonemia

## Confusion Matrix and Statistics
##          lab >= 1.2
## nv >= 1.2 TRUE FALSE
##     TRUE    21     3
##     FALSE    0   175
##                Accuracy : 0.9849          
##                  95% CI : (0.9566, 0.9969)
##     No Information Rate : 0.8945          
##     P-Value [Acc > NIR] : 5.574e-07       
##                   Kappa : 0.9249          
##  Mcnemar's Test P-Value : 0.2482          
##             Sensitivity : 1.0000          
##             Specificity : 0.9831          
##          Pos Pred Value : 0.8750          
##          Neg Pred Value : 1.0000          
##              Prevalence : 0.1055          
##          Detection Rate : 0.1055          
##    Detection Prevalence : 0.1206          
##       Balanced Accuracy : 0.9916          
##        'Positive' Class : TRUE            

Characteristics per device with confidence interval

rvaln <- epi.tests(nv_lab_table, conf.level = 0.95)
##           Outcome +    Outcome -      Total
## Test +           21            3         24
## Test -            0          175        175
## Total            21          178        199
## Point estimates and 95 % CIs:
## ---------------------------------------------------------
## Apparent prevalence                    0.12 (0.08, 0.17)
## True prevalence                        0.11 (0.07, 0.16)
## Sensitivity                            1.00 (0.84, 1.00)
## Specificity                            0.98 (0.95, 1.00)
## Positive predictive value              0.88 (0.68, 0.97)
## Negative predictive value              1.00 (0.98, 1.00)
## Positive likelihood ratio              59.33 (19.32, 182.21)
## Negative likelihood ratio              0.00 (0.00, NaN)
## ---------------------------------------------------------

rvalpx <- epi.tests(pxtra_lab_table, conf.level = 0.95)
##           Outcome +    Outcome -      Total
## Test +           20            0         20
## Test -            1            7          8
## Total            21            7         28
## Point estimates and 95 % CIs:
## ---------------------------------------------------------
## Apparent prevalence                    0.71 (0.51, 0.87)
## True prevalence                        0.75 (0.55, 0.89)
## Sensitivity                            0.95 (0.76, 1.00)
## Specificity                            1.00 (0.59, 1.00)
## Positive predictive value              1.00 (0.83, 1.00)
## Negative predictive value              0.88 (0.47, 1.00)
## Positive likelihood ratio              Inf (NaN, Inf)
## Negative likelihood ratio              0.05 (0.01, 0.32)
## ---------------------------------------------------------

rvalserum <- epi.tests(serum1.0_lab_table, conf.level = 0.95)
##           Outcome +    Outcome -      Total
## Test +           21            4         25
## Test -            0          174        174
## Total            21          178        199
## Point estimates and 95 % CIs:
## ---------------------------------------------------------
## Apparent prevalence                    0.13 (0.08, 0.18)
## True prevalence                        0.11 (0.07, 0.16)
## Sensitivity                            1.00 (0.84, 1.00)
## Specificity                            0.98 (0.94, 0.99)
## Positive predictive value              0.84 (0.64, 0.95)
## Negative predictive value              1.00 (0.98, 1.00)
## Positive likelihood ratio              44.50 (16.89, 117.26)
## Negative likelihood ratio              0.00 (0.00, NaN)
## ---------------------------------------------------------

Concordance correlation coeficient (CCC)

nv.ccc <- CCC(nv, lab, ci = "z-transform", conf.level = 0.95, na.rm = T)
serum1.0.ccc <- CCC(serum1.0, lab, ci = "z-transform", conf.level = 0.95, na.rm = T)
px.ccc <- CCC(px, lab, ci = "z-transform", conf.level = 0.95, na.rm = T)

paste("CCC: ", round(nv.ccc$rho.c[,2], digits = 2), " (95% CI ",round(nv.ccc$rho.c[,1], digits = 2), " - ",
round(nv.ccc$rho.c[,3], digits = 2), ")", sep = "")
## [1] "CCC: 0.95 (95% CI 0.96 - 0.97)"
paste("CCC: ", round(serum1.0.ccc$rho.c[,1], digits = 2), " (95% CI ",round(serum1.0.ccc$rho.c[,2], digits = 2), " - ",
round(serum1.0.ccc$rho.c[,3], digits = 2), ")", sep = "")
## [1] "CCC: 0.89 (95% CI 0.86 - 0.91)"
paste("CCC: ", round(px.ccc$rho.c[,1], digits = 2), " (95% CI ",round(px.ccc$rho.c[,2], digits = 2), " - ",
round(px.ccc$rho.c[,3], digits = 2), ")", sep = "")
## [1] "CCC: 0.94 (95% CI 0.93 - 0.95)"

Pearson's correlation test

cor.test(ketometers$nv, ketometers$lab, method=c("pearson"))
##  Pearson's product-moment correlation
## data:  x and y
## t = 49.403, df = 197, p-value < 2.2e-16
## alternative hypothesis: true correlation is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  0.9499393 0.9710944
## sample estimates:
##       cor 
## 0.9619321
cor.test(ketometers$serum1.0, ketometers$lab, method=c("pearson"))
##  Pearson's product-moment correlation
## data:  x and y
## t = 32.126, df = 197, p-value < 2.2e-16
## alternative hypothesis: true correlation is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  0.8908114 0.9361348
## sample estimates:
##       cor 
## 0.9163615
cor.test(ketometers$pxtra, ketometers$lab, method=c("pearson"))
##  Pearson's product-moment correlation
## data:  x and y
## t = 76.345, df = 196, p-value < 2.2e-16
## alternative hypothesis: true correlation is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  0.9783412 0.9875882
## sample estimates:
##       cor 
## 0.9835988

Bland Altman plots

bland.altman.plot(lab ,nv,main="Bland Altman Plot - Gold standard vs. NVet blood",  size=0.1,  xlab="Mean BHB concentration",graph.sys = "ggplot2")+ theme_bw()+
  scale_x_continuous(name="Mean BHB concentration (mmol/L)", limits=c(0,7), breaks=seq(0, 7, 1)) +  
  scale_y_continuous(name="Mean Difference in BHB concentration \n between test",limits=c(-2.5,1.2), breaks=seq(-2.5, 1.2, 0.4 ))+ geom_hline(yintercept=0, size=0.7)+ theme(   axis.title.x = element_text( size=12),  axis.title.y = element_text( size=12))+ annotate(geom="text", x=0, y=1.2, label="A)",size=5)+
  annotate(geom="text", x=6.1, y=0.45, label="+1.96 SD = 0.31",size=3.5)+
  annotate(geom="text", x=6.1, y=0.12, label="        mean = 0.0",size=3.5)+
  annotate(geom="text", x=6.1, y=-0.18, label="+1.96 SD = -0.31",size=3.5)

Passing Bablok reggresions

PB.reg1 <- mcreg(lab,nv,method.reg = "PaBa")
PB.reg2 <- mcreg(lab,serum1.0, method.reg = "PaBa")
PB.reg3 <- mcreg(lab,px, method.reg = "PaBa",na.rm=TRUE)
## Please note: 
## 1 of 199 observations contain missing values and have been removed.
## Number of data points in analysis is 198.
# Model and CI
##                 EST SE  LCI      UCI
## Intercept -0.100000 NA -0.2 0.000000
## Slope      1.166667 NA  1.0 1.333333
##           EST SE LCI UCI
## Intercept 0.1 NA 0.1 0.1
## Slope     1.0 NA 1.0 1.0
##                   EST SE        LCI       UCI
## Intercept -0.07111111 NA -0.1154775 0.0342501
## Slope      1.24444444 NA  1.0984522 1.3103448

plot(PB.reg1, equal.axis = TRUE, x.lab = "BHB concentration - Gold Standard", y.lab = "BHB concentration - NVet blood",  points.col = "gray20", points.pch = 1, ci.area = TRUE,      ci.area.col = "whitesmoke", reg=T,identity.lwd=2,ylim=c(0,6),     sub = "", add.grid =T,points.cex = 0.7,  add.legend =F,add.cor = F, main= "",cex.lab=1)

plot(PB.reg2, equal.axis = TRUE, x.lab = "BHB concentration - Gold Standard", y.lab = "BHB concentration - NVet serum",  points.col = "gray20", points.pch = 1, ci.area = TRUE,      ci.area.col = "whitesmoke", reg=T,identity.lwd=2,ylim=c(0,6),     sub = "", add.grid =T,points.cex = 0.7,  add.legend =F,add.cor = F, main= "",cex.lab=1)

plot(PB.reg3, equal.axis = TRUE, x.lab = "BHB concentration - Gold Standard", y.lab = "BHB concentration - PXtra blood",  points.col = "gray20", points.pch = 1, ci.area = TRUE,      ci.area.col = "whitesmoke", reg=T,identity.lwd=2,ylim=c(0,6),     sub = "", add.grid =T,points.cex = 0.7,  add.legend =F,add.cor = F, main= "",cex.lab=1)

Assesment of the best slope calibration factor for the NVet meter

Characteristics of the slopes

tab.serum0.9<- tally(~serum0.9 >=1.2|lab>=1.2, data=ketometers, margins = FALSE,format = "default")
tab.serum1.0<- tally(~serum1.0 >=1.2|lab>=1.2, data=ketometers, margins = FALSE,format = "default")
tab.serum1.1<- tally(~serum1.1 >=1.2|lab>=1.2, data=ketometers, margins = FALSE,format = "default")
tab.serum1.25<- tally(~serum1.25 >=1.2|lab>=1.2, data=ketometers, margins = FALSE,format = "default")
tab.serum1.5<- tally(~serum1.5 >=1.2|lab>=1.2, data=ketometers, margins = FALSE,format = "default")

tab.serum.0.9 <- epi.tests(tab.serum0.9, conf.level = 0.95)
##           Outcome +    Outcome -      Total
## Test +           19            1         20
## Test -            2          177        179
## Total            21          178        199
## Point estimates and 95 % CIs:
## ---------------------------------------------------------
## Apparent prevalence                    0.10 (0.06, 0.15)
## True prevalence                        0.11 (0.07, 0.16)
## Sensitivity                            0.90 (0.70, 0.99)
## Specificity                            0.99 (0.97, 1.00)
## Positive predictive value              0.95 (0.75, 1.00)
## Negative predictive value              0.99 (0.96, 1.00)
## Positive likelihood ratio              161.05 (22.70, 1142.61)
## Negative likelihood ratio              0.10 (0.03, 0.36)
## ---------------------------------------------------------
tab.serum.1.0 <- epi.tests(tab.serum1.0, conf.level = 0.95)
##           Outcome +    Outcome -      Total
## Test +           21            4         25
## Test -            0          174        174
## Total            21          178        199
## Point estimates and 95 % CIs:
## ---------------------------------------------------------
## Apparent prevalence                    0.13 (0.08, 0.18)
## True prevalence                        0.11 (0.07, 0.16)
## Sensitivity                            1.00 (0.84, 1.00)
## Specificity                            0.98 (0.94, 0.99)
## Positive predictive value              0.84 (0.64, 0.95)
## Negative predictive value              1.00 (0.98, 1.00)
## Positive likelihood ratio              44.50 (16.89, 117.26)
## Negative likelihood ratio              0.00 (0.00, NaN)
## ---------------------------------------------------------
tab.serum.1.1 <- epi.tests(tab.serum1.1, conf.level = 0.95)
##           Outcome +    Outcome -      Total
## Test +           21           12         33
## Test -            0          166        166
## Total            21          178        199
## Point estimates and 95 % CIs:
## ---------------------------------------------------------
## Apparent prevalence                    0.17 (0.12, 0.22)
## True prevalence                        0.11 (0.07, 0.16)
## Sensitivity                            1.00 (0.84, 1.00)
## Specificity                            0.93 (0.89, 0.96)
## Positive predictive value              0.64 (0.45, 0.80)
## Negative predictive value              1.00 (0.98, 1.00)
## Positive likelihood ratio              14.83 (8.59, 25.62)
## Negative likelihood ratio              0.00 (0.00, NaN)
## ---------------------------------------------------------
tab.serum.1.25 <- epi.tests(tab.serum1.25, conf.level = 0.95)
##           Outcome +    Outcome -      Total
## Test +           21           35         56
## Test -            0          143        143
## Total            21          178        199
## Point estimates and 95 % CIs:
## ---------------------------------------------------------
## Apparent prevalence                    0.28 (0.22, 0.35)
## True prevalence                        0.11 (0.07, 0.16)
## Sensitivity                            1.00 (0.84, 1.00)
## Specificity                            0.80 (0.74, 0.86)
## Positive predictive value              0.38 (0.25, 0.51)
## Negative predictive value              1.00 (0.97, 1.00)
## Positive likelihood ratio              5.09 (3.78, 6.84)
## Negative likelihood ratio              0.00 (0.00, NaN)
## ---------------------------------------------------------

ROC - Best threshold

## Setting levels: control = neg, case = pos
## Setting direction: controls < cases
## Setting levels: control = neg, case = pos
## Setting direction: controls < cases
## Setting levels: control = neg, case = pos
## Setting direction: controls < cases
## Setting levels: control = neg, case = pos
## Setting direction: controls < cases
## Setting levels: control = neg, case = pos
## Setting direction: controls < cases
## 95% CI (2000 stratified bootstrap replicates):
##  thresholds sp.low sp.median sp.high se.low se.median se.high
##        0.95 0.9213    0.9551  0.9831      1         1       1
## 95% CI (2000 stratified bootstrap replicates):
##  thresholds sp.low sp.median sp.high se.low se.median se.high
##        1.15 0.9551    0.9775  0.9944      1         1       1
## 95% CI (2000 stratified bootstrap replicates):
##  thresholds sp.low sp.median sp.high se.low se.median se.high
##        1.25 0.9438    0.9719  0.9944      1         1       1
## 95% CI (2000 stratified bootstrap replicates):
##  thresholds sp.low sp.median sp.high se.low se.median se.high
##        1.45 0.9551    0.9775  0.9944 0.8571    0.9524       1
## 95% CI (2000 stratified bootstrap replicates):
##  thresholds sp.low sp.median sp.high se.low se.median se.high
##        1.75 0.9551    0.9775  0.9944 0.8571    0.9524       1

Study 2

Evaluate the NVET precision within and between days and batches.


rep.nv <- read_csv("C:/Users/zrodrigu/Desktop/Projects/Data/NovaVet/Repeatability and interference/repeatibility_NVet.csv")
## Parsed with column specification:
## cols(
##   day1_cow1_batch1 = col_double(),
##   day1_cow2_batch1 = col_double(),
##   day1_cow3_batch1 = col_double(),
##   day1_cow1_batch2 = col_double(),
##   day1_cow2_batch2 = col_double(),
##   day1_cow3_batch2 = col_double(),
##   day2_cow1_batch1 = col_double(),
##   day2_cow2_batch1 = col_double(),
##   day2_cow3_batch1 = col_double(),
##   day2_cow1_batch2 = col_double(),
##   day2_cow2_batch2 = col_double(),
##   day2_cow3_batch2 = col_double()
## )
rep.px <- read_csv("C:/Users/zrodrigu/Desktop/Projects/Data/NovaVet/Repeatability and interference/repeatibility_PXtra.csv")
## Parsed with column specification:
## cols(
##   day1_cow1_batch1 = col_double(),
##   day1_cow2_batch1 = col_double(),
##   day1_cow3_batch1 = col_double(),
##   day1_cow1_batch2 = col_double(),
##   day1_cow2_batch2 = col_double(),
##   day1_cow3_batch2 = col_double(),
##   day2_cow1_batch1 = col_double(),
##   day2_cow2_batch1 = col_double(),
##   day2_cow3_batch1 = col_double(),
##   day2_cow1_batch2 = col_double(),
##   day2_cow2_batch2 = col_double(),
##   day2_cow3_batch2 = col_double()
## )
a<- mapply(sd,rep.nv[,-1])
b<- mapply(mean,rep.nv[,-1])
c<- a/b*100

d<- mapply(sd,rep.px[,-1],na.rm = TRUE)
e<- mapply(mean,rep.px[,-1],na.rm = TRUE)
f<- d/e*100
c %>%
  kable() %>%
  kable_styling("striped", full_width = F) %>%
  column_spec(2, width = "3cm") %>%
 add_header_above(c("Batch ", "CV" = 1)) %>%
   add_header_above(c( "NVet" = 2))
day1_cow2_batch1 7.239969
day1_cow3_batch1 4.295385
day1_cow1_batch2 13.407137
day1_cow2_batch2 11.470063
day1_cow3_batch2 4.708517
day2_cow1_batch1 7.892141
day2_cow2_batch1 9.196717
day2_cow3_batch1 10.623891
day2_cow1_batch2 12.003403
day2_cow2_batch2 8.007169
day2_cow3_batch2 5.405405
f %>%
  kable() %>%
  kable_styling("striped", full_width = F) %>%
  column_spec(2, width = "3cm") %>%
 add_header_above(c("Batch ", "CV" = 1)) %>%
   add_header_above(c( "PXtra" = 2))
day1_cow2_batch1 3.410178
day1_cow3_batch1 6.619215
day1_cow1_batch2 8.768894
day1_cow2_batch2 0.000000
day1_cow3_batch2 5.348139
day2_cow1_batch1 8.474489
day2_cow2_batch1 3.797042
day2_cow3_batch1 0.000000
day2_cow1_batch2 9.221389
day2_cow2_batch2 5.555004
day2_cow3_batch2 7.667395

Determine the influence of the use of different anticoagulants on test results.


# NV

inter_nv <- read_csv("C:/Users/zrodrigu/Desktop/Projects/Data/NovaVet/Repeatability and interference/interference.nv.csv")
## Parsed with column specification:
## cols(
##   LiHep = col_double(),
##   EDTA = col_double(),
##   fresh = col_double()
## )
interf.LiHep.ccc <- CCC(inter_nv$LiHep, inter_nv$fresh, ci = "z-transform", conf.level = 0.95, na.rm = T)
interf.EDTA.ccc <- CCC(inter_nv$EDTA, inter_nv$fresh, ci = "z-transform", conf.level = 0.95, na.rm = T)

paste("CCC: ", round(interf.LiHep.ccc$rho.c[,2], digits = 2), " (95% CI ",round(interf.LiHep.ccc$rho.c[,1], digits = 2), " - ",
      round(interf.LiHep.ccc$rho.c[,3], digits = 2), ")", sep = "")
## [1] "CCC: 0.86 (95% CI 0.93 - 0.96)"
paste("CCC: ", round(interf.EDTA.ccc$rho.c[,1], digits = 2), " (95% CI ",round(interf.EDTA.ccc$rho.c[,2], digits = 2), " - ",
      round(interf.EDTA.ccc$rho.c[,3], digits = 2), ")", sep = "")
## [1] "CCC: 0.91 (95% CI 0.86 - 0.94)"

inter_px<- read_csv("C:/Users/zrodrigu/Desktop/Projects/Data/NovaVet/Repeatability and interference/interference.px.csv")
## Parsed with column specification:
## cols(
##   LiHep = col_double(),
##   EDTA = col_double(),
##   fresh = col_double()
## )
interf.LiHep.ccc.px <- CCC(inter_px$LiHep, inter_px$fresh, ci = "z-transform", conf.level = 0.95, na.rm = T)
interf.EDTA.ccc.px <- CCC(inter_px$EDTA, inter_px$fresh, ci = "z-transform", conf.level = 0.95, na.rm = T)

paste("CCC: ", round(interf.LiHep.ccc.px$rho.c[,2], digits = 2), " (95% CI ",round(interf.LiHep.ccc.px$rho.c[,1], digits = 2), " - ",       round(interf.LiHep.ccc.px$rho.c[,3], digits = 2), ")", sep = "")
## [1] "CCC: 0.95 (95% CI 0.98 - 0.99)"
paste("CCC: ", round(interf.EDTA.ccc.px$rho.c[,1], digits = 2), " (95% CI ",round(interf.EDTA.ccc.px$rho.c[,2], digits = 2), " - ",       round(interf.EDTA.ccc.px$rho.c[,3], digits = 2), ")", sep = "")
## [1] "CCC: 0.95 (95% CI 0.88 - 0.98)"