The effect of secondary-phase fraction on the deformation of olivine + ferropericlase (DATA) Suggested data citation: Wiesman, Harison S; Zimmerman, Mark E; Kohlstedt, David L. (2022). The Effect of Secondary-Phase Fraction on the Deformation of Olivine + Ferropericlase Aggregates (DATA). Retrieved from the Data Repository for the University of Minnesota, Author Information: Harison S. Wiesman University of Minnesota,, ORCID: 0000-0003-2606-980X Mark E. Zimmerman University of Minnesota, David L. Kohlstedt University of Minnesota,, ORCID:0000-0002-6417-6465 Recommended citation for the data repository: Wiesman, Harison S; Zimmerman, Mark E; Kohlstedt, David L. (2022). The Effect of Secondary-Phase Fraction on the Deformation of Olivine + Ferropericlase Aggregates (DATA). Retrieved from the Data Repository for the University of Minnesota, This file includes Metadata for Wiesman et al. (2023) The effect of secondary-phase fraction on the deformation of olivine + ferropericlase: 1. Microstructural Evolution. Wiesman et al. (2023) The effect of secondary-phase fraction on the deformation of olivine + ferropericlase: 2. Mechanical behavior. Data collected at the University of Minnesota Rock and Mineral Physics lab between May 2017 and January 2021 Data repository includes: -21 .txt files, which include raw data from torsion experiments. File names follow the sample numbers indicated in Table 1 and Table 2 in ÒThe effect of secondary-phase fraction on the deformation of olivine + ferropericlase: 1. Microstructural EvolutionÒ. Samples were deformed in a triaxial gas-medium deformation apparatus and data was collected using an in-house data acquisition system connected to the deformation apparatus. -21 .txt files, which include processed data from torsion experiments. Processed data has been zeroed and then corrected for apparatus compliance and the torque supported by the Fe and Ni jackets. Subsequently the data is converted to stress and strain using the sample dimensions, following Paterson & Olgaard (2000). Raw data was processed using scripts written for MATLAB by Harison S Wiesman. File names follow the same sample numbers used for the raw data files above. -63 .ctf files, one for each EBSD map. These maps contain data for 28 different samples, note that for some samples multiple EBSD maps were created. In these cases data from each map for that sample was combined to plot crystallographic preferred orientations and grain sizes, but only one map was plotted to demonstrate the representative microstructure in each sample. File names follow the sample numbers indicated in Table 1 and Table 2 in ÒThe effect of secondary-phase fraction on the deformation of olivine + ferropericlase: 1. Microstructural EvolutionÒ. EBSD data was collected using the AZtec software and the Oxford symmetry detector on a JEOL 6500 scanning electron microscope at the University of Minnesota Characterization Facility. -2 .xls tables, containing WDS data from EPMA analysis. Data was collected using a JEOL JXA-8530FPus Electron Probe. Each sample also has its own zipped folder. Description of files: -.txt files for raw data each contain 13 columns of data: 1. Time (s), 2. Furnace Temperature (K), 3. Confining Pressure (Pa), 4. Axial Displacement (m), 5. Axial Internal Force (N), 6. Axial External Force (N), 7. Axial Strain, 8. Axial Stress (Pa), 9. Torsion Twist (rad), 10. Torsion Internal Torque (Nm), 11. Torsion External Torque (Nm), 12. Torsion Shear Strain, 13. Torsion Shear Stress (Pa) -.txt files for processed data contain up to 13 columns of data. Some files may contain fewer columns if rate steps or temperature steps were not part of the experiment in question. Also note that many columns are filled with zeros due to requirements for array dimensions in MATLAB when creating these files. In MATLAB, you can use the function nonzeros() to ignore these empty data entries. Data columns are as follows: 1. calculated strain, 2. calculated stress (Pa), 3. shear strain rate - gammaDot (1/s), 4. Torque at the end of each rate step - MrateStep (Nm), 5. Stress exponent - n, 6. Standard deviation for n - nError, 7. The array indices at which rate steps occurred - rate steps, 8. Temperature - T (K), 9. Torque at the end of each temperature step - MtempStep (Nm), 10. Activation energy - Q (kJ/molK), 11. Standard deviation from fit for activation energy - QError, 12. The array indices at which temperature steps occurred - temperature steps -.ctf files contain EBSD data, which can be read into MATLAB using the open source MTEX toolbox. Data has been processed to remove wild-spikes, zero-solutions, and systematic misindexing. Note that for 5 samples (PT1214, PT1316, PT1409a, PT1409b, PT1410a) a rotation must be applied to bring the data into the same reference frame as for the rest of the samples. This can be done with the following line of code after importing data into MATLAB with the MTEX toolbox: rotate(ebsd,rotation('axis',xvector,'angle',90*degree),'keepXY');. The map for PT1410a requires an additional rotation to be applied: rotate(ebsd,rotation('axis',zvector,'angle',90*degree));. -.xls files containing WDS data display the measured contents for Mg, Fe, Si, and Ni in each sample. Data are displayed as weight %, atomic %, Oxide weight and formula basis. Standards used in each analysis are also given. Additional metadata: Sample sizes for all samples used in deformation experiments are given below. In order, the columns represent (all dimensions are in mm): Experiment #, outer radius, inner radius, sample length, Ni jacket outer radius, Fe jacket outer radius. -PT1219, 12.10, 8.20, 3.22, 13.4, 15.0 -PT1239, 12.62, 8.36, 3.13, 13.7, 15.3 -PT1250, 12.44, 8.27, 2.52, 13.6, 15.2 -PT1283, 12.26, 8.12, 2.80, 13.3, 14.9 -PT1324, 12.48, 8.22, 2.65, 14.5, 15.3 -PT1342, 11.57, 8.44, 2.93, 14.4, 15.2 -PT1349, 12.59, 8.40, 3.03, 14.5, 15.3 -PT1355, 12.12, 8.65, 2.88, 14.2, 15.0 -PT1358, 12.59, 8.64, 2.96, 14.7, 15.5 -PT1362, 11.66, 8.42, 2.91, 14.2, 15.0 -PT1367, 12.32, 8.36, 3.07, 14.5, 15.3 -PT1389, 12.09, 8.50, 3.12, 14.2, 15.0 -PT1414, 11.04, N/A, 3.27, 14.1, 14.9 -PT1416, 10.88, N/A, 2.60, 12.8, 14.2 -PT1420, 11.71, N/A, 3.11, 13.8, 14.6 -PT1425, 11.55, N/A, 3.05, 14.1, 16.5 -PT1455, 12.36, 8.30, 3.07, 14.3, 15.1 -PT1457, 12.13, 8.62, 2.89, 14.1, 14.9 -PT1461, 12.59, 8.60, 3.10, 14.1, 14.9 -PT1463, 11.40, 8.34, 2.85, 13.4, 14.2 -PT1465, 11.46, 8.38, 2.99, 14.3, 15.1 Terms of Use: Data repository for the U of Minnesota (DRUM). 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