Minnesota Geological Survey updated: 2000/10/25.. M-Series Map M-97: Surficial Geology of the Anoka 30 x 60 minute Quadrangle, Minnesota. G.N.Meyer and C.J.Patterson 1:100,000. This geologic map was based largely upon the work done for a 1997 mapping project and supercedes that version. A complete digital release has not been prepared, but a pdf version of the final map (Anoka.pdf) is provided here as well as export versions in zip format (m97.zip) of the Arc/Info coverage for the surficial geology layer (sgpgn83.e00) and the linear features layer (sglnn83.e00). For additional information please contact the MGS, Gary Meyer (meyer015@umn.edu) for questions pertaining to the geology of this map, or Tim Wahl (tewahl@umn.edu) for data questions. Use restrictions: citation of the authors and the Minnesota Geological Survey for any use of the coverage or pdf file.