This readme.txt file was generated on 2025-01-28 by Michael F. Freeman Recommended citation for the data: Crone, Kathryn K.; Labonte, Jason W.; Elias, Mikael H.; Freeman, Michael F.. (2025). Supplementary raw data for: α‐N‐Methyltransferase regiospecificity is mediated by proximal, redundant enzyme–substrate interactions. Retrieved from the Data Repository for the University of Minnesota (DRUM), ------------------- GENERAL INFORMATION ------------------- 1. Title of Dataset: Supplementary raw data for α‐N‐Methyltransferase regiospecificity is mediated by proximal, redundant enzyme–substrate interactions 2. Author Information Author Contact: Michael F. Freeman ( Name: Kathryn K. Crone ORCID: 0000-0001-9888-4710 Name: Jason W. Labonte Institution: Notre Dame of Maryland University Email: ORCID: 0000-0002-2912-4985 Name: Mikael H. Elias Institution: University of Minnesota Email: ORCID: 0000-0003-0406-7539 Name: Michael F. Freeman Institution: University of Minnesota Email: ORCID: 0000-0002-0491-9618 3. Date published or finalized for release: 2025-01-27 4. Date of data collection: 2020-2024 5. Geographic location of data collection (where was data collected?): Minneapolis, MN 6. Information about funding sources that supported the collection of the data: National Institutes of Health (R35 GM133475 to M.F.F.) and the University of Minnesota along with the BioTechnology Institute (M.F.F., M.H.E.). 7. Overview of the data (abstract): The data deposited here are raw mass spectrometry files associated with the results presented in the paper, "α‐N‐Methyltransferase regiospecificity is mediated by proximal, redundant enzyme–substrate interactions." These data have been made publicly available in keeping with our lab's data availability policy. -------------------------- SHARING/ACCESS INFORMATION -------------------------- 1. Licenses/restrictions placed on the data: CC0 1.0 Universal ( 2. Links to publications that cite or use the data: Crone, KK., Labonte, JW, Elias, MH, Freeman, MF (2025) α-N-Methyltransferase regiospecificity is mediated by proximal, redundant enzyme–substrate interactions. Protein Sci. 32(2): e70021. 3. Was data derived from another source? If yes, list source(s): - 4. Terms of Use: Data Repository for the U of Minnesota (DRUM) By using these files, users agree to the Terms of Use. --------------------- DATA & FILE OVERVIEW --------------------- Filename: 20210616_KC1079_SonAwt_18pm3.raw Short description: Supplementary Figure S1b-e; S12. Mass spectrometric analysis of SonM mutant in vitro reactions. Filename: 20200617_KC1033_SonA_L70G_1-100.raw Short description: Supplementary Figure S1f-g. Mass spectrometric analysis of SonM mutant in vitro reactions. Filename: 20200617_KC1034_SonA_I72G_1-100.raw Short description: Supplementary Figure S1h-i. Mass spectrometric analysis of SonM mutant in vitro reactions. Filename: 20200730_msKC1045_His-SonA_L70W_1-10.raw Short description: Supplementary Figure S1j. Mass spectrometric analysis of SonM mutant in vitro reactions. Filename: 20210128_msKC1069_His-SonA_L70P_1-10.raw Short description: Supplementary Figure S1l-n. Mass spectrometric analysis of SonM mutant in vitro reactions. Filename: 20210128_msKC1070_His-SonA_I72P_1-10.raw Short description: Supplementary Figure S1o-q. Mass spectrometric analysis of SonM mutant in vitro reactions. Filename: 20211027_kc1094_His-SonAV64P_SonM_16hrs.raw Short description: Supplementary Figure S1r-t. Mass spectrometric analysis of SonM mutant in vitro reactions. Filename: 20200730_msKC1041_His-SonA_L70Q_1-10.raw Short description: Supplementary Figure S1u-v. Mass spectrometric analysis of SonM mutant in vitro reactions. Filename: 20200730_msKC1042_His-SonA_I72Q_1-10.raw Short description: Supplementary Figure S1w-x. Mass spectrometric analysis of SonM mutant in vitro reactions. Filename: 20200730_msKC1043_His-SonA_L70M_1-10.raw Short description: Supplementary Figure S1y-z. Mass spectrometric analysis of SonM mutant in vitro reactions. Filename: 20200730_msKC1044_His-SonA_I72M_1-10.raw Short description: Supplementary Figure S1aa-ab. Mass spectrometric analysis of SonM mutant in vitro reactions. Filename: 20200730_msKC1039_His-SonA_L70H_1-10.raw Short description: Supplementary Figure S1ac-ad. Mass spectrometric analysis of SonM mutant in vitro reactions. Filename: 20200730_msKC1040_His-SonA_I72H_1-10.raw Short description: Supplementary Figure S1ae-af. Mass spectrometric analysis of SonM mutant in vitro reactions. Filename: 20201023_KC1037_L70K.raw Short description: Supplementary Figure S1ag-ai. Mass spectrometric analysis of SonM mutant in vitro reactions. Filename: 20201023_KC1038_I72K.raw Short description: Supplementary Figure S1aj-al. Mass spectrometric analysis of SonM mutant in vitro reactions. Filename: 20210128_msKC1067_His-SonA_L70D_1-10.raw Short description: Supplementary Figure S1am-an. Mass spectrometric analysis of SonM mutant in vitro reactions. Filename: 20200730_msKC1046_His-SonA_I72W_1-10.raw Short description: Supplementary Figure S1k. Mass spectrometric analysis of SonM mutant in vitro reactions. Filename: 20210128_msKC1068_His-SonA_I72D_1-10.raw Short description: Supplementary Figure S1ao-aq. Mass spectrometric analysis of SonM mutant in vitro reactions. Filename: 20220209_1114_His-SonA_Y59A_16hrs.raw Short description: Supplementary Figure S11b-e. Mass spectrometric analysis of SonM mutant in vitro reactions. Filename: 20220209_1113_His-SonA_Y62A_16hrs.raw Short description: Supplementary Figure S11i-k. Mass spectrometric analysis of SonM mutant in vitro reactions. Filename: KC1125_His-SonAY59AY62A+SonMwt_hcd18pm3.raw Short description: Supplementary Figure S11l-n. Mass spectrometric analysis of SonM mutant in vitro reactions. Filename: KC1126_His-SonAS61AY62A+SonMwt_hcd18pm3.raw Short description: Supplementary Figure S11o-r. Mass spectrometric analysis of SonM mutant in vitro reactions. Filename: 20240331_KC1292_SonA_Y62F_16hr_invotrowHis-SonM.raw Short description: Supplementary Figure S11s-x. Mass spectrometric analysis of SonM mutant in vitro reactions. Filename: KC1132_His-SonAS66-D71del+SonMwt_hcd18pm3.raw Short description: Supplementary Figure S11y-z. Mass spectrometric analysis of SonM mutant in vitro reactions. Filename: KC1133_His-SonAG68-D71del+SonMwt_hcd18pm3.raw Short description: Supplementary Figure S11aa-ad. Mass spectrometric analysis of SonM mutant in vitro reactions. Filename: KC1134_His-SonAG70-D71del+SonMwt_hcd18pm3.raw Short description: Supplementary Figure S11ae-aj. Mass spectrometric analysis of SonM mutant in vitro reactions. Filename: KC1135_His-SonACtermAla+SonMwt_hcd18pm3.raw Short description: Supplementary Figure S11ak-an. Mass spectrometric analysis of SonM mutant in vitro reactions. Filename: 20221014_msKC_1191_His-SonAN69A_wtHis-SonM.raw Short description: Supplementary Figure S11ao-at. Mass spectrometric analysis of SonM mutant in vitro reactions. Filename: 20221014_msKC_1192_His-SonAG68N_wtHis-SonM.raw Short description: Supplementary Figure S11au-ax. Mass spectrometric analysis of SonM mutant in vitro reactions. Filename: KC1127_His-SonAwt+SonMF179A_hcd18pm3.raw Short description: Supplementary Figure S12. Mass spectrometric analysis of SonM mutant in vitro reactions. Filename: 20240220_kc1290_HisSonMR68A_16hr.raw Short description: Supplementary Figure S12. Mass spectrometric analysis of SonM mutant in vitro reactions. Filename: 20220127_1098_QSYcore_1-1_24A.raw Short description: Supplementary Figure S17b-d. Mass spectrometric analysis of SonM mutant in vitro reactions. Filename: 20220127_1102_QSYcore_1-1_24B.raw Short description: Supplementary Figure S17b-d. Mass spectrometric analysis of SonM mutant in vitro reactions. Filename: 20220127_1097_QSYcore_1-1-1_24A.raw Short description: Supplementary Figure S17e-g. Mass spectrometric analysis of SonM mutant in vitro reactions. Filename: 20220127_1101_QSYcore_1-1-1_24B.raw Short description: Supplementary Figure S17e-g. Mass spectrometric analysis of SonM mutant in vitro reactions. Filename: 20220127_1096_QSYcore_10-1-1_24A.raw Short description: Supplementary Figure S17h-j. Mass spectrometric analysis of SonM mutant in vitro reactions. Filename: 20220127_1100_QSYcore_10-1-1_24B.raw Short description: Supplementary Figure S17h-j. Mass spectrometric analysis of SonM mutant in vitro reactions. Filename: 20210923_kc1083b_SonM_core_1_10.raw Short description: Supplementary Figure S17k. Mass spectrometric analysis of SonM mutant in vitro reactions. Filename: 20220930_msKC_1183_DSSYcore_SonM_1-1A.raw Short description: Supplementary Figure S18b-d. Mass spectrometric analysis of SonM mutant in vitro reactions. Filename: 20220930_msKC_1187_DSSYcore_SonM_1-1B.raw Short description: Supplementary Figure S18b-d. Mass spectrometric analysis of SonM mutant in vitro reactions. Filename: 20220930_msKC_1184_DSSYcore_SonM_BBD_1-1-1A.raw Short description: Supplementary Figure S18e-g. Mass spectrometric analysis of SonM mutant in vitro reactions. Filename: 20220930_msKC_1188_DSSYcore_SonM_BBD_1-1-1B.raw Short description: Supplementary Figure S18e-g. Mass spectrometric analysis of SonM mutant in vitro reactions. Filename: 20220930_msKC_1185_DSSYcore_SonM_BBD_10-1-1A.raw Short description: Supplementary Figure S18h-j. Mass spectrometric analysis of SonM mutant in vitro reactions. Filename: 20220930_msKC_1189_DSSYcore_SonM_BBD_10-1-1B.raw Short description: Supplementary Figure S18h-j. Mass spectrometric analysis of SonM mutant in vitro reactions. Filename: 20220930_msKC_1186_DSSYcore_SonM_10-1A.raw Short description: Supplementary Figure S18k-m. Mass spectrometric analysis of SonM mutant in vitro reactions. Filename: 20220930_msKC_1190_DSSYcore_SonM_10-1B.raw Short description: Supplementary Figure S18k-m. Mass spectrometric analysis of SonM mutant in vitro reactions. Filename: 20211027_kc1093_His-SonA_coreAH_SonM_16hrs.raw Short description: Supplementary Figure S20b-c. Mass spectrometric analysis of SonM mutant in vitro reactions. Filename: 20220209_1116_His-SonA_coreQSYAH_16hrs.raw Short description: Supplementary Figure S20d-e. Mass spectrometric analysis of SonM mutant in vitro reactions. Filename: 20220209_1115_His-SonA_coreDSSAH_16hrs.raw Short description: Supplementary Figure S20f-g. Mass spectrometric analysis of SonM mutant in vitro reactions. Filename: 20231012_1262_His-SonA6BHE_His-SonM_18pm4.raw Short description: Supplementary Figure S20h. Mass spectrometric analysis of SonM mutant in vitro reactions. Filename: 20231012_1266_His-SonAVTQ_His-SonM_18pm4.raw Short description: Supplementary Figure S20i-k. Mass spectrometric analysis of SonM mutant in vitro reactions. Filename: 20231012_1263_His-SonA1EDH_His-SonM_18pm4.raw Short description: Supplementary Figure S20l-m. Mass spectrometric analysis of SonM mutant in vitro reactions. Filename: 20231012_1267_His-SonANAA_His-SonM_18pm4.raw Short description: Supplementary Figure S20n-p. Mass spectrometric analysis of SonM mutant in vitro reactions. Filename: 20231012_1264_His-SonA1HWY_His-SonM_18pm4.raw Short description: Supplementary Figure S20q-t. Mass spectrometric analysis of SonM mutant in vitro reactions. Filename: 20231103_1269_His-SonAVNA_His-SonM_18pm4.raw Short description: Supplementary Figure S20u-w. Mass spectrometric analysis of SonM mutant in vitro reactions. Filename: 20231012_1265_His-SonA7NSN_His-SonM_18pm4.raw Short description: Supplementary Figure S20x-z. Mass spectrometric analysis of SonM mutant in vitro reactions. Filename: 20231012_1268_His-SonAQAV_His-SonM_18pm4.raw Short description: Supplementary Figure S20aa-ac. Mass spectrometric analysis of SonM mutant in vitro reactions. Filename: 20230428_kcMS1239_His-SonAinsVLVIdup_16hrinvitrorxnwHis-SonM.raw Short description: Supplementary Figure S22b-c. Mass spectrometric analysis of SonM mutant in vitro reactions. Filename: 20230428_kcMS1235_His-SonAY62-S66dup_16hrinvitrorxnwHis-SonM.raw Short description: Supplementary Figure S22d-g. Mass spectrometric analysis of SonM mutant in vitro reactions. Filename: 20230321_KC1221_His-SonA_Y62-G68dup_16hr_invitrowHis-SonM.raw Short description: Supplementary Figure S22h-k. Mass spectrometric analysis of SonM mutant in vitro reactions. Filename: 20221014_msKC_1193_His-SonAS61-N69dup_wtHis-SonM.raw Short description: Supplementary Figure S22l-r. Mass spectrometric analysis of SonM mutant in vitro reactions. Filename: 20230321_KC1222_His-SonA_D56-G70dup_16hr_invitrowHis-SonM.raw Short description: Supplementary Figure S22s-w. Mass spectrometric analysis of SonM mutant in vitro reactions. Filename: 20230428_kcMS1237_His-SonAD56-G70dup_16hrinvitrorxnwHis-SonM.raw Short description: Supplementary Figure S22x-z. Mass spectrometric analysis of SonM mutant in vitro reactions. Filename: KC1137_His-SonAQ60A+SonMwt_hcd18pm3.raw Short description: Supplementary Figure S11f-h. Mass spectrometric analysis of SonM mutant in vitro reactions. 2. Relationship between files: individually run in-vitro samples -------------------------- METHODOLOGICAL INFORMATION -------------------------- 1. Description of methods used for collection/generation of data: see referenced open access paper 2. Methods for processing the data: the submitted data are raw data files 3. Instrument- or software-specific information needed to interpret the data: Thermo Fusion or Lumos Mass Spectrometer