This codebook.txt file was generated on 20220324 by Julie Kelly and Shannon Farrell Suggested citation for data: Farrell, Shannon; Kelly, Julia. (2022). Bird species included in bird censuses conducted by students and faculty and staff researchers at the University of Minnesota Itasca Biological Station and Laboratories 1940-2010 with links to the related reports. Retrieved from the Data Repository for the University of Minnesota, ------------------- GENERAL INFORMATION ------------------- 1. Title of Dataset Bird species included in bird censuses conducted by students and faculty and staff researchers at the University of Minnesota Itasca Biological Station and Laboratories 1940-2010 with links to the related reports 2. Author Information University of Minnesota Itasca Biological Station and Laboratories 28131 University Circle Lake Itasca, MN 56470 Authorship of each report is noted in the individual documents (under Citation in the spreadsheet). 3. Date of data collection: 1940-2010 The date of each census is noted in the spreadsheet under Year. 4. Geographic location of data collection: University of Minnesota Itasca Biological Station and Laboratories at 47.2260° N, 95.1950° W 5. Information about funding sources that supported the collection of the data: Each individual report may have funding information included. -------------------------- SHARING/ACCESS INFORMATION -------------------------- 1. Licenses/restrictions placed on the data: This complete dataset in spreadsheet format has the CC BY 4.0 license (Attribution 4.0 International) The thumbnail image of a cedar waxwing is in the public domain and credited to Jerry Herman/USFWS Volunteer Individual reports used to compile this dataset may have restricted access. These papers are available online on-site via computer terminals at Itasca Biological Station and Laboratories and the University of Minnesota Twin Cities campus, online to University of Minnesota affiliates via VPN, via interlibrary loan, or via contacting Itasca Biological Station and Laboratories staff. Researcher papers may require journal subscriptions or access via a library. --------------------- DATA & FILE OVERVIEW --------------------- 1. File List A. Filename: ItascaFieldStationBirdCensus1940-2010 Description: Compilation of types of bird species included in bird censuses conducted by students and faculty and staff researchers at the University of Minnesota Itasca Biological Station and Laboratories 1940-2010 with links to the related reports. Dataset is organized by common names of bird species (as they were listed in the papers) and additional information about scientific family names was added. Some bird species names included parentheses; this is because the currently used common name was added to the dataset rather than the one that was noted in the paper. In these cases, the currently used common name was used first and the one from the paper was placed in parentheses, e.g. Common Yellow-throat (Northern Yellow-throat). Bird species included: Alder Flycatcher; Alder Flycatcher (Traill's Flycatcher); American Bittern; American Black Duck; American Coot; American Crow; American Crow (Common Crow); American Goldfinch; American Kestrel; American Kestrel (Sparrowhawk); American Redstart; American Redstart (American Restart Warbler); American Redstart (Redstart Warbler); American Robin; American Three-toed Woodpecker; American Three-toed Woodpecker (Northern Three-toed Woodpecker); American Tree Sparrow; American Wigeon; American Wigeon (Baldpate); American Woodcock; Bald Eagle; Baltimore Oriole; Baltimore Oriole (Northern Oriole); Bank Swallow; Barred Owl; Bay-breasted Warbler; Belted Kingfisher; Black Tern; Black-and-white Warbler; Black-backed Woodpecker; Black-backed Woodpecker (Arctic Three Toed Woodpecker); Black-billed Cuckoo; Black-billed Magpie; Black-capped Chickadee; Black-crowned Night Heron; Black-throated Blue Warbler; Black-throated Green Warbler; Blackburnian Warbler; Blackpoll Warbler; Blue Jay; Blue-headed Vireo; Blue-headed Vireo (Solitary Vireo); Blue-winged Teal; Blue-winged Warbler; Bobolink; Bohemian Waxwing; Boreal Chickadee; Boreal Chickadee (Brown-capped chickadee); Boreal Chickadee (Hudsonian Chickadee); Boreal Owl; Brewer's Blackbird; Broad-winged Hawk; Brown Creeper; Brown Thrasher; Brown-headed Cowbird; Brown-headed Cowbird (Cowbird); Canada Goose; Canada Jay; Canada Jay (Gray Jay); Canada Warbler; Canvasback; Cape May Warbler; Caspian Tern; Cedar Waxwing; Cedar Waxwing (Cedar Wing); Cerulean Warbler; Chestnut-sided warbler; Chimney Swift; Chipping Sparrow; Clay-colored Sparrow; Cliff Swallow; Common Goldeneye; Common Grackle; Common Loon; Common Merganser; Common Nighthawk; Common Raven; Common Redpoll; Common Snipe; Common Tern; Common Yellowthroat; Common Yellowthroat (Northern Yellowthroat); Connecticut Warbler; Cooper's Hawk; Dark-eyed Junco; Downy Woodpecker; Eared Grebe; Eastern Bluebird; Eastern Kingbird; Eastern Phoebe; Eastern Screech Owl (Screech Owl); Eastern Towhee (Red-eyed Towhee); Eastern Whip-poor-will; Eastern Wood-Pewee; European Starling; Evening Grosbeak; Field Sparrow; Forster's Tern; Fox Sparrow; Franklin's Gull; Gadwall; Golden-crowned Kinglet; Golden-winged warbler; Goshawk; Grasshopper Sparrow; Gray Catbird; Gray Catbird (Catbird); Gray Partridge; Gray-cheeked Thrush; Great Blue Heron; Great Crested Flycatcher; Great Crested Flycatcher (Crested Flycatcher); Great Egret (Common Egret); Great Gray Owl; Great Horned Owl; Green Heron; Green-winged Teal; Gyrfalcon; Hairy Woodpecker; Henslow's Sparrow; Hermit Thrush; Herring Gull; Hoary Redpoll; Hooded Merganser; Hooded Warbler; Horned Grebe; Horned Lark; House Sparrow; House Sparrow (English Sparrow); House Wren; Indigo Bunting; Killdeer; Ladder-backed Woodpecker; Lark Bunting; Least Flycatcher; Least Flycatcher (Empidomax Flycatcher); Least Sandpiper; LeConte's Sparrow; Lesser Scaup; Lesser Yellowlegs; Long-eared Owl; Magnolia Warbler; Mallard; Marbled Godwit; Marsh Wren; Marsh Wren (Long-billed Marsh wren); Marsh Wren (Short-billed Marsh wren); Merlin (Pigeon Hawk); Mourning Dove; Mourning Warbler; Nashville Warbler; Northern Cardinal; Northern Flicker; Northern Flicker (Common Flicker); Northern Flicker (Yellow-shafted Flicker); Northern Goshawk; Northern Harrier; Northern Harrier (Marsh Hawk); Northern Parula; Northern Parula (Parula Warbler); Northern Pintail; Northern Rough-winged Swallow; Northern Saw-whet Owl; Northern Shoveler; Northern Shrike; Northern Waterthrush; Olive-sided Flycatcher; Orange-crowned Warbler; Osprey; Ovenbird; Palm Warbler; Philadelphia Vireo; Pied-Billed Grebe; Pileated Woodpecker; Pine Grosbeak; Pine Siskin; Pine Warbler; Purple Finch; Purple Martin; Red Crossbill; Red-bellied Woodpecker; Red-breasted Nuthatch; Red-eyed Vireo; Red-headed Woodpecker; Red-necked Grebe; Red-necked Phalarope; Red-shouldered Hawk; Red-tailed Hawk; Red-winged Blackbird; Redhead; Ring-billed Gull; Ring-necked Dove (Barbary Dove); Ring-necked Duck; Ring-necked Pheasant; Rock Pigeon; Rose-breasted Grosbeak; Rough-legged hawk; Ruby-crowned Kinglet; Ruby-throated Hummingbird; Ruddy Duck; Ruffed Grouse; Rusty Blackbird; Sandhill Crane; Savannah Sparrow; Scarlet Tanager; Semipalmated Sandpiper; Sharp-shinned Hawk; Sharp-tailed Grouse; Snow (Blue) Goose; Snowy Owl; Solitary Sandpiper; Song Sparrow; Sora; Sora (Sora Rail); Spotted Sandpiper; Spotted Towhee (Rufous-sided Towhee); Spruce Grouse; Swainson's Thrush; Swallow-tailed Kite; Swamp Sparrow; Tennessee Warbler; Townsend's Solitaire; Tree Swallow; Turkey Vulture; Upland Sandpiper; Veery; Vesper Sparrow; Virginia Rail; Warbling vireo; Western Kingbird; Western Meadowlark; White-breasted Nuthatch; White-crowned sparrow; White-throated Sparrow; White-winged Crossbill; White-winged Scoter; Willamson's Sapsucker; Willow Flycatcher; Wilson's Phalarope; Wilson's Snipe; Wilson's Warbler; Winter Wren; Wood Duck; Wood Thrush; Yellow Warbler; Yellow-bellied Flycatcher; Yellow-bellied Sapsucker; Yellow-billed Cuckoo; Yellow-headed Blackbird; Yellow-rumped (Myrtle) Warbler; Yellow-rumped Warbler; Yellow-throated vireo; Yellow-throated warbler -------------------------- METHODOLOGICAL INFORMATION -------------------------- 1. Description of methods used for collection/generation of data: Titles of research reports conducted at the Itasca Biological Station and Laboratories (1000+ researcher documents, nearly 3000 student papers) were examined to identify those that might include bird species. Names of species used in the papers were the ones recorded in the spreadsheet in columns A and B. Additional information about current scientific family names was added in columns C and D. Cornell Lab of Ornithology Birds of the World was consulted to add current common names and scientific family names in 2020-2021. Description of spreadsheet columns: * Column A - Scientific name: Genus and species name, if it is included in the associated paper/document. * Column B - Common name: Common name, if it is listed in the associated paper/document. If it is different from the more commonly used name, this is indicated by placing the more commonly used name first and putting the one from the paper in parentheses, e.g. Common Yellow-throat (Northern Yellow-throat) * Column C - Scientific family name: Scientific name of bird family from Cornell Lab of Ornithology Birds of the World. * Column D - Common name of family: Common bird family name from Cornell Lab of Ornithology Birds of the World. * Column E - Year: Year of publication of associated paper/document. * Column F - Type of paper: Student or Researcher. The nearly 3000 student papers were submitted to the library located at the Itasca Biological Station and Laboratories in conjunction with Itasca-based field classes. These papers are available online on-site via computer terminals at Itasca Biological Station and Laboratories and the University of Minnesota Twin Cities campus, online to University of Minnesota affiliates via VPN, via interlibrary loan, or via contacting Itasca Biological Station and Laboratories staff. * Researchers papers include journal articles, theses & dissertations, government documents, and reports found on the list of about 1000 papers. * Column G - Citation: Full citation of associated paper/document. * Column H - DOI / link to full text if available (Researcher) or to student paper: Hyperlink to either student paper on University of Minnesota server or external journal website, if available. Some papers may not have online full-text access. 2. People involved with data collection: The compiled dataset illustrated here was developed by Librarians Shannon Farrell and Julie Kelly. Students Anna Flucke and Chris Crosby assisted with data collection and compilation. Original bird censuses were completed by either the students or researchers listed in the associated papers and documents.