This readme.txt file was generated on 2023-09-07 by Recommended citation for the data: Welsh, Josie T; Feinberg, Joshua M; Schneider, Emma L; Pares, Josep M; Jicha, Brian R; Singer, Bradley S; Carroll, Alan R. (2023). Paleomagnetism and age of the Leucite Hills Volcanic Complex, Wyoming: Implications for eruptive history, landscape evolution, and the geomagnetic instability timescale (GITS). Retrieved from the Data Repository for the University of Minnesota, ------------------- GENERAL INFORMATION ------------------- 1. Title of Dataset: Paleomagnetism and age of the Leucite Hills Volcanic Complex, Wyoming: Implications for eruptive history, landscape evolution, and the geomagnetic instability timescale (GITS) 2. Author Information Author Contact: Joshua M Feinberg ( Name: Josie T Welsh Institution: University of Minnesota Email: ORCID: 0000-0001-7174-1701 Name: Joshua M Feinberg Institution: Univeristy of Minnesota Email: ORCID: 0000-0002-5845-9848 Name: Emma L Schneider Institution: University of Minnesota Email: ORCID:0000-0001-7400-8660 Name: Josep M Pares Institution: Centro Nacional de Investigación sobre la Evolución Humana, Spain Email: ORCID: 0000-0001-8237-6869 Name: Brian R Jicha Institution: University of Wisconsin Email: ORCID: 0000-0002-1228-515X Name: Bradley S Singer Institution: Univeristy of Wisconsin Email: ORCID: 0000-0003-3595-5168 Name: Alan R Carroll Institution: Univeristy of Wisconsin Email: ORCID: 0000-0002-4326-4482 3. Date published or finalized for release: 2023-02-22 4. Date of data collection (single date, range, approximate date): 2020-10-08 to 2021-06-04 5. Geographic location of data collection (where was data collected?): Institute for Rock Magnetism at the University of Minnesota - Twin Cities 6. Information about funding sources that supported the collection of the data: 7. Overview of the data (abstract): The Leucite Hills Volcanic Field, southwest Wyoming comprises two dozen volcanic features including necks, flows, dikes, and plugs. It has been the focus of many petrologic studies as its volcanic and shallow intrusive rocks are one of the only surficial manifestations of ultrapotassic lamproite. We build on paleomagnetic findings of Sheriff and Shive (1980) by providing further paleomagnetic data from the Boars Tusk dike and Black Rock flows. We also characterize the magnetic mineral assemblage of these lamproites. Principal component analysis of alternating field (AF) and thermal demagnetization data indicate that the dike and breccias of Boars Tusk record a reversed magnetic polarity and the Black Rock lava records a normal polarity, both consistent with previous findings. This recording is typically carried by minerals with coercivities >15 mT and susceptibility measurements indicate magnetite, maghemite, and titanomagnetite as likely magnetic carriers. AF and thermal demagnetization experiments evince secondary magnetizations held by lower coercivity grains, likely caused by lightning strikes. 40Ar/39Ar incremental heating experiments from Boars Tusk and Black Rock give plateau ages of ~2500 ka and ~900 ka, respectively. Recent advances in the chronology of geomagnetic field reversals and excursions during the Quaternary permit integration of the Boars Tusk dike into the lower Matuyama chron, whereas the Black Rock lavas most probably record the Kamikatsura excursion. Notably, Black Rock records high inclinations that suggest the short-lived excursion achieved a full geomagnetic reversal, something not observed at other localities recording the Kamikatsura excursion. The Leucite Hills offer further opportunities to refine the Quaternary geomagnetic instability time scale (GITS), and to improve understanding of the eruptive and geomorphic evolution of this unusual volcanism. -------------------------- SHARING/ACCESS INFORMATION -------------------------- 1. Licenses/restrictions placed on the data: CC0 1.0 Universal ( 2. Links to publications that cite or use the data: 3. Was data derived from another source? If yes, list source(s): 4. Terms of Use: Data Repository for the U of Minnesota (DRUM) By using these files, users agree to the Terms of Use. --------------------- DATA & FILE OVERVIEW --------------------- File List Filename: Measurement_History.csv Short description: List of each instance that data was collected for all experiments included in the following files Filename: Specimen_Info.csv Short description: General information on each specimen. Specimen type, weights, volumes, specimen collection position and orientation information, etc. Filename: Paleodirection_Data.csv Short description: Paleodirection information interpreted from remanence measurements. Filename: Curie_Temps.csv Short description: Curie temperatures interpreted from high temperature susceptibility measurements. Filename: Hysteresis_Properties.csv Short description: Hysteresis properties calculated from hysteresis and backfield measurements. Filename: Remanence_Measurements.csv Short description: Contains raw data from remanence testing. Data from AF and thermal demagnetization are included in this document Filename: High_T_Susceptibility_Measurements.csv Short description: Contains raw data from high temperature bulk susceptibility testing. Filename: Hysteresis_Measurements.csv Short description: Raw data from hysteresis measurements. Filename: Backfield_Measurements.csv Short description: Raw data from backfield measurements. Filename: Magnon_Data.csv Short description: Raw data from measurements on Magnon VFSM. Filename: Anisotropy_Measurements.csv Short description: Raw data from anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility measurements. 2. Relationship between files: - The contents of Measurement_History.csv represent all of the data collection that was conducted. The timing of collection as well as what instrument was used for each experiment is listed in this file. Thus, this file has a relationship with all other files. - Paleodirection_Data.csv contains data that was generated through the interpretation of the raw data in Remanence_Measurements.csv. - Curie_Temps.csv contains data that was generated through the interpretation of the raw data in High_T_Susceptibility_Measurements.csv. - Hysteresis_Properties.csv contains data that was calculated from the raw data in Hysteresis_Measurements.csv and Backfield_Measurements.csv. -------------------------- METHODOLOGICAL INFORMATION -------------------------- 1. Description of methods used for collection/generation of data: Remanence Data Collection Methods: Cores were cut in 5mm thick specimens using a brass-blade rock saw. Specimens were sanded on all sides to remove any possible metal contamination from the saw blades and/or core drill bits. Specimens were selected preferentially from areas within the cores with fewer xenoliths and fractures. 50 specimens were analyzed using alternating field and thermal demagnetization. A D-Tech D-2000 was used for AF demagnetization and an ASC Scientific TD48-SC furnace was used for thermal demagnetization. Magnetic measurements were made using a 2G Enterprises 760-R SQUID magnetometer. All measurements were made within a shielded room with a background field between 200 and 400 nT. Sixteen demagnetization steps between 0 and 170 mT were used for the alternating field demagnetization and 16 steps between 25 and 690 °C were used for the thermal demagnetization. Low field magnetic susceptibility was measured after each thermal demagnetization step to monitor mineral alteration using a Magnon Variable Frequency Susceptibility Meter operated at 300 A/m with a frequency of 465 Hz. High Temperature Susceptibility Data Collection Methods: Representative samples from each site at Boars Tusk were crushed to a coarse powder for measurements of low field susceptibility as a function of temperature using a KLY-2 KappaBridge AC Susceptibility Bridge with a C2 furnace. Each powdered sample was placed in a quartz test tube and weighed prior to measurement. All samples were measured in air. Susceptibility was measured every 2-4 °C during heating from room temperature (27°C) to 690°C and during subsequent cooling back to room temperature. Hysteresis And Backfield Data Collection Methods: Representative specimens were selected from the dike and the breccia at Boars Tusk for hysteresis and backfield curve measurements using a Princeton Measurements Micromag Vibrating Sample Magnetometer. Hysteresis loops were collected on unheated specimens up to peak peaks of 1.1T. Backfield curves were collected using logarithmically spaced data. Low Field Magnetic Susceptibility Methods: Low field magnetic susceptibility was measured after each thermal demagnetization step to monitor mineral alteration using a Magnon Variable Frequency Susceptibility Meter operated at 300 A/m with a frequency of 465 Hz. Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility Data Collection Methods: Anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) was measured after AF demagnetization using the protocol described in Biedermann et al (2017). An AGICO MFK1-FA susceptibility bridge was operated at the instrument’s standard field of 200 A/m and frequency of 976 Hz. 2. Methods for processing the data: Remanence Data Processing (For processed data see Paleodirection_Data.csv): Principal and secondary components of magnetization were identified using principal component analysis in PuffinPlot (Lurcock and Wilson, 2012). High Temperature Susceptibility Data Processing (For processed data see Curie_Temps.csv): Curie temperatures were found using the first derivative method after smoothing to reduce any noise within the data. Hysteresis and Backfield Data Processing (For processed data see Hysteresis_Properties.csv): Hysteresis loops were analyzed using the approach of Jackson & Solheid (2010). Coercivity spectra were examined using Maxbauer et al. (2016). ----------------------------------------- DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: Measurement_History.csv ----------------------------------------- 1. Number of variables: 5 2. Number of cases/rows: 1293 3. Missing data codes: - :no data is available 4. Variable List A. Name: Specimen Description: The name of the specimen that was the subject of the measurement. B. Name: Date Description: Date the measurement was collected. C. Name: Time Description: Time the measurement was collected. Value labels if appropriate D. Name: Instrument Description: Instrument that the measurement was collected on. Below are the instrument nicknames and their corresponding official names IRM_Kappa:High-Temp Susceptibility Bridge (KappaBridge) IRM_Kappa2: MFK1-FA Susceptibility Bridge with CS4 Furnace (AGICO) IRM_Magnon: MAGNON Variable Frequency Susceptibility Meter IRM_Sartorious: Scale IRM_U-channel_Magnetometer: 2G Enterprises 760-R SQUID magnetometer IRM_VSM Low-T: Princeton Measurements micro-VSM IRM_vsm_Lake_Shore: Lake Shore VSM 8600 E. Name: Description Description: A field for notes. The only note is made on certain VSM experiments where the backfield has been removed from the data. ----------------------------------------- DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: Specimen_Info.csv ----------------------------------------- 1. Number of variables: 11 2. Number of cases/rows: 86 3. Missing data codes: - : no data available 4. Variable List A. Name: Key Description: Unique ID number B. Name: Specimen_ID Description: name given to the specimen C. Name: Specimen_description Description: type of sample D. Name: Specimen_azimuth Description: azimuth of specimen when collected E. Name: Specimen_plunge Description: plunge of specimen when collected F. Name: Specimen_volume Description: Volume of specimen in mm^3. G. Name: Specimen_mass[g] Description: Mass of specimen in grams. H. Name: Expedition Description: Trip on which the sample was collected I. Name: Site Description: The site at which samples were collected J. Name: Sample Description: The sample from which the specimen came ----------------------------------------- DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: Paleodirection_Data.csv ----------------------------------------- 1. Number of variables: 14 2. Number of cases/rows: For individual specimen data: 74 For summary data: 16 3. Missing data codes: 4. Variable List A. Name: Site Description: The site the specimen came from B. Name: Treatment/Grouping Description: Which demagnetization treatment the specimen got. For AF demagnetization, two directions were able to be extracted from the data, one at high coercivities (30 - 170 mT) and one at low coercivities (0 - 30 mT) C. Name: Specimen Description: The specimen name D. Name: Declination Description: Declination of PCA direction from PuffinPlot E. Name: Inclination Description: Inclination of PCA direction from PuffinPlot F. Name: MAD3 Description: The Maximum Angle of Deviation for the linear PCA fit; the smaller the value, the more collinear the points. G. Name: low step Description: lowest step included in PCA linear fit. For thermal demag this will be in °C and for AF demag this will be in mT. H. Name: high step Description: highest step included in PCA linear fit. For thermal demag this will be in °C and for AF demag this will be in mT. I. Name: NRM Intensity Description: NRM intensity in A/m J. Name: MDF Description: the treatment level at which the intensity of the sample’s remanence was reduced to half the NRM (in mT). If half-intensity was not reached, this column contains 0. O. Name: Site Avg JNRM Description: Average JNRM for a site in Am^2/kg P. Name: a95 Description: Fisher α95 of mean treatment step direction (°) Q. Name: k Description: Fisher k-value of mean treatment step direction R. Name: N Description: Number of specimens included in the site average Value labels if appropriate ----------------------------------------- DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: Curie_Temps.csv ----------------------------------------- 1. Number of variables: 3 2. Number of cases/rows: 7 3. Missing data codes: 4. Variable List A. Name: Specimen Description: Name of specimen B. Name: Curie Temp ℃ (heating) Description: Curie temp found from heating curve data C. Name: Curie Temp ℃ (cooling) Description: Curie temp found from cooling curve data ----------------------------------------- DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: Hysteresis_Properties.csv ----------------------------------------- 1. Number of variables: 30 2. Number of cases/rows: 56 3. Missing data codes: Code/symbol Definition Code/symbol Definition 4. Variable List A. Name: Specimen Description: Name of specimen being tested. B. Name: Ms [Am^2/kg] Description: Saturation Magnetization in [Am^2/kg] C. Name: Mr [ Am^2/kg] Description: Remanence Magnetization in [Am^2/kg] D. Name: Bc [mT] Description: A specimen’s bulk coercivity. E. Name: Bcr [mT] Description: A specimen’s coercivity of remanence. F. Name: Xhf [m3/kg] Description: A specimen’s high-field susceptibility. This is different from the low-field susceptibility that is typically measured using a Kappabridge. G. Name: T [K] Description: Temperature at which the experiment was conducted in Kelvin. H. Name: Dec [deg] Description: Declination of sample in degrees I. Name: Inc [deg] Description: Inclination of sample in degrees J. Name: HIRM [Am2/kg] Description: The amount of magnetization held by magnetic minerals in a specimen with a default coercivity greater than 300 mT. K. Name: S100 Description: The fraction of a specimen’s remanence that is held by grains with coercivities less than 100 mT. L. Name: S300 Description: The fraction of a specimen’s remanence that is held by grains with coercivities less than 300 mT. M. Name: loop offset [Am/kg] Description: Horizontal and vertical displacements of a major hysteresis loop. N. Name: Instrument Description: Which instrument was used for data collection O. Name: loop_comment Description: comment on whether or not the background field is subtracted from the data P. Name: TED Description: Transient energy dissipation as defined in Fabian, K. 2003, Some additional parameters to estimate domain state from isothermal magnetization measurements, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 213(3-4), 337-345, doi:10.1016/S0012-821X(03)00329-7 Q. Name: Trans_hys[mT] Description: Transient hysteresis as defined in Yu, Y.J., and Tauxe L., 2005, On the use of transient hysteresis in paleomagnetism for granulometry, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 6, Q01H14, doi:10.1029/2004GC000839 R. Name: sigma_hys Description: Hysteresis shape parameter as defined in Fabian, K. 2003, Some additional parameters to estimate domain state from isothermal magnetization measurements, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 213(3-4), 337-345, doi:10.1016/S0012-821X(03)00329-7. Sigma values >0 indicate wasp-waisted loops, while values <0 indicate pot-bellied loops. S. Name: Brh[mT] Description: The median value of the remanent hysteretic curve, calculated as a function of applied field, H, as (B+(H)-B-(H))/2 T. Name: Bcr-dot[mT] Description: Bcr-dot is an estimate of Bcr that can be calculated from a Msi curve (saturated initial magnetization curve) and its derived backfield curve, and is defined in Fabian, K. 2003, Some additional parameters to estimate domain state from isothermal magnetization measurements, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 213(3-4), 337-345, doi:10.1016/S0012-821X(03)00329-7 U. Name: alpha Description: The alpha parameter for the applied approach to saturation high-field slope correction of Fabian, K. (2006). Approach to saturation analysis of hysteresis measurements in rock magnetism and evidence for stress dominated magnetic anisotropy in young mid-ocean ridge basalt. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 154(3-4), 299–307. doi:10.1016/j.pepi.2005.06.016 V. Name: beta Description: The beta parameter for the applied approach to saturation high-field slope correction of Fabian, K. (2006). Approach to saturation analysis of hysteresis measurements in rock magnetism and evidence for stress dominated magnetic anisotropy in young mid-ocean ridge basalt. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 154(3-4), 299–307. doi:10.1016/j.pepi.2005.06.016 W. Name: Bcr [mT] Description: A specimen’s coercivity of remanence. X. Name: Xhf2[m3/kg] Description: A specimen’s high-field susceptibility. This is different from the low-field susceptibility that is typically measured using a Kappabridge. Y. Name: Ms2[Am2/kg] Description: A specimen’s estimated saturation magnetization. Z. Name: Q Description: Quality factor for a major hysteresis loop. Defined as the squared linear correlation (R2) between the upper and inverted lower branches of the hysteresis loop and calculated as Q = log10 ((1-R2)-0.5). AA. Name: Qf Description: Quality factor for the ferromagnetic loop (obtained after correction for the high-field slope). Defined as the squared linear correlation (R2) between the upper and inverted lower branches of the ferromagnetic hysteresis loop and calculated as Qf = log10 ((1-R2)-0.5). AB. Name: FNL Description: F test result for nolinearity in a major hysteresis loop. AC. Name: FNL70 Description: F test result for the null hypothesis that magnetization is linear over the interval 0.7Hmax < |H|