%This a script that calls the function that gives Raman spectra for the %Kitaev Hyperhoneycomb (3D) model function I = runit14_9_ac(N,Jxx,h) tic disp(['Jxx= ',num2str(Jxx),' h= ',num2str(h)]) % %N=200; nn=3; bins = 200; %initialization Dt = cell(1,nn); Iv = Dt; Ier = Dt; Ivt = cell(8,nn); It = Ivt; I = cell(1,11); Iermax = I; Iermean = I; %Runs for different parameters Jz = 1; flag = 1; for Jx = Jxx % if Jx == 1 % end for n = 1:nn %The function gets run nn times so we can do statistics out = KitaevRaman14_9_ac(N,bins,flag,nn,Jx,Jz,h); Ev = out{1}; %Same every time Dt{n} = out{2}; %D = [Dpp,Dmm,Dpm] for m=3:12 Ivt{m,n} = out{m+1}; % I{m} = [Ipp{m},Imm{m},Ipm{m}]; It{m,n} = Ivt{m,n}(1) + Ivt{m,n}(2) + Ivt{m,n}(3); end end for m=3:12 Ivtt = Ivt(m,:); Iv{m} = mean(Ivtt,1,'c'); Ier{m} = std(Ivtt,1,'c'); %Ier2{m}= max(Ivtt,1,'c'); Iermean{m} = mean(Ier{m}); Iermax{m} = max(Ier{m}); disp(Iermean{m}) disp(Iermax{m}) I{m} = sum(Iv{m},2); %I{m} = I{m}.*sign(I{m}); end D = mean(Dt,1,'c'); Der = std(Dt,1,'c'); Der2= max(Der); Der3= mean(Der); disp(Der3) disp(Der2) DD = D(:,1)+D(:,2)+2*D(:,3); dE = Ev(bins)/bins; for m = 1:nn EEE(m)=sum( ( Dt{m}(:,1)+Dt{m}(:,2) ).*(Ev/4)*dE/4 )/2; end format long e disp(mean(EEE)); format short disp(std(EEE)); I{13} = DD; I{2} = D(:,1)+D(:,2); I{1} = Ev; %I{11} = D(:,1)+D(:,2); %[mean(EEE),std(EEE)]; pixs = get(0,'screensize'); % % %Plot DOS % %position = [pixs(3)/2 20 pixs(3)/2-114 pixs(4)/2-50]; % hh=figure;%('Position',position); hold on; % plot(Ev,DD); % %errorbar(Ev,Ipp+Imm+Ipm,errs(:,4)+errs(:,5)+errs(:,6)); % %title(['DOS for HyperHoneycomb Kitaev spinons: J_x=',num2str(Jx),', h=',num2str(h)]) % xlabel('\omega/J^z'); % ylabel('DOS'); % %set(gca,'XTick',-3:3); % %set(gca,'YTick',2*(0:5)); % %hold off; % filename = ['3D_DOS_2_Jx_',num2str(round(100*Jx)),'_h_',num2str(100*h),'_28']; % saveas(hh,filename) % print(hh, '-dpng', filename); % print(hh, '-depsc', filename); % % position = [pixs(3)/2 20 pixs(3)/2-114 pixs(4)/2-50]; % hh=figure('Position',position); hold on; % plot(Ev,D(:,2),Ev,D(:,1),Ev,2*D(:,3),Ev,DD); % %errorbar(Ev,Ipp+Imm+Ipm,errs(:,4)+errs(:,5)+errs(:,6)); % %title(['DOS for HyperHoneycomb Kitaev spinons: J_x=',num2str(Jx),', h=',num2str(h)]) % xlabel('\omega/J^z'); % ylabel('DOS'); % legend({'\rho_{--}', '\rho_{++}', '\rho_{+-}','\rho_{total}'}, 'Location', 'NorthEast'); % %set(gca,'XTick',-3:3); % %set(gca,'YTick',2*(0:5)); % hold off; % filename = ['3D_DOS_2_Jx_',num2str(round(100*Jx)),'_h_',num2str(100*h),'_8']; % saveas(hh,filename) % print(hh, '-dpng', filename); % print(hh, '-depsc', filename); % % % % if h==0 && Jxx ==1 % % ptsE = [1.65685, 4, 5.65685, 8, 8.94427, 9.65685, 12]; % % % % hh=figure;%('Position',position); % % hold on; % % plot(Ev,D(:,2),Ev,D(:,1),Ev,2*D(:,3),Ev,DD); % % %errorbar(Ev,Ipp+Imm+Ipm,errs(:,4)+errs(:,5)+errs(:,6)); % % %title(['DOS for HyperHoneycomb Kitaev spinons: J_x=',num2str(Jx),', h=',num2str(h)]) % % xlabel('\omega/J_z'); % % ylabel('DOS'); % % legend({'\rho_{--}', '\rho_{++}', '\rho_{+-}','\rho_{total}'}, 'Location', 'NorthEast'); % % for j=1:7 % % plot([ptsE(j),ptsE(j)],[0,max(DD)]) % % end % % hold off; % % filename = ['3D_DOS_2_Jx_',num2str(round(100*Jx)),'_h_',num2str(100*h),'_5']; % % saveas(hh,filename) % % print(hh, '-dpng', filename); % % end % % %Plot the ramans % % % hh=figure;%('Position',position); % hold on; % plot(Ev,I{1},Ev,I{2},Ev,-I{3},Ev,I{4},Ev,I{5},Ev,I{6}/3,Ev,I{7},Ev,I{8}/2); % %errorbar(Ev,Ipp+Imm+Ipm,errs(:,4)+errs(:,5)+errs(:,6)); % %title(['Raman Spectrum for HyperHoneycomb Kitaev spinons: J_x=',num2str(Jx),', h=',num2str(h)]) % xlabel('\omega/J^z'); % ylabel('I(\omega)'); % legend({'I_{aa}', 'I_{aa,ac}', '-I_{aa,cc}','I_{ac}','I_{ac,cc}','I_{cc}/3','I_{ab}','I_{bc}/2'}, 'Location', 'NorthEast'); % hold off; % filename = ['3D_Raman_2_Jx_',num2str(round(100*Jx)),'_h_',num2str(h*100),'_8ac']; % saveas(hh,filename) % print(hh, '-dpng', filename); % print(hh, '-depsc', filename); % % % hh=figure;%('Position',position); % hold on; % plot(Ev,I{1},Ev,-I{3}/3,Ev,I{6}/9,Ev,I{2},Ev,-I{5}/3,Ev,I{4},Ev,I{8}/2); % %errorbar(Ev,Ipp+Imm+Ipm,errs(:,4)+errs(:,5)+errs(:,6)); % %title(['Raman Spectrum for HyperHoneycomb Kitaev spinons: J_x=',num2str(Jx),', h=',num2str(h)]) % xlabel('\omega/J^z'); % ylabel('I(\omega)'); % legend({'I_{aa}','-I_{aa,cc}/3','I_{cc}/9','I_{aa,ac}','-I_{ac,cc}/3','I_{ac}','I_{bc}/2'}, 'Location', 'NorthEast'); % hold off; % filename = ['3D_Raman_2_Jx_',num2str(round(100*Jx)),'_h_',num2str(h*100),'_38ac']; % saveas(hh,filename) % print(hh, '-dpng', filename); % print(hh, '-depsc', filename); % % % hh=figure;%('Position',position); % hold on; % plot(Ev,I{1}.*sign(I{1}),Ev,I{4}.*sign(I{4}),Ev,I{7}.*sign(I{7})); % %errorbar(Ev,Ipp+Imm+Ipm,errs(:,4)+errs(:,5)+errs(:,6)); % %title(['Raman Spectrum for HyperHoneycomb Kitaev spinons: J_x=',num2str(Jx),', h=',num2str(h)]) % xlabel('\omega/J^z'); % ylabel('I(\omega)'); % legend({'I_{aa}','I_{ac}','I_{ab}'}, 'Location', 'NorthEast'); % hold off; % filename = ['3D_Raman_2_Jx_',num2str(round(100*Jx)),'_h_',num2str(h*100),'_28']; % saveas(hh,filename) % print(hh, '-dpng', filename); % print(hh, '-depsc', filename); % % %Print the ratios % disp(mean(I{3}(I{1}>0)./I{1}(I{1}>0))) % disp(mean(I{6}(I{1}>0)./I{1}(I{1}>0))) % disp(mean(I{5}(I{2}>0)./I{2}(I{2}>0))) % disp(mean(I{8}(I{4}>0)./I{4}(I{4}>0))) % % % hh=figure;%('Position',position); % % hold on; % % plot(log(Ev(Ev<5*h)),log(I{1}(Ev<5*h)),log(Ev(Ev<5*h)),log(I{5}(Ev<5*h))); % % %errorbar(Ev,Ipp+Imm+Ipm,errs(:,4)+errs(:,5)+errs(:,6)); % % %title(['Raman Spectrum for HyperHoneycomb Kitaev spinons: J_x=',num2str(Jx),', h=',num2str(h)]) % % xlabel('log(\omega/J_z)'); % % ylabel('log()'); % % legend({'I_{aa}', 'I_{aa,ac}', 'I_{aa,cc}','I_{ac}','I_{ac,cc}','I_{cc}'}, 'Location', 'NorthEast'); % % hold off; % % filename = ['3D_Raman_2_Jx_',num2str(round(100*Jx)),'_h_',num2str(h*100),'_3']; % % saveas(hh,filename) % % print(hh, '-dpng', filename); % % % hh=figure;%('Position',position); % hold on; % plot(log(Ev(Ev<5*h)),log(DD(Ev<5*h)),log(Ev(Ev<5*h)),log(I{4}(Ev<5*h)),log(Ev(Ev<5*h)),log(I{11}(Ev<5*h))); % %errorbar(Ev,Ipp+Imm+Ipm,errs(:,4)+errs(:,5)+errs(:,6)); % %title(['Raman Spectrum for HyperHoneycomb Kitaev spinons: J_x=',num2str(Jx),', h=',num2str(h)]) % xlabel('log(\omega/J_z)'); % ylabel('log(I)'); % legend({'DOS', 'I_{ac}', 'I_{[ac]}'}, 'Location', 'NorthEast'); % hold off; % filename = ['3D_Raman_2_Jx_',num2str(round(100*Jx)),'_h_',num2str(h*100),'_logcomp']; % saveas(hh,filename) % print(hh, '-dpng', filename); % % dpoly = polyfit( log(Ev(Ev<5*h)),log(DD(Ev<5*h)) ); % acpoly = polyfit( log(Ev(Ev<5*h)),log(I{4}(Ev<5*h)) ); % acpoly2 = polyfit( log(Ev(Ev<5*h)),log(I{11}(Ev<5*h)) ) % % disp(dpoly(2)) % disp(acpoly(2)) % disp(acpoly2(2)) for m=1:6 % if max(abs(I{m})) > 2*max(Iermax{m}) % hh=figure;%('Position',position); % hold on; % plot(Ev,Iv{m}(1),Ev,Iv{m}(2),Ev,Iv{m}(3),Ev,I{m}); % %errorbar(Ev,Ipp+Imm+Ipm,errs(:,4)+errs(:,5)+errs(:,6)); % %title(['Raman Spectrum for HyperHoneycomb spinons: J_x=',num2str(Jx),', h=',num2str(h)]) % xlabel('\omega/J_z'); % ylabel('I(\omega)'); % legend({'I_{--}','I_{+-}','I_{++}','I_{total}'}, 'Location', 'NorthEast'); % hold off; % filename = ['3D_Raman_2_Jx_',num2str(round(100*Jx)),'_h_',num2str(h*100),... % 'pol_',num2str(m1{m}),num2str(m2{m})]; % saveas(hh,filename) % print(hh, '-dpng', filename); % %hold off; % %clf; % else % disp([max(abs(I{m})),max(Iermax{m})]) % end end flag=0; end %End New Code toc end