This readme.txt file was generated on 2024/03/18 by Danielle Lake Diver ------------------- GENERAL INFORMATION ------------------- 1. Title of Dataset Data on flower counts, floral ovaries that swelled, mature fruit counts, germination rates, floral and whole plant damage, and pollinator visitation rates of Prunus pumila L. 2. Author Information Principal Investigator Contact Information Name: Jessica A. Savage Institution: University of Minnesota Address: 1035 Kirby Drive, 207 Swenson Science Building, Duluth, MN 55812 Email: ORCID:0000-0002-7756-7166 Name: Danielle A. Lake Diver Institution: Institution: University of Minnesota Address: 1035 Kirby Drive, 207 Swenson Science Building, Duluth, MN 55812 Email: or (after 2024-12-07) ORCID: 0009-0001-2536-7154 3. Date of data collection (single date, range, approximate date) 20200401-20220131 4. Geographic location of data collection (where was data collected?): Cold Room: University of Minnesota Duluth campus, Duluth, MN, USA Field Location: University of Minnesota Duluth Field & Research Station, Duluth, MN, USA 5. Information about funding sources that supported the collection of the data: National Science Foundation (Savage, IOS 1656318) University of Minnesota Diversity of Views Fellowship (Lake Diver) University of Minnesota Integrated Biosciences graduate program (Lake Diver) University of Minnesota grant-in-aid program, provided by the office of Vice President of Research (Savage) -------------------------- SHARING/ACCESS INFORMATION -------------------------- 1. Licenses/restrictions placed on the data: Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International 2. Links to publications that cite or use the data: Lake Diver, D. A., Savage, J.(Accepted) Weighing the Risks and Benefits of Flowering Early for the Woody Perennial Prunus pumila. American Journal of Botany. 3. Links to other publicly accessible locations of the data: None 4. Links/relationships to ancillary data sets: None 5. Was data derived from another source? If yes, list source(s): No 6. Recommended citation for the data: Lake Diver, Danielle A; Savage, Jessica A. (2024). Damage measurements and reproductive outcomes following phenologic delay and floral freezing of a population of Prunus pumila plants. Retrieved from the Data Repository for the University of Minnesota, --------------------- DATA & FILE OVERVIEW --------------------- 1. File List Filename: counts_2021 Short description: This file contains data on the number of open-pollinated, hand-pollinated, and selfed flowers per plant, as well as ovaries that swelled, mature fruits, and seeds that germinated from each Filename: OP_2020 Short description: This file contains data on the number and/or percentage of flowers, ovaries that swelled, mature fruits, and seeds that germinated on open-pollinated plants that were used for a delayed phenology experiment in 2020 Filename: HP_2020_notest Short description: This file contains data on the number of flowers, ovaries that swelled, and mature fruits on hand-pollinated plants that were used for a delayed phenology experiment in 2020, excluding test flowers that were emasculated but not pollinated Filename: HP_2021_notest Short description: This file contains data on the number of flowers, ovaries that swelled, and mature fruits on hand-pollinated plants that were used for a floral freezing experiment in 2021, excluding test flowers that were emasculated but not pollinated Filename: flower_damage_2021 Short description: This file contains data on a visual assessment of damage of five floral tissues following a floral freezing experiment in 2021 Filename: pollinator_visit_rate_2021 Short description: This file contains data on daily pollinator visitation rates per plant following a floral freezing experiment in 2021 Filename: pollinator_ratios_2021 Short description: This file contains data on total counts and ratios on the pollinator taxonomic groups that were observed on each plant following a floral freezing experiment in 2021 Filename: germination_2021 Short description: This file contains data on plants whose seeds were used to conduct a germination test following a floral freezing experiment in 2021, including total number of ovaries that swelled, total mature fruits, and germination rates for a subset of those fruits, as well as damage estimates and indicators Filename: daily_temps2020 Short description: This file contains daily temperature summaries from a much larger dataset collected by a weather station, including minimum, maximum, and average temperatures at the field site during the research plant flowering period in 2020 Filename: daily_temps2021 Short description: This file contains daily temperature summaries from a much larger dataset collected by a weather station, including minimum, maximum, and average temperatures at the field site during the research plant flowering period in 2021 2. Relationship between files: These files contain various data collected for two different experiments conducted on the same plants over two different years (2020 and 2021). Some of the data overlaps over multiple data sets used to calculate or analyze different aspects of the experiments. For example, pollinators2021 and poll_ratios21 both contain information about pollinators that visited research plants in 2021, but pollinators2021 has the overall visitation rate per plant per day while poll_ratios21 separates the pollinators by taxonomic groups. 3. Additional related data collected that was not included in the current data package: NA 4. Are there multiple versions of the dataset? yes/no No -------------------------- METHODOLOGICAL INFORMATION -------------------------- 1. Description of methods used for collection/generation of data: In 2020, 225 Prunus pumila L. plants were kept in cold storage long enough to delay their flowering phenology by 2-4 weeks. Plants were monitored for flowering, pollinator visitation, ovary swelling (an indication of fertilization), and mature fruit development. A subset of plants was chosen for hand pollination, and all but 5-12 of the flowers were removed. Remaining flowers were emasculated (anthers removed) and either hand pollinated or covered without pollinating to test emasculation success. Some of the fruits were dried and weighed, as were their seeds. Other fruits were defleshed, stratified, and monitored for germination. In 2021, these same plants were subjected to freezing treatments during 4 different floral phenophases. They were then monitored for pollinator visitation, electrolyte leakage, visible damage to 5 floral tissues, whole plant damage, ovary swelling, and mature fruit development. Four flowers per plant from the first two floral phenophase groups were emasculated and covered, and two of each of these flowers were hand pollinated. A subset of mature fruits were defleshed and the seeds were used for germination testing. See publication for more details. 2. Methods for processing the data: NA 3. Instrument- or software-specific information needed to interpret the data: Conductivity of flowers following the freezing treatments was measured using an Oakton PC700 conductivity meter (Vernon Hills, Illinois, USA). The index of injury (It) was calculated from conductivity measurements using the formula: 100 x ((Lt/Lk - L0/Ld)/(1 - L0/Ld)) Where LT is the initial conductivity measurement taken after exposure to temperature T, Lk is the maximum conductivity following 24 hours in a -80C freezer, L0 is the initial conductivity of control flower samples, which were kept cool in a cold room but not exposed to freezing temperatures, and Ld is the maximum conductivity of control flower samples following 24 hours in a -80C freezer. 4. Standards and calibration information, if appropriate: The conductivity meter was calibrated between each reading using deionized milli-Q water. 5. Environmental/experimental conditions: Field: Plants were purchased in 2020 and kept in cold storage by the seller until mid-May. They were potted in deep tree pots with a 50:50 Pro-Mix:sand mixture and kept within a fenced open field and watered regularly. They remained in this location for the rest of the 2020 growing season and all of the 2021 growing season aside from 2-3 days spent at the University of Minnesota Duluth campus for cold treatments and emasculation of hand-pollinated and test flowers. Cold rooms: All plants were kept in a 4C cold room. Control plants were kept in this cold room for the entire exposure period. Light freeze and hard freeze plants were moved to the 4C cold room following freeze treatments. Light freeze and hard freeze treatments were conducted in a controlled temperature room with Norlake Enviro-Line controller (Hudson, Wisconsin, USA). Our light freeze treatment was kept at -2°C to -1°C for 3 h and our hard freeze treatment was held at -5°C to -4°C for 1 h. 6. Describe any quality-assurance procedures performed on the data: All data entry was triple checked. 7. People involved with sample collection, processing, analysis and/or submission: Danielle Lake Diver, Jessica Savage, Elise Miller, Jasmine Baerg ----------------------------------------- DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: counts_2021 ----------------------------------------- 1. Number of variables: 28 2. Number of cases/rows: 240 3. Missing data codes: NA, blank Definition (NA): not applicable Definition (blank): no data available 4. Variable List A. Name: plant-ID Description: Identification name assigned to each individual plant B. Name: grp_type Description: This is the number assigned to each floral phenophase group (1 = first white bud, 2 = balloon bud, 3 = open flower, 4 = post-anthesis) C. Name: trtmt_type Description: the freezing treatment to which each plant was exposed (1 = control, 2 = light freeze, 3 = hard freeze) D. Name: trtmt_no Description: replication number for each phenophase-freeze treatment combination E. Name: no_ctrl_flow Description: number of test flowers per plant that were emasculated but not hand pollinated F. Name: no_selfed_flow Description: number of selfed flowers per plant that were bagged to exclude insects G. Name: no_hp_flow Description: number of hand pollinated flowers per plant H. Name: no_op_flow Description: number of open pollinated flowers per plant I. Name: total_flow Description: total number of flowers per plant prior to freeze treatment J. Name: no_ctrl_so Description: number of test flowers (emasculated but not pollinated) that developed swollen ovaries K. Name: no_ctrl_fruit Description: number of test flowers (emasculated but not pollinated( that developed mature fruit L. Name: no_hp_so Description: number of hand pollinated flowers that developed swollen ovaries M. Name: no_hp_fruit Description: number of hand pollinated flowers that developed mature fruit N. Name: no_selfed_so Description: number of selfed flowers that developed swollen ovaries O. Name: no_selfed_fruit Description: number of selfed flowers that developed mature fruit P. Name: no_op_so Description: number of open pollinated flowers that developed swollen ovaries Q. Name: no_op_fruit Description: number of open pollinated flowers that developed mature fruit R. Name: so_per_flow Description: number of swollen ovaries divided by total number of open pollinated flowers S. Name: fruit_per_flow Description: number of fruits divided by total number of open pollinated flowers T. Name: fruit_per_so Description: number of fruits divided by number of swollen ovaries U. Name: date of final flower count Description: last date when all flowers were counted V. Name: brown_post_trtmt Description: indicates whether any flowers on the plant turned brown following floral freezing treatment (y = yes, n = no) W. Name: dam_est Description: estimated quartile percentage of whole plant damage (0, 25, 50, 75, 100) X. Name: EL_Lt Description: conductivity readings for flowers from plants subjected to freeze treatments Y. Name: EL_Lk Description: conductivity readings for flowers from plants subjected to freeze treatments, then placed in -80C freezer for 24 hours Z. Name: Lt/Lk Description: value of X divided by value of Y for calculation of index of injury AA. Name: L0/Ld avg Description: average of control flower conductivity measurements where L0 is the initial conductivity following cold treatment in cold room and Ld is the conductivity after being in -80C freezer for 24 hours AB. Name: It Description: index of injury calculated as 100 x ((Lt/Lk - L0/Ld)/(1 - L0/Ld)) ----------------------------------------- DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: OP_2020 ----------------------------------------- 1. Number of variables: 13 2. Number of cases/rows: 129 3. Missing data codes: none 4. Variable List A. Name: plant_ID Description: specific name assigned to each individual plant B. Name: cohort Description: plants were divided into cohorts or flowering weeks based on the week during which 75% of their flowers were open (1 = 2 weeks phenologic delay compared to nearby natural populations of the same species, 2 = 3 weeks phenologic delay, 3 = 4 weeks phenologic delay) C. Name: tot_flowers Description: total number of flowers per plant D. Name: tot_ovaries Description: total number of swollen ovaries per plant E. Name: tot_fruits Description: total number of mature fruits per plant F. Name: repsuc_ovary Description: reproductive success rate based on the number of ovaries that swelled per total flowers G. Name: ovary_fruit Description: rate of fruits that developed from ovaries that swelled H. Name: repsuc_fruit Description: reproductive success rate based on the number of swollen ovaries that turned into mature fruits I. Name: tot_germ Description: total number of seeds that germinated per plant J. Name: repsuc_germ Description: reproductive success rate based on total germination rate K. Name: germ_jan20 Description: number of seeds that germinated by January 20, 2021 L. Name: repsuc_jan20 Description: reproductive success based on germination rate as of January 20, 2021 ----------------------------------------- DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: HP_2020_notest ----------------------------------------- 1. Number of variables: 15 2. Number of cases/rows: 125 3. Missing data codes: none 4. Variable List A. Name: Plant ID Description: specific name assigned to each individual plant B. Name: Node Description: stem node chosen for pollination using random number generator C. Name: Flower Node Description: flower node chosen (counting from the top to the bottom) for pollination using random number generator created in Microsoft Excel, printed, and pointed at while the researcher closed her eyes D. Name: No_flower Description: order of flower pollination E. Name: cohort Description: plants were divided into cohorts or flowering weeks based on the week during which 75% of their flowers were open (2 = 2 weeks phenologic delay compared to nearby natural populations of the same species, 3 = 3 weeks phenologic delay, 4 = 4 weeks phenologic delay) F. Name: pol_trtmt Description: pollination treatment (all hand pollinated as test flowers are excluded in this dataset) and age in days of flower at the time of hand pollination HP 1 = hand pollinated flower that was pollinated 1 days after opening HP 2 = hand pollinated flower that was pollinated 2 days after opening HP 3 = hand pollinated flower that was pollinated 3 days after opening HP 4 = hand pollinated flower that was pollinated 4 days after opening G. Name: Flower_age Description: number of days since opening when flower was pollinated H. Name: hp_test Description: number of test flowers per plant I. Name: swollen_ovaries Description: number of hand pollinated ovaries that swelled (first observation) J. Name: swollen_ovaries2 Description: number of hand pollinated ovaries that swelled (second observation) K. Name: flower age Description: days since flowers opened when hand pollinated flowers were unbagged L. Name: mature_fruit Description: number of mature fruit observed on each plant M. Name: so_rate1 Description: rate of swollen ovaries per total flowers hand pollinated, based on first observation of swollen ovaries N. Name: so_rate2 Description: rate of swollen ovaries per total flowers hand pollinated, based on second observation of swollen ovaries O. Name: fruit_rate Description: rate of fruits per swollen ovaries ----------------------------------------- DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: HP_2021_notest ----------------------------------------- 1. Number of variables: 15 2. Number of cases/rows: 120 3. Missing data codes: none 4. Variable List A. Name: plant_id Description: specific name assigned to each individual plant B. Name: grp_type Description: floral phenophase at the time of freezing treatment C. Name: grp_no Description: This is the number assigned to each floral phenophase group (1 = first white bud, 2 = balloon bud, 3 = open flower, 4 = post-anthesis) D. Name: trtmt_type Description: freeze treatment assigned to each plant (c = control, f = light freeze, h = hard freeze) E. Name: trtmt_no Description: this is the number assigned to each freeze treatment group (1 = control, 2 = light freeze, 3 = hard freeze) F. Name: type Description: pollination method (all hand pollinated [hp] for this dataset as open pollinated and test flowers were excluded for analysis of just hand-pollinated flowers) G. Name: percent_so Description: percent of flowers that developed swollen ovaries H. Name: ctrl_flow Description: number of test flowers per plant I. Name: self_flow Description: number of selfed flowers per plant J. Name: hp_flow Description: number of hand pollinated flowers per plant K. Name: ctrl_so Description: number of test flowers that developed swollen ovaries L. Name: ctrl_so_per_flow Description: number of swollen ovaries per flowers for test flowers M. Name: ctrl_fru Description: number of test flowers that developed mature fruits N. Name: hp_so Description: number of hand pollinated flowers that developed swollen ovaries O. Name: hp_so_per_flow Description: rate of swollen ovaries per number of hand pollinated flowers ----------------------------------------- DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: flower_damage_2021 ----------------------------------------- 1. Number of variables: 15 2. Number of cases/rows: 239 3. Missing data codes: none 4. Variable List A. Name: Plant Description: this refers to the specific name assigned to each individual plant B. Name: Treatment Description: this refers to which treatment the plant was subjected (C = near zero but non-freezing control, F = light freeze, H = hard freeze) C. Name: Sample Description: this refers to the floral phenophase at which the plant was subjected to the freezing treatment FW = first white, when petals are just visible within a tight floral bud BALL = balloon, when petals begin to expand beyond the sepals but still cover the reproductive parts of the flower ANT = anthesis, or open flower, when petals are fully reflexed, reproductive organs are exposed, and pollen dehisces POST = post-anthesis, when petals are no longer present and the ovary is visibly enlarged D. Name: Date of Treatment Description: date when plant was subjected to freezing treatment E. Name: Date of Assessment Description: date when floral samples were assessed for damage F. Name: Stigma Description: this indicates whether or not the stigma of each individual sample flower turned brown following cold treatment G. Name: Stigma_Code Description: numeric code indicating the same thing as column F, whether the stigma from the flower sample turned brown following cold treatment H. Name: Ovary Description: this indicates whether or not the ovary of each individual sample flower turned brown following cold treatment I. Name: Ovary_Code Description: numeric code indicating the same thing as column H, whether the ovary from the flower sample turned brown following cold treatment J. Name: Filament Description: this indicates whether or not the filaments of each individual sample flower turned brown following cold treatment K. Name: Filament_Code Description: numeric code indicating the same thing as column J, whether the filaments from the flower sample turned brown following cold treatment L. Name: Petals Description: this indicates whether or not the petals of each individual sample flower turned brown following cold treatment M. Name: Petals_Code Description: numeric code indicating the same thing as column L, whether the petals from the flower sample turned brown following cold treatment N. Name: Sepals Description: this indicates whether or not the sepals of each individual sample flower turned brown following cold treatment O. Name: Sepals_Code Description: numeric code indicating the same thing as column N, whether the sepals from the flower sample turned brown following cold treatment ----------------------------------------- DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: pollinator_visit_rate_2021 ----------------------------------------- 1. Number of variables: 13 2. Number of cases/rows: 120 3. Missing data codes: none 4. Variable List A. Name: plant_id Description: specific name assigned to each individual plant B. Name: pheno Description: this refers to the floral phenophase at the time of cold treatment 1 = first white 2 = balloon/anthesis (both phenophases were present on the same group of plants at the time of cold treatment) C. Name: trtmt Description: this refers to the cold treatment to which the plant was subjected (c = control, f = light freeze, h = hard freeze) D. Name: vis_rateA Description: overall pollinating insect visitation rate for observation day 1 (calculated as insects observed per plant per minute) E. Name: vis_rateB Description: overall pollinating insect visitation rate for observation day 2 (calculated as insects observed per plant per minute) F. Name: vis_rateC Description: overall pollinating insect visitation rate for observation day 3 (calculated as insects observed per plant per minute) G. Name: vis_rateD Description: overall pollinating insect visitation rate for observation day 4 (calculated as insects observed per plant per minute) H. Name: vis_rateE Description: overall pollinating insect visitation rate for observation day 5 (calculated as insects observed per plant per minute) I. Name: vis_rateF Description: overall pollinating insect visitation rate for observation day 6 (calculated as insects observed per plant per minute) J. Name: vis_rateG Description: overall pollinating insect visitation rate for observation day 7 (calculated as insects observed per plant per minute) K. Name: vis_rateH Description: overall pollinating insect visitation rate for observation day 8 (calculated as insects observed per plant per minute) L. Name: vis_rateI Description: overall pollinating insect visitation rate for observation day 9 (calculated as insects observed per plant per minute) M. Name: vis_rateAVG Description: average of pollinating insect visitation rate across all 9 observation days ----------------------------------------- DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: pollinator_ratios_2021 ----------------------------------------- 1. Number of variables: 14 2. Number of cases/rows: 120 3. Missing data codes: none 4. Variable List A. Name: plant ID Description: specific name assigned to each individual plant B. Name: treatment Description: cold treatment to which each plant was subjected (coded with numbers) 1 = control 2 = light freeze 3 = hard freeze C. Name: phenophase Description: floral phenophase at the time of cold treatment (coded with numbers) 1 = first white 2 = balloon/anthesis (both of these floral phenophases were present on this group of plants at the time of cold treatment) D. Name: phen Description: floral phenophase at the time of cold treatment (coded with letters) f = first white n = balloon/anthesis (both of these floral phenophases were present on this group of plants at the time of cold treatment) E. Name: tot_w_ant Description: total number of insects observed on each plant, including ants, over the entire observation period F. Name: total_insects Description: total number of insects observed on each plant, excluding ants, over the entire observation period G. Name: num_hym Description: total number of Hymenopteran insects (excluding ants) observed on each plant over the entire observation period H. Name: num_ant Description: total number of ants observed on each plant over the entire observation period I. Name: num_dip Description: total number of Dipteran insects observed on each plant over the entire observation period J. Name: hym_ratio Description: proportion of total insect visitors that were Hymenoptera (excluding ants) K. Name: dip_ratio Description: proportion of total insect visitors that were Diptera L. Name: num_beet Description: total number of beetles (Coleoptera) observed on each plant over the entire observation period M. Name: beet_ratio Description: proportion of total insect visitors that were Coleoptera N. Name: vis_rateAVG Description: average of pollinating insect visitation rate across all 9 observation days (calculated as insects observed per plant per minute) ----------------------------------------- DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: germination_2021 ----------------------------------------- 1. Number of variables: 12 2. Number of cases/rows: 36 3. Missing data codes: none 4. Variable List A. Name: plant_id Description: specific name assigned to each individual plant B. Name: flow_stage Description: floral phenophase at the time of cold treatment (first white, anthesis, or post-anthesis [balloon stage flowers included with anthesis]) C. Name: phenophase Description: floral phenophase at the time of cold treatment, coded numerically 1 = first white 2 = balloon/anthesis (both floral phenophases were present on the same group of plants at the time of cold treatment) 3 = post-anthesis D. Name: trtmt Description: cold treatment to which each plant was subjected, coded numerically 1 = control 2 = light freeze 3 = hard freeze E. Name: op_num_so Description: number of open-pollinated flowers that developed swollen ovaries F. Name: op_num_fruit Description: number of open-pollinated flowers that developed mature fruit G. Name: num_seeds Description: number of seeds used in the germination test H. Name: num_germ Description: number of seeds that germinated I. Name: percent_germ Description: percentage of seeds that germinated J. Name: brown_post_trtmt Description: indicates whether sample flowers were observed to have turned brown following cold treatment y = yes (brown) n = no (not brown) K. Name: percent_dam_est Description: whole plant damage estimate in quartile percentage L. Name: It Description: this refers to the index of injury (It) calculated using a conductivity meter (described above) ----------------------------------------- DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: daily_temps2020 ----------------------------------------- 1. Number of variables: 4 2. Number of cases/rows: 42 3. Missing data codes: none 4. Variable List A. Name: date Description: date of weather sampling B. Name: temp_av Description: average daily temperature recorded by a weather station at the field site C. Name: temp_min Description: minimum daily temperature recorded by a weather station at the field site D. Name: temp_max Description: maximum daily temperature recorded by a weather station at the field site ----------------------------------------- DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: daily_temps2021 ----------------------------------------- 1. Number of variables: 4 2. Number of cases/rows: 16 3. Missing data codes: none 4. Variable List A. Name: date Description: date of weather sampling B. Name: temp_av Description: average daily temperature recorded by a weather station at the field site C. Name: temp_min Description: minimum daily temperature recorded by a weather station at the field site D. Name: temp_max Description: maximum daily temperature recorded by a weather station at the field site