This readme.txt file was generated on 20230621 by Payton Kittaka ------------------- GENERAL INFORMATION ------------------- 1. Temporal Fluctuations in Carbonate System Variables of Lake Superior Tributaries 2. Author Information Principal Investigator Contact Information Name: Payton Kittaka Institution: University of Minnesota Duluth Address: 2205 E. 5th Street, Duluth, MN 55812-3024 Email: Associate or Co-investigator Contact Information Name: Elizabeth Austin-Minor Institution: University of Minnesota Duluth Address: 2205 E. 5th Street, Duluth, MN 55812-3024 Email: 3. Date published or finalized for release: 20230621 4. Date of data collection (single date, range, approximate date) 20210910 to 20221118 5. Geographic location of data collection (where was data collected?): Duluth, Minnesota 6. Information about funding sources that supported the collection of the data: University of Minnesota Duluth 7. Overview of the data (abstract): This is supplemental data that was used in in the Thesis titled "Temporal Fluctuations in Carbonate System Variables of Lake Superior Tributaries." Northeastern Minnesota, like other regions, has exhibited recent climate change effects; predicted changes over the next century include longer dry periods, less snow accumulation, and more large rain and snow events. Carbonate system variables including pH, total inorganic carbon (TIC) concentrations, and total alkalinity (TA) are all highly dependent on and have feedbacks with these climate factors. These variables can also influence the quality of life for various species, such as trout, which rely on many streams along the north shore of Lake Superior for spawning habitats. Therefore, studying the current conditions of waterbodies in northeastern Minnesota is crucial for setting a baseline to estimate and predict the potential ramifications of regional climate change. Amity Creek, Tischer Creek, and the St. Louis River are three tributaries of Lake Superior varying in watershed size and overall length. This study investigated how pH, TA, and TIC of these tributaries are affected by seasonality, stormflow, and diurnal conditions, as well as their inter-annual variability based on available data. -------------------------- SHARING/ACCESS INFORMATION -------------------------- 1. Licenses/restrictions placed on the data: CC0 1.0 Universal ( 2. Links to publications that cite or use the data: [citation to thesis] 3. Was data derived from another source? No If yes, list source(s): 4. Terms of Use: Data Repository for the U of Minnesota (DRUM) By using these files, users agree to the Terms of Use. --------------------- DATA & FILE OVERVIEW --------------------- 1. File List A. Filename: Kittaka_Thesis_Supplemental_Data_Section1.csv Short description: B. Filename: Kittaka_Thesis_Supplemental_Data_Section2.csv -------------------------- METHODOLOGICAL INFORMATION -------------------------- 1. Description of methods used for collection/generation of data: Grab sampling, instrumental analysis in lab 2. Methods for processing the data: Samples were analyzed per their individual analysis methods listed in the thesis, and then the final results were corrected using blanks and standards where needed. Final data results were recorded in this spreadsheet 3. Instrument- or software-specific information needed to interpret the data: Microsoft Excel and R (Recommended) 4. Standards and calibration information, if appropriate: Standards and calibration information listed in thesis 5. Environmental/experimental conditions: Sampling conditions varied. Sunny and fair conditions during seasonal and diurnal sampling. Storm conditions during storm samples. 6. Describe any quality-assurance procedures performed on the data: Data was checked during instrumental analysis against check standards and blanks to ensure instrument was performing properly. Duplicate analysis done on diurnal samples. 7. People involved with sample collection, processing, analysis and/or submission: Payton Kittaka Elizabeth Austin-Minor Daniel Sandborn Ariyah Thomas Joey Marchand Jake Zunker Jordan Bremer Sandra Brovold Julie Agnich ----------------------------------------- DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: Kittaka_Thesis_Supplemental_Data_Section1.csv ----------------------------------------- Seasonal and Diurnal 1. Number of variables: 33 2. Number of cases/rows: 128 3. Missing data codes: Empty cell: data not collected 4. Variable List A. Name: Sample_ID Description: Seasonal Sampling Location ADS: Amity Creek Downstream AUS: Amity Creek Upstream TDS: Tischer Creek Downstream TUS: Tischer Creek Upstream BSL: St. Louis River Upstream GLA: St. Louis River Downstream USL: Upper St. Louis River Diurnal: Samples were collected at the Downstream Amity Creek location. Note: Sampling time is in local Central Daylight Time for these samples, not UTC. B. Name: Sampling Date Description: Day when samples were collected in MM/DD/YYYY C. month D. day E. year F. Sampling_Time_UTC G. Water_temp_C Description: Measured using a proDSS YSI Multiprobe system; in degrees Celsius H. Depth_m Description: Water depth in meters; measured using a proDSS YSI Multiprobe system I. Salinity_psu Description: Measured using a proDSS YSI Multiprobe system; in units of Practical Salinity Units J. Cond_μS/cm Description: Measured using a proDSS YSI Multiprobe system; in units of microsiemens per centimeter K. pH_probe_free Description: pH from YSI probe converted to Free pH Scale L. Probe_pH_NBS Description: Measured using a proDSS YSI Multiprobe system; Reading given on the NBS scale M. DO_sat Description: Measured using a proDSS YSI Multiprobe system; Reading igven in units of DO % N. DO_mg/L Description: Measured using a proDSS YSI Multiprobe system; Given in units of milligrams per Liter O. pH_lab_temp Description: Spectrophotometric pH measured at lab temperature P. Lab_temp_C Description: Temperature at which Spectrophotometric pH was measured in degrees Celsius Q. gauge_ht_cm Description: tributary water level in centimeters R. gauge_height_ft Description: tributary water level in feet S. Discharge Description: tributary discharge in cfs T. TIC_umol_kg Description: Total inorganic carbon in micromoles per kg U. TIC_SD Description: Standard deviation of TIC in micromoles per kg V. ALK_ueq_kg Description: Total alkalinity in microequivalents per kg W. ALK_SD Description: Standard deviation of Total alkalinity in microequivalents per kg X. ALK_TIC_ratio Ratio of total alkalinity to total inorganic carbon Y. insitu_pH Description: pH corrected to insitu temperature Z. TOC Description: total organic carbon in mg per kg AA. TOC_umol_kg Description: total organic carbon in micromoles per kg AB. TOC_umol_kg_SD Description: Standard deviation of total organic carbon in micromoles per kg AC. Ca_mgl Description: Calcium ion concentration in milligrams per Liter AD. Mg_mgl Description: Magnesium ion concentration in milligrams per Liter AE. K_mgl Description: Potassium ion concentration in milligrams per Liter AF. Na_mgl Description: Sodium ion concentration in milligrams per Liter AG. comments ----------------------------------------- DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: Kittaka_Thesis_Supplemental_Data_Section2.csv ----------------------------------------- Storm Event Samples 1. Number of variables: 20 2. Number of cases/rows: 52 3. Missing data codes: Empty cell: data not collected 4. Variable List A. Event Description: Stormflow event # (SF-#) B. Sampling_Date Description: Date of storm event in MM/DD/YYYY C. Time_CDT Description: Time of samples collected in Central Daylight Time D. Storm hour Description: Hour in which samples were collected E. stg_ht (in) Description: water level as measured by autosampler in inches F. stg_ht (cm) Description: water level as measured by autosampler in centimeters G. Water_temp_C Description: Water temperature of samples when collected in degrees Celsius H. Lab_temp_C Description: Lab temperature when pH was measured in degrees Celsius I. Cond_μS/cm Description: conductivity of water samples measured in the field; Given in units of microsiemens per centimeter J. Salinity_psu Description: Calculated using conductivity and water temperature in units of Practical Salinity Units K. insitu_pH Description: Spectrophotometric pH corrected for insitu water temperature on the Free Scale L. pH_lab_temp Description: pH measured at lab temperature M. ALK_ueq_kg Description: Total alkalinity of water samples in microequivalents per kg N. TIC_PPM Description: Total inorganic carbon in parts per million O. TIC_umol_kg Description: Total inorganic carbon in micromoles per kg P. TOC_PPM Description: Total organic carbon in parts per million Q. TOC_umol_kg Description: Total organic carbon in micromoles per kg R. rainfall_cm Description: Precipitation during stormflow event in centimeters S. 7_day_precip_cm Description: 7 day prior precipitation total leading up to the stormflow event in centimeters T. comments