------------------- GENERAL INFORMATION ------------------- Title of Dataset: Raw data and code for "Optical Approaches for Passive Thermal Management in c-Si Photovoltaic Modules" Author Information Principal Investigator Contact Information Name: Vivian Ferry Institution: University of Minnesota Address: Email: veferry@umn.edu ORCID: Associate or Co-investigator Contact Information Name: Ian Slauch Institution: Arizona State University (University of Minnesota at the time of data collection) Address: Email:islauch@asu.edu ORCID: Associate or Co-investigator Contact Information Name:Michael Deceglie Institution:National Renewable Energy Laboratory Address: Email:Michael.Deceglie@nrel.gov ORCID: Associate or Co-investigator Contact Information Name:Timothy Silverman Institution:National Renewable Energy Laboratory Address: Email:Timothy.Silverman@nrel.gov ORCID: ================================ Date of data collection 2019-03-16 to 2020-06-26 ================================ License CC0 1.0 Universal ================================== Suggested citation for dataset Slauch, Ian M; Deceglie, Michael G; Silverman, Timothy J; Ferry, Vivian E. (2021). Raw Data and Code for Optical Approaches for Passive Thermal Management in c-Si Photovoltaic Modules. Retrieved from the Data Repository for the University of Minnesota, https://doi.org/10.13020/efc6-7m20. ================================== Funding information Information about funding sources that supported the collection of the data: This work was authored in part by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, operated by Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC, for the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) under Contract No. DE-AC36-08GO28308. Funding provided by U.S. Department of Energy Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Solar Energy Technologies Office under award number Award Number DE-EE0008542. =================================== Figure 1 Folder Contained in this folder are the models for Al BSF and PERC modules on which Figure 1 and the paper results are based. These models can be opened in the SunSolve module ray tracer software published by PVLighthouse. www.pvlighthouse.au In addition, several custom refractive indices are required for the model, which are also included here. -------------------------------------- Figure 2 Folder Raw experimental data for PERC and Al BSF modules are contained in files included in this folder. Raw CARY 7000 results for an Al BSF module are in "Al BSF Raw Data.csv" (repeat measurements at multiple points) Raw Cary 5000 results for PERC modules appear in "QuadCell_R.xls", we use the particular result for the "STD" module in the paper to compare to our model. Both sets of experimental results also appear in "PERC and Al BSF Module Expt Refl.xls" Model results appear in "Al BSF SunSolve Reflection.csv" and "PERC SunSolve Reflection.csv" The relevant column of data is "Reflected Front Total" which includes reflections from the module glass and internal reflections which escape the module from the front side. Specular and diffuse reflection is included. ---------------------------------------- Figure 3 Folder CSV files given are raw output from SunSolve simulations of either baseline Al BSF or PERC modules, or modified modules to gather data for Figure 3 in the main text. Figure 3 reports reflection of modules only modified in the sub-bandgap range. Therefore, each curve is the composition of baseline reflection from 300-1160 nm and modified reflection from 1170 - 2500 nm. File names should correspond to only one curve in Figure 3, file contents are unmodified and correspond to the data in that curve over the pertinent wavelength range. Recall that for this figure, the reflection from 300-1160 is the same as the baseline module. Therefore, the plots are of the baseline module (1 of the 11 copies) from 300-1160 nm, and then of the modified module from 1170 nm - 2500 nm. "Reflected Front Total" is again the relevant column of data in ach SunSolve output file. ---------------------------------------------- Figure 4 Folder Figure 4 is created using the same raw data as figure 3. Integration of the reflected power uses the spectral power of the AM1.5 spectrum provided as a MATLAB .m file, NOT the spectral power column of the raw data (which is not the AM1.5 spectrum). Interpolate from the 10-nm intervals of the raw data to the 1-nm intervals of the spectral power before integration. -------------------------------------------------- Figure 5 Folder The Excel file "TOMCAT Results.xls" contains raw results and calculations for the TOMCAT simulations used for the data for Figure 5. The spreadhseet has the raw TOMCAT simulation results for temperature and output power, and additional columns to calculate the temperature and power differences, and the optical and thermal benefits. The leftmost set of raw results (temperature and power) are the results for the baseline, to which all other results are compared. At the bottom of the columns is the total optical and thermal benefit. The temperature differences are taken as the thermal benefit divided by the temperature coefficient of efficiency. At the top of the columns the raw data are labeled to identify the simulation from which they originate. Glass XX% is a simulation with an idealized glass mirror Just XX% is a simulation with an idealized cell surface mirror The cell rear results are in a separate tab and are compared to the Al BSF baseline. The folder SunSolveResults contains results from SunSolve module ray tracing simulations needed to feed into TOMCAT simulations. Raw ray tracing results are compiled into a form useful for TOMCAT via "datareduction.ipynb". The file 725650TYA is the TMY3 data set for Denver, CO used for TOMCAT. https://nsrdb.nrel.gov/about/tmy.html The IQE data used for Al BSF and PERC cells is also provided, as taken from Gatz et al. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.egypro.2012.07.035. For more information on TOMCAT, refer to https://github.com/NREL/pv_tomcat ------------------------------------------- Figure 6 Folder The necessary code to run the pseudo ray tracing algorithm is in the main folder for this paper. You'll want to run runRayTracer.m For that, you will need the bidirectional scattering function, which will require you to run getBiDirectionalScatteringFunction.m The other funtions here are required subfunctions or required refractive index data in the form compatible with the code provided. The function tf_spectrum.m is a modified form of a function originally found in the Thin Film Toolbox, published by Ulf Griesmann, https://github.com/ulfgri/tftb-toolbox. It has been modofied to allow access to variables containing the refractive index of thin films near an optical interface.