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\Large{Computing constrained Polya posterior estimates \\
   when using judgment sampling}

This is a companion to the paper ``More efficient inferences  using ranking information
  obtained from judgment sampling'' by Glen Meeden and Bo Ra Lee that appeared
  in the {\it Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology} in 2014. 
  Given a sample the following  R code 
  computes their  point estimate of the population mean and finds its posterior variance.
  We recall some of the notation from the paper.

  \item $ elds$ is a vector of length $n$  and contains the elders in the sample 
    in increasing order.
\item $sibs$ is a list of length $n$. $sibs[[i]]$ contains the information about 
  the sibs for $elds[i]$.
The value of -1 indicates a sib smaller than its elder and the value 1 indicates
a sib larger than its elder.
\item $R$  is the the number of simulated copies of the population to be generated.
  Here is a simple assignment of $elds$ and $sibs$

Note, for this  example,   the elder with the value 1 has one sib which is 
smaller than it and two which are larger, the elder with the value 
2  has two sibs which are
larger than it, the elder with value 3 has no sibs and so on.

The estimator is based on a constrained version of the Polya posterior. Given a 
sample the Polya posterior assumes that the only values units in the population
can have are those that appeared in the sample. It then uses Polya sampling from
an urn containing the observed sample to simulate many complete copies of the 
population. With a judgment sample the simulation is broken into two steps.
First, a constrained  Polya sample is drawn from the $elds$ to simulate possible 
values for the $sibs$ consistent with the sample information. Then from this combined
set of values Polya sampling is used to simulated possible values for all the 
units not in the sample.

In practice drawing a sample from the constrained Polya posterior can be difficult.
So instead we use an importance sampling distribution to simulate possible 
values for the sibs. This is
done using the function $importsmpall$.

importsmpall<-function (elds, sibs) 
    n <- length(elds)
    ans <- rep(0, n)
    for (i in 1:n) {
        ans <- ans + importsmp(elds, i, sibs[[i]])

importsmp<-function (elds, ind, sibinfo) 
    k <- length(sibinfo)
    n <- length(elds)
    ans <- rep(0, n)
    if (k == 0) 
    for (j in 1:k) {
        dum <- importsmpone(elds, ind, sibinfo[j])
        ans[dum] <- ans[dum] + 1

importsmpone<-function (elds, ind, sibinfo)
    n <- length(elds)
    if (ind == 1) {
        if (sibinfo < 0) 
            ans <- 1
        else ans <- sample(2:n, 1)
    else if (ind == n) {
        if (sibinfo > 0) 
            ans <- n
        else ans <- sample(1:(n - 1), 1)
    else if (ind == n - 1) {
        if (sibinfo < 0) 
            ans <- sample(1:(ind - 1), 1)
        else ans <- n
    else {
        if (sibinfo < 0) 
            ans <- sample(1:(ind - 1), 1)
        else ans <- sample((ind + 1):n, 1)

importsmpall (elds, sibs) 

Note there were a total of 11 sibs in our sample and we see that  in 
this case 2 were assigned to  $y=1$ and 2 more to $y=2$ and so on.

Once we have assigned values to the sibs we can then simulated a completed 
copy of the population. Let $p_{i,j}$  denote the proportion of the 
 $j$th simulated population that takes on the value $eld[i]$. Now if we were generating
values for the sibs using their true distribution instead of our importance 
sampling distribution our estimate for $q_i$, the true proportion of units in 
the population with value $eld[i]$, would just be the average of the observed
$p_{i,j}$'s over our $R$ simulated copies. Instead for each simulation  
we need to find its importance sampling weight (up to a constant)  and then 
renormalize  them so that they sum to one. Our estimate for $q_i$ is then the 
weighted average of the $q_{i,j}$'s using these weights instead of taking 
the straight average. When estimating the population mean we do not need to 
carry out the second part of the simulation because conditional on a 
given  assignment of values to the sibs we know approximately
the expected value of the $q_i$'s, and then we  use the fact
that an expectation is equal to the expectation of a conditional expectation.
Then  we just use these expected values and the renormalized importance weights to find the 
$E(q_i)$'s  approximately. Once we have these posterior expectations we then 
can find our estimate of the population mean.

The next chunk of code finds the $E(q_i)$'s.

findwts<-function (elds, sibs, R) 
    n <- length(elds)
    imprtsmpwts <- rep(0, R)
    dirwts <- matrix(0, R, n)
    for (i in 1:R) {
        imptsib <- importsmpall(elds, sibs)
        imprtsmpwts[i]<-sum(lgamma(rep(1,n) + imptsib) - lgamma(rep(1,n)))
        dirwts[i, ] <- imptsib + 1
    for(i in 1:R){
      truimprtsmpwts[i]<-1/sum(exp(imprtsmpwts - imprtsmpwts[i]))
    avdirwts <- apply(dirwts, 2, function(x) sum(truimprtsmpwts *  x))



In order to get an interval estimate we need to find the effective sample 
size which is defined in the paper.

     n <- length(dd)
    ans <- rep(0, n)
    lw <- rep(0, n)
    up <- rep(0, n)
    for (i in 1:n) {
        dum <- dd[[i]]
        lw[i] <- lw[i] + length(dum[dum < 0])
        up[i] <- up[i] + length(dum[dum > 0])
    ans[1]<-lw[1] + (1/(n-1))*up[1]
    ans[n]<-(1/(n-1))*lw[n] + up[n]
    for(i in 2:(n-1)){
      ans[i]<-(1/(i-1))*lw[i] + (1/(n-i))*up[i]

 effsmpsz<-n + (1/2 - 2/n)*sibwt


The next chunk of  code  finds the variance of our point estimate of 
the population mean under the weighted
Dirichlet posterior where $y$ is the value of the $elds$ and $a$ are their respective
weights based on the $effsmpsz$.

        den<-a0*a0*(a0 + 1)

        for(i in 1:(n-1)){
                for(j in (i+1):n){
                        ans<-ans -2*y[i]*y[j]*a[i]*a[j]/den