Welcome to the Public health moment from the University of Minnesota. The week of December 4 is National Hand Washing Awareness Week. Why is hand washing so important? We asked Will Houston, director of the University of Minnesota's Center for Animal Health and Food Safety. Hand washing is the least expensive and most effective way you can protect your own health on a day to day basis. Our hands are everywhere. We touch everything. Everything we touch with our hands, we bring back to our mouth. How thoroughly should I wash? Takes attention to some detail. Meaning you want to scrub the inside of your palms, the back of your hands, between your fingers, under your nails. And for 20 s or more, how many times per day? The more that you can wash your hands, the better in the sense of minimizing the amount of exposure you're going to get. Listen, we are exposed to germs every minute of every day. The opportunity is to use hand washing to decrease the amount of exposure and decrease the route of exposure after washing. Do I really want to grab the rest room door handle when possible? When practical, it's a great strategy to use that paper towel after you've washed your hands to open the door. Pull the door open with your foot, chuck the paper towel in the trash can and go on your merry way with another public health moment. I'm John Finnegan.