Title: White-tailed deer density estimates for the eastern United States, 2008 Researcher: Brian Walters, US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service-Northern Research Station Researcher: Christopher Woodall, US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service-Northern Research Station Researcher: Matthew Russell, University of Minnesota General Description: This collection contains GIS data layers depicting white-tailed deer density estimates summarized between 2001 and 2005. Files: 1. deer_density_QDMA.zip = GIS shapefile depicting white-tailed deer density summarized between 2001 and 2005 by the Quality Deer Management Association for the eastern United States. Categories represent coarse deer density levels as identified in the QDMA report in 2009: (1) rare, absent, or urban area with unknown population, (2) less than 15 deer per square mile, (3) 15 to 30 deer per square mile, (4) 30 to 40 deer per square mile, or (5) greater than 45 deer per square mile. References: Quality Deer Management Association. 2009. QDMA Whitetail Report, 2009. Bogart, GA. 68 pp. Available at: http://www.qdma.com/uploads/pdf/WhitetailReport09.pdf Notes: Deer density estimates represent levels summarized between 2001 and 2005 and should not be used to represent current or future deer density levels.