Date: 11/09/10 [[BR]] Location: Tri Valley [[BR]] Aircraft: Loki and FASER [[BR]] Pilot: Arion Mangio, Garrison Hoe [[BR]] Flights: 1 Loki, 1 FASER [[BR]] [source:/trunk/FlightData/2010_11_09 Link to Flight Data] Arion and myself took Loki and FASER to UMORE Park today. Weather was excellent, sunny, SE winds at 8-13 MPH, temps around 55F. The objectives for the deployment were: 1. Shoot video for the ITS promo video. 2. Get repeat data on FDI programs. We completed two flights, one each for Loki and FASER. Nikolai, the videographer, shot footage of us setting up the aircraft, controls checks, flights, and post-flight. Though the actual video used will be short (~15sec), he will give us all of the footage for our own use, which will be great for our website and presentations. While we were prepping, a UMN employee came by and informed us the R/C club lease had been terminated. I informed him we were with the U, and he was OK with us flying there. He expected that the site would be plowed up and used as farmland in the interim. He did not have any information regarding the timing of any further use of the site. Loki Flight 26: FDI-LQR+MRAC; good flight, a bit windy. Only two controller engagements. End of flight included several low altitude, low speed passes for video. FASER: good flight, aerobatic maneuvers and low altitude passes for video. Back to FlightReports