Date: 10/8/10 [[BR]] Location: Tri Valley [[BR]] Aircraft: Odin & Loki [[BR]] Pilot: Garrison Hoe [[BR]] Flights: 6 total; 4 Odin, 2 Loki[[BR]] [source:/trunk/FlightData/2010_10_08 Link to Flight Data] Garrison and myself went to Tri Valley with both Ultra Sticks. Weather was good, but the winds started getting gusty around 10:00. The test objectives were: 1. Test revised FDI algorithm with LQR and baseline controller 2. Test new adaptive controller (MRAC) that augments the LQR controller, in conjunction with FDI filter/fault injection. 3. Run pitch/roll doublets on LQR controller. 4. Run multi-sine PID inputs with increased amplitude. We completed 6 flights and met objectives 1, 3, and 4; notes as follows for each flight number: Odin Flight 18: MicroNav, LQR controller, FDI filter. Nominal flight. Did not notice yaw rate failure in controller response. Did notice flap fault injection. FDI indicators on GCS showed many false positives. Odin Flight 19: MicroNav, LQR+MRAC, FDI. For first attempt at MRAC, we went up to ~130 meters altitude. Upon engaging the controller, the aircraft immediately rolled inverted. Manual control as asserted. The controller was engaged again, and performed a nice aileron roll. Manual control was resumed, and the flight terminated. Odin Flight 20: MicroNav, baseline controller, FDI; nominal flight, similar to Odin Flight 18. Aircraft tended to circle instead of track a straight heading, making long runs difficult. Odin Flight 21: MicroNav, LQR, doublets: nominal flight, doublets with the LQR controller. Loki Flight 07: new avionics, LQR, doublets: doublet repeat, nominal flight. Loki Flight 08: new avionics, LQR, PID: PID inputs with higher amplitude. Winds making it difficult to complete wavetrain. Actions & notes: 1. Upon starting up the new avionics, we were not getting GPS DATA. We pulled the wing, and wiggled the TTL lines, and were able to get data. These should be resoldered and hot glued for strain relief. DONE. 2. Data for new GPS still shows several checksum errors, but not always happening at integer multiples of 6 seconds. [[BR]] The iSensor appears to have high noise on Ax and Ay channels in particular. The following figures compare the LQR doublet response from Odin Flight 21 (with MicroNav) to Loki Flight 07 (with iSensor). The rate gyros are slightly noisier than the MicroNav. Note this increased noise doesn't seem to affect the euler angle solution, but the noise on the accels in particular makes system ID nearly impossible. Looking at other flights with iSensor data, this noise is present, and fluctuates with engine RPM. While we don't measure RPM or throttle setting, when in "auto" mode, the throttle is at 60%, and when in manual mode, the pilots generally use higher throttle settings. The frequency content of the Ay signal in auto mode is mainly below 5 Hz, but while in manual mode, large spikes appear around 14-15Hz, which may be some kind of structural vibration. On other flights the high frequency energy ranges from 10Hz up to 20Hz. [[Image(MNAVvsiSensor_accels.jpg, 85%)]] [[Image(MNAVvsiSensor_rates.jpg, 85%)]] [[Image(MNAVvsiSensor_eulerangles.jpg, 85%)]] [[Image(flight5_ay.jpg, 85%)]] [[Image(flight5_ay_spect_auto.jpg, 85%)]] [[Image(flight5_ay_spect_manual.jpg, 85%)]] Back to FlightReports