Classes: Bare or compacted earth ATTEMPT Bare or compacted earth Buildings Elevated Greenspace Fountain or Pool Impervious and unknown Roads Shrub Trees Turf Vegetation Superclass Vegetation Superclass 2010 Water Process: Main: Rule Set Version 114 \\ Create NDVI and nDSM layers via arithmatic functions do layer arithmetics: layer arithmetics (val "(NIR2010-Red2010)/(NIR2010+Red2010)", layer NDVI2010[32Bit float ]) layer arithmetics: layer arithmetics (val "(NIR2013-Red2013)/(NIR2013+Red2013)", layer NDVI2013[32Bit float ]) layer arithmetics: layer arithmetics (val "DSM-DEM", layer nDSM[32Bit float ]) \\ Segment into pixels \\ do chessboard segmentation: chess board: 1 creating 'New Level' \\ Classify water using NWI do classification: unclassified with "CIRC39_CLA": Water > 1 at New Level: Water \\ Use OSM (file has been modified in ArcMap by AWA to approximate 2010-2013 features) to classify buildings (exclusive of skyway structures) NOTE: errors of omission --- especially residential buildings are not digitized in this layer. do classification: unclassified with "osm_id": Buildings >= 0 and ("type": Buildings <> "skyway" ) at New Level: Buildings \\ Find pixels with veg signal that overlap with building layer. This begins extraction and delineation of elevated greenspaces. do classification: Buildings with Mean NDVI2013 > 0.1 at New Level: Elevated Greenspace classification: Buildings with Mean NDVI2010 > 0.1 and (Mean NDVI2013 > -0.3 ) at New Level: Elevated Greenspace \\ Find pixels with veg signal using NAIP 2010 and 2013. Classify separately at first then bring them all into one "Vegetation Superclass" classification. do classification: unclassified with Mean NDVI2013 > 0.13 at New Level: Vegetation Superclass classification: unclassified with Mean NDVI2010 > 0.1 and (Mean NDVI2013 > -0.3 ) at New Level: Vegetation Superclass 2010 do classification: Vegetation Superclass 2010 at New Level: Vegetation Superclass \\ Refine delineation of Elevated Greenspace objects. Remedy some errors of comission caused where trees overhang low buildings and are therefore initially interpreted as elevated greenspace. do merge region: Elevated Greenspace at New Level: merge region merge region: Buildings at New Level: merge region do classification: Elevated Greenspace with Rel. border to Buildings <= 0.65 at New Level: Vegetation Superclass classification: Buildings with Rel. border to Elevated Greenspace = 1 at New Level: Elevated Greenspace merge region: Elevated Greenspace at New Level: merge region classification: Elevated Greenspace with Area <= 4 Pxl at New Level: Buildings classification: Elevated Greenspace with Width <= 2 Pxl at New Level: Buildings merge region: Buildings at New Level: merge region \\ Produce edge extraction and sigma layers to discern more about texture do edge extraction lee sigma: edge extraction lee sigma (10.0, Dark) 'NDVI2010' => 'LS_DarkNDVI2010' median filter: median filter (7 x 1): 'LS_DarkNDVI2010' => 'LS_DarkNDVI2010_Median7' edge extraction lee sigma: edge extraction lee sigma (10.0, Dark) 'NDVI2013' => 'LS_DarkNDVI2013' median filter: median filter (7 x 1): 'LS_DarkNDVI2013' => 'LS_DarkNDVI2013_Median7' \\ 30 minutes - Segment vegetation areas using intensity, edge extraction, and NDVI (2010 and 2013) do multiresolution segmentation: Vegetation Superclass at New Level: 10 [shape:0.9 compct.:0.1] assign class: Vegetation Superclass with Mean nDSM <= 1.75 at New Level: Turf assign class: Vegetation Superclass with Mean nDSM > 1.75 and Mean nDSM < 2.5 at New Level: Shrub assign class: Vegetation Superclass with Mean nDSM >= 2.5 at New Level: Trees \\ 15 to 33 minutes --- segment unclassified areas using NAIP (2010 and 13) as well as intensity to extract bare earth do multiresolution segmentation: unclassified at New Level: 10 [shape:0.7 compct.:0.3] do classification: unclassified with Mean NDVI2013 >= 0.036 at New Level: Bare or compacted earth classification: unclassified with Mean NDVI2010 >= 0.04 at New Level: Bare or compacted earth \\ merge water pixels for simplification do merge region: Water at New Level: merge region \\ Classify roads using OSM layer --- footways were omitted before 3 meter buffer polygon layer was made. do chessboard segmentation: unclassified at New Level: chess board: 1 assign class: unclassified with "BUFF_DIST": RoadBuffer = 3 at New Level: Roads merge region: Roads at New Level: merge region \\ 4 to 13 minutes do multiresolution segmentation: unclassified at New Level: 18 [shape:0.9 compct.:0.1] do assign class: unclassified with Mean NDVI2010 >= 0.01 at New Level: Bare or compacted earth ATTEMPT assign class: Bare or compacted earth ATTEMPT at New Level: Bare or compacted earth assign class: unclassified with Mean NDVI2013 >= -0.0114 at New Level: Bare or compacted earth ATTEMPT assign class: Bare or compacted earth ATTEMPT at New Level: Bare or compacted earth \\ Clean up tiny objects do merge region: Bare or compacted earth at New Level: merge region merge region: Turf at New Level: merge region merge region: Trees at New Level: merge region merge region: Shrub at New Level: merge region classification: Bare or compacted earth with Area <= 9 Pxl and Rel. border to Turf >= 0.75 at New Level: Turf classification: Bare or compacted earth with Area <= 9 Pxl and Rel. border to Trees >= 0.75 at New Level: Trees classification: Bare or compacted earth with Area <= 9 Pxl and Rel. border to Shrub >= 0.75 at New Level: Shrub merge region: Turf at New Level: merge region merge region: Trees at New Level: merge region merge region: Shrub at New Level: merge region \\ Most all unclassified objects now become "Impervious and unknown" --- identify fountains as possible habitat features object-by-object because I cannot find a universal attribute to extract them. do assign class: unclassified at New Level: Impervious and unknown assign class: Impervious and unknown with Mean Intensity > 91.46 and Mean Intensity < 91.48 and Area = 295 Pxl and Min. pixel value Blue2010 = 70 at New Level: Fountain or Pool assign class: Impervious and unknown with Mean Intensity > 86.81 and Mean Intensity < 86.83 and Area = 597 Pxl and Min. pixel value Blue2010 = 66 at New Level: Fountain or Pool assign class: Impervious and unknown with Mean Intensity > 107.52 and Mean Intensity < 107.54 and Area = 147 Pxl and Min. pixel value Blue2010 = 83 at New Level: Fountain or Pool assign class: Impervious and unknown with Mean Intensity > 107.39 and Mean Intensity < 107.41 and Area = 337 Pxl and Min. pixel value Blue2010 = 77 at New Level: Fountain or Pool assign class: Impervious and unknown with Mean Intensity > 64.76 and Mean Intensity < 64.78 and Area = 426 Pxl and Min. pixel value Blue2010 = 82 at New Level: Fountain or Pool assign class: Impervious and unknown with Mean Intensity > 56.42 and Mean Intensity < 56.44 and Area = 384 Pxl and Min. pixel value Blue2010 = 66 at New Level: Fountain or Pool assign class: Impervious and unknown with Mean Intensity > 115.55 and Mean Intensity < 115.57 and Area = 115 Pxl and Min. pixel value Blue2010 = 71 at New Level: Fountain or Pool merge region: Fountain or Pool at New Level: merge region do merge region: Impervious and unknown at New Level: merge region \\ Clean up tiny objects do assign class: Bare or compacted earth, Shrub, Trees, Turf with Area <= 4 Pxl and Rel. border to Impervious and unknown >= 0.5 at New Level: Impervious and unknown merge region: Impervious and unknown at New Level: merge region do merge region: Impervious and unknown at New Level: merge region merge region: Turf at New Level: merge region \\ Clean up tiny objects that are engulfed within road features. do assign class: Bare or compacted earth, Buildings, Elevated Greenspace, Impervious and unknown, Shrub, Trees, Turf with Area <= 4 Pxl and Rel. border to Roads = 1 at New Level: Roads merge region: Roads at New Level: merge region \\ Export classification product as a shapefile do export vector layer: at New Level: export object shapes to ObjectShapes