This readme.txt file was generated on <20190306> by ------------------- GENERAL INFORMATION ------------------- 1. Title of Dataset: Metro Transit Diesel Bus Engine Measurement Data for 19 Days in Winter 2014 in Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN, USA 2. Author Information Principal Investigator Contact Information Name: William Northrop Institution: Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities Address: 4-192, Keller Hall, 200 Union St. S.E. , Minneapolis, MN 55455 Email: Associate or Co-investigator Contact Information Name: Shashi Shekhar Institution: Department of Computer Science, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities Address:209 Mechanical Engineering Department, 111 Church Street SE, Minneapolis, MN 55455 Email: 3. Date of data collection: 20140116 - 20140213 4. Geographic location of data collection (where was data collected?): Minneapolis, MN USA 5. Information about funding sources that supported the collection of the data: National Science Foundation -------------------------- SHARING/ACCESS INFORMATION -------------------------- Licenses/restrictions placed on the data: CC0 1.0 Universal Links to publications that cite or use the data: a) Discovering Non-compliant Window Co-Occurrence Patterns: A Summary of Results b)Discovering non-compliant window co-occurrence patterns Recommended citation for the data: Kotz, Andrew J; Northrop, William F. (2019). Metro Transit Diesel Bus Engine Measurement Data for 19 Days in Winter 2014 in Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN, USA. Retrieved from the Data Repository for the University of Minnesota, --------------------- DATA & FILE OVERVIEW --------------------- 1. File List A. Filename: Data.csv Short description: The data file containing the on-board diagnostic readings for the diesel bus. B. Filename: ColumnDesciption.xlsx Short description: A spreadsheet listing the each variable in the dataset, the data type of the variable and its description. C. Filename: Readme.txt 2. Relationship between files: ColumnDescription.xlsx represents a metadata file describing the columns/variables in the data file Data.csv. 3. Additional related data collected that was not included in the current data package: 4. Are there multiple versions of the dataset? yes/no No -------------------------- METHODOLOGICAL INFORMATION -------------------------- 1. Description of methods used for collection/generation of data: Performed a case study on a real-world dataset collected from an on-board sensor on a transit bus in the Minneapolis-St. Paul area, USA. The dataset measured several engine and environmental variables at a rate of 1 Hz. Data points covered roughly 19 days ( ≈ 176 trips) on three different routes, ensuring the data was not biased by a specific route. 2. Methods for processing the data: 3. Instrument- or software-specific information needed to interpret the data: 4. Standards and calibration information, if appropriate: 5. Environmental/experimental conditions: 6. Describe any quality-assurance procedures performed on the data: The columns with zeros are the times where the bus cannot receive a GPS signal (e.g. at the depot). There are also some other variables that are mostly zero (e.g. HeatInT and HeatOutT which represent the heater fuel flow temperature). Some variables are also listed as "Not available" in the metadata file describing the dataset and thus are always read as a zero. 7. People involved with sample collection, processing, analysis and/or submission: ----------------------------------------- DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: [FILENAME] ----------------------------------------- 1. Number of variables: 133 2. Number of cases/rows: 924,235 3. Variable List 1 Name: Iteration Description: bigint(20), Seconds elapsed since 12:00am, Friday, January 1, 1904 2 Name: GPSiter Description: bigint(20), GPS seconds since 12:00am, Friday, January 1, 1904 3 Name: Year Description: smallint(6), Year 4 Name: Month Description: tinyint(4), Month 5 Name: Day Description: tinyint(4), Day of the month 6 Name: Hour Description: tinyint(4), hour (0-23) 7 Name: Min Description: tinyint(4), minute (0-59) 8 Name: Sec Description: tinyint(4), second (0-59) 9 Name: Latitude Description: double, Latitude 10 Name: Longitude Description: double, Longitude 11 Name: GPSspeed Description: double, GPS speed in Miles per hour 12 Name: Elevation Description: double, elevation in meters 13 Name: Frontair Description: double, front air bag pressure in psi 14 Name: Streetair Description: double, rear street air bag pressure in psi 15 Name: Curbair Description: double, rear curb air bag pressure in psi 16 Name: EnginT Description: double, engine fuel flow in temperature 17 Name: EngoutT Description: double, engine fuel flow out temperature 18 Name: HeatinT Description: double, heater fuel flow oin temperature 19 Name: HeatoutT Description: double, heater fuel flow out temperature 20 Name: psorbatt Description: double, 1503 - power steering pressure in psi, 7290 - battury current (amps) 21 Name: wtortrac Description: double, 1503 - wet tank pressure in psi, 7290 - traction motor current (amps) 22 Name: ulorgen Description: double, 1503 - unloader pressure in psi, 7290 - generator current (amps) 23 Name: ambT Description: double, ambient temperature measured from bus in celsius 24 Name: evapT Description: double, Air conditioning evaporator temperature in celsius 25 Name: condT Description: double, air conditioning condenser temperature in celsius 26 Name: Loaders Description: double, air conditioning loading (2 = full load, 0 = no load) 27 Name: Fanamps Description: double, electric fan current amps 28 Name: altamps Description: double, alernator current amps 29 Name: 5v Description: double, 5 volt source voltage 30 Name: EnginLph Description: double, engine fuel flow in (liters per hour) 31 Name: EngoutLph Description: double, engine fuel flow out(liters per hour) 32 Name: HeatinLph Description: double, heater fuel flow in (liters per hour) 33 Name: HeatoutLph Description: double, heater fuel flow out (literrs per hour) 34 Name: availmaxpctTq Description: double, available maximum percent torque 35 Name: accelpedalpos Description: double, accelerator pedal position (0 - 100%) 36 Name: engpctLd Description: double, engine percent load of max 37 Name: engrpm Description: double, engine speed (RPM) 38 Name: actengpctTq Description: double, actual engine percent torque 39 Name: demandpctTq Description: double, demanded engine percent torque 40 Name: actgearratio Description: double, actual gear ratio 41 Name: selgearratio Description: double, slected gear ratio 42 Name: curgear Description: double, current gear ratio 43 Name: EGRkgph Description: double, exhaust gas recirculation mass flow rate (kg per hour) 44 Name: Airinkgph Description: double, air intake mass flow rate (kg per hour) 45 Name: SCRinppm Description: double, Selective Catilytic reduction inlet Nox in parts per milion 46 Name: SCRoutppm Description: double, Selective Catilytic reduction outlet Nox in parts per milion 47 Name: OxCatinT Description: double, oxidation catylist inlet temperature 48 Name: SCRinT Description: double, Selective Catilytic reduction inlet temperature (celsius) 49 Name: SCRoutT Description: double, Selective Catilytic reduction oulet temperature (celsius) 50 Name: DPFldpct Description: double, Diesel Particulate Filter load percent 51 Name: tsinceregen Description: double, Time since last regen (seconds) 52 Name: DPFoutkpa Description: double, Diesel Particualte Filter outlet pressure (kpa) 53 Name: DPFdiffkpa Description: double, Diesel Particulate filter differential pressure (kpa) 54 Name: DPFoutT Description: double, Diesel particulate outlet temperature (celsius) 55 Name: ExhaustT Description: double, Exhaust gas temperature (celsius) 56 Name: DPFinT Description: double, Dieselparticulate filter inlet tmeperature (celsius) 57 Name: DEFlev Description: double, Diesel Exhaust Fluid Level (0-100%) 58 Name: DEFT Description: double, Diesel exhaust fluid temperature 59 Name: Exhaustkpa Description: double, exhaust gas pressure (kpa) 60 Name: Compinkpa Description: double, turbo compressor intake pressure (kpa) 61 Name: CompinT Description: double, turbo compressor intake tmepreature (celsius) 62 Name: EGRT Description: double, Exhaust gass recirculation tmeperature (celsius) 63 Name: Totdist Description: double, tot vehicle distnace in kilometers 64 Name: Turborpm Description: double, turbo speed (RPM) 65 Name: frctpcttq Description: double, friction percent of max torque 66 Name: engrpm1 Description: double, not available 67 Name: pcttq2 Description: double, not available 68 Name: engrpm2 Description: double, not available 69 Name: pcttq3 Description: double, not available 70 Name: engrpm3 Description: double, not available 71 Name: pcttq4 Description: double, not available 72 Name: engrpm4 Description: double, not available 73 Name: pcttq5 Description: double, not available 74 Name: engrpm5 Description: double, not available 75 Name: pcttq6 Description: double, not available 76 Name: engrpm6 Description: double, not available 77 Name: engreftq Description: double, not available 78 Name: enginertia Description: double, not available 79 Name: engcoolantT Description: double, engine coolant tmeperature (Celsius) 80 Name: Wheelspeed Description: double, wheel speed from transmission (km per hour) 81 Name: engfuelLph Description: double, engine fueling rate (liters per hour) 82 Name: Instfuelecon Description: double, intantaneous fuel economy (kilometers per liter) not accurate 83 Name: ambTCAN Description: double, ambient temperature form CAN 84 Name: IntakeT Description: double, intake tmeperature (celsius) 85 Name: ecoolpwr Description: double, electronics cooling package power watts 86 Name: MTScoolpwr Description: double, mts cooling pump power watts 87 Name: MTSlubepwr Description: double, mts lube pump power watts 88 Name: ACsuckpa Description: double, air conditioning suction perssure kpa 89 Name: ACdiskpa Description: double, air conditioning discharge pressure kpa 90 Name: ISMspeed Description: double, ism vehicle speed MPH 91 Name: ACCompon Description: double, ac compressor on (0 or 3) 92 Name: AirCompOn Description: double, air compressor on (0 or 3) 93 Name: 28Vdcpwr Description: double, 28 volt line accessory power (kW) 94 Name: 230Vacpwr Description: double, 230 volt line accessory power (kW) 95 Name: FiltGPSspeed Description: double, kalman filtered GPS speed (MPH) 96 Name: GPSV2 Description: double, GPS areodynamic velocity ((m/s)^2) 97 Name: GPSa Description: double, GPS chariceristic acceleration (m/s^2) 98 Name: WheelV2 Description: double, Wheel based vehicle speed areodynamic velocity ((m/s)^2) 99 Name: Wheela Description: double, Wheel based vehicle speed chariceristic acceleration (m/s^2) 100 Name: FiltV2 Description: double, kalman filtered Wheel based vehicle speed areodynamic velocity ((m/s)^2) 101 Name: Filta Description: double, kalman filtered Wheel based vehicle speed areodynamic velocity (m/s^2) 102 Name: Airpwr Description: double, air compressor power (kw) 103 Name: Acpwr Description: double, air conditioning power (kw) 104 Name: Altpwr Description: double, alternator power (kw) 105 Name: Alteff Description: double, alternator efficiency 106 Name: PSpwr Description: double, power steering power (kW) 107 Name: Pseff Description: double, power steering efficiency 108 Name: Totallbs Description: double, total weight lbs 109 Name: Addlbs Description: double, additional weight lbs 110 Name: CO2gps Description: double, Carbon dioxide production (grams per second) 111 Name: Fuelconskgph Description: double, fuel consumption (grams per second) 112 Name: BkTq Description: double, brake torque (Nm) 113 Name: Bkpwr Description: double, brake power (kw) 114 Name: EngTq Description: double, engine torque (Nm 115 Name: Engpwr Description: double, enigne power (kw) 116 Name: FrctTq Description: double, friction trorque (Nm) 117 Name: Frctpwr Description: double, friction power (kw) 118 Name: SCRingps Description: double, scr in grams per second 119 Name: SCRoutgps Description: double, scr out grams per second 120 Name: NTERPM Description: tinyint(4), not available 121 Name: NTETq Description: tinyint(4), not availabl 122 Name: NTEpwr Description: tinyint(4), not available 123 Name: NTEcool Description: tinyint(4), not available 124 Name: NTEintake Description: tinyint(4), not available 125 Name: NTEexhaust Description: tinyint(4), not available 126 Name: NTE Description: tinyint(4), not available 127 Name: ptorgar Description: tinyint(4), at a point or garage? (1 or 0) 128 Name: Route Description: tinyint(4), route (0-none, 21, 46, 54) 129 Name: Pass Description: tinyint(4), daily pass of route 130 Name: MSPT Description: double, MSP air port tmeperature (fairenheit) 131 Name: MSPdewpt Description: double, MPS dew point 132 Name: MSPhum Description: double, MSP humidity 133 Name: MPSpress Description: double, MPS pressure (in)