M-199 Bedrock Geology of the Mark Lake Quadrangle, Cook County, Minnesota T.J. Boerboom and J.C. Green Minnesota Geological Survey 2018 Miscellaneous Map Series Files are UTM NAD83, Zone 15 Includes: M199_MarkLake_bg.pdf--Map plate Zipped mark_lake_m199.zip Within zip: Unpacking creates new folder: mark_lake_m199: Photos folder with jpeg images File geodabases: m199_ML.gdb: bgpg--bedrock polygons contact--contacts and faults cwi_well_locs--county well index water well locations reaching bedrock geochem_samp_locs--point locations for geochemistry samples, see attribute table and pdf for more information lineaments--line file of lineaments and fold axis outcrop_locs--poly file of outcrop locations photo_loc--point file of site where photos were taken. Hyperlinked in the mxd to JPG images in the Photos folder study area--outline of Mark Lake Quad xs_locs--line file showing cross section locations MGS_strpt_tjb.gdb: StationData/mk_lk_strpts_2017--point file showing structure measurements. Shown in the mxd as ESRI Representations mark_lake_m199.mxd--Esri Arcmap project MarkLakeBase.TIF--USGS basemap shown as transparent tiff.