This Readme.txt file was generated on October 6, 2017 by John Fieberg ------------------- GENERAL INFORMATION ------------------- 1. Title: Data, R Code, and Output Supporting "An Historical Overview and Update of Wolf-Moose Interactions in Northeastern Minnesota" 2. Author Information Name: John R. Fieberg Institution: Department of Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology Address: University of Minnesota-Twin Cities Email: jfieberg [at] Name: L. David Mech Institution: U.S. Geological Survey, Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center Address: 8711 37th St. SE, Jamestown, ND 58401, USA Email: david_mech [at] Name: Shannon Barber-Meyer Institution: U.S. Geological Survey, Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center Address: 8711 37th St. SE, Jamestown, ND 58401, USA Email: sbarber-meyer [at] 3. Date of data collection: 1983-2017 4. Geographic location of data collection (where was data collected?): Northeastern Minnesota 5. Information about funding sources that supported the collection of the data: this study was funded by the U. S. Geological Survey. Moose survey data was collected by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. -------------------------- SHARING/ACCESS INFORMATION -------------------------- 1. Licenses/restrictions placed on the data: These data are protected under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike International 4.0 license. 2. Links to publications that cite or use the data: Mech, L. David, J. Fieberg, and S. Barber-Meyer. In press. An historical overview and update of wolf-moose interactions in Northeastern Minnesota. Wildlife Society Bulletin. 3. Recommended citation for the data: Fieberg, J., L. D. Mech, and S. Barber-Meyer. 2017. R Code and Output Supporting: An Historical Overview and Update of Wolf-Moose Interactions in Northeastern Minnesota. Retrieved from the Data Repository for the University of Minnesota, --------------------- DATA & FILE OVERVIEW --------------------- 1. File List A. MooseWolfDataUpdated.csv = data set containing wolf counts, moose counts, moose calf:cow ratios, and moose calf:population ratios in NE MN from 1983-2017, analyzed and reported by Mech et al. (in press). B. RegressionRevisited.html = contains all R code (and associated output) to replicate the analyses in Mech et al. (in press). C. RegressionRevisitedMinus1996.html = contains all R code and associated output from the sensitivity analysis reported by Mech et al. (in press). The sensitivity analysis involved fitting the same statistical models, but after dropping data from 1996. D. Figure2Plots.html = code to produce Figure 2 in Mech et al. (in press). E. = All Program R code files (.R exentions) and data needed to replicate manuscript results. Contains Program R files (.R extension) for each of the above .html files. Also includes copy of the data (MooseWolfDataUpdated.csv) and an RStudio project file. -------------------------- METHODOLOGICAL INFORMATION -------------------------- 1. Description of methods used for collection/generation of data: see Mech et al. (in press) for an overview. The methods used to for monitoring wolf numbers are described in Mech (1973), Mech (1986), Mech (2009), and Mech and Fieberg (2014). The moose data were collected by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. Moose survey methods are described in Karns (1982), Lenarz (1998), Giudice et al. (2012), and DelGiudice (2017). 2. Methods for processing the data: Programs were written for Program R (R Core Team 2017) and full session information, including packages used, are provided at the bottom of each example.html file. ----------------------------------------- DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: MooseWolfDataUpdated.csv ----------------------------------------- 1. Number of variables: 6 2. Number of cases/rows: 36 3. Missing data codes: blank (read in as NA in R) 4. Variable List A. Year Year of the observation, refers to the year at the end of winter (e.g., 1983 = winter 1982-1983). B. wlfdens Estimated number of wolves in the wolf study area during the winter of the given Year C. prvwfden Estimated number of wolves in the wolf study area during the previous winter (i.e., Year-1) D. moose Estimated number of moose in NE MN (in the area surveyed by the MN Dept. of Natural Resources) during the given Year E. calf:cow Estimated moose calf:cow ratio in NE MN (in the area surveyed by the MN Dept. of Natural Resources) during the given Year F. ca:total Estimated moose calf:population ratio in NE MN (in the area surveyed by the MN Dept. of Natural Resources) during the given Year Note: survey variables and log annual growth rates are created and appended to this data set using code contained in RegressionRevisited.R ----------------------------------------- References DelGiudice, G. D. 2017. 2017 aerial moose survey. Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, St. Paul, Minnesota, USA. Giudice, J., J. Fieberg, and M. Lenarz. 2012. Spending degrees of freedom in a poor economy: a case study of building a sightability model for moose in northeastern Minnesota. Journal of Wildlife Management 76:75-87. Karns, P.D. 1982. Twenty-plus years of aerial moose census in Minnesota. Alces 18:186-196. Lenarz, M. S. 1998. Precision and bias of aerial moose surveys in northeastern Minnesota. Alces 34:117-124. Mech, L. D. 1973. Wolf numbers in the Superior National Forest of Minnesota. USDA Forest Service Research Paper NC-97, Saint Paul, Minnesota, USA. Mech, L. D. 1986. Wolf numbers and population trend in the Superior National Forest, 1967-1985. U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service, North Central Forest Experiment Station, Research Paper NC-270, St. Paul, Minnesota. Mech, L.D. 2009. Long-term research on wolves in the Superior National Forest. Pages 15-34 in A. P. Wydeven, T. R. VanDeelen, and E. J. Heske, editors. Recovery of gray wolf in the Great Lakes Region of the United States: an endangered species success story. Springer, New York, New York, USA. Mech, L. D., and J. Fieberg. 2014. Re-evaluating the northeastern Minnesota moose decline and the role of wolves. Journal of Wildlife Management 78:1143-1150. Mech, L. D., J. Fieberg, and S. Barber-Meyer. In press. An historical overview and update of wolf-moose interactions in Northeastern Minnesota. Wildlife Society Bulletin. R Core Team. (2017). R: A language and environment for statistical computing. R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria. -----------------------------------------