This codebook.txt file was generated on 2019-05-09 by Alexander Susko ------------------- GENERAL INFORMATION ------------------- 1. Title of Dataset: DRUM_Published_Windtunnel_Videos 2. Author Information Principal Investigator Contact Information Name: Alexander Susko Institution: University of Minnesota Address: 411 Borlaug Hall Email: Associate or Co-investigator Contact Information Name: D. Jo Heuschele Institution: University of Minnesota Address: 411 Borlaug Hall Associate or Co-investigator Contact Information Name: Kevin Smith Institution: University of Minnesota Address: 411 Borlaug Hall 3. Date of data collection (single date, range, approximate date) 2018-03-20, 2018-03-21, 2018-03-22 4. Geographic location of data collection (where was data collected?): University of Minnesota Saint Anthony Falls Laboratory Wind Tunnel 5. Information about funding sources that supported the collection of the data: University of Minnesota Interdisciplinary Doctoral Fellowship -------------------------- SHARING/ACCESS INFORMATION -------------------------- 1. Licenses/restrictions placed on the data: None 2. Links to publications that cite or use the data: Under Review 3. Links to other publicly accessible locations of the data: 4. Links/relationships to ancillary data sets: 5. Was data derived from another source? No If yes, list source(s): 6. Recommended citation for the data: Manuscript publication “A wind tunnel analysis of cereal crops for insights on lodging resistance” --------------------- DATA & FILE OVERVIEW --------------------- 1. File List Filename: 1.MP4 Short description: block a Filename: 2.MP4 Short description: block a Filename:3.MP4 Short description:block a Filename:4.MP4 Short description: block a Filename: 5.MP4 Short description: block a Filename: 6.MP4 Short description:block a Filename: 8.MP4 Short description: block a Filename: 9.MP4 Short description: block a Filename: 10.MP4 Short description:block a Filename: 12.MP4 Short description: block a Filename: 15.MP4 Short description: block a Filename: 16.MP4 Short description:block a Filename: 17.MP4 Short description: block a Filename: 18.MP4 Short description: block a Filename: 20.MP4 Short description:block a Filename: 21.MP4 Short description: block a Filename: 22.MP4 Short description: block a Filename: 23.MP4 Short description: block a Filename: 24.MP4 Short description: block a Filename: 25.MP4 Short description: block a Filename: 27.MP4 Short description: block a Filename: 28.MP4 Short description: block a Filename: 29.MP4 Short description: block a Filename: 30.MP4 Short description:block a Filename: 32.MP4 Short description: block a Filename: 35.MP4 Short description: block a Filename: 37.MP4 Short description:block a Filename: 38.MP4 Short description: block a Filename: 39.MP4 Short description: block a Filename: 101.MP4 Short description:block b Filename: 105.MP4 Short description: block b Filename: 106.MP4 Short description: block b Filename: 107.MP4 Short description:block b Filename: 108.MP4 Short description: block b Filename: 109.MP4 Short description: block b Filename: 110.MP4 Short description:block b Filename: 111.MP4 Short description: block b Filename: 113.MP4 Short description: block b Filename: 114.MP4 Short description:block b Filename: 115.MP4 Short description: block b Filename: 116.MP4 Short description: block b Filename: 117.MP4 Short description:block b Filename: 118.MP4 Short description: block b Filename: 119.MP4 Short description: block b Filename: 120.MP4 Short description:block b Filename: 121.MP4 Short description: block b Filename: 122.MP4 Short description: block b Filename: 123.MP4 Short description:block b Filename: 124.MP4 Short description: block b Filename: 125.MP4 Short description: block b Filename: 126.MP4 Short description: block b Filename: 128.MP4 Short description: block b Filename: 129.MP4 Short description: block b Filename: 130.MP4 Short description: block b Filename: 131.MP4 Short description: block b Filename: 132.MP4 Short description: block b Filename: 134.MP4 Short description: block b Filename: 136.MP4 Short description: block b Filename: 137.MP4 Short description: block b Filename: 138.MP4 Short description: block b Filename: 139.MP4 Short description: block b Filename: 202.MP4 Short description: block c Filename: 203.MP4 Short description: block c Filename: 204.MP4 Short description: block c Filename: 205.MP4 Short description: block c Filename: 206.MP4 Short description: block c Filename: 207.MP4 Short description: block c Filename: 208.MP4 Short description: block c Filename: 209.MP4 Short description: block c Filename: 210.MP4 Short description:block c Filename: 212.MP4 Short description: block c Filename: 214.MP4 Short description: block c Filename: 215.MP4 Short description:block c Filename: 216.MP4 Short description: block c Filename: 217.MP4 Short description: block c Filename: 220.MP4 Short description:block c Filename: 222.MP4 Short description: block c Filename: 224.MP4 Short description: block c Filename: 225.MP4 Short description:block c Filename: 226.MP4 Short description: block c Filename: 227.MP4 Short description: block c Filename: 228.MP4 Short description:block c Filename: 229.MP4 Short description: block c Filename: 230.MP4 Short description: block c Filename: 231.MP4 Short description:block c Filename: 232.MP4 Short description: block c Filename: 233.MP4 Short description: block c Filename: 234.MP4 Short description:block c Filename: 235.MP4 Short description: block c Filename: 236.MP4 Short description: block c Filename: 237.MP4 Short description:block c Filename: 238.MP4 Short description: block c Filename: 239.MP4 Short description: block c 2. Relationship between files: The block descriptor indicates that files were created on the same date, with block a imaged on 2018-03-20, block b on 2018-03-21, and block c on 2018-03-22. Cereal crop variety names are given in potnames.csv, with the field “pot” indicating the pot number corresponding to the video name preceding the .MP$ extension, the field “block” indicating which blocking factor (date video captured and position on greenhouse bench) where the pot originated, “line” the variety name of the plant tested in a given video, and “crop” indicating which major cereal crop the variety belongs to (oat, wheat, 2-row or 6-row barley). 3. Additional related data collected that was not included in the current data package: Matlab script for analysis, along with cropping functions and associated csv file for plant heights are available in the github repository 4. Are there multiple versions of the dataset? No If yes, list versions: Name of file that was updated: i. Why was the file updated? ii. When was the file updated? Name of file that was updated: i. Why was the file updated? ii. When was the file updated? -------------------------- METHODOLOGICAL INFORMATION -------------------------- 1. Description of methods used for collection/generation of data: The wind tunnel testing protocol consisted of an uninterrupted video of plant bending lasting 3 min 5 sec. Videos of each wind tunnel test were captured with a Canon EOS 5D camera with an Ultrasonic EFS 60 mm lens with a maximum aperture of f/1.5. Each video contained a frame size of 1920 pixels x 1080 pixels at a frame rate of 24 fps, and were written to a Lexar Professional 256GB SD card at a rate of 160 MB/s. Recording was initiated upon starting the airflow, with the fan maintained at 140rpm (~4 m/s windspeed) for 50 seconds. The fan accelerated to and maintained 270rpm (~8 m/s windspeed) and 400rpm (~12 m/s windspeed) in two subsequent 50 sec intervals. At 2 min 30 sec into the test, the fan decelerated to 140 rpm over a 15 sec interval, and was stopped at 2 min 50 sec into the test. Camera recording continued until 3 min 5 sec after test initiation, recording approximately 35 seconds of plant recovery as the wind in the tunnel decelerated and stopped. 2. Methods for processing the data: Video files were compressed to .MP4 files from .MOV files. Analysis to obtain raw data on plant drag coefficients and stem bending can be accomplished by downloading all video files, and combining them in a working directory with the matlab scripts and associated plant height csv file (TunnelAnalysis_published.m, potXXXX_hsv.m cropping functions, and windtunnel.csv) to obtain bend files and coeff files for subsequent analysis 3. Instrument- or software-specific information needed to interpret the data: Matlab v2016b or higher, TunnelAnalysis_published.m, potXXXX_hsv.m cropping functions, and windtunnel.csv. All associated files are in the github repository 4. Standards and calibration information, if appropriate: NA 5. Environmental/experimental conditions: NA 6. Describe any quality-assurance procedures performed on the data: Videos skip in numbering based on pots removed from final analysis. These pots were removed due to recording errors or pot slippage during the wind tunnel testing, either of which invalidated the results obtained. See manuscript for more details on pot removal. 7. People involved with sample collection, processing, analysis and/or submission: Stijn Vandycke