Minnesota Restorable Wetland Decision Support Data, 2014

This page last updated: 2/01/2024
Metadata created using

Go to Section:
1. Overview
2. Data Quality
3. Data Organization
4. Coordinate System
5. Attributes
6. Distribution - Get Data
7. Metadata Reference

Section 1 Overview
Originator Natural Resources Research Institute, University of Minnesota
Title Minnesota Restorable Wetland Decision Support Data, 2014
Abstract The Minnesota Restorable Wetland Decision Support Data were developed in combination with the Minnesota Restorable Wetland Index to:

-predict likely locations of restorable wetlands
-locate highly stressed areas most in need of water quality or habitat improvement
-prioritize areas that already are or are most likely to result in high functioning, sustainable wetlands
-identify areas that will provide the greatest benefits in the form of water quality and habitat

Data include:

-Minnesota Restorable Wetland Decision Support - Viability
-Minnesota Restorable Wetland Decision Support - Water Quality Benefits
-Minnesota Restorable Wetland Decision Support - Habitat Stress
-Minnesota Restorable Wetland Decision Support - Habitat Benefits
-Minnesota Restorable Wetland Decision Support - Nitrogen Stress
-Minnesota Restorable Wetland Decision Support - Phosphorus Stress

This data had previously been available within the Minnesota Restorable Wetland Prioritization Tool (2013-2024). Additional decision support data is available for download from the Data Repository of the University of Minnesota. https://hdl.handle.net/11299/260325
Consider using this data in combination with the Minnesota Restorable Wetland Index. https://hdl.handle.net/11299/259969

The development of this data was supported through the Clean Water, Land and Legacy Amendment.
Purpose Identify and evaluate areas for the purpose of wetland restoration.
Time Period of Content Date 2014
Currentness Reference
Progress Complete
Maintenance and Update Frequency None Planned
Spatial Extent of Data
Bounding Coordinates -97.555013
Place Keywords
Theme Keywords biota, Restorable wetlands, viability, landscape, Habitat quality, soil erosion, environment, Anthropogenic, phosphorus
Theme Keyword Thesaurus ISO 19115 Topic Category
Access Constraints
Use Constraints This data is licensed under the Creative Commons CC BY 4.0. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
Contact Person Information Catalog Manager,
Natural Resources Research Institute, University of Minnesota
5013 Miller Trunk Highway
Duluth, MN  55803
Phone: 218-788-2694
Email: nrri-gis@d.umn.edu
Browse Graphic None available
Associated Data Sets

Section 2 Data Quality
Attribute Accuracy
Logical Consistency
Horizontal Positional Accuracy
Lineage More detailed methodology is available in the metadata of the individual layers and the project report. https://hdl.handle.net/11299/260325

Section 3 Spatial Data Organization (not used in this metadata)

Section 4 Coordinate System
Horizontal Coordinate Scheme Universal Transverse Mercator
UTM Zone Number 15
Horizontal Datum NAD83
Horizontal Units meters
Cell Width 30
Cell Height 30

Section 5 Attributes
Overview See layer specific metadata.
Detailed Citation
Table Detail:

Section 6 Distribution
Publisher Natural Resources Research Institute, University of Minnesota
Publication Date 6/30/2014
Contact Person Information Catalog Manager,
Natural Resources Research Institute, University of Minnesota
5013 Miller Trunk Highway
Duluth, MN  55803
Phone: 218-788-2694
Email: nrri-gis@d.umn.edu
Distributor's Data Set Identifier
Distribution Liability
Ordering Instructions
Online Linkage None available

Section 7 Metadata Reference
Metadata Date 2/01/2024
Contact Person Information Catalog Manager,
Natural Resources Research Institute, University of Minnesota
5013 Miller Trunk Highway
Duluth, MN  55803
Phone: 218-788-2694
Email: nrri-gis@d.umn.edu
Metadata Standard Name
Metadata Standard Version
Metadata Standard Online Linkage

This page last updated: 2/01/2024
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