Minnesota Geological Survey (MGS) Open File Report 06-04 (pdf report) and Open File Report 06-05 (ArcView apr and files for map and map pdf) (Open File Reports are not subjected to conventional MGS editorial standards) A HYDROGEOLOGIC AND MAPPING INVESTIGATION OF THE ST. LAWRENCE FORMATION IN THE TWIN CITIES METROPOLITAN AREA Runkel, A.C., Mossler, J.H., Tipping, R.G., and Bauer, E.J. Minnesota Geological Survey 2642 University Ave W., St. Paul, Minnesota 55114-1057 ArcView Project: ofr_06_05.apr. The project file; apr contains relative paths ArcView Shape file projection: UTM coordinates, NAD83, Zone15 List of shapefiles used in project in folder shapefiles: cntypg -- outlines of counties within the project area cstlpg -- polygons showing location of subcrop of the St. Lawrence Formation derived from water well data cstlreport -- pdf report with figures summarizing the project and results flt_label -- fault labels showing direction of movement fltlns -- lines showing trace of faults in the bedrock surface pls -- Township/range/section lines quads -- outlines and names of 7.5 minute quadrangles in study area twrng -- township and range lines wwpt -- water well points from CWI, current as of Nov. 9, 2006 additional files: ofr_06_04 -- pdf of the project report ofr_06_05 -- pdf map showing location of St. Lawrence Formation ofr06_4_5cstl.zip -- WinZip file containing all of the ArcView files and report (pdf) and map (pdf). The files should be unzipped to the top level of the directory, not inside another folder. A new folder will be created as part of the unzip.