Minnesota Geological Survey Regional Hydrogeologic Assesments RHA-6 Quaternary Geology - Travers-Grant Area, West Central MInnesota Ken Harris, 2006 scale 1:200,000 plate1. Surficial geology plate2. Quaternary stratigraphy -------------------------------- The files on this ftp site include: - rha6_pl1_surfglg.pdf - plate 1 pdf - rha6_pl2_quatstrat.pdf - plate 2 pdf - rha-6.zip - a zip file containg GIS layers used in generating the plates - TGRHA_Metadata_Plate1.doc - metadata for plate 1 in Word format - TGRHA_Metadata_Plate2.doc - metadata for plate 2 in Word format - index.txt - text file listing the data included in rha-6.zip -------------------------------- contacts: geology: Ken Harris harri015@umn.edu 612-627-4780 data/gis: Tim Wahl tewahl@umn.edu 612-627-4801 Minnesota Geological Survey 2642 University Ave St.Paul, MN 55115 tew.2006.06.18/2008.09.15