Minnesota Geological Survey C-10 Geologic Atlas of Stearns County The files on this ftp site include the following: PDF versions of the atlas plates: --------------------------------- plate1_database_150.pdf - Plate 1: Database plate2_bedrock_150.pdf - Plate 2: Bedrock geology plate3_surficial_150.pdf - Plate 3: Surficial geology plate4_quatstrat_150.pdf - Plate 4: Quaternary stratigraphy plate5_d2bdrk_150.pdf - Plate 5: Depth to bedrock and thickness of Cretaceaous strata plate6_bdrktopo_150.pdf - Plate 6: Bedrock topography plate7_resources_150.pdf - Plate 7: Geologic resources Other files: ------------ index.txt - a list of GIS data layers included in c-10.zip c-10.zip - a compressed archive (.zip) file of the GIS data layers for the atlas Further information: Tim Wahl (tewahl@umn.edu or 612-627-4801 ) or Rich Lively (lively@umn.edu or 612-627-4780 ) Minnesota Geological Survey 2642 University Ave St.Paul, MN 55114