March 20, 2002 Digital capture and compilation of 1968-1970 and 1999-2001 geologic field mapping, Voyageurs National Park Published by the Minnesota Geological Survey as: M-125 Bedrock geologic map of Voyageurs National Park and Vicinity, Minnesota. C.B. Hemstad, D. L. Southwick, and R.W. Ojakangas. 2002. Scale 1:50,000. Sources for the compiled data of the Voyageurs geology map include: (1) Geological information collected by R. Ojakangas along the Rainy Lake shoreline of the Kabatogama peninsula; (2) Geological information collected by D. Southwick along the shorelines of Kabetogama, Namakan, Sand Point, and Crane Lakes; and (3) New mapping by C. Hemstad in the interior of the Kabetogama peninsula. Recently completed 1:24,000 scale maps of the Island View (m-105) and Cranberry Bay (m-110) quadrangles are available online and were also incorporated into this compilation. The map was created digitally in ArcView. The principal ArcView components were converted into Arc coverages and have Arc topology. They are included in the file in Arc export format (see listing below). No base data sets are available with the Arc file. The ArcView digital data sets are quite large and include quad scale drg base material that can be obtained on a CD-ROM if so desired. They are not available on line except by request. contains the folders and files listed below e00_files faults.e00 Arc export file of faults lines geol7aa.e00 Arc export file of geologic contacts parkboundary.e00 Arc export file of the Voyaguers park boundary str1.e00 Arc export file of reduced structure point data unclpdpg.e00 Arc export file of area geology polygons unclipped to lakes. This file was completed somewhat earlier than the voyamerge7 data file (which was clipped and modified after technical review) and contains rock names and codes that may differ from the voyamerge7 clipped data. If for some reason the unclipped data is reclipped with new lake outlines, be aware that the codes will not always match the published version. voyamerge7.e00 Arc export file of park and surrounding geology with polygons clipped to lake outlines. metadata - text formated files that describe the data collection and usage for the various components that went into creating the map. Although they apply to the above e00 files, the metadata was derived from the ArcView compilation. expl_map_units.txt - text version of the explanation of map units that are on the paper and digital map. For more information or problems with downloads, contact Richard Lively at the Minnesota Geological Survey, by email: or phone at: 612-627-4780, x 211.