This codebook.txt file was generated on 2017-04-26 by Jennifer E. Pelletier ------------------- GENERAL INFORMATION ------------------- 1. Title of Dataset: State Regulations on Minimum Stocking Requirements for Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC)–Authorized Retailers: United States, 2017 2. Author Information Principal Investigator Contact Information Name: Melissa N. Laska Institution: University of Minnesota School of Public Health Address: 1300 S. Second St., Suite 300, Minneapolis, MN 55454 Email: Associate or Co-investigator Contact Information Name: Jennifer E. Pelletier Institution: University of Minnesota School of Public Health Address: 1300 S. Second St., Suite 300, Minneapolis, MN 55454 Email: Associate or Co-investigator Contact Information Name: Liana R.N. Schreiber Institution: University of Minnesota School of Public Health Address: 1300 S. Second St., Suite 300, Minneapolis, MN 55454 Email: 3. Date of data collection: 2017-02-19 to 2017-03-02 4. Geographic location of data collection: Extracted from state WIC Web pages 5. Information about funding sources that supported the collection of the data: This study was funded by Healthy Eating Research, a program of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. -------------------------- SHARING/ACCESS INFORMATION -------------------------- 1. Licenses/restrictions placed on the data: Creative Commons Attribution (CCBY) - 2. Links to publications that cite or use the data: Pelletier, Jennifer E; Schreiber, Liana RN; Laska, Melissa N. “Minimum Stocking Requirements for Retailers in the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children: Disparities Across US States” American Journal of Public Health. Published online ahead of print May 18, 2017: e1-e4. doi:10.2105/AJPH.2017.303809 3. Data were derived from state WIC program Web pages. The location of each Web page is provided in the Extracted Data spreadsheet. 4. Recommended citation for the data: Pelletier, Jennifer E; Schreiber, Liana RN; Laska, Melissa N. (2017). State Regulations on Minimum Stocking Requirements for Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC)–Authorized Retailers: United States, 2017. Retrieved from the Data Repository for the University of Minnesota, --------------------- DATA & FILE OVERVIEW --------------------- 1. File List A. Filename: State WIC Requirements-Coding Protocol 2017.pdf Short description: Narrative description of protocol used to code the raw data. B. Filename: State WIC Requirements-Extracted Data 2017.csv AND State WIC Requirements-Extracted Data 2017.xlsx Short description: Raw data extracted from state WIC Web pages; text of requirements for 17 food and beverage categories. The csv file is included for long-term preservation. The xlsx file is included for easy readability; it is formatted as such. C. Filename: State WIC Requirements-Coded Data 2017.csv Short description: Coded values of 12 food and beverage categories analyzed. 2. Relationship between files: n.a. -------------------------- METHODOLOGICAL INFORMATION -------------------------- 1. Description of methods used for collection/generation of data: We obtained minimum stocking requirements for WIC-authorized stores in the 50 states and the District of Columbia (hereafter referred to as states) between February 19, 2017, and March 2, 2017, from WIC Web pages. Requirements not located online were obtained by contacting the staff listed on the state WIC agency Web site. The date of the most recent Web page or stocking requirement update ranged from March 2011 to January 2017. We developed a coding protocol for minimum varieties and quantities (items [regardless of size], dollars, pounds, ounces, gallons, shelf space) required for the following food and beverage categories: fruits and vegetables (total and fresh), 100% juice, whole grain–rich foods, breakfast cereal (total and whole grain–rich), milk, yogurt, cheese, eggs, legumes, peanut butter, canned fish, and tofu. Requirements for infant food (e.g., fruits and vegetables, cereals, formula) were not included in this analysis. In the 24 states that established different requirements based on store size, type, or location (e.g., number of cash registers, rural vs urban), the lowest requirement was coded. When a state’s requirement included separate components with multiple units of measurement (e.g., a minimum dollar value and minimum number of items) or a single component that could be expressed in multiple units (e.g., five 16-oz packages), we coded the requirement under both measures. We calculated the median, range, and interquartile range of each measure across all states. 2. Methods for processing the data: If the state has separate requirements for different sizes or forms (e.g., fresh/frozen vegetables, shelf stable/frozen concentrate juice, different types of whole grains), enter the sum of all different forms that would be required to minimally meet the requirement. Example 1, a state requires $10 worth of fresh or frozen vegetables and $10 worth of canned vegetables. The minimum requirement is $20. Example 2, a state requires 2 varieties of whole grain bread and at least 1 of the following: brown rice, corn tortillas, or oatmeal. The minimum requirement is 3 varieties. A state may have more than one type of requirement for a single food category, e.g., a requirement for the number of varieties and the number of pounds, or a choice between two requirements (e.g., $25 retail value or 10 pounds). Enter both requirements in the appropriate cells. Do not include requirements that must be stocked “on demand upon request” unless otherwise stated. See coding protocol (State WIC Requirements-Coding Protocol 2017.pdf) for specifics on each food category. 3. Instrument- or software-specific information needed to interpret the data: none 4. Standards and calibration information, if appropriate: n.a. 5. Environmental/experimental conditions: n.a. 6. Describe any quality-assurance procedures performed on the data: Data were coded and checked by two coders. 7. People involved with sample collection, processing, analysis and/or submission: Jennifer E. Pelletier, Liana R.N. Schreiber, Melissa N. Laska ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: State WIC Requirements-Extracted Data 2017.csv ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Number of variables: 28 2. Number of cases/rows: 83 3. Missing data codes: n.a. Not applicable unknown Unknown 4. Variable List A. Name: State Description: Name of State B. Name: Abbreviation Description: Two-letter abbreviation of state name C. Name: Source Description: URL of Web page and/or document where state WIC information was found D. Name: Page Number Description: Page of document where state WIC information was found. If no document found, value is “n.a.” E. Name: Date Webpage Updated Description: MM/DD/YYYY of last Webpage update at time of data extraction (if no date provided, value is “unknown”) F. Name: Date Document Updated Description: MM/DD/YYYY of document update at time of data extraction (if no date provided, value is “unknown”; if no document found, value is “n.a.”) G. Name: Date Extracted Description: MM/DD/YYYY when data were extracted from source H. Name: WIC Region Description: Region used by WIC program where state is located - Mid-Atlantic , Midwest, Mountain Plains, Northeast, Southeast, Southwest, Western I. Name: Peer Groups Description: Store size, type, or location within state to which requirements apply. If state does not set different requirements for peer groups, value is “n.a.” J. Name: General Requirements Description: State requirements that apply to all stores or all food and beverage categories K. Name: Notes Description: Data collector notes about requirements L. Name: Fruit and Vegetables Description: Text of state requirements for stocking fruit and vegetables M. Name: Juice Description: Text of state requirements for stocking juice N. Name: Whole Grains Description: Text of state requirements for stocking whole grains O. Name: Breakfast Cereal Description: Text of state requirements for stocking breakfast cereal P. Name: Milk Description: Text of state requirements for stocking milk Q. Name: Soy Beverage/Milk Description: Text of state requirements for stocking soy beverage or soy milk R. Name: Yogurt Description: Text of state requirements for stocking yogurt S. Name: Cheese Description: Text of state requirements for stocking cheese T. Name: Eggs Description: Text of state requirements for stocking eggs U. Name: Legumes Description: Text of state requirements for stocking legumes (mature beans and peas) V. Name: Peanut Butter Description: Text of state requirements for stocking peanut butter W. Name: Canned Fish Description: Text of state requirements for stocking canned fish X. Name: Tofu Description: Text of state requirements for stocking tofu Y. Name: Infant Fruit and Vegetables Description: Text of state requirements for stocking infant fruit and vegetables Z. Name: Infant Formula Description: Text of state requirements for stocking infant formula AA. Name: Infant Cereal Description: Text of state requirements for stocking infant cereal AB. Name: Infant Meat Description: Text of state requirements for stocking infant meat ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: State WIC Requirements-Coded Data 2017.csv ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Number of variables: 32 2. Number of cases/rows: 51 3. Missing data codes: . data could not be coded for this measure 4. Variable List A. Name: State Description: Name of State B. Name: Abbreviation Description: Two-letter abbreviation of state name C. Name: Peer Group Description: Store size, type, or location within state to which requirements apply. If state does not set different requirements for peer groups, value is “.”. Only the peer group with the lowest requirement was coded. D. Fruit and Vegetables-Varieties Description: Number of varieties of fruit and vegetables required (includes fresh, frozen, canned, and dried) E. Fresh Fruit and Vegetables-Varieties Description: Number of varieties of fresh fruit and vegetables required (excludes canned, frozen, and dried) F. Fruit and Vegetables-Quantity (Dollars) Description: Number of dollars of fruit and vegetables required (includes fresh, frozen, canned, and dried) G. Fruit and Vegetables-Quantity (Pounds) Description: Number of pounds of fruit and vegetables required (includes fresh, frozen, canned, and dried) H. Fruit and Vegetables-Quantity (Items) Description: Number of items of fruit and vegetables required (includes fresh, frozen, canned, and dried) I. Fruit and Vegetables-Quantity (Shelf Space) Description: Feet of shelf space of fruit and vegetables required (includes fresh, frozen, canned, and dried) J. 100% Juice-Varieties Description: Number of varieties of 100% juice required (all sizes) K. 100% Juice-Quantity (Items) Description: Number of items of 100% juice required (all sizes and varieties) L. Whole Grains-Varieties Description: Number of varieties of whole grain-rich products required (e.g., bread, tortillas, brown rice, pasta) M. Whole Grains-Quantity (Pounds) Description: Number of pounds of whole grain-rich products required (all varieties combined) N. Whole Grains-Quantity (Items) Description: Number of items of whole grain-rich products required (all varieties combined) O. Breakfast Cereal-Varieties Description: Number of varieties of breakfast cereal required (excludes infant cereal) P. Breakfast Cereal-Whole Grain Varieties Description: Number of varieties of whole grain-rich breakfast cereal required (excludes infant cereal) Q. Breakfast Cereal-Quantity (Ounces) Description: Number of ounces of breakfast cereal required (excludes infant cereal; all varieties combined) R. Breakfast Cereal-Quantity (Items) Description: Number of items of breakfast cereal required (excludes infant cereal; all varieties combined) S. Breakfast Cereal-Quantity (Whole Grain Items) Description: Number of items of whole grain-rich breakfast cereal required (excludes infant cereal; all whole grain-rich varieties combined) T. Milk-Varieties Description: Number of varieties of fluid milk required (e.g., whole, 2% milk fat, 1% milk fat, soy milk) U. Milk-Quantity (Gallons) Description: Number of gallons of fluid milk required (all varieties combined) V. Yogurt-Quantity (Quarts) Description: Number of quarts of yogurt required W. Cheese-Varieties Description: Number of varieties of cheese required X. Cheese-Quantity (Pounds) Description: Number of pounds of cheese required (all varieties combined) Y. Eggs-Quantity (Dozens) Description: Number of dozens of eggs required Z. Legumes-Varieties Description: Number of varieties of legumes required (e.g., dried and canned beans, peas, and lentils) AA. Legumes-Quantity (Items) Description: Number of items of legumes required (e.g., dried and canned beans, peas, and lentils, all varieties combined) AB. Peanut Butter-Quantity (Items) Description: Number of items of peanut butter required AC. Canned Fish-Varieties Description: Number of varieties of canned fish required (e.g., tuna, salmon, sardines) AD. Canned Fish-Quantity (Ounces) Description: Number of ounces of canned fish required (all varieties combined) AE. Canned Fish-Quantity (Items) Description: Number of items of canned fish required (all varieties combined) AF. Tofu-Quantity (Items) Description: Number of items of tofu required