This readme.txt file was generated on <02/26/2019> by David Wilson ------------------- GENERAL INFORMATION ------------------- 1. Title of Dataset: Cloquet Forestry Center Continuous Forest Inventory: 1959-2014 2. Author Information: Wilson, David C.; Ek, Alan R.; Shrestha, Maryada; Deiser, Peter (2019) Principal Author Contact Information Name: Christopher Edgar Institution: University of Minnesota Address: Email: 3. Date of data collection: 1959 to 2014 4. Geographic location of data collection (where was data collected?): 5. Information about funding sources that supported the collection of the data: University of Minnesota Board of Regents; Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station (MAES Project MIN 42-019); University of Minnesota Grant-in-Aid program in the Office of the Vice President for Research; Interagency Information Cooperative; Department of Forest Resources -------------------------- SHARING/ACCESS INFORMATION -------------------------- 1. Licenses/restrictions placed on the data: Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States 2. Links to publications that cite or use the data: Maryada Shrestha, David C. Wilson, John M. Zobel and Alan R. Ek. 2016. Cloquet Forestry Center Continuous Forest Inventory Update for 2014. University of Minnesota Department of Forest Resources. Staff Paper Series: 243, Wilson, D.C., J.M. Zobel, and A.R. Ek. 2017. Automating the creation of tree maps for continuous forest inventory plots using R. University of Minnesota Department of Forest Resources. Research Note: 302 3. Recommended citation for the data: Wilson, David C.; Ek, Alan R.; Shrestha, Maryada; Deiser, Peter. (2019). Cloquet Forestry Center Continuous Forest Inventory (1959-2014). Retrieved from the Data Repository for the University of Minnesota, --------------------- DATA & FILE OVERVIEW --------------------- 1. File List A. Filename: CFC_CFI_Data_Distribution.accdb Short description: The CFC-CFI database contains field inventory results and analysis from ongoing inventory efforts at the University of Minnesota's Cloquet Forestry Center (1959-2014). Data entry functionality has been disabled for the distributed version. Instructions for using the Access database forms, tables and queries are included in the appendices of the referenced report. ----------------------------------------- DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: CFC_CFI_Data_Distribution.accdb ----------------------------------------- Introduction The Microsoft Access database contained in this folder is a compilation of data and recordsets collected for each re-inventory of the Cloquet Forestry Center property since 1959. The database also contains a complete set of inventory forms and lookup tables used during the 2014 re-inventory. These data entry forms have been extensively field tested on Microsoft Surface Pro 2 devices, and could be used for future inventories with minor adjustments to the Visual Basic programming and SQL used to reference prior and current data tables. Fairly extensive error checking and quality assurance checks have been implemented as a part of these forms to ensure accuracy and completeness of the data entered. All calculations of trees per acre, basal area, height, volume, and biomass for the 2014 re-inventory were completed using SQL queries developed in Access. Sometimes, intermediate calculations or summaries were needed to achieve the desired end result, thereby producing additional tables contained in the current database. Additional analysis of site index data was also incorporated into this Access database from a tabular dataset assembled by the 2014 field crew. The complete list of queries and tables contained in this database is presented below, and is organized by inventory topic. The folder containing this document also contains the complete set of plot videos captured by the 2014 field crew, and a set of plot maps showing the positions of each tree on each plot for the 2000 and the 2014 re-inventories. Queries Used in the CFC-CFI Access Database: Site Index: SICalcUpdate: For plots with newly collected height and age records, a new SI was calculated. The query used for SI calculation in access database was SICalcUpdate (See also UpdateSICalc; a nearly identical query). SICalcUpdateGT110: This query was used to replace any calculated site index values greater than 110 (very unlikely, probably an error with early calculations) with the average site index for that cover type. SICovertype: This query was used to calculate the average SI for all plots of the given cover type. This information was used to fill in SI data for some plots lacking both historic and current SI information. SIAvgUpdate: This query was used to update the SIAvg field in the plot2014 table. If new SI data existed that was used first. If no new data were available, historic SI information was used. If neither historic nor new SI data existed, then the average SI for that cover type was used. Tree_SI_Update: This query was used to write the best available site index data from the SIAvg column of the plot2014 table to the Plot_SI column of the tree2014 table for use in height calculations. Height: 2014HeightReset: This query was used to clear all data from the calculated Height field in the tree2014 table. tree2014_Height: This query was used to calculate the height of the trees >=5 dbh. tree2014_Height_SmallDBH: This query used to calculate the height of the trees <5 dbh. AvgHeight: This query was used to calculate the average height for plots with TotalHeight observations for multiple trees. The average height of dominant/co-dominant trees observed on each plot was then written to the AvgHeight2014 table. Trees Per Acre: UpdateTreeTPA: This query was used to write the per acre expansion factor (100 for trees < 4.95 inches Dbh and 7 for trees > 4.95 inches Dbh) for each tree to the TPA field in the tree2014 table. These expanded counts were then summed for all trees on each plot to calculate the total trees per acre observed on each plot. SumPlotTPA: This query was used to add the TPA for 1/100th acre plot and 1/7th acre plot, and write the result to the PlotTPA table. UpdatePlotTPA: This query was used to write the summarized TPA data for each plot to the plot2014 table. Basal Area: BA_Update: Query used to calculate the initial basal area for each tree.Plot100_BA_Update: Query used to calculate the basal area for trees <5 dbh. Plot7_BA_Update: Query used to calculate the basal area for trees >=5 dbh. Plot_BA_Update_100: Query used to update the basal area for trees <5 dbh. Plot_BA_Update_7: Query used to update the basal area for trees >=5 dbh. MakeTable_Plot_BA: This query was used to create an intermediate recordset needed in the basal area summary process for each plot. Plot2014BAUpdate: This query was then used to write the summarized basal area per acre values from the MakeTable_Plot_BA recordset into the plot2014 table. Plot_BasalArea: This query was used to write the summarized and expanded plot basal area per acre data from the plot2014 table to each tree in the tree2014 table. This information was then used in height calculations. Volume: CubicFoot_Volume_SmallDBH: This query was used to calculate the volume of trees <5 dbh. CubicFoot_Volume: This query was used to calculate the volume of trees >=5 dbh. VolumePerAcre: VolumePerAcre was used to combine and expand all volume on each plot for trees >=4.95inches Dbh to create a per acre cubic foot volume estimate in the CFVolPerAcre table. plotCFVolAcreUpdate: plotCFVolAcreUpdate was used to write the combined and expanded tree volume data for each plot into the plot2014 table from the CFVolPerAcre table. Biomass: StumpVolume: Stump Volume was calculated using query StumpVolume SCF: Species Correction Factor was calculated using query SCF BarkWt: Bark was calculated using query BarkWt BoleBiomass: Bole weight was calculated using query BoleBiomass TopBiomass: Top biomass was calculated using query TopBiomass TotalBiomass: Total Biomass, for trees >=5 dbh, was calculated using query TotalBiomass SumPlotBiomass: SumPlotBiomass was used to summarize the total biomass for each tree found on each plot in the PlotBiomass table. UpdatePlotBiomass: UpdatePlotBiomass was used to write the summarized plot biomass data from the PlotBiomass table to the Biomass column of the plot2014 table. ResetBiomassFields: ResetBiomassFields was used to reset the biomass columns to all NULL values between iterations as various approaches were used to find the correct implementation of the models. Biomass<5: Biomass<5 was used to calculate the total biomass of small trees in the tree2014 table. Other important queries: FindUniquePlots: FindUniquePlots was used to create separate tables of individual plots by cover type where trees of varying Dbh were found. The DBH parameter in this query can be changed to produce a summary of plots of different cover types with trees of different sizes. This query produces the PlotsXCoverType table. FindUniquePlotsByCoverType: FindUniquePlotsByCoverType was used to create separate tables of individual plots by cover type where trees of varying size class were found. The STAND_PLOT_SIZE parameter in this query can be changed to produce a summary of plots of different cover types with trees of different size classes. FindUniqueTreesBySpecies: This query was used to create a list of the number of trees inventoried by species and Dbh. MakeStandPlotID: This query was used to create a lookup list of sample plots and their associated stands. PC_Change: This query was used to create a recordset of cover type change for each inventory period from 1959-2014. PC_Change_Crosstab_00_14: This query was used to create crosstab table of cover type change between 2000 and 2014. PC_Change_Crosstab_59_14: This query was used to create crosstab table of cover type change between 1959 and 2014. PlotCount: PlotCount was used to create a list of plots and the number of records in th eplot2014 table associated with each. This was done as a data quality check to be sure all condition classes had been considered, and none were listed twice. PlotCountByCoverType: This query was used to create a list of all sampled cover types and the number of plots associated with each. PlotCountperSpecies: PlotCountperSpecies was used to create a list of the species of all trees sampled with <4.95 inches Dbh, and the unique plots on which they were found. This list is contained in the SpeciesPlotDBH table. PlotCountperSpps5to9: PlotCountperSpps5to9 was used to create a list of the species of all trees sampled between 5 and 9 inches Dbh, and the unique plots on which they were found in the SpeciesPlotDBH5to9 table. PlotCountperSpps9andAbove: PlotCountperSpps9andAbove was used to create a list of the species of all trees sampled with > 9 inches Dbh, and the unique plots on which they were found in the SpeciesPlotDBH9andabove table. SpeciesDBHPlotCount: SpeciesDBHPlotCount was used to query the intermediate table SpeciesPlotDBH to create a list of the number of plots containing each species. SpeciesDBHPlotCount5to9: SpeciesDBHPlotCount5to9 was used to query the intermediate table SpeciesPlotDBH5to9 to create a list of the number of plots containing each species in the 5 to 9 inch size class. SpeciesDBHPlotCount9andAbove: SpeciesDBHPlotCount9andAbove was used to query the intermediate table SpeciesPlotDBH9andabove to create a list of the number of plots containing each species in the 9 inch plus size class. TreesWithIdenticalData: TreesWithIdenticalData was used as a data quality check to identify any trees with identical Dbh in both 2000 and 2014. 110 out of almost 10,970 standing live trees were found to have identical measurements. These trees could have erroneous data associated with them, but also might actually have the same Dbh between successive inventories. Many of these 110 trees had damage codes associated with them, possibly explaining poor to negligible growth between inventories. UpdateAvgAge: UpdateAvgAge was used to update the AvgAge and AvgHt columns in the plot2014 table from the StandSI working table. The AvgAge and AvgHt column references were changed manually in the query to accomplish the separate column updates. UpdateTreePlotCoverType: This query was used to write the STAND_PLOT_COVE field from the plot2014 table to corresponding records for trees on each plot. This new combination of data was then used to identify which species were growing on the different cover types. List of Tables in CFC-CFI Access Database Plot tables: 1959-2000Plot: This table contains the cross-referenced list of plot locations used in the 1959-2000 inventories. These same locations, plus several additional plots were used for the 2014 re-inventory. Locations are given in UTM and Lat-Long formats, as well as by descriptive directions from landmarks present from 1959-2000. Stand numbers associated with each plot in 1959 and in 2000 are also provided. CFCCFIPlots: This table contains data similar to the 1959-2000Plot table, but with the addition of the stand number associated with each plot for the 2000 re-inventory and for past re-inventories. 2000PlotLvl_FIA: This table contains FIA style inventory data for physiographic class, disturbance and treatments, as well as seedlings observed on plots during the 2000 re-inventory. plot1959: This table contains the basic plot data recorded in the 1959 inventory. plot1964: This table contains the basic plot data recorded in the 1964 re-inventory. Plot1969: This table contains the basic plot data recorded in the 1969 re-inventory. plot1976: This table contains the basic plot data recorded in the 1976 re-inventory. plot1982: This table contains the basic plot data recorded in the 1982 re-inventory. plot1990: This table contains the basic plot data recorded in the 1990 re-inventory. plot2000: This table contains the basic plot data recorded in the 2000 re-inventory. plot2014: This table contains the complete plot data recorded in the 2014 re-inventory. PlotSI: This table contains the results of several queries used to combine observed tree height and age measurements associated with each plot where these data were collected in 2014. This table was then used as a source for information in the calculation of SICalc in the plot2014 table. PlotSICalc: This table is an intermediate used in the calculation of Site Index for the 2014 re-inventory. MakeTable_PlotBA: This table was created by the MakeTable_Plot_BA query as an intermediate step in writing the combined small tree and large tree basal areas for each plot to the plot2014 table. PlotTPA: This table contains the combined trees per acre information for each plot. This estimate combines trees observed on the 1/100th acre sub-plot as well as trees observed on the 1/7th acre main plot with appropriate expansion factors used for each subset. PlotBiomass: This table contains the calculated total biomass on each plot in tons for the 2014 re-inventory. This table was produced as an intermediate step in writing this information to the plot2014 table. CWD2014: This table contains all observations of coarse woody debris made on a subset of plots during the 2014 re-inventory. Tree tables: 1959-2000Tree: This table contains information on TreeNumber, Painted Tree Number (PTN), species and distance/azimuth for each tree inventoried in the 1959-2000 time period. These data were used in creating the Plot/Tree maps used by field crews in the 2014 re-inventory. tree1959: This table contains tree observation data for the 1959 inventory. tree1964: This table contains tree observation data for the 1964 re-inventory. tree1969: This table contains tree observation data for the 1969 re-inventory. tree1976: This table contains tree observation data for the 1976 re-inventory. tree1982: This table contains tree observation data for the 1982 re-inventory. tree1990: This table contains tree observation data for the 1990 re-inventory. tree2000: This table contains tree observation data for the 2000 re-inventory. tree2014: This table contains tree observation data for the 2014 re-inventory. Stand tables: StandCoverType: This table provides a lookup for the codes and cover type names used in the 2014 re-inventory. StandDensity: This table provides a lookup for the codes and descriptions used to assign stand density in the 2014 re-inventory. StandHistory: This table provides a lookup for the codes and descriptions used in the 2014 re-inventory. StandPlotID: This table provides a list of the StandID(s) associated with each plot for the 2014 re-inventory. StandSI: This table was used to collect the tree height and age observations for the Site Index calculation process during the 2014 re-inventory. StandSizeClass: This table provides a lookup for the codes and descriptions used to assign stand size class in the 2014 re-inventory. Lookup Tables: BiomassCoefficients: This table contains the modeled coefficients from Hahn (1984) used in biomass calculations. Height_Coefficients: This table contains the modeled coefficients used in calculating height for each inventoried tree based on Dbh, Site Index, and plot basal area. Coefficients are taken from Ek et al. (1984). si_data1990: This table contains tree species, Dbh, and total height information for trees used in calculating Site Index for the 1990 re-inventory. SICoef: This table contains model coefficients used in calculating SICalc for the 2014 re-inventory. These coefficients are taken from Hahn and Carmean (1982). DamageCode: This table contains a lookup for the codes and descriptions used in assigning Damage Code to inventoried trees. This table is based on the FIA version of this variable. DecayStage: This table contains a lookup for the codes and descriptions used in assigning Decay Stage to standing dead trees observed in the 2014 re-inventory. This table is taken from Tyrrell and Crow (1994). Disturbance: This table contains a lookup for the codes and descriptions used in assigning Disturbance Codes to inventoried plots. This table is based on the FIA version of this variable. CoverType: This table contains a lookup for the codes and names used in assigning Cover Type to plots and stands. CrownClass: This table contains a lookup for the codes and descriptions used in assigning Crown Class to inventoried trees. CrownRatio: This table contains a lookup for the codes and descriptions used in assigning Crown Ratio to inventoried trees. PlotsXCoverType: This table provides a lookup for the plot level stand cover type associated with each plot for the 2014 re-inventory, as well as the number of trees on each plot. LandUse: This table contains a lookup for the codes and descriptions used in assigning Land Use to inventoried plots. Physiography: This table contains a lookup for the codes and descriptions used in assigning physiographic class codes to inventoried plots. This table is based on the FIA version of this variable. Treatment: This table contains a lookup for the codes and descriptions used in assigning Treatment codes to inventoried plots. This table is based on the FIA version of this variable. TreeClass: This table provides a lookup for the codes and descriptions used to assign tree class in the 2014 and earlier re-inventory efforts. veg2005: This table provides access to the stand level observations made during the 2005 stand delineation update effort. PlotType: This table contains a lookup for the codes and descriptions used in assigning Plot Type to inventoried trees. SlopePosition: This table contains a lookup for the codes and descriptions used in assigning Slope Position to inventoried plots. SpeciesTable: This table provides a lookup for the codes and species names used in the 2014 re-inventory. Intermediate Tables Used for Calculation: AvgHeight2014: This table contains the average height data for dominant/co-dominant trees observed on each plot with tree cover. CFVolPerAcre: This table contains a list of each plot and the associated volume of trees >= 4.95 inches Dbh. SICoverTypesTable: This table contains the average Site Index value for plots in each cover type. These data were used in calculating volume when neither historic nor current site index measurements were available for a plot. SpeciesPlotDBH5to9: This table contains a list of each plot number where a given species was found in the 5-9 inch size class. SpeciesPlotDBH9andabove: This table contains a list of each plot number where a given species was found in the >= 9 inch size class. References Tyrrell, L.E. and T.R. Crow. 1994. Structural characteristics of old-growth Hemlock-Hardwood forests in relation to age. Ecology, Vol.75, No. 2. Ecological Society of America. Hahn, Jerold T. 1984. Tree volume and biomass equations for the Lake States. Research Paper NC-250. St. Paul, MN: USDA Forest Service, North Central Forest Experiment Station. Reber, Carol A., and Alan R. Ek. 1982. Cloquet Forestry Center permanent plot records 1959- 1976: Status report and plans for measurement. Staff Paper Series Number 33. St. Paul, MN: University of Minnesota, Department of Forest Resources. Tuhus, Erik H., David K. Walters, and Alan R. Ek. 1994. Analysis of the Forestry Center Continuous Forest Inventory 1959-1990. Staff Paper Series Number 100. St. Paul, MN: University of Minnesota: Department of Forest Resources. Carmean, Willard H., Jerold T. Hahn, and Rodney D. Jacobs. 1989. Site Index curves for forest tree species in the Eastern United States. General Technical Report NC-128. St. Paul, MN: USDA Forest Service. North Central Forest Experiment Station.