Files in this Item include: - License.pdf, the license CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 according to the Creative Commons,; - AxiDDM Codes zip folder, containing Mathematica and MATLAB codes; - Ring-DD.pdf, pdf version of the Mathematica notebook Ring-DD.nb containing a list of ring dislocations and displacement discontinuity solutions; - CylindricalCrack.pdf, pdf version of the Mathematica notebook CylindricalCrack.nb containing expressions for Lipshitz-Hankel integrals suitable for evaluation along a cylindrical discontinuity surface, and a numerical solution for a cylindrical crack in an infinite space by means of Chebychev polynomial method; - AxiDDM.pdf, pdf version of the MATLAB code AxiDDM; - Axi_DDmatrix.pdf and elliptic3.pdf, pdf version of MATLAB functions used within the code AxiDDM.m.