function [lambda,u,p,alpha]=CTW_MODES(omega,f,dy,dz,H,N2,Nm) % Function to determine coastal trapped wave modes. The waves propagate in % the positive x direction, so u(y,z,t) is along-shore velocity % % Notes: % (1) walls are placed at y=0 and y=y_max % (2) u and p are staggered, with u at the boundaries. The orthogonality % condition is to average u to the center of each cell before computing % flux % (3) There is a linear free surface (this depends on one line of code for % the z derivative) % % INPUTS: % omega [1 x 1 ] wave frequency (should be less than f) % f [1 x 1] inertial frequency (assumed positive) % dy [1 x 1] spacing for offshore grid % dz [1 x 1] spacing for the depth grid (positive) % H [Ny x 1] topographic depth (positive) % N2 [Nz x 1] stratification (should be greater than f and omega) % Nm [1 x 1] number of modes to find (includes BT mode and offshore % wall modes). Must be even. % % OUTPUTS: % lambda [Nm+1 x 1] modal wavelengths % u [Ny x Nz x Nm] along shore velocity % p [Ny x Nz x Nm] reduced pressure % % Sam Kelly, 28 JUL 2021 ( Ny=length(H); Nz=length(N2); % Create depth grid z=(1:Nz)'*dz-dz/2'; % Velocity depth is maximum of adjacent cell depths Hu=max([H(1:end-1) H(2:end)],[],2); Hu=[H(1); Hu; H(end)]; % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Build K matrix % The equations are written starting in the upper left corner, then moving right. When the row is done, the location moves down. N=Ny*Nz; Nu=(Ny+1)*Nz; % Initiate matricies K11=(omega^2/f^2-1)*sparse(diag(ones([Nu 1]))); K12=sparse(Nu,N); K21=sparse(N,Nu); K22=sparse(N,N); M11=sparse(Nu,Nu); M12=sparse(Nu,N); M21=sparse(N,Nu); M22=sparse(N,N); % negative y-derivative of pressure (only defined where u is unknown) i=1; j=1; indp=1; for ind=1:Nu % Couple pressure if it's above ground if i==1 if z(j)H(i-1) || z(j)>H(i) % check if there is a wall, then -dp/dy=fu K11(ind,ind)=(K11(ind,ind)+1)/2; % Division by two comes from 2-point average in the M matrix else % open water K12(ind,indp-1)=K12(ind,indp-1)+1/dy; K12(ind,indp)=K12(ind,indp)-1/dy; end end % update indicies i=i+1; indp=indp+1; if i>Ny+1 i=1; % Return to coast j=j+1; % Move down indp=indp-1; % go back one since p only has Ny nodes at each depth end end % y-derivative of u velocity i=1; j=1; indu=1; for ind=1:N % Average velocity to p nodes if z(j)Ny i=1; % Return to coast j=j+1; % Move down indu=indu+1; % go forward since u has Ny+1 nodes at each depth end end % Pressure y and z derivatives i=1; j=1; for ind=1:N % Pressure second y-derivative if z(j)H(i+1)) || (i==Ny && z(j)>H(i-1)) || ((i~=1 && i~=Ny) && (z(j)>H(i-1) && z(j)>H(i+1))) % You're in a trench! do nothing. elseif i==1 || z(j)>H(i-1) % If there is a wall, there are some cancellations with the 2nd derivative of pressure K22(ind,ind)=K22(ind,ind)-1/(dy^2); K22(ind,ind+1)=K22(ind,ind+1)+1/(dy^2); elseif i==Ny || z(j)>H(i+1) % Outer boundary is a wall K22(ind,ind-1)=K22(ind,ind-1)+1/(dy^2); K22(ind,ind)=K22(ind,ind)-1/(dy^2); else % Open water K22(ind,ind-1)=K22(ind,ind-1)+1/(dy^2); K22(ind,ind)=K22(ind,ind)-2/(dy^2); K22(ind,ind+1)=K22(ind,ind+1)+1/(dy^2); end end % Pressure z derivatives if z(j)H(i) % Point is at the top and bottom % Do nothing! elseif j==1 % Point is at the top K22(ind,ind)= K22(ind,ind) +1/(dz^2*(N2(j)+N2(j+1))/2/omega^2) + 1/(dz*9.81/omega^2); K22(ind,ind+Ny)=K22(ind,ind+Ny) -1/(dz^2*(N2(j)+N2(j+1))/2/omega^2); elseif j==Nz || z(j+1)>H(i) % Point is at the bottom K22(ind,ind-Ny)=K22(ind,ind-Ny) -1/(dz^2*(N2(j-1)+N2(j))/2/omega^2); K22(ind,ind)= K22(ind,ind) +1/(dz^2*(N2(j-1)+N2(j))/2/omega^2); else % Point is in the interior water column K22(ind,ind-Ny)=K22(ind,ind-Ny) -1/(dz^2*(N2(j-1)+N2(j))/2/omega^2); K22(ind,ind)= K22(ind,ind) +1/(dz^2*(N2(j-1)+N2(j))/2/omega^2) + 1/(dz^2*(N2(j)+N2(j+1))/2/omega^2); K22(ind,ind+Ny)=K22(ind,ind+Ny) -1/(dz^2*(N2(j)+N2(j+1))/2/omega^2); end end % update indicies i=i+1; if i>Ny i=1; j=j+1; end end K=[K11 K12;... K21 K22]; K=f/omega^2*K; M=[M11 M12;... M21 M22]; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Solve the eigenvalue problem % Shrink the problem to above ground nodes good=(sum(M)~=0); M2=M(good,good); K2=K(good,good); % Guess Kelvin wave c_theory=sqrt(9.81*max(H)); % % Solve eigenvalue problem for positive speeds opts.maxit=1000; [PHI c]=eigs(M2,K2,Nm/2,c_theory,opts); if sum(imag(diag(c))~=0)>0 %Try doubling Nm if there are complex speeds [PHI c]=eigs(M2,K2,2*(Nm-1),c_theory,opts); bad=imag(diag(c))~=0; c(bad,bad)=0; end lambda=2*pi*diag(c)/omega*1e-3; [~,I]=sort(real(lambda),'descend'); lambda=lambda(I); PHI=PHI(:,I); lambda1=lambda(1:Nm/2); PHI1=PHI(:,1:Nm/2); % Solve eigenvalue problem for negative speeds opts.maxit=1000; [PHI c]=eigs(M2,K2,Nm/2,-c_theory,opts); if sum(imag(diag(c))~=0)>0 %Try doubling Nm if there are complex speeds [PHI c]=eigs(M2,K2,2,-c_theory,opts); bad=imag(diag(c))~=0; c(bad,bad)=0; end lambda=2*pi*diag(c)/omega*1e-3; [~,I]=sort(real(lambda),'descend'); lambda=lambda(I); PHI=PHI(:,I); lambda2=lambda(1:Nm/2); PHI2=PHI(:,1:Nm/2); % Combine PHI=zeros([N+Nu Nm]); PHI(good,:)=cat(2,PHI1,PHI2); lambda=cat(1,lambda1,lambda2); % Normalize alpha=ones([Nm 1]); for i=1:Nm F=PHI(:,i)'*M*PHI(:,i)*f*dy*dz; PHI(:,i)=PHI(:,i)/sqrt(F); if F<0 alpha(i)=-1; end ind=find(abs(PHI(:,i))>1e-10,1,'first'); if PHI(ind,i)<0 PHI(:,i)=-PHI(:,i); end end % Reshape mask=z'