This readme.txt file was generated on 20230320 by Audrey Huff ------------------- GENERAL INFORMATION ------------------- 1. Title of Dataset Spring and summer seston, excretion, and tissue C:N:P data for quagga mussels (Dreissena rostriformis bugensis) in Lakes Michigan and Huron 2. Author Information Principal Investigator Contact Information Name: Audrey Huff Institution: Large Lakes Observatory, University of Minnesota Duluth Email: ORCID: Co-investigator Contact Information Name: Ted Ozersky Institution: Large Lakes Observatory, University of Minnesota Duluth Email: 3. Date of data collection 20190524 - 20190807 4. Geographic location of data collection (where data was collected): Samples were collected from 26 unique locations in Lakes Michigan and Huron. See site characteristics file for locations. 5. Funding information This work was funded by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. OCE-1737368. -------------------------- SHARING/ACCESS INFORMATION -------------------------- 1. Licenses/restrictions placed on the data: Attribution 3.0 United States ( 2. Links to publications that cite or use the data: Huff, A., Zalusky, J., Katsev, S., & Ozersky, T. (2023). Variable Tissue Stoichiometry Influences Nutrient Recycling by Invasive Freshwater Mussels in Nutrient-Poor Lakes. Ecosystems. 3. Links to other publicly accessible locations of the data: none 4. Links/relationships to ancillary datasets: none 5. Was data derived from another source? If yes, list source(s): no 6. Recommended citation for the data: Huff, A., Huff, A., Zalusky, J., Katsev, S., Ozersky, T. (2023) Spring and summer seston, excretion, and tissue C:N:P data for quagga mussels (Dreissena rostriformis bugensis) in Lakes Michigan and Huron. Retrieved from the Data Repository for the University of Minnesota, -------------------- DATA & FILE OVERVIEW -------------------- 1. File List A. Filename: Site_Characteristics.csv Short description: Water chemistry, location, and other characteristics of all sampling locations. B. Filename: Mussel_Data.csv Short description: Quagga mussel tissue, excretion, and respiration data for all sampling locations. 2. Relationship between files: The main dataset is "Mussel_Data.csv" with informative site characteristics like temperature, depth, location, and chlorophyll and nutrient concentration data in the "Site_Characteristics.csv" file. 3. Additional related data collected that was not included in the current data package: yes 4. Are there multiple versions of the dataset? no -------------------------- METHODOLOGICAL INFORMATION -------------------------- 1. Description of methods used for collection/generation of data: See "Methods.pdf" file. 2. Methods for processing the data: See "Methods.pdf" file. 3. Instrument- or software-specific information needed to interpret the data: N/A 4. Standards and calibration information, if appropriate: See "Methods.pdf" file. 5. Environmental/experimental conditions: See "Methods.pdf" file. 6. Describe any quality-assurance procedures performed on the data: N/A 7. People involved with sample collection, processing, analysis and/or submission: Audrey Huff, John Zalusky, Sergei Katsev, Ted Ozersky, Jiying Lee, Vadym Ianaiev, Julia Agnich and Sandy Brovold. ------------------------------------------------ DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: "Mussel_Data.csv" ------------------------------------------------ 1. Number of variables: 20 2. Number of cases/rows:591 3. Missing data codes: NA, BDL (Below Detection Limit) 4. Variable List A. Name: Lake Description: Lake where sampling occurred (Green Bay considered separately from Lake Michigan) B. Name: Season Description: Season sampling occurred C. Name: Year Description: Year sampling occurred D. Name: Date Description: Date sampling occurred (YYYYMMDD) E. Name: Station_ID Description: Name of location where sampling occurred F. Name: Vial_ID Description: Sample identification number G. Name: Vial_Size Description: Volume of incubation container used in incubation experiment (mL) H. Name: Mussel_Size Description: Size of mussel included in incubation experiment (initial = initial water sample (no fauna, not incubated), control = water sample after incubation (no fauna)) I. Name: Individuals Description: Number of individual mussels in incubation vial J. Name: SFDM Description: Shell-Free Dry Mass of fauna included in incubation vial (g) K. Name: tissue_P Description: Amount of phosphorus in dried mussel tissue (SFDM) (umol P/mg SFDM) L. Name: tissue_N Description: Amount of nitrogen in dried mussel tissue (SFDM) (umol N/mg SFDM) M. Name: tissue_C Description: Amount of carbon in dried mussel tissue (SFDM) (umol C/mg SFDM) N. Name: SRP Description: Soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) in incubation water at end of incubation (umol P/L) O. Name: SRP_flux Description: Soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) in incubation water at end of incubation normalized to control values, mussel SFDM, sample volume, and incubation time (umol P/g SFDM*h) P. Name: NH3 Description: Ammonia in incubation water at end of incubation (umol N/L) Q. Name: NH3_flux Description: Ammonia in incubation water at end of incubation normalized to control values, mussel SFDM, sample volume, and incubation time (umol N/g SFDM*h) R. Name: DO_initial Description: Dissolved oxygen concentration in incubation water at start of incubation (mg O2/L) S. Name: DO_final Description: Dissolved oxygen concentration in incubation water at end of incubation (mg O2/L) T. Name: Resp_Rate Description: Amount of CO2 respired during the incubation. Calculated from DO consumption by subtracting initial water column DO concentration from final water column DO concentration and assuming a 1:1 ratio of O2:CO2. Normalized to control values, mussel SFDM, sample volume, and incubation time (umol C/g SFDM*h) --------------------------------------------------------- DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: "Site_Characteristics.csv" --------------------------------------------------------- 1. Number of variables: 47 2. Number of cases/rows:34 3. Missing data codes: NA 4. Variable List A. Name: Lake Description: Lake where sampling occurred (Green Bay considered separately from Lake Michigan) B. Name: Season Description: Season sampling occurred C. Name: Year Description: Year sampling occurred (YYYYMMDD) D. Name: Date Description: Date sampling occurred E. Name: Station_ID Description: Name of location where sampling occurred F. Name: Station_Depth Description: Site depth (m) G. Name: Latitude Description: Site latitude (decimal degrees) H. Name: Longitude Description: Site longitude (decimal degrees) I. Name: Depth_Code Description: Sampling depth region (shallow, mid-depth, or deep) J. Name: Mussel_Biomass Description: Average total dreissenid biomass in sampling area (g/m^2) K. Name: Mussel_Biomass_sd Description: Standard deviation of average total biomass in sampling area L. Name: Mussel_Coverage Description: Average percent coverage of lake bottom by mussels in sampling area (%) M. Name: CTD_2mAB_Depth Description: Actual depth where "near-bottom" (2m above bottom) CTD readings (water temperature and DO concentration) were recorded (m) N. Name: CTD_5mBS_Depth Description: Actual depth where "surface" (5m below surface) CTD readings (water temperature and DO concentration) were recorded (m) O. Name: Temp_2mAB Description: "Near-bottom" water temperature (2m above bottom) (degC) P. Name: Temp_5mBS Description: "Surface" water temperature (5m below surface) (degC) Q. Name: DO_2mAB Description: "Near-bottom" water dissolved oxygen concentration (2m above bottom) (umol/L) R. Name: DO_5mBS Description: "Surface" water dissolved oxygen concentration (5m below surface) (umol/L) S. Name: Chl_2mAB Description: Average "near-bottom" chlorophyll a. concentration (2m above bottom) (ug/L) T. Name: Chl_2mAB_sd Description: Standard deviation of "near-bottom" chlorophyll a. concentration (2m above bottom) (ug/L) U. Name: Chl_5mBS Description: Average "surface" chlorophyll a. concentration (5m below surface) (ug/L) V. Name: Chl_5mBS_sd Description: Standard deviation of "near-bottom" chlorophyll a. concentration (5m below surface) (ug/L) W. Name: POC_2mAB Description: Average "near-bottom" particulate organic carbon concentration (2m above bottom) (umol C/L) X. Name: POC_2mAB_sd Description: Standard deviation of "near-bottom" particulate organic carbon (2m above bottom) (umol C/L) Y. Name: POC_5mBS Description: Average "surface" particulate organic carbon concentration (5m below surface) (umol C/L) Z. Name: POC_5mBS_sd Description: Standard deviation of "surface" particulate organic carbon (5m below surface) (umol C/L) AA. Name: PON_2mAB Description: Average "near-bottom" particulate organic nitrogen concentration (2m above bottom) (umol N/L) AB. Name: PON_2mAB_sd Description: Standard deviation of "near-bottom" particulate organic nitrogen (2m above bottom) (umol N/L) AC. Name: PON_5mBS Description: Average "surface" particulate organic nitrogen concentration (5m below surface) (umol N/L) AD. Name: PON_5mBS_sd Description: Standard deviation of "surface" particulate organic nitrogen (5m below surface) (umol N/L) AE. Name: TP_2mAB Description: Average "near-bottom" total phosphorus concentration (2m above bottom) (umol P/L) AF. Name: TP_2mAB_sd Description: Standard deviation of "near-bottom" total phosphorus (2m above bottom) (umol P/L) AG. Name: TP_5mBS Description: Average "surface" total phosphorus concentration (5m below surface) (umol P/L) AH. Name: TP_5mBS_sd Description: Standard deviation of "surface" total phosphorus (5m below surface) (umol P/L) AI. Name: PP_2mAB Description: Average "near-bottom" particulate phosphorus concentration (2m above bottom) (umol P/L) AJ. Name: PP_2mAB_sd Description: Standard deviation of "near-bottom" particulate phosphorus (2m above bottom) (umol P/L) AK. Name: PP_5mBS Description: Average "surface" particulate phosphorus concentration (5m below surface) (umol P/L) AL. Name: PP_5mBS_sd Description: Standard deviation of "surface" particulate phosphorus (5m below surface) (umol P/L) AM. Name: NPOC_2mAB Description: Average "near-bottom" non-purgable organic carbon (2m above bottom) (mg C/L) AN. Name: NPOC_2mAB_sd Description: Standard deviation of "near-bottom" non-purgable organic carbon (2m above bottom) (mg C/L) AO. Name: NPOC_5mBS Description: Average "surface" non-purgable organic carbon (5m below surface) (mg C/L) AP. Name: NPOC_5mBS_sd Description: Standard deviation of "surface" non-purgable organic carbon (5m below surface) (mg C/L) AQ. Name: TN_2mAB Description: Average "near-bottom" total nitrogen (2m above bottom) (mg N/L) AR. Name: TN_2mAB_sd Description: Standard deviation of "near-bottom" total nitrogen (2m above bottom) (mg N/L) AS. Name: TN_5mBS Description: Average "surface" total nitrogen (5m below surface) (mg N/L) AT. Name: TN_5mBS_sd Description: Standard deviation of "surface" total nitrogen (5m below surface) (mg N/L)