This dataset is the experiment data of the project "Validating a Model of Architectural Hazard Visibility with Low-Vision Observers". 

The dataset consists of four files. 
The three text files "UoMRLVsubjScore", "UoMSLVSubjScore", and "UoMLVSubjScoreROI_Central" contains the Hazard Visibility Scores (HVS) generated by the DeVAS software for each trial based on the stimulus image and the subject's visual acuity (VA) and contrast sensitivity (CS). 

The first two text files used comprehensive ROI, while the third file used central ROI. "UoMRLVsubjScore" and "UoMLVSubjScoreROI_Central" were based on the low-vision subjects' vision conditions, and the "UoMSLVSubjScore" were based on the normal-sighted subjects. 

The software is available online via

There are seven columns in each text file. The columns are arranged in the same order in these two files. 
The first column is the subject's label, where "simsubj" stands for normally-sighted subjects wearing artificial acuity reduction goggles, and "LVsubj" means low-vision subjects. The first 7 subjects in "simsubj" wore a pair of moderate blur goggles, which reduces VA to around 1.2 logMAR, whereas the last 7 subjects wore the severe blur goggle, which reduces VA to around 1.6 logMAR. 
The second column is the target type in the stimulus image of the trial, where "fl" stands for flat, "sd" for large step down, "ssd" for small step down, "ssu" for small step up, and "su" for large step up. 
The third column is the lighting used in the trial's stimulus image. "ov" stands for overhead light, "pf" for far panel light, "pn" for near panel light, and "s1" and "s2" are two types of spotlights. 
The fourth column is the viewpoint. "df" stands for default, or center perspective, pl for pivot left, "pr" for pivot right, "rd" for rotation down, and "ru" for rotation up. 
The fifth column is the subject's VA in logMAR unit. The higher the number, the more severe the acuity loss, aka lower acuity. 
The sixth column is the subject's CS in Peli-Robson score, where a higher number means better CS. 
The seventh column is the HVS for the corresponding subject and image. The HVS is used as the independent variable in the experiment data analysis. Some row of this column has NAN or blank. That is because the corresponding trial had very low HVS, close to zeros. In the analyses, the HVS in these rows are all regarded as zeros.

In "UoMRLVsubjScore", subject label started from "LVsubj2". This is because the first low-vision subject reported issues during the experiment. We, therefore, regarded them as a pilot subject and discarded their data. 

The four CSV files, "SLVCSV_UoM_Mod", "SLVCSV_UoM_Sev", "RLVCSV_UoM", and "RLVCSV_ROI_Central" are the file used for logistic regression. "SLVCSV_UoM_Mod" contains the data from normally-sighted subjects wearing moderate blur goggles, and "SLVCSV_UoM_Sev" contains the data from normally-sighted subjects wearing severe blur goggle. "RLVCSV_UoM" contains the data from low-vision subjects. In these CSV files, each row represents a trial in the experiment conducted with one subject. "RLVCSV_ROI_Central" contains the data from low-vision subjects, paired with central ROI generated HVS values.

There are 6 columns in each CSV file. The columns are arranged in the same order in the three files. 
The first column is the HVS of the stimulus image for the subject. Again, Nans are treated as zeros in the analysis. 
The second column is the correctness of the subject's response. 1 means the response is correct. 2 means the response is incorrect. 
The third column is the subject's index. 
The fourth column is a flag for the stimulus' target type. 1 means flat, 2 means large step down, 3 means small step down, 4 means small step up, and 5 means large step up. 
The fifth column is a flag for the stimulus' lighting condition. 1 means overhead light, 2 means far panel light, 3 means near panel light, 4 means spotlight condition 1, 5 means spotlight condition 2.
The sixth column is a flag for the viewpoint. 1 means default or center view, 2 means pivot left, 3 means pivot to right, 4 means rotation down, 5 means rotation up.