Welcome to public health moment from the University of Minnesota. This week, families across the United States will be involved in all kinds of events as they celebrate summer and the independence of our nation to ensure that our fun time is also safe. Nancy Knock, in a professor of Environmental Health Sciences at the University of Minnesota, recommends a dose of common sense when the kids are out riding their bikes or on skateboards, just including their helmets, making sure that they've got them along and they're wearing them and they fit also with water safety. Some of the first things are just making sure that the children have had swimming lessons. Sometimes they have some false confidence, I think that they can protect themselves or that they can swim in water. But if the currents are a little bit stronger, it's good if they actually have had some formal lessons. Knock Riner also recommends wearing life jackets when you are in or near the water. Use sunscreen and insect repellent and making sure that you're wearing sunglasses and a hat with a brim on it to protect yourself. If there is a chance that the children have had some sunburn or adults, you want to make sure that you have some cold compress that you can put on the skin, even if you're out somewhere and don't have access to like, a, an ice pack. Even if you have some frozen vegetables or something that you could put on your skin, that would help with another public health moment. I'm John Finnegan.