This file was generated on 6-03-2018 by Samantha Thi Porter ------------------- GENERAL INFORMATION ------------------- 01. Title of Dataset: Three Dimensional Models and Two Dimensional Cross Sections of Châtelperronian and Protoaurignacian Lithic Cores from the sites of Les Cottés and Roc de Combe 02. Author Information: Name: Samantha Thi Porter Institution: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities Name: Morgan Roussel Institution: Leiden University Name: Marie Soressi Institution: University of Minnesota 03. Nature of the data: This dataset is derived from digital photographs collected between June 2014 and November 2016. It was processed into 3D models by Samantha Thi Porter with assistance from Dana Winkler at the University of Minnesota using the software Agisoft PhotoScan. Models were aligned and rotated about the origin using the software Geomagic Design X. Details about image acquisition, data processing, and artifact measurements can be found in Porter_et_al_2018_JCAA_artifact_data.CSV and the associated paper PENDING PEER REVIEW. 04. Abbreviations ABREVIATION DEFINITION CTS Les Cottés RDC Roc de Combe CP Châtelperronian PA Protoaurignacian -------------------------- SHARING/ACCESS INFORMATION -------------------------- 01. Licenses/restrictions placed on the data: Creative Commons, Attribution, NonCommercial, 4.0 International Share Alike 02. Publication(s) that cite or use the data: PUBLICATION PENDING PEER REVIEW Some models included in this dataset were also previously published in association with the following article: Samantha Porter, Morgan Roussel, and Marie Soressi (2016). A simple photogrammetry rig for the reliable creation of 3D artifact models in the field: lithic examples from the Early Upper Paleolithic sequence of Les Cottés (France). Advances in Archaeological Practice, 4(1): 71-86. The data for the above article can be found on the Data Repository for the University of Minnesota at 03. Recommended citation for the data: PLEASE REFRAIN FROM CITING THESE DATA PENDING PEER REVIEW OF THE ASSOCIATED PUBLICATION --------------------- DATA AND FILE OVERVIEW --------------------- Explanation of files: 3D models of artifacts from Roc de Combe collected for this study cannot be disseminated at the present time due to rights restrictions. For access to 3D scan data for artifacts from Roc de Combe, please contact Samantha Porter ( The 3D data in this dataset are divided into two assemblages (the Les Cottés Châtelperronian and the Les Cottés Protoaurignacian), each of which are further divided two categories of files (those corresonding to artifacts included in the sample analyzed for the associated JCAA paper listed above, and those corresponding to artifacts that had to be excluded). The files are organized into four different .ZIP files: Porter_et_al_2018_JCAA_CTS_CP_included.ZIP Porter_et_al_2018_JCAA_CTS_CP_excluded.ZIP Porter_et_al_2018_JCAA_CTS_PA_included.ZIP Porter_et_al_2018_JCAA_CTS_PA_excluded.ZIP The artifacts associated with each of the four above groups are as follows: Porter_et_al_2018_JCAA_CTS_CP_included 01. CTS_CP_R4-860 02. CTS_CP_R5-1485 03. CTS_CP_R5-1697 04. CTS_CP_R6-624 05. CTS_CP_S5-65 06. CTS_CP_U6-282 07. CTS_CP_U6-358 08. CTS_CP_U6-421 09. CTS_CP_U6-461 10. CTS_CP_U6-467 11. CTS_CP_U6-661 12. CTS_CP_W6-123 13. CTS_CP_W6-161 14. CTS_CP_W7-614 15. CTS_CP_X6-106_Y4-313 16. CTS_CP_X6-643 17. CTS_CP_Y4-140 18. CTS_CP_Y4-854 19. CTS_CP_Y4-866 20. CTS_CP_Y5-1635 21. CTS_CP_Y6-1258 22. CTS_CP_Y6-1574 23. CTS_CP_Y6-2021 24. CTS_CP_Y6-2258 25. CTS_CP_Z4-1201 Porter_et_al_2018_JCAA_CTS_CP_excluded 01. CTS_CP_S6-1137 02. CTS_CP_T6-851 03. CTS_CP_T6-880 04. CTS_CP_U6-460 05. CTS_CP_U6-803 06. CTS_CP_W6-165 07. CTS_CP_W6-209 08. CTS_CP_W6-250 09. CTS_CP_W6-65 10. CTS_CP_X7-638 11. CTS_CP_Y4-294 12. CTS_CP_Y4-390 13. CTS_CP_Y5-2500 14. CTS_CP_Y5-2612 15. CTS_CP_Y5-2740 16. CTS_CP_Y5-2865 Porter_et_al_2018_JCAA_CTS_PA_included 01. CTS_PA_A3-616 02. CTS_PA_A6-620 03. CTS_PA_R4-632 04. CTS_PA_R5-1497 05. CTS_PA_R5-675 06. CTS_PA_R5-794 07. CTS_PA_R6-430 08. CTS_PA_S6-993 09. CTS_PA_U7-126 10. CTS_PA_W7-382 11. CTS_PA_Y4-118 12. CTS_PA_Y5-1856 13. CTS_PA_Y5-313 14. CTS_PA_Y5-324 15. CTS_PA_Y5-582 16. CTS_PA_Y5-637 17. CTS_PA_Y6-1584 18. CTS_PA_Y6-582 19. CTS_PA_Y6-764 20. CTS_PA_Y6-857 21. CTS_PA_Z4-1529 22. CTS_PA_Z4-1663 23. CTS_PA_Z4-1696 24. CTS_PA_Z4-3315 25. CTS_PA_Z4-3389 26. CTS_PA_Z4-3595 Porter_et_al_2018_JCAA_CTS_PA_excluded 01. CTS_PA_A3-306 02. CTS_PA_A3-401 03. CTS_PA_A3-746 04. CTS_PA_R5-782 05. CTS_PA_S6-296 06. CTS_PA_S6-939 07. CTS_PA_X7-408 08. CTS_PA_Y5-10047 09. CTS_PA_Y5-1829 10. CTS_PA_Y5-1830 11. CTS_PA_Y5-2007 12. CTS_PA_Y5-923 13. CTS_PA_Y6-2190 14. CTS_PA_Y6-420 15. CTS_PA_Y6-826 16. CTS_PA_Z3-774 17. CTS_PA_Z3-842 18. CTS_PA_Z4-1716 19. CTS_PA_Z4-1824 20. CTS_PA_Z4-1849 21. CTS_PA_Z4-2336 22. CTS_PA_Z4-2558 23. CTS_PA_Z4-3091 24. CTS_PA_Z4-3178 For all of the above artifacts, the following files are included in this dataset: • A 3D models of each artifact in .OBJ format with associated .MTL and .JPG files For all artifacts used in the final sample of the associated JCAA study (including artifacts from Roc de Combe), the following are also available as part of this dataset: • A black and white cross section image of the entire core in JPG format - files names end in "full_core" • A black and white cross section image of the core corresponding to the greatest extent of knapping in JPG format - file names end in "platform" • A composite of the above two images created in ImageJ in JPG format (see associated publication for additional information) - file names end in "imagej" For all of the above, the black square in the corner serves as a 1cm scale. Finally, this dataset includes the following contextual files: • Porter_et_al_2018_JCAA_readme.TXT (this file) • Porter_et_al_2018_JCAA_artifact_data.CSV, which includes contextual information about all artifacts related to the JCAA paper associated with this dataset • Porter_et_al_2018_JCAA_scales.PDF (visual aid showing examples of the different photography scales used during data collection for this project) --------------------- EXPLANATION OF TABLE FIELDS --------------------- Below you will find definitions for the fields used in Porter_et_al_2018_JCAA_artifact_data.CSV ARTIFACT_ID Unique identifier for the artifact; abbreviations listed above; format is SITE_INDUSTRY_SQUARE_ARTIFACT#. SITE Archaeological site where the artifact was found. INDUSTRY Associated archaeological industry (Châtelperronian or Protoaurignacian). LEVEL Archaeological layer in which the artifact was found. All artifacts from Roc de Combe originate from Couche 8. Level information for artifacts from Les Cottes was provided by Soressi and Roussel. CAMERA The digital camera used to capture the photographs used to create the 3D models. SCALE What type of scale was used underneath the artifact during photography; see Porter_et_al_2018_JCAA_scales.PDF for examples. COATING Was the artifact coated with a powder to increase 3D model quality, and if so with what (developer, chaulk, or none). RETEXTURED If the artifact was coated, was the model retextured using a second set of digital photographs taken without coating, some textures edited in Adobe Photoshop to makes texture seams less visible. USED_IN_STUDY Was the artifact included in the final sample for the associated pending publication (Yes or No). Artifacts were only included if they had visible scars corresponding to at least two successful blade removals (scars were at least twice as long as they were wide, and did not end in step or hinge fractures). MODEL_AVAILABLE Is the model available for download as part of this data set (Yes or No). CROSS_SECTION_AVAILABLE Are cross sections derived from 3D models available for download as part of this data set (Yes or No). CORE_VOLUME Volume of the artifact in cubic centimeters. Empty fields reflect objects being excluded from the study sample. INTER_AXIS_ANGLE Angle in degrees between the axis of symmetry and axis of reduction (see associated pending publication for additional explanation). Empty fields reflect objects being excluded from the study sample. PLT_TO_DEB_ANGLE Angle in degrees between the platform and debitage surface (see associated pending publication for additional explanation, "Null" means angle could not be measured on pieces included in the study sample. Empty fields reflect objects being excluded from the study sample. PORTER_ET_AL_2016 Was a model of the artifact previously made available as part of part of Porter et al. 2016 (Yes or No). COMMENTS Additional MISC contextual information