TASK: Prepare a dataset for the computation of interrater reliability for the classifications.
[Explosion Step] For each classifier (a, b, c, d), explode their methods and subdisciplines classifications into indicator (1/0) variable columns. So, for each method-type and subdisc-type there will be four columns -- one for each classifier. Since level is an ordinal variable, it does not participate in this process.
[Reduction Step] For each method-type and subdisc-type, combine the four classifier columns created in the previous task into two columns, in each row keeping just the two entries that have classifications since there will only ever be two (i.e., alternatively, dropping the two null entries per row since on any row there will be two null entries). The order in which the two entries kept on any row is assigned to the two new columns does not matter. The four level classification columns are reduced in the same manner.
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
initials = {'a': 'a',
'b': 'b',
'c': 'c',
'd': 'd'}
method_list = ['c', 'd', 'l', 'm', 'o', 'p', 's', 't']
level_list = ['0', '1', '2' , '3']
subdisc_list = ['act', 'dec', 'epi', 'lan', 'log', 'met', 'min', 'oth', 'sci', 'val']
family_list = ['logfam', 'probfam']
fam_dict = {'logfam': ['l', 'm', 's'],
'probfam': ['c', 'd', 'p', 't']}
def remove_all_occurrences(list_obj, value):
while value in list_obj:
# Reference: https://thispointer.com/python-remove-elements-from-list-by-value/#3
df = pd.read_csv('phil_studies_7y_july_foranalysis_master.csv',
author | title | year | vol | iss | pg_start | pg_end | doi | num_authors | discussion | ... | act | dec | epi | lan | log | met | min | oth | sci | val | |
key | |||||||||||||||||||||
CBNREUXB | Kvanvig, J. L. | Truth and Superassertibility | 1999 | 93 | 1 | 1 | 19 | 10.1023/A:1004200827651 | 1 | 0 | ... | 0.0 | 0.0 | 1.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 |
XA96BKUT | Gold, Ian | Dispositions and the Central Problem of Color | 1999 | 93 | 1 | 21 | 44 | 10.1023/A:1004215111799 | 1 | 0 | ... | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN |
2 rows × 54 columns
df = df.convert_dtypes()
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> Index: 975 entries, CBNREUXB to VIT964GL Data columns (total 54 columns): # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 author 975 non-null string 1 title 975 non-null string 2 year 975 non-null Int64 3 vol 975 non-null Int64 4 iss 975 non-null string 5 pg_start 975 non-null Int64 6 pg_end 975 non-null Int64 7 doi 975 non-null string 8 num_authors 975 non-null Int64 9 discussion 975 non-null Int64 10 screener1 211 non-null Int64 11 screener2 330 non-null Int64 12 screener3 735 non-null Int64 13 screener4 443 non-null Int64 14 screener5 73 non-null Int64 15 screener6 264 non-null Int64 16 screen_num 975 non-null Int64 17 screen_ave 975 non-null Float64 18 screen_hits 975 non-null Int64 19 class_assignments 245 non-null string 20 method_a 122 non-null string 21 level_a 122 non-null Int64 22 subdisc_a 122 non-null string 23 method_b 124 non-null string 24 level_b 124 non-null Int64 25 subdisc_b 124 non-null string 26 method_c 122 non-null string 27 level_c 122 non-null Int64 28 subdisc_c 122 non-null string 29 method_d 122 non-null string 30 level_d 122 non-null Int64 31 subdisc_d 122 non-null string 32 resolver 207 non-null string 33 method_resolved 245 non-null string 34 level_resolved 245 non-null Int64 35 subdisc_resolved 245 non-null string 36 c 245 non-null Int64 37 d 245 non-null Int64 38 l 245 non-null Int64 39 m 245 non-null Int64 40 o 245 non-null Int64 41 p 245 non-null Int64 42 s 245 non-null Int64 43 t 245 non-null Int64 44 act 245 non-null Int64 45 dec 245 non-null Int64 46 epi 245 non-null Int64 47 lan 245 non-null Int64 48 log 245 non-null Int64 49 met 245 non-null Int64 50 min 245 non-null Int64 51 oth 245 non-null Int64 52 sci 245 non-null Int64 53 val 245 non-null Int64 dtypes: Float64(1), Int64(37), string(16) memory usage: 455.1+ KB
df7y_hits = df[df['screen_hits'] == 1].copy()
author | title | year | vol | iss | pg_start | pg_end | doi | num_authors | discussion | ... | act | dec | epi | lan | log | met | min | oth | sci | val | |
key | |||||||||||||||||||||
CBNREUXB | Kvanvig, J. L. | Truth and Superassertibility | 1999 | 93 | 1 | 1 | 19 | 10.1023/A:1004200827651 | 1 | 0 | ... | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
GENQLD4K | Yi, Byeong-Uk | Is Mereology Ontologically Innocent? | 1999 | 93 | 2 | 141 | 160 | 10.1023/a:1004274912342 | 1 | 0 | ... | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
42ZY7DJT | Graham, Peter J. | Brandom on Singular Terms | 1999 | 93 | 3 | 247 | 264 | 10.1023/A:1004227828002 | 1 | 0 | ... | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
7L4F5UBA | Hudson, Hud | Temporal Parts and Moral Personhood | 1999 | 93 | 3 | 299 | 316 | 10.1023/A:1004275711163 | 1 | 0 | ... | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
W68UX2EB | Gotthelf, Allan | A Biological Provenance | 1999 | 94 | 1/2 | 35 | 56 | 10.1023/A:1004498903804 | 1 | 0 | ... | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 |
5 rows × 54 columns
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> Index: 245 entries, CBNREUXB to ATMYJ8IU Data columns (total 54 columns): # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 author 245 non-null string 1 title 245 non-null string 2 year 245 non-null Int64 3 vol 245 non-null Int64 4 iss 245 non-null string 5 pg_start 245 non-null Int64 6 pg_end 245 non-null Int64 7 doi 245 non-null string 8 num_authors 245 non-null Int64 9 discussion 245 non-null Int64 10 screener1 56 non-null Int64 11 screener2 78 non-null Int64 12 screener3 193 non-null Int64 13 screener4 109 non-null Int64 14 screener5 25 non-null Int64 15 screener6 61 non-null Int64 16 screen_num 245 non-null Int64 17 screen_ave 245 non-null Float64 18 screen_hits 245 non-null Int64 19 class_assignments 245 non-null string 20 method_a 122 non-null string 21 level_a 122 non-null Int64 22 subdisc_a 122 non-null string 23 method_b 124 non-null string 24 level_b 124 non-null Int64 25 subdisc_b 124 non-null string 26 method_c 122 non-null string 27 level_c 122 non-null Int64 28 subdisc_c 122 non-null string 29 method_d 122 non-null string 30 level_d 122 non-null Int64 31 subdisc_d 122 non-null string 32 resolver 207 non-null string 33 method_resolved 245 non-null string 34 level_resolved 245 non-null Int64 35 subdisc_resolved 245 non-null string 36 c 245 non-null Int64 37 d 245 non-null Int64 38 l 245 non-null Int64 39 m 245 non-null Int64 40 o 245 non-null Int64 41 p 245 non-null Int64 42 s 245 non-null Int64 43 t 245 non-null Int64 44 act 245 non-null Int64 45 dec 245 non-null Int64 46 epi 245 non-null Int64 47 lan 245 non-null Int64 48 log 245 non-null Int64 49 met 245 non-null Int64 50 min 245 non-null Int64 51 oth 245 non-null Int64 52 sci 245 non-null Int64 53 val 245 non-null Int64 dtypes: Float64(1), Int64(37), string(16) memory usage: 114.4+ KB
dict = {}
for type in method_list:
for name in initials.values():
# Create new indicator (1/0) column for method-type and classifier name, filling nulls with -1
df7y_hits[f'{type}_{name}'] = df7y_hits[f'method_{name}'].str.contains(type).astype('Int64').fillna(-1)
# Create dictionary entry of list with method_type as key
column_names = [f'{type}_{name}' for name in initials.values()]
dict[type] = df7y_hits[column_names].values.tolist()
# Drop intermediary columns from DataFrame
df7y_hits.drop(columns=column_names, inplace=True)
# Remove nulls coded as -1, leaving the list a list of two-element lists
for x in dict[type]:
remove_all_occurrences(x, -1)
# Assign the first and second elements from the two-element lists to two new method_type columns
df7y_hits[f'{type}_1'] = [x[0] for x in dict[type]]
df7y_hits[f'{type}_2'] = [x[1] for x in dict[type]]
['c_a', 'c_b', 'c_c', 'c_d'] ['d_a', 'd_b', 'd_c', 'd_d'] ['l_a', 'l_b', 'l_c', 'l_d'] ['m_a', 'm_b', 'm_c', 'm_d'] ['o_a', 'o_b', 'o_c', 'o_d'] ['p_a', 'p_b', 'p_c', 'p_d'] ['s_a', 's_b', 's_c', 's_d'] ['t_a', 't_b', 't_c', 't_d']
methtype_cols = [name for name in df7y_hits.columns.tolist()
if ('method' in name) and ('resolved' not in name)] + \
[name for name in df7y_hits.columns.tolist()
for type in method_list if name.startswith(f'{type}_')]
method_a | method_b | method_c | method_d | c_1 | c_2 | d_1 | d_2 | l_1 | l_2 | m_1 | m_2 | o_1 | o_2 | p_1 | p_2 | s_1 | s_2 | t_1 | t_2 | |
key | ||||||||||||||||||||
JRMJBXTE | <NA> | l | l | <NA> | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
ZW73TCAY | <NA> | l | <NA> | l | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
8DVHGIW2 | <NA> | p | <NA> | p | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
HBMH5KRN | <NA> | m | l | <NA> | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
34N4J289 | l | <NA> | l | <NA> | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
RM9FYDFS | <NA> | l | l | <NA> | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
CBNREUXB | m | <NA> | <NA> | m | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
3GG84RDD | <NA> | o | s | <NA> | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 |
4H7MHEXN | l,s | s | <NA> | <NA> | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 |
FY4GT48F | <NA> | d | <NA> | d | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> Index: 245 entries, CBNREUXB to ATMYJ8IU Data columns (total 70 columns): # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 author 245 non-null string 1 title 245 non-null string 2 year 245 non-null Int64 3 vol 245 non-null Int64 4 iss 245 non-null string 5 pg_start 245 non-null Int64 6 pg_end 245 non-null Int64 7 doi 245 non-null string 8 num_authors 245 non-null Int64 9 discussion 245 non-null Int64 10 screener1 56 non-null Int64 11 screener2 78 non-null Int64 12 screener3 193 non-null Int64 13 screener4 109 non-null Int64 14 screener5 25 non-null Int64 15 screener6 61 non-null Int64 16 screen_num 245 non-null Int64 17 screen_ave 245 non-null Float64 18 screen_hits 245 non-null Int64 19 class_assignments 245 non-null string 20 method_a 122 non-null string 21 level_a 122 non-null Int64 22 subdisc_a 122 non-null string 23 method_b 124 non-null string 24 level_b 124 non-null Int64 25 subdisc_b 124 non-null string 26 method_c 122 non-null string 27 level_c 122 non-null Int64 28 subdisc_c 122 non-null string 29 method_d 122 non-null string 30 level_d 122 non-null Int64 31 subdisc_d 122 non-null string 32 resolver 207 non-null string 33 method_resolved 245 non-null string 34 level_resolved 245 non-null Int64 35 subdisc_resolved 245 non-null string 36 c 245 non-null Int64 37 d 245 non-null Int64 38 l 245 non-null Int64 39 m 245 non-null Int64 40 o 245 non-null Int64 41 p 245 non-null Int64 42 s 245 non-null Int64 43 t 245 non-null Int64 44 act 245 non-null Int64 45 dec 245 non-null Int64 46 epi 245 non-null Int64 47 lan 245 non-null Int64 48 log 245 non-null Int64 49 met 245 non-null Int64 50 min 245 non-null Int64 51 oth 245 non-null Int64 52 sci 245 non-null Int64 53 val 245 non-null Int64 54 c_1 245 non-null int64 55 c_2 245 non-null int64 56 d_1 245 non-null int64 57 d_2 245 non-null int64 58 l_1 245 non-null int64 59 l_2 245 non-null int64 60 m_1 245 non-null int64 61 m_2 245 non-null int64 62 o_1 245 non-null int64 63 o_2 245 non-null int64 64 p_1 245 non-null int64 65 p_2 245 non-null int64 66 s_1 245 non-null int64 67 s_2 245 non-null int64 68 t_1 245 non-null int64 69 t_2 245 non-null int64 dtypes: Float64(1), Int64(37), int64(16), string(16) memory usage: 145.0+ KB
df7y_hits[[name for name in df7y_hits.columns if 'level' in name]].sample(10)
level_a | level_b | level_c | level_d | level_resolved | |
key | |||||
4D3TZJPQ | <NA> | <NA> | 2 | 1 | 2 |
2FMAARAV | <NA> | <NA> | 2 | 1 | 1 |
LGCUXLBZ | <NA> | 1 | 0 | <NA> | 1 |
9Q3AYBFL | <NA> | 1 | <NA> | 2 | 2 |
MLG4PBUT | 3 | <NA> | <NA> | 2 | 2 |
NID655PT | 1 | <NA> | <NA> | 2 | 1 |
LNEH6RWT | 3 | <NA> | 2 | <NA> | 2 |
4H7MHEXN | 3 | 2 | <NA> | <NA> | 2 |
N7Z6M74Y | 2 | <NA> | <NA> | 1 | 2 |
9AIJNA2I | <NA> | 2 | 2 | <NA> | 2 |
dict = {}
for type in ['level']:
# Create dictionary entry of list with method_type as key
column_names = [f'{type}_{name}' for name in initials.values()]
dict[type] = df7y_hits[column_names].fillna(-1).values.tolist()
# Remove nulls coded as -1, leaving the list a list of two-element lists
for x in dict[type]:
remove_all_occurrences(x, -1)
# Assign the first and second elements from the two-element lists to two new method_type columns
df7y_hits[f'{type}_1'] = [x[0] for x in dict[type]]
df7y_hits[f'{type}_2'] = [x[1] for x in dict[type]]
['level_a', 'level_b', 'level_c', 'level_d']
level_cols = [name for name in df7y_hits.columns.tolist()
if ('level' in name) and ('resolved' not in name)]
level_a | level_b | level_c | level_d | level_1 | level_2 | |
key | ||||||
DZML2IQ8 | <NA> | 2 | 3 | <NA> | 2 | 3 |
Q7LHHJPN | <NA> | 2 | 2 | <NA> | 2 | 2 |
335Q4Y38 | 2 | <NA> | <NA> | 2 | 2 | 2 |
NJGZDVMB | <NA> | 1 | 2 | <NA> | 1 | 2 |
52Y9VVM5 | <NA> | 1 | <NA> | 1 | 1 | 1 |
58KUQXV7 | <NA> | 2 | <NA> | 3 | 2 | 3 |
GK2ZTTIT | 2 | <NA> | 1 | <NA> | 2 | 1 |
VYGD4WQL | <NA> | <NA> | 2 | 1 | 2 | 1 |
6J9Q847L | <NA> | <NA> | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
UPK6W7S4 | <NA> | <NA> | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 |
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> Index: 245 entries, CBNREUXB to ATMYJ8IU Data columns (total 72 columns): # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 author 245 non-null string 1 title 245 non-null string 2 year 245 non-null Int64 3 vol 245 non-null Int64 4 iss 245 non-null string 5 pg_start 245 non-null Int64 6 pg_end 245 non-null Int64 7 doi 245 non-null string 8 num_authors 245 non-null Int64 9 discussion 245 non-null Int64 10 screener1 56 non-null Int64 11 screener2 78 non-null Int64 12 screener3 193 non-null Int64 13 screener4 109 non-null Int64 14 screener5 25 non-null Int64 15 screener6 61 non-null Int64 16 screen_num 245 non-null Int64 17 screen_ave 245 non-null Float64 18 screen_hits 245 non-null Int64 19 class_assignments 245 non-null string 20 method_a 122 non-null string 21 level_a 122 non-null Int64 22 subdisc_a 122 non-null string 23 method_b 124 non-null string 24 level_b 124 non-null Int64 25 subdisc_b 124 non-null string 26 method_c 122 non-null string 27 level_c 122 non-null Int64 28 subdisc_c 122 non-null string 29 method_d 122 non-null string 30 level_d 122 non-null Int64 31 subdisc_d 122 non-null string 32 resolver 207 non-null string 33 method_resolved 245 non-null string 34 level_resolved 245 non-null Int64 35 subdisc_resolved 245 non-null string 36 c 245 non-null Int64 37 d 245 non-null Int64 38 l 245 non-null Int64 39 m 245 non-null Int64 40 o 245 non-null Int64 41 p 245 non-null Int64 42 s 245 non-null Int64 43 t 245 non-null Int64 44 act 245 non-null Int64 45 dec 245 non-null Int64 46 epi 245 non-null Int64 47 lan 245 non-null Int64 48 log 245 non-null Int64 49 met 245 non-null Int64 50 min 245 non-null Int64 51 oth 245 non-null Int64 52 sci 245 non-null Int64 53 val 245 non-null Int64 54 c_1 245 non-null int64 55 c_2 245 non-null int64 56 d_1 245 non-null int64 57 d_2 245 non-null int64 58 l_1 245 non-null int64 59 l_2 245 non-null int64 60 m_1 245 non-null int64 61 m_2 245 non-null int64 62 o_1 245 non-null int64 63 o_2 245 non-null int64 64 p_1 245 non-null int64 65 p_2 245 non-null int64 66 s_1 245 non-null int64 67 s_2 245 non-null int64 68 t_1 245 non-null int64 69 t_2 245 non-null int64 70 level_1 245 non-null int64 71 level_2 245 non-null int64 dtypes: Float64(1), Int64(37), int64(18), string(16) memory usage: 148.8+ KB
dict = {}
for type in subdisc_list:
for name in initials.values():
# Create new indicator (1/0) column for subdisc-type and classifier name, filling nulls with -1
df7y_hits[f'{type}_{name}'] = df7y_hits[f'subdisc_{name}'].str.contains(type).astype('Int64').fillna(-1)
# Create dictionary entry of list with subdisc_type as key
column_names = [f'{type}_{name}' for name in initials.values()]
dict[type] = df7y_hits[column_names].values.tolist()
# Drop intermediary columns from DataFrame
df7y_hits.drop(columns=column_names, inplace=True)
# Remove nulls coded as -1, leaving the list a list of two-element lists
for x in dict[type]:
remove_all_occurrences(x, -1)
# Assign the first and second elements from the two-element lists to two new subdisc_type columns
df7y_hits[f'{type}_1'] = [x[0] for x in dict[type]]
df7y_hits[f'{type}_2'] = [x[1] for x in dict[type]]
['act_a', 'act_b', 'act_c', 'act_d'] ['dec_a', 'dec_b', 'dec_c', 'dec_d'] ['epi_a', 'epi_b', 'epi_c', 'epi_d'] ['lan_a', 'lan_b', 'lan_c', 'lan_d'] ['log_a', 'log_b', 'log_c', 'log_d'] ['met_a', 'met_b', 'met_c', 'met_d'] ['min_a', 'min_b', 'min_c', 'min_d'] ['oth_a', 'oth_b', 'oth_c', 'oth_d'] ['sci_a', 'sci_b', 'sci_c', 'sci_d'] ['val_a', 'val_b', 'val_c', 'val_d']
subdisctype_cols = [name for name in df7y_hits.columns.tolist()
if ('subdisc' in name) and ('resolved' not in name)] + \
[name for name in df7y_hits.columns.tolist()
for type in subdisc_list if name.startswith(f'{type}_')]
subdisc_a | subdisc_b | subdisc_c | subdisc_d | act_1 | act_2 | dec_1 | dec_2 | epi_1 | epi_2 | ... | met_1 | met_2 | min_1 | min_2 | oth_1 | oth_2 | sci_1 | sci_2 | val_1 | val_2 | |
key | |||||||||||||||||||||
FWZ6NIZ7 | <NA> | lan,val | <NA> | log | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | ... | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 |
PNZ3USDV | lan | <NA> | <NA> | lan | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | ... | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
YKLVZG5U | <NA> | epi | met | <NA> | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | ... | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
JR57RLCD | dec | <NA> | <NA> | dec | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | ... | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
KZFQUSMH | sci | met,sci | <NA> | <NA> | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | ... | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 |
XBYAERZM | dec | <NA> | <NA> | dec | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | ... | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LF3KLWW5 | <NA> | lan,met | <NA> | lan | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | ... | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
FY4GT48F | <NA> | dec,epi | <NA> | dec | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | ... | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
U3V5KHIS | <NA> | epi | <NA> | oth | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | ... | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
25H879BT | val | <NA> | val | <NA> | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | ... | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 |
10 rows × 24 columns
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> Index: 245 entries, CBNREUXB to ATMYJ8IU Data columns (total 92 columns): # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 author 245 non-null string 1 title 245 non-null string 2 year 245 non-null Int64 3 vol 245 non-null Int64 4 iss 245 non-null string 5 pg_start 245 non-null Int64 6 pg_end 245 non-null Int64 7 doi 245 non-null string 8 num_authors 245 non-null Int64 9 discussion 245 non-null Int64 10 screener1 56 non-null Int64 11 screener2 78 non-null Int64 12 screener3 193 non-null Int64 13 screener4 109 non-null Int64 14 screener5 25 non-null Int64 15 screener6 61 non-null Int64 16 screen_num 245 non-null Int64 17 screen_ave 245 non-null Float64 18 screen_hits 245 non-null Int64 19 class_assignments 245 non-null string 20 method_a 122 non-null string 21 level_a 122 non-null Int64 22 subdisc_a 122 non-null string 23 method_b 124 non-null string 24 level_b 124 non-null Int64 25 subdisc_b 124 non-null string 26 method_c 122 non-null string 27 level_c 122 non-null Int64 28 subdisc_c 122 non-null string 29 method_d 122 non-null string 30 level_d 122 non-null Int64 31 subdisc_d 122 non-null string 32 resolver 207 non-null string 33 method_resolved 245 non-null string 34 level_resolved 245 non-null Int64 35 subdisc_resolved 245 non-null string 36 c 245 non-null Int64 37 d 245 non-null Int64 38 l 245 non-null Int64 39 m 245 non-null Int64 40 o 245 non-null Int64 41 p 245 non-null Int64 42 s 245 non-null Int64 43 t 245 non-null Int64 44 act 245 non-null Int64 45 dec 245 non-null Int64 46 epi 245 non-null Int64 47 lan 245 non-null Int64 48 log 245 non-null Int64 49 met 245 non-null Int64 50 min 245 non-null Int64 51 oth 245 non-null Int64 52 sci 245 non-null Int64 53 val 245 non-null Int64 54 c_1 245 non-null int64 55 c_2 245 non-null int64 56 d_1 245 non-null int64 57 d_2 245 non-null int64 58 l_1 245 non-null int64 59 l_2 245 non-null int64 60 m_1 245 non-null int64 61 m_2 245 non-null int64 62 o_1 245 non-null int64 63 o_2 245 non-null int64 64 p_1 245 non-null int64 65 p_2 245 non-null int64 66 s_1 245 non-null int64 67 s_2 245 non-null int64 68 t_1 245 non-null int64 69 t_2 245 non-null int64 70 level_1 245 non-null int64 71 level_2 245 non-null int64 72 act_1 245 non-null int64 73 act_2 245 non-null int64 74 dec_1 245 non-null int64 75 dec_2 245 non-null int64 76 epi_1 245 non-null int64 77 epi_2 245 non-null int64 78 lan_1 245 non-null int64 79 lan_2 245 non-null int64 80 log_1 245 non-null int64 81 log_2 245 non-null int64 82 met_1 245 non-null int64 83 met_2 245 non-null int64 84 min_1 245 non-null int64 85 min_2 245 non-null int64 86 oth_1 245 non-null int64 87 oth_2 245 non-null int64 88 sci_1 245 non-null int64 89 sci_2 245 non-null int64 90 val_1 245 non-null int64 91 val_2 245 non-null int64 dtypes: Float64(1), Int64(37), int64(38), string(16) memory usage: 187.1+ KB
col_dict = {}
for fam in family_list:
for num in [1, 2]:
col_dict[f'{fam}_{num}'] = [f'{s}_{num}' for s in fam_dict[fam]]
df7y_hits[f'{fam}_{num}'] = df7y_hits[col_dict[f'{fam}_{num}']].any(axis=1).astype(int)
df7y_hits[col_dict['logfam_1'] + ['logfam_1']].sample(20)
['l_1', 'm_1', 's_1'] ['l_2', 'm_2', 's_2'] ['c_1', 'd_1', 'p_1', 't_1'] ['c_2', 'd_2', 'p_2', 't_2']
l_1 | m_1 | s_1 | logfam_1 | |
key | ||||
HBF6JF5Q | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
H6RKJVMJ | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
9AIJNA2I | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
8DVHGIW2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
FG4IWFVH | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 |
D6UICPGV | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 |
XNNLU3H8 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
4ATMG9UH | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 |
AH9T8JGZ | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
YDU5QH5G | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
D9442GJQ | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
6ILT8FK5 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
VLXN8Q9Y | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
UCTK9E2M | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
46MNFIGM | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
25CXATIR | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 |
N7Z6M74Y | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 |
JRMJBXTE | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
VYR5FP29 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 |
59ZIQQ3V | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
# Number of False Positives from Screening Process
(df7y_hits['level_resolved'] == 0).sum()
# DataFrame of True Positives
df7y_scores = df7y_hits[df7y_hits['level_resolved'] != 0].loc[:, 'c_1':'probfam_2'].copy()
c_1 | c_2 | d_1 | d_2 | l_1 | l_2 | m_1 | m_2 | o_1 | o_2 | ... | oth_1 | oth_2 | sci_1 | sci_2 | val_1 | val_2 | logfam_1 | logfam_2 | probfam_1 | probfam_2 | |
key | |||||||||||||||||||||
CBNREUXB | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | ... | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 |
GENQLD4K | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | ... | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 |
42ZY7DJT | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | ... | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 |
S6WEG9L7 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | ... | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 |
M5DAF3ZF | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | ... | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 |
5 rows × 42 columns
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> Index: 208 entries, CBNREUXB to ATMYJ8IU Data columns (total 42 columns): # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 c_1 208 non-null int64 1 c_2 208 non-null int64 2 d_1 208 non-null int64 3 d_2 208 non-null int64 4 l_1 208 non-null int64 5 l_2 208 non-null int64 6 m_1 208 non-null int64 7 m_2 208 non-null int64 8 o_1 208 non-null int64 9 o_2 208 non-null int64 10 p_1 208 non-null int64 11 p_2 208 non-null int64 12 s_1 208 non-null int64 13 s_2 208 non-null int64 14 t_1 208 non-null int64 15 t_2 208 non-null int64 16 level_1 208 non-null int64 17 level_2 208 non-null int64 18 act_1 208 non-null int64 19 act_2 208 non-null int64 20 dec_1 208 non-null int64 21 dec_2 208 non-null int64 22 epi_1 208 non-null int64 23 epi_2 208 non-null int64 24 lan_1 208 non-null int64 25 lan_2 208 non-null int64 26 log_1 208 non-null int64 27 log_2 208 non-null int64 28 met_1 208 non-null int64 29 met_2 208 non-null int64 30 min_1 208 non-null int64 31 min_2 208 non-null int64 32 oth_1 208 non-null int64 33 oth_2 208 non-null int64 34 sci_1 208 non-null int64 35 sci_2 208 non-null int64 36 val_1 208 non-null int64 37 val_2 208 non-null int64 38 logfam_1 208 non-null int64 39 logfam_2 208 non-null int64 40 probfam_1 208 non-null int64 41 probfam_2 208 non-null int64 dtypes: int64(42) memory usage: 69.9+ KB
# DataFrame of True Positives Excluding 1999
df6y_scores = df7y_hits[(df7y_hits['year'] != 1999) & (df7y_hits['level_resolved'] != 0)].loc[:, 'c_1':'probfam_2'].copy()
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> Index: 191 entries, H6RKJVMJ to ATMYJ8IU Data columns (total 42 columns): # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 c_1 191 non-null int64 1 c_2 191 non-null int64 2 d_1 191 non-null int64 3 d_2 191 non-null int64 4 l_1 191 non-null int64 5 l_2 191 non-null int64 6 m_1 191 non-null int64 7 m_2 191 non-null int64 8 o_1 191 non-null int64 9 o_2 191 non-null int64 10 p_1 191 non-null int64 11 p_2 191 non-null int64 12 s_1 191 non-null int64 13 s_2 191 non-null int64 14 t_1 191 non-null int64 15 t_2 191 non-null int64 16 level_1 191 non-null int64 17 level_2 191 non-null int64 18 act_1 191 non-null int64 19 act_2 191 non-null int64 20 dec_1 191 non-null int64 21 dec_2 191 non-null int64 22 epi_1 191 non-null int64 23 epi_2 191 non-null int64 24 lan_1 191 non-null int64 25 lan_2 191 non-null int64 26 log_1 191 non-null int64 27 log_2 191 non-null int64 28 met_1 191 non-null int64 29 met_2 191 non-null int64 30 min_1 191 non-null int64 31 min_2 191 non-null int64 32 oth_1 191 non-null int64 33 oth_2 191 non-null int64 34 sci_1 191 non-null int64 35 sci_2 191 non-null int64 36 val_1 191 non-null int64 37 val_2 191 non-null int64 38 logfam_1 191 non-null int64 39 logfam_2 191 non-null int64 40 probfam_1 191 non-null int64 41 probfam_2 191 non-null int64 dtypes: int64(42) memory usage: 64.2+ KB
# DataFrame of Hits Excluding 1999
df6y_hits = df7y_hits[(df7y_hits['year'] != 1999)].loc[:, 'c_1':'probfam_2'].copy()
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> Index: 223 entries, H6RKJVMJ to ATMYJ8IU Data columns (total 42 columns): # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 c_1 223 non-null int64 1 c_2 223 non-null int64 2 d_1 223 non-null int64 3 d_2 223 non-null int64 4 l_1 223 non-null int64 5 l_2 223 non-null int64 6 m_1 223 non-null int64 7 m_2 223 non-null int64 8 o_1 223 non-null int64 9 o_2 223 non-null int64 10 p_1 223 non-null int64 11 p_2 223 non-null int64 12 s_1 223 non-null int64 13 s_2 223 non-null int64 14 t_1 223 non-null int64 15 t_2 223 non-null int64 16 level_1 223 non-null int64 17 level_2 223 non-null int64 18 act_1 223 non-null int64 19 act_2 223 non-null int64 20 dec_1 223 non-null int64 21 dec_2 223 non-null int64 22 epi_1 223 non-null int64 23 epi_2 223 non-null int64 24 lan_1 223 non-null int64 25 lan_2 223 non-null int64 26 log_1 223 non-null int64 27 log_2 223 non-null int64 28 met_1 223 non-null int64 29 met_2 223 non-null int64 30 min_1 223 non-null int64 31 min_2 223 non-null int64 32 oth_1 223 non-null int64 33 oth_2 223 non-null int64 34 sci_1 223 non-null int64 35 sci_2 223 non-null int64 36 val_1 223 non-null int64 37 val_2 223 non-null int64 38 logfam_1 223 non-null int64 39 logfam_2 223 non-null int64 40 probfam_1 223 non-null int64 41 probfam_2 223 non-null int64 dtypes: int64(42) memory usage: 74.9+ KB
variable_list = method_list + family_list + ['level'] + subdisc_list
['c', 'd', 'l', 'm', 'o', 'p', 's', 't', 'logfam', 'probfam', 'level', 'act', 'dec', 'epi', 'lan', 'log', 'met', 'min', 'oth', 'sci', 'val']
for var in variable_list:
total_ratings = len(df7y_scores)
agreement = (df7y_scores[f'{var}_1'] == df7y_scores[f'{var}_2']).sum() / total_ratings
message = f'Percent Agreement for variable {var}: {agreement*100:.0f}'
Percent Agreement for variable c: 98 Percent Agreement for variable d: 95 Percent Agreement for variable l: 76 Percent Agreement for variable m: 86 Percent Agreement for variable o: 95 Percent Agreement for variable p: 93 Percent Agreement for variable s: 86 Percent Agreement for variable t: 100 Percent Agreement for variable logfam: 94 Percent Agreement for variable probfam: 94 Percent Agreement for variable level: 48 Percent Agreement for variable act: 95 Percent Agreement for variable dec: 96 Percent Agreement for variable epi: 91 Percent Agreement for variable lan: 90 Percent Agreement for variable log: 90 Percent Agreement for variable met: 89 Percent Agreement for variable min: 97 Percent Agreement for variable oth: 95 Percent Agreement for variable sci: 96 Percent Agreement for variable val: 95
from sklearn.metrics import cohen_kappa_score
for var in variable_list:
y1 = df7y_scores[f'{var}_1']
y2 = df7y_scores[f'{var}_2']
kappa = cohen_kappa_score(y1, y2)
message = f'Cohen\'s Kappa for variable {var}: {kappa:.2f}'
Cohen's Kappa for variable c: 0.66 Cohen's Kappa for variable d: 0.74 Cohen's Kappa for variable l: 0.50 Cohen's Kappa for variable m: 0.63 Cohen's Kappa for variable o: 0.56 Cohen's Kappa for variable p: 0.74 Cohen's Kappa for variable s: 0.38 Cohen's Kappa for variable t: 0.93 Cohen's Kappa for variable logfam: 0.85 Cohen's Kappa for variable probfam: 0.87 Cohen's Kappa for variable level: 0.19 Cohen's Kappa for variable act: 0.48 Cohen's Kappa for variable dec: 0.69 Cohen's Kappa for variable epi: 0.73 Cohen's Kappa for variable lan: 0.65 Cohen's Kappa for variable log: 0.55 Cohen's Kappa for variable met: 0.73 Cohen's Kappa for variable min: 0.52 Cohen's Kappa for variable oth: -0.02 Cohen's Kappa for variable sci: 0.75 Cohen's Kappa for variable val: 0.75
for var in variable_list:
n = len(df7y_scores)
num_agreement = (df7y_scores[f'{var}_1'] == df7y_scores[f'{var}_2']).sum()
prop_observed_agreement = num_agreement / n
num_rat1_3 = (df7y_scores[f'{var}_1'] == 3).sum()
num_rat1_2 = (df7y_scores[f'{var}_1'] == 2).sum()
num_rat1_1 = (df7y_scores[f'{var}_1'] == 1).sum()
num_rat1_0 = (df7y_scores[f'{var}_1'] == 0).sum()
num_rat2_3 = (df7y_scores[f'{var}_2'] == 3).sum()
num_rat2_2 = (df7y_scores[f'{var}_2'] == 2).sum()
num_rat2_1 = (df7y_scores[f'{var}_2'] == 1).sum()
num_rat2_0 = (df7y_scores[f'{var}_2'] == 0).sum()
prop_chance_agreement = (num_rat1_3 * num_rat2_3 / n**2) + (num_rat1_2 * num_rat2_2 / n**2) + \
(num_rat1_1 * num_rat2_1 / n**2) + (num_rat1_0 * num_rat2_0 / n**2)
kappa = (prop_observed_agreement - prop_chance_agreement) / (1 - prop_chance_agreement)
message = f'Cohen\'s Kappa for variable {var}: {kappa:.2f}'
Cohen's Kappa for variable c: 0.66 Cohen's Kappa for variable d: 0.74 Cohen's Kappa for variable l: 0.50 Cohen's Kappa for variable m: 0.63 Cohen's Kappa for variable o: 0.56 Cohen's Kappa for variable p: 0.74 Cohen's Kappa for variable s: 0.38 Cohen's Kappa for variable t: 0.93 Cohen's Kappa for variable logfam: 0.85 Cohen's Kappa for variable probfam: 0.87 Cohen's Kappa for variable level: 0.19 Cohen's Kappa for variable act: 0.48 Cohen's Kappa for variable dec: 0.69 Cohen's Kappa for variable epi: 0.73 Cohen's Kappa for variable lan: 0.65 Cohen's Kappa for variable log: 0.55 Cohen's Kappa for variable met: 0.73 Cohen's Kappa for variable min: 0.52 Cohen's Kappa for variable oth: -0.02 Cohen's Kappa for variable sci: 0.75 Cohen's Kappa for variable val: 0.75
# Cohen's Kappa Interpretation Function
def kappa_map(kappa):
if kappa < 0:
return 'Less than chance'
if kappa == 0:
return 'Same as chance'
if (kappa > 0.0) and (kappa <= 0.2):
return 'Slight'
if (kappa > 0.2) and (kappa <= 0.4):
return 'Fair'
if (kappa > 0.4) and (kappa <= 0.6):
return 'Moderate'
if (kappa > 0.6) and (kappa <= 0.8):
return 'Substantial'
if (kappa > 0.8) and (kappa < 1.0):
return 'Almost perfect'
if kappa == 1:
return 'Perfect'
print('Percent Agreement and Cohen\'s Kappa')
print('Years: 1999, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2015, 2017, 2019')
print('Article Classification: \"Passed Screening\" (all levels, including 0)')
row = "| {A:<8s} | {B:>13s} | {C:<6s} | {D:<16s} |".format
print(row(A='variable', B='pct agreement', C='kappa', D='interpretation'))
print(row(A='-'*8, B='-'*13, C='-'*6, D='-'*16))
row = "| {A:>8s} | {B:13.1%} | {C:>6.3f} | {D:<16s} |".format
for var in variable_list:
# Percent Agreement
total_ratings = len(df7y_hits)
agreement = (df7y_hits[f'{var}_1'] == df7y_hits[f'{var}_2']).sum() / total_ratings
# Cohen's Kappa
y1 = df7y_hits[f'{var}_1']
y2 = df7y_hits[f'{var}_2']
kappa = cohen_kappa_score(y1, y2)
interpretation = kappa_map(kappa)
print(row(A=var, B=agreement, C=kappa, D=interpretation))
Percent Agreement and Cohen's Kappa Years: 1999, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2015, 2017, 2019 Article Classification: "Passed Screening" (all levels, including 0) | variable | pct agreement | kappa | interpretation | | -------- | ------------- | ------ | ---------------- | | c | 98.4% | 0.658 | Substantial | | d | 95.1% | 0.733 | Substantial | | l | 78.0% | 0.534 | Moderate | | m | 85.7% | 0.612 | Substantial | | o | 92.7% | 0.531 | Moderate | | p | 93.5% | 0.733 | Substantial | | s | 84.5% | 0.352 | Fair | | t | 99.6% | 0.939 | Almost perfect | | logfam | 92.2% | 0.815 | Almost perfect | | probfam | 93.9% | 0.853 | Almost perfect | | level | 48.6% | 0.263 | Fair | | act | 95.5% | 0.538 | Moderate | | dec | 96.7% | 0.697 | Substantial | | epi | 90.6% | 0.719 | Substantial | | lan | 90.6% | 0.684 | Substantial | | log | 91.0% | 0.527 | Moderate | | met | 90.2% | 0.766 | Substantial | | min | 95.9% | 0.594 | Moderate | | oth | 95.1% | -0.019 | Less than chance | | sci | 94.3% | 0.665 | Substantial | | val | 94.3% | 0.709 | Substantial |
print('Percent Agreement and Cohen\'s Kappa')
print('Years: 1999, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2015, 2017, 2019')
print('Article Classification: \"Uses Formal Methods\" (level > 0)')
row = "| {A:<8s} | {B:>13s} | {C:<6s} | {D:<16s} |".format
print(row(A='variable', B='pct agreement', C='kappa', D='interpretation'))
print(row(A='-'*8, B='-'*13, C='-'*6, D='-'*16))
row = "| {A:>8s} | {B:13.1%} | {C:>6.3f} | {D:<16s} |".format
for var in variable_list:
# Percent Agreement
total_ratings = len(df7y_scores)
agreement = (df7y_scores[f'{var}_1'] == df7y_scores[f'{var}_2']).sum() / total_ratings
# Cohen's Kappa
y1 = df7y_scores[f'{var}_1']
y2 = df7y_scores[f'{var}_2']
kappa = cohen_kappa_score(y1, y2)
interpretation = kappa_map(kappa)
print(row(A=var, B=agreement, C=kappa, D=interpretation))
Percent Agreement and Cohen's Kappa Years: 1999, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2015, 2017, 2019 Article Classification: "Uses Formal Methods" (level > 0) | variable | pct agreement | kappa | interpretation | | -------- | ------------- | ------ | ---------------- | | c | 98.1% | 0.657 | Substantial | | d | 94.7% | 0.736 | Substantial | | l | 76.4% | 0.496 | Moderate | | m | 85.6% | 0.634 | Substantial | | o | 94.7% | 0.564 | Moderate | | p | 93.3% | 0.742 | Substantial | | s | 85.6% | 0.382 | Fair | | t | 99.5% | 0.931 | Almost perfect | | logfam | 93.8% | 0.850 | Almost perfect | | probfam | 94.2% | 0.868 | Almost perfect | | level | 47.6% | 0.190 | Slight | | act | 95.2% | 0.477 | Moderate | | dec | 96.2% | 0.694 | Substantial | | epi | 90.9% | 0.730 | Substantial | | lan | 89.9% | 0.651 | Substantial | | log | 90.4% | 0.545 | Moderate | | met | 88.9% | 0.735 | Substantial | | min | 96.6% | 0.516 | Moderate | | oth | 95.2% | -0.016 | Less than chance | | sci | 95.7% | 0.746 | Substantial | | val | 95.2% | 0.746 | Substantial |
print('Percent Agreement and Cohen\'s Kappa')
print('Years: 2005, 2007, 2009, 2015, 2017, 2019')
print('Article Classification: \"Uses Formal Methods\" (level > 0)')
row = "| {A:<8s} | {B:>13s} | {C:<6s} | {D:<16s} |".format
print(row(A='variable', B='pct agreement', C='kappa', D='interpretation'))
print(row(A='-'*8, B='-'*13, C='-'*6, D='-'*16))
row = "| {A:>8s} | {B:13.1%} | {C:>6.3f} | {D:<16s} |".format
for var in variable_list:
# Percent Agreement
total_ratings = len(df6y_scores)
agreement = (df6y_scores[f'{var}_1'] == df6y_scores[f'{var}_2']).sum() / total_ratings
# Cohen's Kappa
y1 = df6y_scores[f'{var}_1']
y2 = df6y_scores[f'{var}_2']
kappa = cohen_kappa_score(y1, y2)
interpretation = kappa_map(kappa)
print(row(A=var, B=agreement, C=kappa, D=interpretation))
Percent Agreement and Cohen's Kappa Years: 2005, 2007, 2009, 2015, 2017, 2019 Article Classification: "Uses Formal Methods" (level > 0) | variable | pct agreement | kappa | interpretation | | -------- | ------------- | ------ | ---------------- | | c | 97.9% | 0.656 | Substantial | | d | 94.2% | 0.712 | Substantial | | l | 75.4% | 0.472 | Moderate | | m | 84.3% | 0.609 | Substantial | | o | 94.8% | 0.555 | Moderate | | p | 92.7% | 0.715 | Substantial | | s | 85.3% | 0.379 | Fair | | t | 99.5% | 0.931 | Almost perfect | | logfam | 93.7% | 0.848 | Almost perfect | | probfam | 93.7% | 0.857 | Almost perfect | | level | 48.7% | 0.208 | Fair | | act | 94.8% | 0.475 | Moderate | | dec | 95.8% | 0.670 | Substantial | | epi | 90.6% | 0.736 | Substantial | | lan | 90.1% | 0.630 | Substantial | | log | 90.1% | 0.555 | Moderate | | met | 90.6% | 0.773 | Substantial | | min | 96.9% | 0.555 | Moderate | | oth | 95.8% | -0.016 | Less than chance | | sci | 95.8% | 0.711 | Substantial | | val | 95.3% | 0.765 | Substantial |
print('Percent Agreement and Cohen\'s Kappa')
print('Years: 2005, 2007, 2009, 2015, 2017, 2019')
print('Article Classification: \"Passed Screening\" (all levels, including 0)')
row = "| {A:<8s} | {B:>13s} | {C:<6s} | {D:<16s} |".format
print(row(A='variable', B='pct agreement', C='kappa', D='interpretation'))
print(row(A='-'*8, B='-'*13, C='-'*6, D='-'*16))
row = "| {A:>8s} | {B:13.1%} | {C:>6.3f} | {D:<16s} |".format
for var in variable_list:
# Percent Agreement
total_ratings = len(df6y_hits)
agreement = (df6y_hits[f'{var}_1'] == df6y_hits[f'{var}_2']).sum() / total_ratings
# Cohen's Kappa
y1 = df6y_hits[f'{var}_1']
y2 = df6y_hits[f'{var}_2']
kappa = cohen_kappa_score(y1, y2)
interpretation = kappa_map(kappa)
print(row(A=var, B=agreement, C=kappa, D=interpretation))
Percent Agreement and Cohen's Kappa Years: 2005, 2007, 2009, 2015, 2017, 2019 Article Classification: "Passed Screening" (all levels, including 0) | variable | pct agreement | kappa | interpretation | | -------- | ------------- | ------ | ---------------- | | c | 98.2% | 0.657 | Substantial | | d | 94.6% | 0.709 | Substantial | | l | 77.1% | 0.516 | Moderate | | m | 84.3% | 0.586 | Moderate | | o | 92.4% | 0.499 | Moderate | | p | 92.8% | 0.708 | Substantial | | s | 84.3% | 0.337 | Fair | | t | 99.6% | 0.931 | Almost perfect | | logfam | 91.9% | 0.806 | Almost perfect | | probfam | 93.3% | 0.839 | Almost perfect | | level | 49.3% | 0.274 | Fair | | act | 95.1% | 0.536 | Moderate | | dec | 96.4% | 0.674 | Substantial | | epi | 90.1% | 0.722 | Substantial | | lan | 90.6% | 0.671 | Substantial | | log | 90.6% | 0.535 | Moderate | | met | 91.5% | 0.793 | Substantial | | min | 96.0% | 0.587 | Moderate | | oth | 95.5% | -0.019 | Less than chance | | sci | 94.6% | 0.619 | Substantial | | val | 94.6% | 0.740 | Substantial |
# Create name dictionary
variable_dict = {
'c': 'Causal Modeling',
'd': 'Decision \& Game',
'l': 'Non-Modal Logic',
'm': 'Modal Logic',
'o': 'Other',
'p': 'Probability Theory',
's': 'Sets \& Relations',
't': 'Statistics',
'logfam': '\\textbf{Logic Family}',
'probfam': '\\textbf{Probability Family}',
'act': 'Action',
'dec': 'Decision',
'epi': 'Epistemology',
'lan': 'Language',
'log': 'Logic',
'met': 'Metaphysics',
'min': 'Mind',
'oth': 'Other',
'sci': 'Science',
'val': 'Value'
{'c': 'Causal Modeling', 'd': 'Decision \\& Game', 'l': 'Non-Modal Logic', 'm': 'Modal Logic', 'o': 'Other', 'p': 'Probability Theory', 's': 'Sets \\& Relations', 't': 'Statistics', 'logfam': '\\textbf{Logic Family}', 'probfam': '\\textbf{Probability Family}', 'act': 'Action', 'dec': 'Decision', 'epi': 'Epistemology', 'lan': 'Language', 'log': 'Logic', 'met': 'Metaphysics', 'min': 'Mind', 'oth': 'Other', 'sci': 'Science', 'val': 'Value'}
method_list2 = ['logfam', 'l', 'm', 's', 'probfam', 'p', 'd', 't', 'c', 'o']
for var in method_list2:
name = variable_dict[var]
\textbf{Logic Family} Non-Modal Logic Modal Logic Sets \& Relations \textbf{Probability Family} Probability Theory Decision \& Game Statistics Causal Modeling Other
### Method Table - Vertical Headings
# Initialize variables
row_0 = '\\textbf{Method:} '
row_1 = '\% agree: '
row_2 = '$\\kappa$: '
# Calculate values and create rows
for var in method_list2:
# Create row_0
name = variable_dict[var]
entry = f'& \\rotatebox{{90}}{{{name}}} '
row_0 = row_0 + entry
# Calculate Percent Agreement
total_ratings = len(df6y_hits)
agreement = (df6y_hits[f'{var}_1'] == df6y_hits[f'{var}_2']).sum() / total_ratings
# Create row_1
entry = f'& {agreement*100:4.0f}\% '
row_1 = row_1 + entry
# Calculate Cohen's Kappa
y1 = df6y_hits[f'{var}_1']
y2 = df6y_hits[f'{var}_2']
kappa = cohen_kappa_score(y1, y2)
# Create row_2
entry = f'& {kappa:>4.2f} '
row_2 = row_2 + entry
row_0 = row_0 + '\\\\ \hline'
row_1 = row_1 + '\\\\'
row_2 = row_2 + '\\\\'
# Print rows
# Print spacing row
### Subdiscipline Table
# Initialize variables
row_0 = '\\textbf{Subdisc:} '
row_1 = '\% agree: '
row_2 = '$\\kappa$: '
# Calculate values and create rows
for var in subdisc_list:
# Create row_0
name = variable_dict[var]
entry = f'& \\rotatebox{{90}}{{{name}}} '
row_0 = row_0 + entry
# Calculate Percent Agreement
total_ratings = len(df6y_hits)
agreement = (df6y_hits[f'{var}_1'] == df6y_hits[f'{var}_2']).sum() / total_ratings
# Create row_1
entry = f'& {agreement*100:4.0f}\% '
row_1 = row_1 + entry
# Calculate Cohen's Kappa
y1 = df6y_hits[f'{var}_1']
y2 = df6y_hits[f'{var}_2']
kappa = cohen_kappa_score(y1, y2)
# Create row_2
entry = f'& {kappa:>4.2f} '
row_2 = row_2 + entry
row_0 = row_0 + '\\\\ \hline'
row_1 = row_1 + '\\\\'
row_2 = row_2 + '\\\\'
# Print rows
\textbf{Method:} & \rotatebox{90}{\textbf{Logic Family}} & \rotatebox{90}{Non-Modal Logic} & \rotatebox{90}{Modal Logic} & \rotatebox{90}{Sets \& Relations} & \rotatebox{90}{\textbf{Probability Family}} & \rotatebox{90}{Probability Theory} & \rotatebox{90}{Decision \& Game} & \rotatebox{90}{Statistics} & \rotatebox{90}{Causal Modeling} & \rotatebox{90}{Other} \\ \hline \% agree: & 92\% & 77\% & 84\% & 84\% & 93\% & 93\% & 95\% & 100\% & 98\% & 92\% \\ $\kappa$: & 0.81 & 0.52 & 0.59 & 0.34 & 0.84 & 0.71 & 0.71 & 0.93 & 0.66 & 0.50 \\ \\ \textbf{Subdisc:} & \rotatebox{90}{Action} & \rotatebox{90}{Decision} & \rotatebox{90}{Epistemology} & \rotatebox{90}{Language} & \rotatebox{90}{Logic} & \rotatebox{90}{Metaphysics} & \rotatebox{90}{Mind} & \rotatebox{90}{Other} & \rotatebox{90}{Science} & \rotatebox{90}{Value} \\ \hline \% agree: & 95\% & 96\% & 90\% & 91\% & 91\% & 91\% & 96\% & 96\% & 95\% & 95\% \\ $\kappa$: & 0.54 & 0.67 & 0.72 & 0.67 & 0.54 & 0.79 & 0.59 & -0.02 & 0.62 & 0.74 \\
### Method Table - Horizontal Headings
# Create header row
row_0 = '\\textbf{Method} & \% agree & $\\kappa$ & \\textbf{Subdiscipline} & \% agree & $\\kappa$ ' + '\\\\ \hline'
# Calculate values and create rows
for var1, var2 in zip(method_list2, subdisc_list):
# Calculate Percent Agreements
total_ratings = len(df6y_hits)
agreement1 = (df6y_hits[f'{var1}_1'] == df6y_hits[f'{var1}_2']).sum() / total_ratings
agreement2 = (df6y_hits[f'{var2}_1'] == df6y_hits[f'{var2}_2']).sum() / total_ratings
# Calculate Cohen's Kappas
y1 = df6y_hits[f'{var1}_1']
y2 = df6y_hits[f'{var1}_2']
kappa1 = cohen_kappa_score(y1, y2)
y1 = df6y_hits[f'{var2}_1']
y2 = df6y_hits[f'{var2}_2']
kappa2 = cohen_kappa_score(y1, y2)
# Create Row
name1 = variable_dict[var1]
name2 = variable_dict[var2]
row = f'{name1} & {agreement1*100:4.0f}\% & {kappa1:>4.2f} '
row = row + f'& {name2} & {agreement2*100:4.0f}\% & {kappa2:>4.2f}'
row = row + '\\\\'
# Print row
\textbf{Method} & \% agree & $\kappa$ & \textbf{Subdiscipline} & \% agree & $\kappa$ \\ \hline \textbf{Logic Family} & 92\% & 0.81 & Action & 95\% & 0.54\\ Non-Modal Logic & 77\% & 0.52 & Decision & 96\% & 0.67\\ Modal Logic & 84\% & 0.59 & Epistemology & 90\% & 0.72\\ Sets \& Relations & 84\% & 0.34 & Language & 91\% & 0.67\\ \textbf{Probability Family} & 93\% & 0.84 & Logic & 91\% & 0.54\\ Probability Theory & 93\% & 0.71 & Metaphysics & 91\% & 0.79\\ Decision \& Game & 95\% & 0.71 & Mind & 96\% & 0.59\\ Statistics & 100\% & 0.93 & Other & 96\% & -0.02\\ Causal Modeling & 98\% & 0.66 & Science & 95\% & 0.62\\ Other & 92\% & 0.50 & Value & 95\% & 0.74\\