This codebook.txt file was generated on 2018/09/14 by Nate Mitchell ------------------- GENERAL INFORMATION ------------------- 1. Title of Dataset: Data for "Reducing High Flows and Sediment Loading through Increased Water Storage in an Agricultural Watershed of the Upper Midwest, USA" 2. Author Information Principal Investigator Contact Information Name: Mitchell, Nate A Institution: University of Minnesota Duluth, Geomorphology Lab Address: Email: 3. Time period of content: collected 2013-2018 4. Geographic location of data collection (where was data collected?): Le Sueur watershed, Minnesota (only simulations and remote sensing) -------------------------- SHARING/ACCESS INFORMATION -------------------------- 1. Licenses/restrictions placed on the data: CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) Public Domain Dedication 2. Links to publications that cite or use the data: Mitchell, N.; Kumarasamy, K.; Cho, S.J.; Belmont, P.; Dalzell, B.; Gran, K. Reducing High Flows and Sediment Loading through Increased Water Storage in an Agricultural Watershed of the Upper Midwest, USA. Water 2018, 10, 1053. 3. Related software: The analysis in this study was conducted using: a) the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT2012) downloaded from and b) ArcSWAT 2012 - an ArcGIS-ArcView extension and graphical user input interface for SWAT, downloaded from ( Some of the documentation referenced in this readme was written for older versions of the software, but are still accurate for more recently updated versions of SWAT. For more information about the software, see 4. Links/relationships to ancillary data sets: 5. Was data derived from another source? If yes, list source(s): --------------------- DATA & FILE OVERVIEW --------------------- 1. File List A. Filename: Mitchell_Le_Sueur_Subbasin_and_Contributing_Area_Data.xlsx Short description: Excel file containing: Table 1, the manual measurements of contributing areas (CA) for the delineated water retention sites (WRS); Table 2, WRS selections for each scenario in the manual measurements of CA values; Table 3, details regarding the subbasins assignments for placement scenarios and the subbasins selected for use in the final CA relationship; and Table 4, the areas and maximum WRS extents in each placement scenario for each subwatershed (Le Sueur, Cobb, and Maple). B. Filename: Short description: Compressed folder containing (1) the delineated water retention sites used for CA measurements, (2) the 30 subbasins used for contributing area measurements, and (3) the 175 subbasins used for the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model. C. Filename: SWAT_Output_Guide.txt Short description: Text file containing a summary of the 45 SWAT simulations assessed for each WRS placement scenario (entire watershed, upper watershed, lower watershed; total of 135 SWAT simulations). See the SWAT documentation for the .pnd inputs used to control the WRS ( D. Filename: Short description: Compressed text file main channel output file (.rch) for the baseline SWAT scenario (i.e., no WRS implemented). See the SWAT 2012 Output documentation available from the SWAT website ( E. Filename: Short description: Compressed folder containing the main channel output files (.rch) for each of the 45 simulations in which WRS are implemented throughout the entire watershed. Note that the simulation number is included in the file name ("output_rch1," "output_rch2," etc.). See the SWAT 2012 Output documentation ( F. Filename: Short description: Compressed folder containing the main channel output files (.rch) for each of the 45 simulations in which WRS are implemented in the upper watershed. Note that the simulation number is included in the file name ("output_rch1," "output_rch2," etc.). See the SWAT 2012 Output documentation ( G. Filename: Short description: Compressed folder containing the main channel output files (.rch) for each of the 45 simulations in which WRS are implemented in the lower watershed. Note that the simulation number is included in the file name ("output_rch1," "output_rch2," etc.). See the SWAT 2012 Output documentation ( H. Filename: SWAT_Baseline_Flows.txt Short description: Text file in which the baseline scenario's flows at gauges 1-3 (Le Sueur, Cobb, and Maple Rivers) have been extracted from the .rch output file and arranged by date. This is provided as an example of how flows are extracted from the .rch output files. 2. Relationship between files: All contain data regarding the article listed above. -------------------------- METHODOLOGICAL INFORMATION -------------------------- 1. Description of methods used for collection/generation of data: see the article 2. Describe any quality-assurance procedures performed on the data: see the article 3. People involved with sample collection, processing, analysis and/or submission: all authors of the article ----------------------------------------- DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: Table 1 in Mitchell_Le_Sueur_Subbasin_and_Contributing_Area_Data.xlsx ----------------------------------------- 1. Number of variables: 4 2. Number of cases/rows: 300 3. Missing data codes: 4. Variable List A. Name: Scenario Description: Scenario number describing the selection of delineated WRS used for CA measurements. See Table 2 for details regarding these scenarios. B. Name: Subbasin Description: Subbasin number that the measurements correspond with. Note that these subbasins are in the 30_subbasins_CA_relationship.shp file. C. Name: (WRS Area + Contributing Area) / Subbasin Area Description: Manually measured sum of both WRS areas and their contributing areas normalized by the subbasin area. D. Name: WRS Area / Subbasin Area Description: WRS extent in each subbasin and each scenario as a fraction of the subbasin's area ----------------------------------------- DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: Table 2 in Mitchell_Le_Sueur_Subbasin_and_Contributing_Area_Data.xlsx ----------------------------------------- 1. Number of variables: 3 2. Number of cases/rows: 10 3. Missing data codes: 4. Variable List A. Name: Scenario Number Description: Scenario numbers used to indicate WRS selections in Table 1. B. Name: WRS selected by surface area Description: Selection of the delineated WRS used in each scenario. Different percentiles of the largest sites are used (e.g., top 5%, 10%, 20% by surface area). We used larger sites because local stakeholders preferred fewer, larger sites rather than many smaller sites. C. Name: Included in Final CA Relationship Description: Indicates if the corresponding scenario was used (1) or not used (0) in the final CA relationship. Scenarios 8-10 were not used because the WRS extents leveled off. ----------------------------------------- DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: Table 3 in Mitchell_Le_Sueur_Subbasin_and_Contributing_Area_Data.xlsx ----------------------------------------- 1. Number of variables: 6 2. Number of cases/rows: 30 3. Missing data codes: 4. Variable List A. Name: Subbasin Description: Subbasin numbers within the 30_subbasins_CA_relationship.shp file. B. Name: Subbasin Area (km^2) Description: Area of the subbasins in km^2. C. Name: Included in Final CA Relationship Description: Indicates if the corresponding subbasin was used (1) or not used (0) in the final CA relationship. D. Name: Reason excluded Description: If a subbasin was not used in the final CA relationship, this column indicates why (e.g., WRS on channels, too small, downstream of lower gagues). E. Name: Subwatershed Description: Indicates the subwatershed each subbasin lies within (Le Sueur, Cobb, Maple) or if the subbasin is downstream of the lower gauges (and therefore was not used). F. Name: Assignment in WRS Placement Scenarios Description: Indicates the WRS placement zone each subbasin was used in (entire, upper, or lower watershed). Note that all of the finely resolved subbasins in the 175_subbasin_SWAT_model.shp file lie within one of these larger subbasins and were assigned the same designations in the WRS placement scenarios. ----------------------------------------- DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: Table 4 in Mitchell_Le_Sueur_Subbasin_and_Contributing_Area_Data.xlsx ----------------------------------------- 1. Number of variables: 7 2. Number of cases/rows: 3 3. Missing data codes: 4. Variable List A. Name: WRS Placement Scenario Description: A list of the three WRS placement zones (entire, upper, or lower watershed). B. Name: Area in Le Sueur subwatershed (km^2) Description: Area of each placement zone within the Le Sueur subwatershed (km^2). C. Name: Area in Cobb subwatershed (km^2) Description: Area of each placement zone within the Cobb subwatershed (km^2). D. Name: Area in Maple subwatershed (km^2) Description: Area of each placement zone within the Maple subwatershed (km^2). E. Name: Maximum WRS Extent Assessed as a fraction of subwatershed area: Le Sueur Description: Maximum WRS extent as a fraction of subwatershed area for each WRS placement zone within the Le Sueur subwatershed. F. Name: Maximum WRS Extent Assessed as a fraction of subwatershed area: Cobb Description: Maximum WRS extent as a fraction of subwatershed area for each WRS placement zone within the Cobb subwatershed. G. Name: Maximum WRS Extent Assessed as a fraction of subwatershed area: Maple Description: Maximum WRS extent as a fraction of subwatershed area for each WRS placement zone within the Maple subwatershed. ----------------------------------------- DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: Delineated_WRS_used_for_CA.shp, contained within ----------------------------------------- 1. Number of variables: 5 2. Number of cases/rows: 7722 3. Missing data codes: 4. Variable List A. Name: FID Description: Identification number for each individual delineated WRS, ranges from 0 to 7721 B. Name: Shape Description: Column simply specifying that each delineated WRS is a polygon shapefile C. Name: Dmean Description: Average depression depth (m) for each delineated WRS D. Name: Subbasin Description: Each subbasins identification number, ranges from 1 to 30. E. Name: Shape_Area Description: Area of each delineated WRS (m^2) ----------------------------------------- DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: 175_subbasin_SWAT_model.shp, contained within ----------------------------------------- 1. Number of variables: 22 2. Number of cases/rows: 175 3. Missing data codes: 4. Variable List A. Name: FID Description: Identification number for each individual subbasin, ranges from 0 to 174 B. Name: Shape Description: Column simply specifying that each subbasin is a polygon shapefile C. Name: OBJECTID Description: Another column identifying each subbasin, ranges from 1 to 175 D. Name: GRIDCODE Description: Another column identifying each subbasin, ranges from 1 to 175. E. Name: Subbasin Description: Each subbasin's designated, ranges from 1 to 175. We evaluate flows for subbasins 26, 66, and 54 (for the lower gauges along the Le Sueur, Cobb, and Maple, respectively). F. Name: Area Description: Each subbasin's area in hectares (ha). See the ArcView 2000 documentation ( G. Name: Slo1 Description: Subbasin slope (%). See the ArcView 2000 documentation ( H. Name: Len1 Description: Length of longest stream reach in subbasin (m). See the ArcView 2000 documentation ( I. Name: Sll Description: Field slope length (m). See the ArcView 2000 documentation ( J. Name: Csl Description: Slope (%) of the longest stream reach in the subbasin. See the ArcView 2000 documentation ( K. Name: Wid1 Description: Width (m) of the longest stream reach in the subbasin. See the ArcView 2000 documentation ( L. Name: Dep1 Description: Depth (m) of the longest stream reach in the subbasin. See the ArcView 2000 documentation ( M. Name: Lat Description: Latitude of the subbaisn centroid. See the ArcView 2000 documentation ( N. Name: Long_ Description: Longitude of the subbaisn centroid. See the ArcView 2000 documentation ( O. Name: Elev Description: Elevation (m ASL) of the subbaisn centroid. See the ArcView 2000 documentation ( P. Name: ElevMin Description: Minimum elevation (m ASL) of the subbasin. Q. Name: ElevMax Description: Maximum elevation (m ASL) of the subbasin. R. Name: Bname Description: String available for labeling the theme. See the ArcView 2000 documentation ( S. Name: Shape_Leng Description: Length of the feature (m). T. Name: Shape_Area Description: Area of the subbasin (m^2). U. Name: HydroID Description: Another subbasin identification number, ranges from 300001 to 300175 V. Name: OutletID Description: Another subbasin identification number, ranges from 100001 to 100175 ----------------------------------------- DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: 30_subbasins_used_for_CA.shp, contained within ----------------------------------------- 1. Number of variables: 4 2. Number of cases/rows: 30 3. Missing data codes: 4. Variable List A. Name: FID Description: Identification number for each individual subbasin, ranges from 0 to 29 B. Name: Shape Description: Column simply specifying that each subbasin is a polygon shapefile C. Name: Subbasin Description: Each subbasins identification number, ranges from 1 to 30. D. Name: Shape_Area Description: Area of each subbasin (m^2) ----------------------------------------- DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: SWAT_Output_Guide.txt ----------------------------------------- 1. Number of variables: 5 (not including summary text at top) 2. Number of cases/rows: 45 (not including summary text at top) 3. Missing data codes: 4. Variable List A. Name: Simulation number Description: Number used in the names of the .rch output files to represent the WRS inputs (.pnd wetlands) used in each file. B. Name: WRS depth Description: Design depth (m) used for the WRS in each scenario. C. Name: WRS Area / WRS Placement Zone Area Description: WRS extent in each scenario as a fraction of the WRS placement zone (entire watershed, upper watershed, lower watershed) used in that scenario. D. Name: WET_K (mm/hr) Description: Hydraulic conductivity (mm/hr) used for the bottoms of the WRS in each scenario. E. Name: WETEVCOEFF Description: Coefficient used to scale the evaporation from WRS (i.e., subbasin level wetlands in SWAT) relative to the potential evaporation. ----------------------------------------- DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: baseline_output.txt, contained within ----------------------------------------- 1. Number of variables: 7 (excluding the text at the top) 2. Number of cases/rows: 1789725 (excluding the text at the top) 3. Missing data codes: 4. Variable List A. Name: Unnamed column of "REACH" Description: This column only says "REACH" for each row. There is no label above it. B. Name: RCH Description: Reach number representing the subbasin number the data correspond with. See the ArcGIS shapefile of the 175 subbasins used for the SWAT model. C. Name: GIS Description: GIS number reprinted from the watershed configuration (.fig) file. This entire column is 0, ignore it. D. Name: MON Description: The day of the year (note: we used a daily time step rather than monthly or annual). The simulations begin in 1983 and end in 2010. We only used flows for 1985-2009, so the first two years and the last year were not evaluated. E. Name: AREAkm2 Description: Area drained by the reach (km^2). F. Name: FLOW_OUTcms Description: Average daily streamflow out of the reach (subbasin) during the time step (m^3/s). Note that these are the output we focus on in this study, but specifically for subbasins 26, 66, and 54 (for the lower gauges along the Le Sueur, Cobb, and Maple, respectively). G. Name: EVAP (not labeled) Description: Average daily rate of water loss from the reach by evaporation (m^3/s). ----------------------------------------- DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: Each of the 45 output files contained in ----------------------------------------- 1. Number of variables: 7 in each output file (excluding the text at the top), 45 output files 2. Number of cases/rows: 1789725 in each output file (excluding the text at the top), 45 output files 3. Missing data codes: 4. Variable List for each output file A. Name: Unnamed column of "REACH" Description: This column only says "REACH" for each row. There is no label above it. B. Name: RCH Description: Reach number representing the subbasin number the data correspond with. See the ArcGIS shapefile of the 175 subbasins used for the SWAT model. C. Name: GIS Description: GIS number reprinted from the watershed configuration (.fig) file. This entire column is 0, ignore it. D. Name: MON Description: The day of the year (note: we used a daily time step rather than monthly or annual). The simulations begin in 1983 and end in 2010. We only used flows for 1985-2009, so the first two years and the last year were not evaluated. E. Name: AREAkm2 Description: Area drained by the reach (km^2). F. Name: FLOW_OUTcms Description: Average daily streamflow out of the reach (subbasin) during the time step (m^3/s). Note that these are the output we focus on in this study, but specifically for subbasins 26, 66, and 54 (for the lower gauges along the Le Sueur, Cobb, and Maple, respectively). G. Name: EVAP (not labeled) Description: Average daily rate of water loss from the reach by evaporation (m^3/s). ----------------------------------------- DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: Each of the 45 output files contained in ----------------------------------------- 1. Number of variables: 7 in each output file (excluding the text at the top), 45 output files 2. Number of cases/rows: 1789725 in each output file (excluding the text at the top), 45 output files 3. Missing data codes: 4. Variable List for each output file A. Name: Unnamed column of "REACH" Description: This column only says "REACH" for each row. There is no label above it. B. Name: RCH Description: Reach number representing the subbasin number the data correspond with. See the ArcGIS shapefile of the 175 subbasins used for the SWAT model. C. Name: GIS Description: GIS number reprinted from the watershed configuration (.fig) file. This entire column is 0, ignore it. D. Name: MON Description: The day of the year (note: we used a daily time step rather than monthly or annual). The simulations begin in 1983 and end in 2010. We only used flows for 1985-2009, so the first two years and the last year were not evaluated. E. Name: AREAkm2 Description: Area drained by the reach (km^2). F. Name: FLOW_OUTcms Description: Average daily streamflow out of the reach (subbasin) during the time step (m^3/s). Note that these are the output we focus on in this study, but specifically for subbasins 26, 66, and 54 (for the lower gauges along the Le Sueur, Cobb, and Maple, respectively). G. Name: EVAP (not labeled) Description: Average daily rate of water loss from the reach by evaporation (m^3/s). ----------------------------------------- DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: Each of the 45 output files contained in ----------------------------------------- 1. Number of variables: 7 in each output file (excluding the text at the top), 45 output files 2. Number of cases/rows: 1789725 in each output file (excluding the text at the top), 45 output files 3. Missing data codes: 4. Variable List for each output file A. Name: Unnamed column of "REACH" Description: This column only says "REACH" for each row. There is no label above it. B. Name: RCH Description: Reach number representing the subbasin number the data correspond with. See the ArcGIS shapefile of the 175 subbasins used for the SWAT model. C. Name: GIS Description: GIS number reprinted from the watershed configuration (.fig) file. This entire column is 0, ignore it. D. Name: MON Description: The day of the year (note: we used a daily time step rather than monthly or annual). The simulations begin in 1983 and end in 2010. We only used flows for 1985-2009, so the first two years and the last year were not evaluated. E. Name: AREAkm2 Description: Area drained by the reach (km^2). F. Name: FLOW_OUTcms Description: Average daily streamflow out of the reach (subbasin) during the time step (m^3/s). Note that these are the output we focus on in this study, but specifically for subbasins 26, 66, and 54 (for the lower gauges along the Le Sueur, Cobb, and Maple, respectively). G. Name: EVAP (not labeled) Description: Average daily rate of water loss from the reach by evaporation (m^3/s). ----------------------------------------- DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: SWAT_Baseline_Flows.txt ----------------------------------------- 1. Number of variables: 9 (2 at top, 7 lower) 2. Number of cases/rows: 9134 (3 at top, 9131 lower) 3. Missing data codes: 4. Variable List for each output file A. Name: River Description: Specifies the name of each tributary (Le Sueur, Cobb, Maple). B. Name: Drainage Area (km^2) Description: Drainage area of each tributary subwatershed (km^2). C. Name: Date Description: Date during the simulation, ranges from 1/1/1985 to 12/31/2009 D. Name: Le Sueur Q (m^3/s) Description: Average daily streamflow at the lower gauge along the Le Sueur for each day (m^3/s). E. Name: Cobb Q (m^3/s) Description: Average daily streamflow at the lower gauge along the Cobb for each day (m^3/s). F. Name: Maple Q (m^3/s) Description: Average daily streamflow at the lower gauge along the Maple for each day (m^3/s). G. Name: Le Sueur Q (mm/day) Description: Average daily streamflow normalized by drainage area at the lower gauge along the Le Sueur for each day (mm/day). H. Name: Cobb Q (mm/day) Description: Average daily streamflow normalized by drainage area at the lower gauge along the Cobb for each day (mm/day). I. Name: Maple Q (mm/day) Description: Average daily streamflow normalized by drainage area at the lower gauge along the Maple for each day (mm/day).