This readme.txt file was generated on 20170410 by Amy Myrbo. -------------------GENERAL INFORMATION------------------- 1. Title of Dataset: Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Wild Rice Sulfate Standard Field Study 2. Author Information: Principal Investigator Contact Information: Name: Amy Myrbo Institution: University of Minnesota Address: 500 Pillsbury Dr. SE, Minneapolis MN 55455 Email: Associate or Co-investigator Contact Information Name: Edward B. Swain Institution: Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Address: 520 Lafayette Rd., St. Paul, MN 55155 Email: 3. Date range of data collection: Field sampling 20110819-20130919; Laboratory analyses 2011-20144. 4. Geographic location of data collection (where was data collected?): Sites range across the state of Minnesota; one site is in eastern North Dakota.5. 5. Information about funding sources that supported the collection of the data: This work was supported by the Clean Water Fund, created by the Clean Water, Land and Legacy Amendment to Minnesota’s constitution. LacCore was supported by NSF grant EAR-0949962 to Myrbo and others. --------------------------SHARING/ACCESS INFORMATION-------------------------- 1. Licenses/restrictions placed on the data:Attribution 3.0 United States 2. Links to publications that cite or use the data: Myrbo, A., E.B. Swain, D.R. Engstrom, J. Coleman Wasik, J. Brenner, M. Dykhuizen Shore, E.B. Peters, and G. Blaha (in review, Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences), Sulfide generated by sulfate reduction is a primary controller of the occurrence of wild rice (Zizania palustris) in shallow aquatic ecosystems. Pollman, C.D., E.B. Swain, D. Bael, A. Myrbo, P. Monson, and M. Dykhuizen Shore (in press, Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences), The evolution of sulfide in shallow aquatic ecosystem sediments – an analysis of the roles of sulfate, organic carbon, iron and feedback constraints using structural equation modeling Note that the graphs and statistical analyses in these manuscripts are variably based on subsets of this dataset, termed the B, D, and S datasets. The samples included in each of these three datasets are noted in columns P, Q, and R of the spreadsheet. 3. Links to other publicly accessible locations of the data: Sites are registered with SESAR (System for Earth Sample Registration; and have been assigned IGSNs (International Geo Sample Numbers); water, porewater, and sediment samples, and observations, from those sites have similarly been registered with IGSNs that are “children” of each site IGSN. Site IGSNs are given in column A of Myrbo_MPCA_WRSS_field-data.csv. A subset of chemistry data is in the process of being submitted to the EarthChem database ( 4. Was data derived from another source? no 5. Recommended citation for the data: Myrbo, A., et al., 2017. Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Wild Rice Sulfate Standard Field Study ---------------------DATA & FILE OVERVIEW--------------------- 1. Filename: Myrbo_MPCA_WRSS_field-data.csv Short description: Complete Dataset from MPCA Wild Rice Sulfate Standard Field Study 2. Additional related data collected that was not included in the current data package: Datasets including presence of aquatic plants at the sampling site, and characterization of phytoliths extracted from the sediment samples have not been published and are not part of this data package. 3. Are there multiple versions of the dataset? no 4. The missing data are left as blanks. 5. Variable list: site IGSN: International Geo Sample Number for the site. LacCore_field_ID: Unique internal lab ID for this set of samples at this site on this date. Site_name: Lake, stream, or paddy name. Unique site ID: Numerical designator for this lake, stream, or paddy. County: Minnesota or North Dakota county. DNR/State ID: State of Minnesota designator for this lake, stream, or paddy. Date: Date the sample was collected. YEAR SAMPLED: Year the sample was collected. Site type (Lake/ Stream/ Paddy): L = Lake, S = Stream, P = Paddy. Lat: Latitude of the collection site. Long: Longitude of the collection site. Quaternary_Geo_Major_Class: The classification of the site within the surficial Quaternary geology of Minnesota, as mapped by the Minnesota Geological Survey [Hobbs and Goebel, 1982]. Geo_Abbrv: Abbreviation for the above. Eco_LEV3_Abbrv: Classification of the site within the Level 3 Ecoregions of the United States, as established by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) [Omernik, 1987]. Aug mean temp F 1961-1990: August mean temperature for the period 1961-1990 is from the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. Class B, Class D, Class S: Columns O, P, and Q denote (with a "1") whether sites were included in Class B, Class D, or Class S for analysis. Wild rice ring % cover: Field estimate of percent coverage by wild rice plants of the space inside a 1m diameter ring. Wild Rice Ave stems/m2: Field estimate of number of wild rice stems inside a 1m diameter ring. Calculated Wild rice ave stems/m2: Number of stems inside a 1m diameter ring calculated from percent coverage. Sechhi-tube Transparency (cm): Depth to which a black and white Secchi disk is visible inside a 1m long tube. 101 indicates that the disk is visible at the bottom of the tube. Waterlily presence (yes/no): Presence/absence of _Nuphar lutea_ and/or _Nymphaea odorata_. Floating leaf % cover: Field estimate of percent coverage by floating leaf plants of the space inside a 1m diameter ring. Water depth (m): Water depth in meter. surface water pH: Surface water pH. surface water Temp (C): Surface Water Temperature in Celsius. surface water Conductance (µS/cm): Surface Water conductance. surface water Ca (mg/L): Dissolved calcium in surface water. surface water Mg (mg/L): Dissolved magnesium in surface water. surface water K (mg/L): Dissolved potassium in surface water. surface water Na (mg/L): Dissolved sodium in surface water. surface water Fe (µg/L): Dissolved iron in surface water. surface water SO4 (mg SO4/L): Dissolved sulfate in surface water. surface water Cl (mg/L): Dissolved chloride in surface water. surface water Alk (meq/L): Alkalinity in surface water. surface water TP (mg P/L): Total phosphorus in surface water. surface water TN (mg N/L): Total nitrogen in surface water. Surface Water NO2+NO3 (mg N/L): Nitrate plus nitrite in surface water. Surface Water NH4 (mg N/L): Ammonium in surface water Surface Water DOC (mg C/L): Dissolved organic carbon in surface water. Surface Water SUVA Fe correct: Specific ultraviolet absorbance, iron corrected, in surface water. Surface Water UV ABS 254 nm: Ultraviolet absorbance at 254 nanometers. Surface Water DO surface (mg/L): Dissolved oxygen at the lake surface. Surface Water Color (Pt-Co units): Surface water color in platinum-cobalt units. pore water pH: Pore water pH pore water Total Sulfide (TS, mg S/L): Total sulfide in pore water. pore water H2S (% of TS): Pore water hydrogen sulfide as percent of total sulfur. H2S (ug/L): Pore water hydrogen sulfide. pore water HS- (% of TS): Pore water busulfide as percent of total sulfur. pore water Cl (mg/L): Dissolved chloride in pore water. pore water DOC (mg C/L): Dissolved organic carbon in pore water. pore water Ca (mg/L): Dissolved calcium in pore water. pore water Mg (mg/L): Dissolved magnesium in pore water. pore water K (mg/L): Dissolved potassium in pore water. pore water Na (mg/L): Dissolved sodium in pore water. pore water Fe (µg/L): Dissolved iron in pore water. pore water Mn (µg/L): Dissolved manganese in pore water. pore water TP (mg/L): Total phosphorus in pore water. pore water TN (mg/L): Total nitrogen in pore water. pore water NH4 (mg N/L): Ammonium in pore water. pore water Si (mg/L): Dissolved silicon in pore water. Pore Water NO2NO3 (mg N/L): Nitrate plus nitrite in pore water. Pore Water Al (µg/L): Dissolved aluminum in pore water. Pore Water Ba (µg/L): Dissolved barium in pore water. Pore Water Sr (µg/L): Dissolved strontium in pore water. Pore Water Ag (µg/L): Dissolved silver in pore water. Pore Water As (µg/L): Dissolved arsenic in pore water. Pore Water Cd (µg/L): Dissolved cadmium in pore water. Pore Water Co (µg/L): Dissolved cobalt in pore water. Pore Water Cr (µg/L): Dissolved chromium in pore water. Pore Water Cu (µg/L): Dissolved copper in pore water. Pore Water Ga (µg/L): Dissolved gallium in pore water. Pore Water Ni (µg/L): Dissolved nickel in pore water. Pore Water Pb (µg/L): Dissolved lead in pore water. Pore Water Rb (µg/L): Dissolved rubidium in pore water. Pore Water Se (µg/L): Dissolved selenium in pore water. Pore Water Zn (µg/L): Dissolved zinc in pore water. Sediment Water content (%): Water content of the sediment. Sediment organic (% LOI): Organic matter content of the sediment. Sediment carbonate (% LOI): Carbonate mineral content of the sediment. Sediment inorganic (% LOI): Inorganic mineral content of the sediment. Sediment Fine organics (%): Percent of sediment organic matter that is in the fine fraction. Sediment Coarse organics (%): Percent of sediment organic matter that is in the coarse fraction. Sediment Fine inorganics (%): Percent of sediment inorganic matter that is in the fine fraction. Sediment Coarse inorganics (%): Percent of sediment inorganic matter that is in the coarse fraction. Sediment fine organics (g/g dry): Percent of total sediment that is in the fine organic fraction, on a dry mass basis. Sediment coarse organics (g/g dry): Percent of total sediment that is in the coarse organic fraction, on a dry mass basis. Sediment fine inorganics (g/g dry): Percent of total sediment that is in the fine inorganic fraction, on a dry mass basis. Sediment coarse inorganics (g/g dry): Percent of total sediment that is in the coarse inorganic fraction, on a dry mass basis. Sediment Total S (mg/g): Sulfur in the sediment. Sediment AVS (µg/g): Acid volatile sulfur in the sediment. Sediment Ca (µg/g): Calcium in the sediment. Sediment Mg (µg/g): Magnesium in the sediment. Sediment Fe (µg/g): Iron in the sediment. Sediment Al (µg/g): Aluminum in the sediment. Sediment Mn (µg/g): Manganese in the sediment. Sediment Zn (µg/g): Zinc in the sediment. Sediment Ni (µg/g): Nickel in the sediment. Sediment Cr (µg/g): Chromium in the sediment. Sediment As (µg/g): Arsenic in the sediment. Sediment Cu (µg/g): Copper in the sediment. Sediment Total-P (mg P/g): Total phosphorus in the sediment. Sediment Exchangeable-P (mg P/g): Exchangeable phosphorus in the sediment. Sediment NAI-P (mg P/g): Non-apatite inorganic phosphorus in the sediment. Sediment Apatite-P (mg P/g): Apatite phosphorus in the sediment. Sediment Org-P (mg P/g): Organic phosphorus in the sediment. Sediment Total-N (mg/g): Total nitrogen in the sediment. Sediment TIC (%): Total inorganic carbon in the sediment. Sediment TOC (%): Total organic carbon in the sediment. Sediment Se (µg/g): Selenium in the sediment. Field Comments: Transcription of any notes the field crews made on their data sheets at this site. Record notes: Notes from the original LacCore database on relationships between records. --------------------------METHODOLOGICAL INFORMATION-------------------------- 1. Description of methods used for collection/generation of data: Please see Methods section of: Myrbo, A., E.B. Swain, D.R. Engstrom, J. Coleman Wasik, J. Brenner, M. Dykhuizen Shore, E.B. Peters, and G. Blaha (in review, Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences), Sulfide generated by sulfate reduction is a primary controller of the occurrence of wild rice (Zizania palustris) in shallow aquatic ecosystems. 2. Methods for processing the data: Please see the Methods section of: Myrbo, A., E.B. Swain, D.R. Engstrom, J. Coleman Wasik, J. Brenner, M. Dykhuizen Shore, E.B. Peters, and G. Blaha (in review, Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences), Sulfide generated by sulfate reduction is a primary controller of the occurrence of wild rice (Zizania palustris) in shallow aquatic ecosystems. 3. People involved with sample collection, processing, analysis and/or submission: In addition to the authors of both publications, personnel from LacCore (University of Minnesota) participated as field crew and lab staff: Kristina Brady, Aaron Fish, Cynthia Frickle, Lindsay Hastings, Jessica Heck, Aaron Lingwall, James Marty, Ailsa McCulloch, Emily Mellicant, Mark Neumeyer, Ryan O’Grady, Sean Rogers, June Sayers, Christopher Schodt, Alex Seeling, Valerie Stanley, Michelle Sutherland, Robert Thompson, Emily Whittaker, Amanda Yourd.