# header ------------------------------------------------------------------


DRUM submission version (uses cleaned up dataset and filepaths, adds footer)

This code will pull in dataset and analyze the niche occupancy of aquatic plants in three dimensions– depth, light availability, phenology–and will produce statistics tests, and visualizations used in the accompanying manuscript.

Load libraries:

# +warning=FALSE, message=FALSE 
## Warning: package 'knitr' was built under R version 3.6.3
## Warning: package 'ggplot2' was built under R version 3.6.3
## Loading required package: ks
## Warning: package 'ks' was built under R version 3.6.3
## Warning: package 'ggnewscale' was built under R version 3.6.3
## Warning: package 'GGally' was built under R version 3.6.3
## Registered S3 method overwritten by 'GGally':
##   method from   
##   +.gg   ggplot2
## Warning: package 'sf' was built under R version 3.6.3
## Linking to GEOS 3.8.0, GDAL 3.0.4, PROJ 6.3.1
## Warning: package 'rgdal' was built under R version 3.6.3
## Loading required package: sp
## Warning: package 'sp' was built under R version 3.6.3
## rgdal: version: 1.5-18, (SVN revision 1082)
## Geospatial Data Abstraction Library extensions to R successfully loaded
## Loaded GDAL runtime: GDAL 3.0.4, released 2020/01/28
## Path to GDAL shared files: C:/Users/verh0064/Documents/R/R-3.6.1/library/rgdal/gdal
## GDAL binary built with GEOS: TRUE 
## Loaded PROJ runtime: Rel. 6.3.1, February 10th, 2020, [PJ_VERSION: 631]
## Path to PROJ shared files: C:/Users/verh0064/Documents/R/R-3.6.1/library/rgdal/proj
## Linking to sp version:1.4-4
## To mute warnings of possible GDAL/OSR exportToProj4() degradation,
## use options("rgdal_show_exportToProj4_warnings"="none") before loading rgdal.
## Loading required package: grid

# load in data ------------------------------------------------------------

Refresh data folder:

  # run this line to update your local copy of project data folder files
  # source("scripts/data_folder_pull.R")

Load in Data:

  #plant surveys
  plants <- fread(file = "plants_DRUM.csv", drop = 1)
# explore dataset ---------------------------------------------------------

## Classes 'data.table' and 'data.frame':   724228 obs. of  41 variables:
##  $ DOWLKNUM             : chr  "1000100" "1000100" "1000100" "1000100" ...
##  $ SURVEY_DATE          : chr  "6/25/2008" "6/25/2008" "6/25/2008" "6/25/2008" ...
##  $ LAKE_NAME            : chr  "Pine" "Pine" "Pine" "Pine" ...
##  $ DATASOURCE           : chr  "DNR Fisheries" "DNR Fisheries" "DNR Fisheries" "DNR Fisheries" ...
##  $ STA_NBR              : chr  "1" "1" "1" "1" ...
##  $ DEPTH_FT             : num  2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 ...
##  $ SURVEYOR             : chr  "DNR Fisheries" "DNR Fisheries" "DNR Fisheries" "DNR Fisheries" ...
##  $ TAXON                : chr  "Equisetum" NA "Lemna trisulca" "Nuphar" ...
##  $ SURVEY_ID.x          : int  282 282 282 282 282 282 282 282 282 282 ...
##  $ POINT_ID             : int  19107 19107 19107 19107 19107 19107 19107 19107 19107 19108 ...
##  $ OBS_ID               : int  40234 40235 40236 40237 40238 40239 40240 40241 40242 40243 ...
##  $ YEAR.SURVEY          : int  2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 ...
##  $ MONTH.SURVEY         : int  6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 ...
##  $ SURVEY_ID.y          : int  282 282 282 282 282 282 282 282 282 282 ...
##  $ Secchi_m.mean        : num  2.47 2.47 2.47 2.47 2.47 ...
##  $ YEAR.SECCHI.mean     : num  2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 ...
##  $ MONTH.SECCHI.mean    : num  7.91 7.91 7.91 7.91 7.91 ...
##  $ Secchi_m.min         : num  1.22 1.22 1.22 1.22 1.22 1.22 1.22 1.22 1.22 1.22 ...
##  $ YEAR.SECCHI.min      : int  2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 ...
##  $ MONTH.SECCHI.min     : int  7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 ...
##  $ Secchi_m.max         : num  3.81 3.81 3.81 3.81 3.81 3.81 3.81 3.81 3.81 3.81 ...
##  $ YEAR.SECCHI.max      : int  2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 ...
##  $ MONTH.SECCHI.max     : int  9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 ...
##  $ Secchi_m.sd          : num  0.727 0.727 0.727 0.727 0.727 ...
##  $ Secchi_m.length      : int  34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 ...
##  $ Secchi_m.se          : num  0.853 0.853 0.853 0.853 0.853 ...
##  $ chillR_code          : chr  "727450_14913" "727450_14913" "727450_14913" "727450_14913" ...
##  $ gdd                  : num  493 493 493 493 493 ...
##  $ center_utm           : num  494097 494097 494097 494097 494097 ...
##  $ center_u_1           : num  5114741 5114741 5114741 5114741 5114741 ...
##  $ long                 : num  -93.1 -93.1 -93.1 -93.1 -93.1 ...
##  $ lat                  : num  46.2 46.2 46.2 46.2 46.2 ...
##  $ Lat_WX               : num  46.8 46.8 46.8 46.8 46.8 ...
##  $ Long_WX              : num  -92.2 -92.2 -92.2 -92.2 -92.2 ...
##  $ distance             : num  99.7 99.7 99.7 99.7 99.7 ...
##  $ Overlap_years        : int  19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 ...
##  $ Perc_interval_covered: int  100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 ...
##  $ proplight            : num  0.521 0.521 0.521 0.521 0.521 ...
##  - attr(*, ".internal.selfref")=<externalptr>

Data Exploration and Prep

Ensure complete on all vars we’ll be using.

  #whats in the dataset?
  plants[ , .N , POINT_ID ] #353,148 sampled locations
##         POINT_ID N
##      1:    19107 9
##      2:    19108 2
##      3:    19109 2
##      4:    19110 1
##      5:    19111 6
##     ---           
## 353144:   353248 5
## 353145:   353249 1
## 353146:   353250 3
## 353147:   353251 4
## 353148:   353252 1
  plants[, .N ,SURVEY_ID.x ] # Surveys
##       SURVEY_ID.x   N
##    1:         282 334
##    2:           1  63
##    3:           2 126
##    4:           3 160
##    5:           4 147
##   ---                
## 3400:        3400  31
## 3401:        3401 109
## 3402:        3402 175
## 3403:        3403 328
## 3404:        3404   8
  plants[, .N ,SURVEY_ID.y ] # Surveys with covariates
##       SURVEY_ID.y      N
##    1:         282    334
##    2:           1     63
##    3:           2    126
##    4:           3    160
##    5:          NA 125325
##   ---                   
## 2580:        3386     55
## 2581:        3388    111
## 2582:        3395    336
## 2583:        3398     20
## 2584:        3400     31
  plants[ , .N , .(DOWLKNUM, YEAR.SURVEY) ] #Lake-years
##    1:  1000100        2008 334
##    2:  1001600        2011  63
##    3:  1003400        2011 126
##    4:  1003500        2014 160
##    5:  1005300          NA 147
##   ---                         
## 2510: W0655001        2005  31
## 2511: W0844001          NA 109
## 2512: W0854002          NA 175
## 2513: W0889002          NA 328
## 2514: W0900701          NA   8
  plants[ , .N, DOWLKNUM]# Lakes
##       DOWLKNUM   N
##    1:  1000100 334
##    2:  1001600  63
##    3:  1003400 126
##    4:  1003500 160
##    5:  1005300 147
##   ---             
## 1522: W0655001  31
## 1523: W0844001 109
## 1524: W0854002 175
## 1525: W0889002 328
## 1526: W0900701   8
  plants[ , .N, POINT_ID]# Survey points
##         POINT_ID N
##      1:    19107 9
##      2:    19108 2
##      3:    19109 2
##      4:    19110 1
##      5:    19111 6
##     ---           
## 353144:   353248 5
## 353145:   353249 1
## 353146:   353250 3
## 353147:   353251 4
## 353148:   353252 1
  plants[!is.na(TAXON) , .N, OBS_ID]
##         OBS_ID N
##      1:  40234 1
##      2:  40236 1
##      3:  40237 1
##      4:  40238 1
##      5:  40239 1
##     ---         
## 564034: 723011 1
## 564035: 723012 1
## 564036: 723013 1
## 564037: 723014 1
## 564038: 723015 1
  surveypoints <- plants[ , length(unique(POINT_ID)), SURVEY_ID.x][ , V1,] #survey points per taxon
  hist(surveypoints, breaks = 250, xlim = c(0,500))

## [1] 103.745
## [1] 107.8648
## [1] 3.044416
## [1] 17.41512
  observations <- plants[ , length(unique(OBS_ID)), POINT_ID][ , V1,] #survey points per taxon

## [1] 2.047343
## [1] 1.615402
## [1] 2.154917
## [1] 9.590638
  #survey point per survey
  #retain only locs for which we have all vars to estimate on
    plants[is.na(DEPTH_FT) == F &
           is.na(gdd) == F &
           is.na(proplight) == F, .N, POINT_ID] # of sampled locs, 292,824 have all data
##         POINT_ID N
##      1:    19107 9
##      2:    19108 2
##      3:    19109 2
##      4:    19110 1
##      5:    19111 6
##     ---           
## 292820:   353130 4
## 292821:   353131 4
## 292822:   353132 4
## 292823:   353133 5
## 292824:   353134 6
  #percent coverage by sample location for complete cases
  nrow(plants[is.na(DEPTH_FT) == F &
                is.na(gdd) == F &
                is.na(proplight) == F, .N, POINT_ID])/nrow(plants[ , .N , POINT_ID ])
## [1] 0.8291821
  #percent coverage by species observationssample location for 
  plants[is.na(DEPTH_FT) == F &
                is.na(gdd) == F &
                is.na(proplight) == F, .N,]/plants[ , .N ,]
## [1] 0.8249087

Include only the complete cases

  #retain only complete cases
  plants <- plants[is.na(DEPTH_FT) == F &
                     is.na(gdd) == F &
                     is.na(proplight) == F, ,]
  plants[ , .N, POINT_ID]# Survey points
##         POINT_ID N
##      1:    19107 9
##      2:    19108 2
##      3:    19109 2
##      4:    19110 1
##      5:    19111 6
##     ---           
## 292820:   353130 4
## 292821:   353131 4
## 292822:   353132 4
## 292823:   353133 5
## 292824:   353134 6
  plants[!is.na(TAXON) , .N, OBS_ID]# plant obs
##         OBS_ID N
##      1:  40234 1
##      2:  40236 1
##      3:  40237 1
##      4:  40238 1
##      5:  40239 1
##     ---         
## 462114: 722391 1
## 462115: 722392 1
## 462116: 722393 1
## 462117: 722394 1
## 462118: 722395 1

WX distance from sample lakes

  # grab each lake's distance (take mean w/in lake)
  WXlk_dist <- plants[!is.na(distance) , mean(distance) , DOWLKNUM] # distance of lakes from WX
  # calc distance stats across lakes
  WXlk_dist[ ,c(meandist=mean(V1), maxdist = max(V1), mindist = min(V1), sddist = sd(V1)),  ,]
##  meandist   maxdist   mindist    sddist 
##  64.00260 171.02000   1.49000  30.65851

Survey Effort

Check out the data. We want to have a look at the overall distribution of survey effort, and all of the niche parameters we hope to estimate on

  # locations sampled (done by including POINT_ID in "by")
  # summary(plants)
  locssamp <-  plants[ , .(Secchi = mean(Secchi_m.mean) , DEPTH_FT = mean(DEPTH_FT), proplight = mean(proplight), gdd = mean(gdd), year = mean(YEAR.SURVEY)) , .(DOWLKNUM, DATASOURCE, SURVEY_DATE, POINT_ID, SURVEY_ID.x) ]

  hist(locssamp$DEPTH_FT, breaks = seq(0,1000,1), xlim = c(0,30))

  hist(locssamp$gdd, breaks = seq(0,3500,100))

  #sample effort by lakes, years, lake year, and surveys 
  locssamp[ , .N, .(DOWLKNUM, year) ]
##       DOWLKNUM year  N
##    1:  1000100 2008 86
##    2:  1001600 2011 41
##    3:  1003400 2011 66
##    4:  1003500 2014 37
##    5:  1006000 2009 52
##   ---                 
## 1932: 87010200 2010 28
## 1933: 87010200 2013 40
## 1934: 87011600 2013 86
## 1935:    R1961 2005 35
## 1936: W0655001 2005  7
  locssamp[ , .N, .(DOWLKNUM) ]
##       DOWLKNUM  N
##    1:  1000100 86
##    2:  1001600 41
##    3:  1003400 66
##    4:  1003500 37
##    5:  1006000 52
##   ---            
## 1106: 87006000 93
## 1107: 87010200 97
## 1108: 87011600 86
## 1109:    R1961 35
## 1110: W0655001  7
  locssamp[ , .N, .(year) ]
##     year     N
##  1: 2008 33398
##  2: 2011 32607
##  3: 2014 21797
##  4: 2009 34987
##  5: 2002  4040
##  6: 2012 25432
##  7: 2010 34827
##  8: 2013 25084
##  9: 2015 19586
## 10: 2003  6289
## 11: 2006 16701
## 12: 2016  7691
## 13: 2017  6692
## 14: 2018  5449
## 15: 2005  9878
## 16: 2004  7174
## 17: 2007 14929
## 18: 2001   273
  locssamp[ , .N, SURVEY_ID.x]
##       SURVEY_ID.x  N
##    1:         282 86
##    2:           1 41
##    3:           2 66
##    4:           3 37
##    5:           5 52
##   ---               
## 2574:        3385 28
## 2575:        3386 40
## 2576:        3388 86
## 2577:        3395 35
## 2578:        3400  7

PDF of sampling:

What does the probability distribution fn of our sampling look like?

  #kernel density plots
  kde_depths <- density(locssamp$DEPTH_FT)
  plot(kde_depths, main = "TPD depth")

  plot(kde_depths, main = "TPD depth", xlim = c(0,30))

  kde_light <- density(locssamp$proplight)
  plot(kde_light, main = "TPD light")

  kde_gdd <- density(locssamp$gdd)
  plot(kde_gdd, main = "TPD gdd")

Niche Axes Orthogonality

What about covariation in our niche axes:

  # plot covariance and correllation coefs (r) from the niche axes (uncomment for visulaization thats computationally expensive)
  ggpairs(locssamp[ ,.(proplight, DEPTH_FT, gdd) ,], lower = list(continuous = "smooth"), ggplot2::aes(fill = NULL))

  cor.test(locssamp[ ,c(proplight) ,], locssamp[ ,c(DEPTH_FT) ,])
##  Pearson's product-moment correlation
## data:  locssamp[, c(proplight), ] and locssamp[, c(DEPTH_FT), ]
## t = -253.32, df = 306832, p-value < 2.2e-16
## alternative hypothesis: true correlation is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  -0.4188133 -0.4129607
## sample estimates:
##        cor 
## -0.4158913
  cor.test(locssamp[ ,c(gdd) ,], locssamp[ ,c(proplight) ,])
##  Pearson's product-moment correlation
## data:  locssamp[, c(gdd), ] and locssamp[, c(proplight), ]
## t = -6.871, df = 306832, p-value = 6.386e-12
## alternative hypothesis: true correlation is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  -0.015940931 -0.008865387
## sample estimates:
##         cor 
## -0.01240331
  cor.test(locssamp[ ,c(gdd) ,], locssamp[ ,c(DEPTH_FT) ,])
##  Pearson's product-moment correlation
## data:  locssamp[, c(gdd), ] and locssamp[, c(DEPTH_FT), ]
## t = -26.528, df = 306832, p-value < 2.2e-16
## alternative hypothesis: true correlation is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  -0.05136642 -0.04430598
## sample estimates:
##        cor 
## -0.0478368

Let’s take a better look at those light-depth relationships:

  ggplot(locssamp, aes(DEPTH_FT,proplight))+
           geom_point(alpha = .01)+
## Warning: Removed 8510 rows containing missing values (geom_point).


##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
## 0.03048 0.83278 1.37333 1.81496 2.60588 6.76667

We can see from this that we do have some non-orthogonality in the light- depth relationship (Correlation Coef 0.416). It doesn’t seem too high to me, but by the pearson correllation we can reject the null that there’s no correlation. In additon, we can see that the light-depth relationship is well represented considering that light exponentially decays with depth.Thus, the variation we see w/ light at depth is due to variation in water clarity– which we consider good because it provides us with a range of light vals for any given depth. I don’t see guidance in the lit about bounds on reasonable covariance for this application, so we are going to run with it.

Plant Occurrences

We want to keep only the species observations for niche models. Clean up the Taxon == NA. These are cases where no veg was found.

  plants[is.na(TAXON) == T , .N ,] # no veg found cases
## [1] 135272
  plants[is.na(TAXON) == F , .N ,] # plant observations
## [1] 462150
  plantocc <- plants[is.na(TAXON) == F , ,]

Are the plants occurring at reasonable values of light avialability? Ususally consider submerged plants to be adapted to 2-10% of incoming light.

  plantocc[proplight < .10 & proplight > 0.02, .N , ]/plantocc[,.N,]
## [1] 0.2277075
  plantocc[proplight > 0.02, .N , ]/plantocc[,.N,]
## [1] 0.8520697

Depth outliers

Need to trim some of the depth outliers. Let’s have a look at what those outliers look like.

  #explore outliers
  plantocc[, summary(DEPTH_FT) , ]
##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
##   0.000   3.000   4.265   5.235   6.800 230.000
  hist(plantocc$DEPTH_FT, breaks = 200)

  hist(plantocc$DEPTH_FT, xlim = c(0,25), breaks = 200)

  boxplot(plantocc$DEPTH_FT, ylim = c(0,75))

## [1] 3.542636

Lets call everything > 5 Standard Deviations form the mean an outlier for depth (Muthukrishnan et al 2018)

  outlier_cut <- mean(plantocc$DEPTH_FT)+5*sd(plantocc$DEPTH_FT) #conveniently this corresponds to 6.998m
  #who gets cut?
  plantocc[DEPTH_FT > outlier_cut |
             DEPTH_FT==0 , .N,]
## [1] 1844
    plantocc[DEPTH_FT > outlier_cut |
             DEPTH_FT==0, c(1:15) ]
##    1:  1000100   6/25/2008      Pine DNR Fisheries      35   0.0000
##    2:  1000100   6/25/2008      Pine DNR Fisheries      35   0.0000
##    3:  1000100   6/25/2008      Pine DNR Fisheries      35   0.0000
##    4:  1000100   6/25/2008      Pine DNR Fisheries      35   0.0000
##    5:  1000100   6/25/2008      Pine DNR Fisheries      35   0.0000
##   ---                                                              
## 1840: 86023400    8/8/2016      bass James Johnson      62  23.2951
## 1841: 86023400    8/8/2016      bass James Johnson      69  23.9513
## 1842: 86023400   7/12/2018      bass James Johnson      65  25.2637
## 1843: 86023400   7/12/2018      bass James Johnson      67  24.9356
## 1844: 86023400   7/12/2018      bass James Johnson      68  24.9356
##    1: DNR Fisheries        FALSE   Elodea canadensis               NA
##    2: DNR Fisheries        FALSE         Lemna minor               NA
##    3: DNR Fisheries        FALSE              Nuphar               NA
##    4: DNR Fisheries        FALSE Potamogeton crispus               NA
##    5: DNR Fisheries        FALSE          Ranunculus               NA
##   ---                                                                
## 1840:                      FALSE             Nitella               NA
## 1841:                      FALSE             Nitella               NA
## 1842:                      FALSE             Nitella               NA
## 1843:                      FALSE             Nitella               NA
## 1844:                      FALSE             Nitella               NA
##    1:         282    19162  40438        2008            6
##    2:         282    19162  40440        2008            6
##    3:         282    19162  40441        2008            6
##    4:         282    19162  40442        2008            6
##    5:         282    19162  40443        2008            6
##   ---                                                     
## 1840:        3342   348238 712002        2016            8
## 1841:        3342   348245 712009        2016            8
## 1842:        3343   348369 712367        2018            7
## 1843:        3343   348371 712369        2018            7
## 1844:        3343   348372 712370        2018            7
  plantocc[ , .N,]
## [1] 462150
  plantocc[DEPTH_FT > outlier_cut |
             DEPTH_FT==0 , .N,]/plantocc[ , .N,]
## [1] 0.003990047
  plantocc <- plantocc[!DEPTH_FT > outlier_cut , ,]
  plantocc <- plantocc[!DEPTH_FT==0]
# occurrence data by species ------------------------------------------------------

Descriptive Stats by Species

Calculate H Index Values for these species
Nsurveys, Noccurrance, H-index by species

  hind <- plants[ , .N, .(SURVEY_DATE, DATASOURCE, DOWLKNUM, TAXON) ] #n obs per species per survey
  hind$TAXON <- as.factor(hind$TAXON)
  setorder(hind, TAXON, -N)
  hind[, index := 1:.N, by=TAXON]
  hind[N > index , hindex:= .N, by = TAXON]
  hind[ ,  nsurv := .N , by = TAXON]
  hind[is.na(hindex) == T , hindex:= 0,]
  hind[ , nocc:= sum(N) , by = .(TAXON)]
  hind2 <- hind[ , .(hindex=max(hindex)) , by = .(TAXON,nsurv,nocc)]
  setorder(hind2, -nocc)
  #label taxonomic level
  hind2[ , TAXON := as.character(TAXON), ]
  # strips brackets from non-species taxa
  hind2[, taxacl := gsub("\\s*\\([^\\)]+\\)","",TAXON),]
  hind2$taxawords <- sapply(hind2$taxacl, wordcount)
  hind2[taxawords>1, species := T,]
  hind2[is.na(species), species:= F,]
  hind2[ , .N , species]
##    species   N
## 1:   FALSE  56
## 2:    TRUE 163
  hind2[ nocc>10000, .N , species]
##    species  N
## 1:   FALSE  2
## 2:    TRUE 10
  # check out results:
##                              TAXON nsurv   nocc hindex
##  1:                           <NA>  2235 135272    161
##  2:         Ceratophyllum demersum  2074  74849    114
##  3:                          Chara  1443  40029     89
##  4:            Potamogeton crispus  1127  35579     92
##  5:      Potamogeton zosteriformis  1225  26358     65
##  6:            Stuckenia pectinata  1636  22551     57
##  7:              Elodea canadensis  1149  22152     63
##  8:         Myriophyllum sibiricum  1174  21497     66
##  9:                 Najas flexilis   957  15298     54
## 10:          Myriophyllum spicatum   493  15030     65
## 11:                 Lemna trisulca   646  13979     63
## 12:               Nymphaea odorata  1105  13822     40
## 13:          Vallisneria americana   715   9685     44
## 14:          Potamogeton robbinsii   318   8693     52
## 15:           Utricularia vulgaris   743   8434     38
## 16:              Zizania palustris   435   7720     41
## 17:         Potamogeton praelongus   709   7707     38
## 18:       Potamogeton richardsonii   774   7249     35
## 19:               Nuphar variegata   856   6890     29
## 20:        Potamogeton amplifolius   560   5551     32
## 21:            Najas guadalupensis   188   5442     41
## 22:           Potamogeton (narrow)   570   5335     32
## 23:                          Najas   400   5302     37
## 24:             Heteranthera dubia   646   5155     28
## 25:        Potamogeton illinoensis   552   5100     26
## 26:            Potamogeton friesii   479   4367     31
## 27:                    Lemna minor   426   3823     30
## 28:          Schoenoplectus acutus   416   3823     33
## 29:           Potamogeton pusillus   310   3269     29
## 30:             Potamogeton natans   556   3212     21
## 31:                 Schoenoplectus   429   3188     25
## 32:                    Potamogeton   265   2801     24
## 33:          Potamogeton gramineus   371   2688     22
## 34:                   Myriophyllum    42   2601     16
## 35:             Typha angustifolia   463   2111     17
## 36:           Potamogeton foliosus   216   2102     25
## 37:                       Nymphaea   140   2083     27
## 38:                  Bidens beckii   335   2046     19
## 39:                         Elodea   132   2046     21
## 40:             Brasenia schreberi   234   1996     22
## 41:            Spirodela polyrhiza   296   1894     22
## 42:                        Nitella   193   1709     19
## 43:                    Utricularia   102   1692     22
## 44:                          Typha   348   1442     14
## 45:                      Characeae    39   1403     21
## 46:                  Drepanocladus   251   1403     16
## 47:                     Ranunculus   242   1232     17
## 48:                     Sagittaria   380   1189     13
## 49:                         Nuphar   140   1186     20
## 50:           Ranunculus aquatilis   134   1127     15
## 51:         Zannichellia palustris   167   1091     16
## 52:                        Wolffia    79    957     17
## 53:             Wolffia columbiana    81    775     13
## 54:                        Scirpus    87    721     14
## 55:                          Lemna   115    692     14
## 56:          Sparganium (floating)    76    636     15
## 57:                     Eleocharis   186    605     10
## 58:          Eleocharis acicularis   186    577      9
## 59:                   Najas marina    62    540     14
## 60:                     Sparganium   122    489     11
## 61:                        Zizania    43    476     15
## 62:                  Nuphar advena    66    464     12
## 63:              Utricularia minor   113    460     10
## 64:                          Carex   145    405      7
## 65:   Schoenoplectus subterminalis    76    397      9
## 66: Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani   128    379      7
## 67:         Utricularia intermedia    70    356     10
## 68:             Pontederia cordata    42    346      8
## 69:        Ranunculus longirostris    47    292      8
## 70:            Potamogeton nodosus    70    236      7
## 71:                      Equisetum    78    230      6
## 72:      Potamogeton strictifolius    19    209      8
## 73:                Typha latifolia    76    197      6
## 74:                  Nelumbo lutea    33    192      9
## 75:          Potamogeton epihydrus    46    189      7
##                              TAXON nsurv   nocc hindex
##                             taxacl taxawords species
##  1:                           <NA>         1   FALSE
##  2:         Ceratophyllum demersum         2    TRUE
##  3:                          Chara         1   FALSE
##  4:            Potamogeton crispus         2    TRUE
##  5:      Potamogeton zosteriformis         2    TRUE
##  6:            Stuckenia pectinata         2    TRUE
##  7:              Elodea canadensis         2    TRUE
##  8:         Myriophyllum sibiricum         2    TRUE
##  9:                 Najas flexilis         2    TRUE
## 10:          Myriophyllum spicatum         2    TRUE
## 11:                 Lemna trisulca         2    TRUE
## 12:               Nymphaea odorata         2    TRUE
## 13:          Vallisneria americana         2    TRUE
## 14:          Potamogeton robbinsii         2    TRUE
## 15:           Utricularia vulgaris         2    TRUE
## 16:              Zizania palustris         2    TRUE
## 17:         Potamogeton praelongus         2    TRUE
## 18:       Potamogeton richardsonii         2    TRUE
## 19:               Nuphar variegata         2    TRUE
## 20:        Potamogeton amplifolius         2    TRUE
## 21:            Najas guadalupensis         2    TRUE
## 22:                    Potamogeton         1   FALSE
## 23:                          Najas         1   FALSE
## 24:             Heteranthera dubia         2    TRUE
## 25:        Potamogeton illinoensis         2    TRUE
## 26:            Potamogeton friesii         2    TRUE
## 27:                    Lemna minor         2    TRUE
## 28:          Schoenoplectus acutus         2    TRUE
## 29:           Potamogeton pusillus         2    TRUE
## 30:             Potamogeton natans         2    TRUE
## 31:                 Schoenoplectus         1   FALSE
## 32:                    Potamogeton         1   FALSE
## 33:          Potamogeton gramineus         2    TRUE
## 34:                   Myriophyllum         1   FALSE
## 35:             Typha angustifolia         2    TRUE
## 36:           Potamogeton foliosus         2    TRUE
## 37:                       Nymphaea         1   FALSE
## 38:                  Bidens beckii         2    TRUE
## 39:                         Elodea         1   FALSE
## 40:             Brasenia schreberi         2    TRUE
## 41:            Spirodela polyrhiza         2    TRUE
## 42:                        Nitella         1   FALSE
## 43:                    Utricularia         1   FALSE
## 44:                          Typha         1   FALSE
## 45:                      Characeae         1   FALSE
## 46:                  Drepanocladus         1   FALSE
## 47:                     Ranunculus         1   FALSE
## 48:                     Sagittaria         1   FALSE
## 49:                         Nuphar         1   FALSE
## 50:           Ranunculus aquatilis         2    TRUE
## 51:         Zannichellia palustris         2    TRUE
## 52:                        Wolffia         1   FALSE
## 53:             Wolffia columbiana         2    TRUE
## 54:                        Scirpus         1   FALSE
## 55:                          Lemna         1   FALSE
## 56:                     Sparganium         1   FALSE
## 57:                     Eleocharis         1   FALSE
## 58:          Eleocharis acicularis         2    TRUE
## 59:                   Najas marina         2    TRUE
## 60:                     Sparganium         1   FALSE
## 61:                        Zizania         1   FALSE
## 62:                  Nuphar advena         2    TRUE
## 63:              Utricularia minor         2    TRUE
## 64:                          Carex         1   FALSE
## 65:   Schoenoplectus subterminalis         2    TRUE
## 66: Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani         2    TRUE
## 67:         Utricularia intermedia         2    TRUE
## 68:             Pontederia cordata         2    TRUE
## 69:        Ranunculus longirostris         2    TRUE
## 70:            Potamogeton nodosus         2    TRUE
## 71:                      Equisetum         1   FALSE
## 72:      Potamogeton strictifolius         2    TRUE
## 73:                Typha latifolia         2    TRUE
## 74:                  Nelumbo lutea         2    TRUE
## 75:          Potamogeton epihydrus         2    TRUE
##                             taxacl taxawords species

  ggplot(hind2, aes(hindex))+
## `stat_bin()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with `binwidth`.

  plot(hind2$nsurv, hind2$hindex)

  plot(hind2$nocc, hind2$hindex)

  plot(hind2$nocc, hind2$nsurv)

Threshold for inclusion

Then we simply choose a cutoff value and press forward. We will use 1000 occurrences, and only species level IDs

# Set cutoff values for inclusion -----------------------------------------

  # drop at some threshold
   ptrm <- plantocc[ TAXON %in% hind2[nocc > 1000 &
                                        species==T, TAXON, ], , ]
  ptrm[,.N , TAXON]# by taxon, n obs
##                         TAXON     N
##  1:            Lemna trisulca 13938
##  2: Potamogeton zosteriformis 26272
##  3:     Schoenoplectus acutus  3820
##  4:       Spirodela polyrhiza  1893
##  5:         Elodea canadensis 22073
##  6:    Ceratophyllum demersum 74653
##  7:          Nuphar variegata  6876
##  8:   Potamogeton amplifolius  5532
##  9:       Potamogeton crispus 35330
## 10:  Potamogeton richardsonii  7196
## 11:    Myriophyllum sibiricum 21461
## 12:       Stuckenia pectinata 22532
## 13:               Lemna minor  3822
## 14:        Potamogeton natans  3207
## 15:     Vallisneria americana  9667
## 16:     Potamogeton robbinsii  8665
## 17:          Nymphaea odorata 13788
## 18:        Typha angustifolia  2108
## 19:         Zizania palustris  7713
## 20:    Potamogeton praelongus  7681
## 21:        Brasenia schreberi  1994
## 22:      Utricularia vulgaris  8426
## 23:            Najas flexilis 15285
## 24:   Potamogeton illinoensis  5098
## 25:     Potamogeton gramineus  2685
## 26:             Bidens beckii  2023
## 27:       Potamogeton friesii  4362
## 28:        Heteranthera dubia  5021
## 29:      Potamogeton pusillus  3267
## 30:       Najas guadalupensis  5426
## 31:     Myriophyllum spicatum 14934
## 32:      Ranunculus aquatilis  1117
## 33:    Zannichellia palustris  1091
## 34:      Potamogeton foliosus  2097
##                         TAXON     N
  ptrm[,.N ,]# total n obs
## [1] 371053
# TPD ----------------------------------------------------------------

Modeling Niches

Now that we have trimmed our dataset to 1) only locs where plants occurred, 2) excluding observations that are depth outliers, 3) only taxa with more than 1000 occurrences, we can move on to modeling the species’ niches.

Total niche model

  # calculating probability densities for multiple species
  TPDs_plants <- TPDs(species = ptrm$TAXON, traits = ptrm[,.(scale(DEPTH_FT),scale(proplight),scale(gdd))] )
## -------Calculating densities for One population_Multiple species-----------
## Be careful, the integral of the pdf of some cases differ from 1.
##       They have been reescaled, but you should consider increasing
##       'trait_ranges' 
## Ceratophyllum demersum / Nuphar variegata / Potamogeton crispus / Stuckenia pectinata / Lemna minor / Potamogeton robbinsii / Nymphaea odorata / Zizania palustris / Najas guadalupensis

Checkout evaluation grid. Each axis was divided into 50 intervals, creating a 3-dimensional matrix (50^3 = 125k cells) with a crossed set of those 50 part axes. Each species’ TPD ought to sum to one. Lets have a look at those things.

  head(TPDs_plants$data$evaluation_grid) #first chunk of matrix only varies "V1"
##          V1      V1.1      V1.2
## 1 -2.595960 -1.814714 -2.856738
## 2 -2.413409 -1.814714 -2.856738
## 3 -2.230857 -1.814714 -2.856738
## 4 -2.048305 -1.814714 -2.856738
## 5 -1.865754 -1.814714 -2.856738
## 6 -1.683202 -1.814714 -2.856738
  nrow(TPDs_plants$data$evaluation_grid) #size looks right
## [1] 125000
  names(TPDs_plants$TPDs) #Estimated for all plants
##  [1] "Lemna trisulca"            "Potamogeton zosteriformis"
##  [3] "Schoenoplectus acutus"     "Spirodela polyrhiza"      
##  [5] "Elodea canadensis"         "Ceratophyllum demersum"   
##  [7] "Nuphar variegata"          "Potamogeton amplifolius"  
##  [9] "Potamogeton crispus"       "Potamogeton richardsonii" 
## [11] "Myriophyllum sibiricum"    "Stuckenia pectinata"      
## [13] "Lemna minor"               "Potamogeton natans"       
## [15] "Vallisneria americana"     "Potamogeton robbinsii"    
## [17] "Nymphaea odorata"          "Typha angustifolia"       
## [19] "Zizania palustris"         "Potamogeton praelongus"   
## [21] "Brasenia schreberi"        "Utricularia vulgaris"     
## [23] "Najas flexilis"            "Potamogeton illinoensis"  
## [25] "Potamogeton gramineus"     "Bidens beckii"            
## [27] "Potamogeton friesii"       "Heteranthera dubia"       
## [29] "Potamogeton pusillus"      "Najas guadalupensis"      
## [31] "Myriophyllum spicatum"     "Ranunculus aquatilis"     
## [33] "Zannichellia palustris"    "Potamogeton foliosus"
  sum(TPDs_plants$TPDs$'Zanichellia palustris') 
## [1] 0
  # Do any not sum to one?
  sapply(TPDs_plants$TPDs, sum)[sapply(TPDs_plants$TPDs, sum) != 1 ] #NOPE
## Zannichellia palustris 
##                      1
# full TPD dissimilarity table --------------------------------------------

Niche Dissimilarity

  #dissimilarity across in 3 dimensions
  dissim_TPDs_plants <- dissim(TPDs_plants)
## Calculating dissimilarities between 34 populations. It might take some time
  inv_dissim <- setDT(as.data.frame(dissim_TPDs_plants$populations$dissimilarity[ , c('Myriophyllum spicatum', 'Potamogeton crispus')]), keep.rownames = "Taxon")
  inv_dissim[ , clpdis := `Potamogeton crispus`-`Myriophyllum spicatum` ,]
  # relative contribution of abundance in shared space vs. spaces only occupied by that species
  inv_pshared <- setDT(as.data.frame(dissim_TPDs_plants$populations$P_shared[ , c('Myriophyllum spicatum', 'Potamogeton crispus')]), keep.rownames = "Taxon")
  inv_pnonshared <- setDT(as.data.frame(dissim_TPDs_plants$populations$P_non_shared[ , c('Myriophyllum spicatum', 'Potamogeton crispus')]), keep.rownames = "Taxon")
  invsumm <- cbind(cbind(inv_dissim,inv_pnonshared[,2:3]),inv_pshared[, 2:3])
  setnames(invsumm, c("Taxon", "MspicatumDissim", "PcrispusDissim", "PClessMS", "MspicatumNonShared", "PcrispusNonShared", "MspicatumShared", "PcrispusShared"))

Test for proportional contrib of non-shared in CLP v EWM:

  # nonshared prop of niche differentiation in CLP exceeds EWM (# of native species comparisons)
  summary(0>invsumm[ , MspicatumNonShared-PcrispusNonShared , ])
##    Mode   FALSE    TRUE    NA's 
## logical       7      25       2
  # proportional contribution of shared exceeds nonshared in each?
  summary(0>invsumm[ , PcrispusShared-PcrispusNonShared , ]) # CLP
##    Mode   FALSE    TRUE    NA's 
## logical      24       9       1
  summary(0>invsumm[ , MspicatumShared-MspicatumNonShared , ]) # EWM
##    Mode   FALSE    NA's 
## logical      33       1
  # Changing shared and non-shared to absolute dissims (i.e., sum to total dissim rather than relativized to sum to 1)
  invsumm[, MspicatumNonShared := MspicatumNonShared*MspicatumDissim]
  invsumm[, MspicatumShared := MspicatumShared*MspicatumDissim]
  invsumm[, PcrispusNonShared := PcrispusNonShared*PcrispusDissim]
  invsumm[, PcrispusShared := PcrispusShared*PcrispusDissim]

  # Changing column orders and dropping "PClessMS"
  setcolorder(invsumm, c("Taxon", "PcrispusDissim", "PcrispusNonShared", "PcrispusShared", 
                         "MspicatumDissim", "MspicatumNonShared", "MspicatumShared"))
  # Adding, and ordering by, mean dissimilarity of each species to all other species
  sppMeanDissim <- rowSums(dissim_TPDs_plants$populations$dissimilarity)/(dim(dissim_TPDs_plants$populations$dissimilarity)[2]-1)
  invsumm[, sppMeanDissim := sppMeanDissim]
  setcolorder(invsumm, c("Taxon", "sppMeanDissim"))
  setorder(invsumm, sppMeanDissim)
  invsumm[is.na(invsumm)] <- 0
  # Export Table 1:
  write.csv(invsumm, file = "invsumm.csv", row.names = FALSE)

  # Creating heatmap-style figure from table
  invsumm.m <- melt(invsumm, id.vars = c("Taxon"))  
  invsumm.m$Taxon <- factor(invsumm.m$Taxon, levels = invsumm$Taxon)
  levels(invsumm.m$variable) <- c(
    "All species\nTotal",
    "P. crispus\nTotal",
    "P. crispus\nNon-shared",
    "P. crispus\nShared",
    "M. spicatum\nTotal",
    "M. spicatum\nNon-shared",
    "M. spicatum\nShared")

Dissimilarity Table

  dissim_table <- ggplot(data = invsumm.m, aes(x=variable, y=Taxon, fill=value)) + 
    geom_tile() +
    scale_fill_gradient(low = "white", high = "steelblue", name = "Dissimilarity") +
    geom_text(aes(label = sprintf("%0.2f", invsumm.m$value)), size=3) +
    labs(x="Comparison") +
    scale_x_discrete(expand = c(0, 0), position = "top") +
    theme(axis.ticks = element_blank())+
    theme(axis.text.y = element_text(face= "italic"))+
    theme(legend.position = "none")

  # Write to file:
  tiff(file = "Fig_DissimTable.tif", width=8.5, height=10, units="in", res = 600, compression = "lzw")
## png 
##   2
# TPD niche axes one at a time --------------------------------------------

Decompose by niche axis

We will want to 1) TPD each axis individually 2) Calculate dissimilarity for each axis 3) Decompose each axis’ dissimilarity into shared and non-shared niche space

  traits_plants_d1 <- ptrm[, c("gdd")]
  sp_plants <- ptrm$TAXON
  TPDs_plants_d1_a1 <- TPDs(species = sp_plants, traits = traits_plants_d1, alpha= 0.95, n_divisions = 100)
## -------Calculating densities for One population_Multiple species-----------
  # plotTPD(TPD = TPDs_plants_d1_a1, nRowCol = c(10,5))
  traits_plants_d2 <- ptrm[, c(proplight)]
  sp_plants <- ptrm$TAXON
  TPDs_plants_d2_a2 <- TPDs(species = sp_plants, traits = traits_plants_d2, alpha=0.95, n_divisions = 100)
## -------Calculating densities for One population_Multiple species-----------
## Be careful, the integral of the pdf of some cases differ from 1.
##       They have been reescaled, but you should consider increasing
##       'trait_ranges' 
## Potamogeton crispus / Stuckenia pectinata
  # plotTPD(TPD = TPDs_plants_d2_a2, nRowCol = c(10,5) ) 
  ptrm[TAXON=="Potamogeton crispus", summary(proplight)]
##     Min.  1st Qu.   Median     Mean  3rd Qu.     Max. 
## 0.000000 0.003089 0.024849 0.079315 0.098837 0.911636
  traits_plants_d3 <- ptrm[, c("DEPTH_FT")]
  sp_plants <- ptrm$TAXON
  TPDs_plants_d3_a3 <- TPDs(species = sp_plants, traits = traits_plants_d3, alpha=0.95, n_divisions = 27)
## -------Calculating densities for One population_Multiple species-----------
## Be careful, the integral of the pdf of some cases differ from 1.
##       They have been reescaled, but you should consider increasing
##       'trait_ranges' 
## Lemna trisulca / Schoenoplectus acutus / Nuphar variegata / Potamogeton amplifolius / Potamogeton natans / Nymphaea odorata / Typha angustifolia / Zizania palustris / Brasenia schreberi / Utricularia vulgaris / Najas flexilis
  # plotTPD(TPD = TPDs_plants_d3_a3, nRowCol = c(10,5))   

# calc dissimilarity and decompose by each axis ------------------------------

Single niche dissimilarity

  #dissimilarity across for each dimension
  dissim_TPDs_gdd <- dissim(TPDs_plants_d1_a1)
## Calculating dissimilarities between 34 populations. It might take some time
  dissim_TPDs_light <- dissim(TPDs_plants_d2_a2)
## Calculating dissimilarities between 34 populations. It might take some time
  dissim_TPDs_depth <- dissim(TPDs_plants_d3_a3)
## Calculating dissimilarities between 34 populations. It might take some time
# dimensional contribution to dissim --------------------------------------------------

We can make a plot that shows the relative contrib from each niche dim:

  # Grab mean dissimilarity of each species to all other species for total and each niche axis
  dimdissim <- data.table(Total = rowSums(dissim_TPDs_plants$populations$dissimilarity)/(dim(dissim_TPDs_plants$populations$dissimilarity)[2]-1))
  dimdissim[ , Taxon:= rownames(dissim_TPDs_plants$populations$dissimilarity)  , ]
  dimdissim[ , GDD := rowSums(dissim_TPDs_gdd$populations$dissimilarity)/(dim(dissim_TPDs_gdd$populations$dissimilarity)[2]-1)]
  # dimdissim[ , gddTaxon:= rownames(dissim_TPDs_gdd$populations$dissimilarity)  , ]
  # dimdissim[!Taxon == gddTaxon, , ]
  dimdissim[ , Light := rowSums(dissim_TPDs_light$populations$dissimilarity)/(dim(dissim_TPDs_light$populations$dissimilarity)[2]-1), ]
  # dimdissim[ , lightTaxon:= rownames(dissim_TPDs_light$populations$dissimilarity)  , ]
  # dimdissim[!Taxon == lightTaxon, , ]
  dimdissim[ , Depth :=  rowSums(dissim_TPDs_depth$populations$dissimilarity)/(dim(dissim_TPDs_depth$populations$dissimilarity)[2]-1), ]
  # dimdissim[ , depthTaxon:= rownames(dissim_TPDs_depth$populations$dissimilarity)  , ]
  # dimdissim[!Taxon == depthTaxon, , ]
  #order by total dissim   
  setcolorder(dimdissim, c("Taxon", "GDD", "Light","Depth", "Total"))
  setorder(dimdissim, Total)
  # Creating heatmap-style figure from table
  dimdissim.m <- melt(dimdissim, id.vars = c("Taxon"))  
  dimdissim.m$Taxon <- factor(dimdissim.m$Taxon, levels = dimdissim$Taxon)

Dimensional Dissimilarity

  full_dimfig <- ggplot(data = dimdissim.m, aes(x=variable, y=Taxon, fill=value)) + 
    geom_tile() +
    scale_fill_gradient(low = "white", high = "steelblue", name = "Dissimilarity") +
    geom_text(aes(label = sprintf("%0.2f", dimdissim.m$value)), size=3) +
    labs(x="Dimensional Dissimilarity") +
    scale_x_discrete(expand = c(0, 0), position = "top") +
    theme(axis.ticks = element_blank())+
    theme(legend.position = "none")+
    theme(axis.text.y = element_text(face=c(ifelse(dimdissim$Taxon == "Myriophyllum spicatum" | 
                                                     dimdissim$Taxon == "Potamogeton crispus", "bold.italic", "italic"))))
## Warning: Vectorized input to `element_text()` is not officially supported.
## Results may be unexpected or may change in future versions of ggplot2.
  ifelse(dimdissim$Taxon == "Myriophyllum spicatum" | 
           dimdissim$Taxon == "Potamogeton crispus", "bold", "plain")
##  [1] "plain" "plain" "plain" "plain" "plain" "plain" "plain" "plain" "plain"
## [10] "plain" "plain" "plain" "plain" "plain" "plain" "plain" "plain" "plain"
## [19] "plain" "bold"  "plain" "plain" "plain" "plain" "plain" "plain" "plain"
## [28] "plain" "plain" "plain" "plain" "plain" "plain" "bold"
  simp_dim <- dimdissim.m[Taxon == "Myriophyllum spicatum" | 
                         Taxon == "Potamogeton crispus", , ]
  #Simplified heatmap for only the invaders
  simp_dimfig <- ggplot(data = simp_dim, aes(x=variable, y=Taxon, fill=value)) + 
    geom_tile() +
    scale_fill_gradient(low = "white", high = "steelblue", name = "Dissimilarity") +
    geom_text(aes(label = sprintf("%0.2f", simp_dim$value)), size=3) +
    labs(x="Dimensional Dissimilarity") +
    scale_x_discrete(expand = c(0, 0), position = "top") +
    theme(axis.ticks = element_blank())+
    theme(legend.position = "none")+
    theme(axis.text.y = element_text(face= "italic"))
  # # Write to file:
  tiff(file = "Fig_DimensFull.tif", width=8.5, height=10, units="in", res = 600, compression = "lzw")
## png 
##   2
  tiff(file = "Fig_DimensSimp.tif", width=8.5, height=2, units="in", res = 600, compression = "lzw")
## png 
##   2
# plot all three axis of interest -----------------------------------------

Niche visualizations

  #custom plotting all species in a single plot GDD
  gddTPD <- data.table(matrix(unlist(TPDs_plants_d1_a1$TPDs), ncol = length(TPDs_plants_d1_a1$TPDs), byrow = F))
  setnames(gddTPD, names(TPDs_plants_d1_a1$TPDs))
  gddTPD[, gddinterval := as.vector(TPDs_plants_d1_a1$data$evaluation_grid) , ]
  gddTPD <- melt(gddTPD, id.vars = "gddinterval", variable.name = "taxon" )
##  [1] "Lemna trisulca"            "Potamogeton zosteriformis"
##  [3] "Schoenoplectus acutus"     "Spirodela polyrhiza"      
##  [5] "Elodea canadensis"         "Ceratophyllum demersum"   
##  [7] "Nuphar variegata"          "Potamogeton amplifolius"  
##  [9] "Potamogeton crispus"       "Potamogeton richardsonii" 
## [11] "Myriophyllum sibiricum"    "Stuckenia pectinata"      
## [13] "Lemna minor"               "Potamogeton natans"       
## [15] "Vallisneria americana"     "Potamogeton robbinsii"    
## [17] "Nymphaea odorata"          "Typha angustifolia"       
## [19] "Zizania palustris"         "Potamogeton praelongus"   
## [21] "Brasenia schreberi"        "Utricularia vulgaris"     
## [23] "Najas flexilis"            "Potamogeton illinoensis"  
## [25] "Potamogeton gramineus"     "Bidens beckii"            
## [27] "Potamogeton friesii"       "Heteranthera dubia"       
## [29] "Potamogeton pusillus"      "Najas guadalupensis"      
## [31] "Myriophyllum spicatum"     "Ranunculus aquatilis"     
## [33] "Zannichellia palustris"    "Potamogeton foliosus"
  gddTPD$taxon <- factor(gddTPD$taxon,levels(gddTPD$taxon)[c(1:8,10:30,32:34,9,31)])
  gdd_inv <- ggplot(gddTPD, aes(gddinterval, value))+
    geom_line(aes(color = taxon), size = 1)+
    scale_color_manual( values = c(ifelse(levels(gddTPD$taxon) %in% c("Potamogeton crispus") ==T, "black" , ifelse(levels(gddTPD$taxon) %in% c("Myriophyllum spicatum") ==T, "red" , "gray")))) +
    theme(legend.position = "none") +
    xlab("Growing Degrees Days")+
  #custom plotting all species in a single plot Proplight
  plTPD <- data.table(matrix(unlist(TPDs_plants_d2_a2$TPDs), ncol = length(TPDs_plants_d2_a2$TPDs), byrow = F))
  setnames(plTPD, names(TPDs_plants_d2_a2$TPDs))
  plTPD[, plinterval := as.vector(TPDs_plants_d2_a2$data$evaluation_grid) , ]
  plTPD <- melt(plTPD, id.vars = "plinterval", variable.name = "taxon" )
  #bound probability viz to force null at 0 > x > 1
  plTPD[plinterval < 0 | plinterval > 1, value := 0]
  plTPD[taxon=="Potamogeton crispus"]
##        plinterval               taxon       value
##   1: -0.147297530 Potamogeton crispus 0.000000000
##   2: -0.134402797 Potamogeton crispus 0.000000000
##   3: -0.121508063 Potamogeton crispus 0.000000000
##   4: -0.108613330 Potamogeton crispus 0.000000000
##   5: -0.095718597 Potamogeton crispus 0.000000000
##   6: -0.082823864 Potamogeton crispus 0.000000000
##   7: -0.069929130 Potamogeton crispus 0.000000000
##   8: -0.057034397 Potamogeton crispus 0.000000000
##   9: -0.044139664 Potamogeton crispus 0.000000000
##  10: -0.031244931 Potamogeton crispus 0.000000000
##  11: -0.018350197 Potamogeton crispus 0.000000000
##  12: -0.005455464 Potamogeton crispus 0.000000000
##  13:  0.007439269 Potamogeton crispus 0.263327250
##  14:  0.020334002 Potamogeton crispus 0.116536979
##  15:  0.033228736 Potamogeton crispus 0.079357602
##  16:  0.046123469 Potamogeton crispus 0.063974497
##  17:  0.059018202 Potamogeton crispus 0.054067249
##  18:  0.071912935 Potamogeton crispus 0.043225680
##  19:  0.084807669 Potamogeton crispus 0.035972688
##  20:  0.097702402 Potamogeton crispus 0.033450618
##  21:  0.110597135 Potamogeton crispus 0.030965574
##  22:  0.123491868 Potamogeton crispus 0.021356387
##  23:  0.136386602 Potamogeton crispus 0.016125257
##  24:  0.149281335 Potamogeton crispus 0.022887822
##  25:  0.162176068 Potamogeton crispus 0.018763972
##  26:  0.175070801 Potamogeton crispus 0.011921513
##  27:  0.187965535 Potamogeton crispus 0.013295858
##  28:  0.200860268 Potamogeton crispus 0.013560863
##  29:  0.213755001 Potamogeton crispus 0.010975580
##  30:  0.226649734 Potamogeton crispus 0.011367194
##  31:  0.239544468 Potamogeton crispus 0.007352632
##  32:  0.252439201 Potamogeton crispus 0.009275314
##  33:  0.265333934 Potamogeton crispus 0.011109828
##  34:  0.278228667 Potamogeton crispus 0.008434925
##  35:  0.291123401 Potamogeton crispus 0.004806268
##  36:  0.304018134 Potamogeton crispus 0.006230392
##  37:  0.316912867 Potamogeton crispus 0.008091421
##  38:  0.329807600 Potamogeton crispus 0.005772068
##  39:  0.342702334 Potamogeton crispus 0.000000000
##  40:  0.355597067 Potamogeton crispus 0.004579633
##  41:  0.368491800 Potamogeton crispus 0.000000000
##  42:  0.381386533 Potamogeton crispus 0.000000000
##  43:  0.394281267 Potamogeton crispus 0.004361070
##  44:  0.407176000 Potamogeton crispus 0.006075157
##  45:  0.420070733 Potamogeton crispus 0.000000000
##  46:  0.432965466 Potamogeton crispus 0.000000000
##  47:  0.445860200 Potamogeton crispus 0.000000000
##  48:  0.458754933 Potamogeton crispus 0.000000000
##  49:  0.471649666 Potamogeton crispus 0.000000000
##  50:  0.484544399 Potamogeton crispus 0.000000000
##  51:  0.497439133 Potamogeton crispus 0.000000000
##  52:  0.510333866 Potamogeton crispus 0.000000000
##  53:  0.523228599 Potamogeton crispus 0.000000000
##  54:  0.536123332 Potamogeton crispus 0.000000000
##  55:  0.549018066 Potamogeton crispus 0.000000000
##  56:  0.561912799 Potamogeton crispus 0.000000000
##  57:  0.574807532 Potamogeton crispus 0.000000000
##  58:  0.587702265 Potamogeton crispus 0.000000000
##  59:  0.600596999 Potamogeton crispus 0.000000000
##  60:  0.613491732 Potamogeton crispus 0.000000000
##  61:  0.626386465 Potamogeton crispus 0.000000000
##  62:  0.639281198 Potamogeton crispus 0.000000000
##  63:  0.652175932 Potamogeton crispus 0.000000000
##  64:  0.665070665 Potamogeton crispus 0.000000000
##  65:  0.677965398 Potamogeton crispus 0.000000000
##  66:  0.690860131 Potamogeton crispus 0.000000000
##  67:  0.703754865 Potamogeton crispus 0.000000000
##  68:  0.716649598 Potamogeton crispus 0.000000000
##  69:  0.729544331 Potamogeton crispus 0.000000000
##  70:  0.742439064 Potamogeton crispus 0.000000000
##  71:  0.755333798 Potamogeton crispus 0.000000000
##  72:  0.768228531 Potamogeton crispus 0.000000000
##  73:  0.781123264 Potamogeton crispus 0.000000000
##  74:  0.794017997 Potamogeton crispus 0.000000000
##  75:  0.806912731 Potamogeton crispus 0.000000000
##  76:  0.819807464 Potamogeton crispus 0.000000000
##  77:  0.832702197 Potamogeton crispus 0.000000000
##  78:  0.845596930 Potamogeton crispus 0.000000000
##  79:  0.858491664 Potamogeton crispus 0.000000000
##  80:  0.871386397 Potamogeton crispus 0.000000000
##  81:  0.884281130 Potamogeton crispus 0.000000000
##  82:  0.897175863 Potamogeton crispus 0.000000000
##  83:  0.910070597 Potamogeton crispus 0.000000000
##  84:  0.922965330 Potamogeton crispus 0.000000000
##  85:  0.935860063 Potamogeton crispus 0.000000000
##  86:  0.948754796 Potamogeton crispus 0.000000000
##  87:  0.961649530 Potamogeton crispus 0.000000000
##  88:  0.974544263 Potamogeton crispus 0.000000000
##  89:  0.987438996 Potamogeton crispus 0.000000000
##  90:  1.000333729 Potamogeton crispus 0.000000000
##  91:  1.013228463 Potamogeton crispus 0.000000000
##  92:  1.026123196 Potamogeton crispus 0.000000000
##  93:  1.039017929 Potamogeton crispus 0.000000000
##  94:  1.051912662 Potamogeton crispus 0.000000000
##  95:  1.064807396 Potamogeton crispus 0.000000000
##  96:  1.077702129 Potamogeton crispus 0.000000000
##  97:  1.090596862 Potamogeton crispus 0.000000000
##  98:  1.103491595 Potamogeton crispus 0.000000000
##  99:  1.116386329 Potamogeton crispus 0.000000000
## 100:  1.129281062 Potamogeton crispus 0.000000000
##        plinterval               taxon       value
##  [1] "Lemna trisulca"            "Potamogeton zosteriformis"
##  [3] "Schoenoplectus acutus"     "Spirodela polyrhiza"      
##  [5] "Elodea canadensis"         "Ceratophyllum demersum"   
##  [7] "Nuphar variegata"          "Potamogeton amplifolius"  
##  [9] "Potamogeton crispus"       "Potamogeton richardsonii" 
## [11] "Myriophyllum sibiricum"    "Stuckenia pectinata"      
## [13] "Lemna minor"               "Potamogeton natans"       
## [15] "Vallisneria americana"     "Potamogeton robbinsii"    
## [17] "Nymphaea odorata"          "Typha angustifolia"       
## [19] "Zizania palustris"         "Potamogeton praelongus"   
## [21] "Brasenia schreberi"        "Utricularia vulgaris"     
## [23] "Najas flexilis"            "Potamogeton illinoensis"  
## [25] "Potamogeton gramineus"     "Bidens beckii"            
## [27] "Potamogeton friesii"       "Heteranthera dubia"       
## [29] "Potamogeton pusillus"      "Najas guadalupensis"      
## [31] "Myriophyllum spicatum"     "Ranunculus aquatilis"     
## [33] "Zannichellia palustris"    "Potamogeton foliosus"
  plTPD$taxon <- factor(plTPD$taxon,levels(plTPD$taxon)[c(1:8,10:30,32:34,9,31)])
  #add a color selector for legend
  plTPD[ , colorInv := as.factor(ifelse(taxon == "Potamogeton crispus", "black" , ifelse(taxon=="Myriophyllum spicatum", "red" , "gray"))) , ]
  plTPD$colorInv <- factor(plTPD$colorInv, levels = c("black", "red", "gray"))
  pl_inv <- ggplot(plTPD, aes(group = taxon, x = plinterval, y = value, color = colorInv))+
    geom_line( size = 1)+
    scale_color_manual(name = '', values=c('black','red', 'gray'),
                       labels = c( expression(italic("Potamogeton crispus")), 
                                   expression(italic("Myriophyllum spicatum")),
                                   "Native species")) +
    theme(legend.position = c(0.75,0.5),
          legend.key = element_blank(),
          legend.background = element_blank(),
          legend.text.align = 0)+
    xlab("Proportion of Surface Light Remaining at Sediments")+
    # coord_cartesian(ylim = c(0,0.20))+
    scale_y_continuous(breaks = c(0.00, 0.10,  0.20), labels = c("0.00", "0.10", "0.20"))
  #custom plotting all species in a single plot Depth
  depTPD <- data.table(matrix(unlist(TPDs_plants_d3_a3$TPDs), ncol = length(TPDs_plants_d3_a3$TPDs), byrow = F))
  setnames(depTPD, names(TPDs_plants_d2_a2$TPDs))
  depTPD[, depinterval := as.vector(TPDs_plants_d3_a3$data$evaluation_grid) , ]
  depTPD <- melt(depTPD, id.vars = "depinterval", variable.name = "taxon" )
  depTPD[depinterval < 0 , value := 0]
##  [1] "Lemna trisulca"            "Potamogeton zosteriformis"
##  [3] "Schoenoplectus acutus"     "Spirodela polyrhiza"      
##  [5] "Elodea canadensis"         "Ceratophyllum demersum"   
##  [7] "Nuphar variegata"          "Potamogeton amplifolius"  
##  [9] "Potamogeton crispus"       "Potamogeton richardsonii" 
## [11] "Myriophyllum sibiricum"    "Stuckenia pectinata"      
## [13] "Lemna minor"               "Potamogeton natans"       
## [15] "Vallisneria americana"     "Potamogeton robbinsii"    
## [17] "Nymphaea odorata"          "Typha angustifolia"       
## [19] "Zizania palustris"         "Potamogeton praelongus"   
## [21] "Brasenia schreberi"        "Utricularia vulgaris"     
## [23] "Najas flexilis"            "Potamogeton illinoensis"  
## [25] "Potamogeton gramineus"     "Bidens beckii"            
## [27] "Potamogeton friesii"       "Heteranthera dubia"       
## [29] "Potamogeton pusillus"      "Najas guadalupensis"      
## [31] "Myriophyllum spicatum"     "Ranunculus aquatilis"     
## [33] "Zannichellia palustris"    "Potamogeton foliosus"
  depTPD$taxon <- factor(depTPD$taxon,levels(depTPD$taxon)[c(1:8,10:30,32:34,9,31)])
  dep_inv <- ggplot(depTPD, aes(depinterval*0.3048, value))+
    geom_line(aes(color = taxon), size = 1)+
    scale_color_manual( values = c(ifelse(levels(depTPD$taxon) %in% c("Potamogeton crispus") ==T, "black" , ifelse(levels(depTPD$taxon) %in% c("Myriophyllum spicatum") ==T, "red" , "gray")))) +
    theme(legend.position = "none")+
    xlab("Depth (m)")+
    xlim( c(-0.05,7))+
    scale_y_continuous(breaks = c(0.00, 0.20,  0.40), labels = c("0.00", "0.20", "0.40"))

# Make panel by niche dimension plot -----------------------------------------------------------
# ## One dimensional vizualizations
  # # Figure with 3 axes broken out with overlapping species niches
  fig_3axes <- grid.arrange(gdd_inv, pl_inv, dep_inv)
## Warning: Removed 986 row(s) containing missing values (geom_path).
## Warning: Removed 714 row(s) containing missing values (geom_path).
## Warning: Removed 204 row(s) containing missing values (geom_path).

  tiff("fig_3axes.tiff", res = 600, width = 9, height = 12, units = "in", compression = "lzw")
  plot(fig_3axes) # Make plot
## png 
##   2
# Model TPD 2 dimensions, 3 ways for all species  ------------------------------------------
  #gdd v dep
  TPDs_gdddep <- TPDs(species = ptrm[, TAXON ], traits = ptrm[, .(gdd,DEPTH_FT*0.3048) ] )
## -------Calculating densities for One population_Multiple species-----------
  #gdd v proplight
  TPDs_gddlight <- TPDs(species = ptrm[, TAXON ], traits = ptrm[, .(gdd,proplight) ] )
## -------Calculating densities for One population_Multiple species-----------
  #dep v proplight
  TPDs_deplight <- TPDs(species = ptrm[, TAXON ], traits = ptrm[, .(DEPTH_FT*0.3048, proplight) ] )
## -------Calculating densities for One population_Multiple species-----------
# Library of niches --------------------------------------------------

Great. That covers plotting the sampling distribution in the background. Now scale this to allow calc and paneling by crossed niche and species.

## Sampling “Niche” visualization This is a way to condier how the sampling was biased across our dataset

  #TPD for full cross of gdd, depth, proplight for sample effort dist
  locssamp[ , surveyed := "Samplous distributionous",]
  TPDs_effort_gd <- TPDs(species = locssamp[, surveyed , ], traits = locssamp[, .(gdd, DEPTH_FT*0.3048) ]  )
## -------Calculating densities for One population_One species-----------
## Be careful, the integral of the pdf of some cases differ from 1.
##       They have been reescaled, but you should consider increasing
##       'trait_ranges' 
## Samplous distributionous
  TPDs_effort_gl <- TPDs(species = locssamp[, surveyed , ], traits = locssamp[, .(gdd, proplight) ] )
## -------Calculating densities for One population_One species-----------
  TPDs_effort_ld <- TPDs(species = locssamp[, surveyed , ], traits = locssamp[, .(proplight, DEPTH_FT*0.3048) ] )
## -------Calculating densities for One population_One species-----------
## Be careful, the integral of the pdf of some cases differ from 1.
##       They have been reescaled, but you should consider increasing
##       'trait_ranges' 
## Samplous distributionous
  # effort gdd by dep
  e_gd <- data.table(gdd = TPDs_effort_gd$data$evaluation_grid$gdd,
                               dep = TPDs_effort_gd$data$evaluation_grid$V2 ,
                               tpd = TPDs_effort_gd$TPDs$`Samplous distributionous`)
  e_gd[tpd == 0 , tpd := NA , ]
  gd_samps <- ggplot(e_gd, aes(x = gdd, y = dep))+
    geom_tile(data = e_gd[is.na(tpd) == F, ], aes(fill = tpd ))
     # scale_fill_gradient(low = "gray", high = "gray")+
     # new_scale_fill()+
     # geom_tile(data = gd[is.na(tpdp) == F, ], aes(fill = tpdp ))
  # effort light by dep
  e_gp <- data.table(gdd = TPDs_effort_gl$data$evaluation_grid$gdd,
                     pl = TPDs_effort_gl$data$evaluation_grid$proplight ,
                     tpd = TPDs_effort_gl$TPDs$`Samplous distributionous`)
  e_gp[tpd == 0 , tpd := NA , ]
  gl_samps <- ggplot(e_gp, aes(x = gdd, y = pl))+
    geom_tile(data = e_gp[is.na(tpd) == F, ], aes(fill = tpd ))

  # effort light by dep
  e_pd <- data.table(dep = TPDs_effort_ld$data$evaluation_grid$V2,
                     pl = TPDs_effort_ld$data$evaluation_grid$proplight ,
                     tpd = TPDs_effort_ld$TPDs$`Samplous distributionous`)
  e_pd[tpd == 0 , tpd := NA , ]
  dl_samps <- ggplot(e_pd, aes(x = pl, y = dep))+
    geom_tile(data = e_pd[is.na(tpd) == F, ], aes(fill = tpd ))
  fig_sampleeffort <- grid.arrange(gd_samps, gl_samps, dl_samps, ncol = 3)

  # write to file
  # tiff("fig_sampledist.tiff", res = 600, width = 12, height = 4, units = "in", compression = "lzw")
  # plot(fig_sampleeffort) # Make plot
  # dev.off()

Okay, so we have a way to plot what we want, now we have to build a table from which we can plot all of the species data. This need to be by crossed set

Library of Niches Visualizations

# library of niches gdd x depth -------------------------------------------
  # gdd x depth
  #effort data
  e_gd <- data.table(gdd = TPDs_effort_gd$data$evaluation_grid$gdd,
                     dep = TPDs_effort_gd$data$evaluation_grid$V2 ,
                     tpd = TPDs_effort_gd$TPDs$`Samplous distributionous`)
  #make species TPDs into data.table
  speciesdat <- data.table(gdd = TPDs_gdddep$data$evaluation_grid$gdd,
                           dep = TPDs_gdddep$data$evaluation_grid$V2,
  #make long format
  speciesdat.m <- melt(speciesdat, id.vars = c('gdd', 'dep' ))
  lib_GDDDepth <- ggplot(e_gd, aes(x = gdd, y = dep))+
    geom_tile(data = e_gd[tpd > 0 , ], aes(fill = tpd ))+
    scale_fill_gradient(low = "gray", high = "gray")+
    theme(legend.position = NULL)+
    geom_tile(data = speciesdat.m[value > 0, ], aes(fill = value, group = variable ))+
    facet_wrap(~ variable, ncol = 5 )+
    theme(legend.position = NULL)+
    xlab("Growing degree days")+
    ylab("Depth (m)")+
    theme(strip.text = element_text(face = "italic"))
  #plot only the ususal suspects
  inv_GDDDepth <- ggplot(e_gd, aes(x = gdd, y = dep))+
    geom_tile(data = e_gd[tpd > 0 , ], aes(fill = tpd ))+
    scale_fill_gradient(low = "gray", high = "gray")+
    theme(legend.position = NULL)+
    geom_tile(data = speciesdat.m[value > 0 &
                                    variable %in% c("Potamogeton crispus", "Myriophyllum spicatum"), ], aes(fill = value))+
    facet_wrap(~ variable, ncol = 2 )+
    # scale_fill_gradient(low = "lightblue" , high = "steelblue", name = "Dissimilarity") +
    theme(legend.position = "none")+
    xlab("Growing degree days")+
    ylab("Depth (m)")+
    theme(strip.text = element_text(face = "italic"))

# library of niches gdd x proplight -------------------------------------------
  # gdd x light
  #effort data
  e_gl <- data.table(gdd = TPDs_effort_gl$data$evaluation_grid$gdd,
                     light = TPDs_effort_gl$data$evaluation_grid$proplight ,
                     tpd = TPDs_effort_gl$TPDs$`Samplous distributionous`)
  #make species TPDs into data.table
  speciesdat <- data.table(gdd = TPDs_gddlight$data$evaluation_grid$gdd,
                           light = TPDs_gddlight$data$evaluation_grid$proplight,
  #make long format
  speciesdat.m <- melt(speciesdat, id.vars = c('gdd', 'light' ))
  lib_GDDLight <- ggplot(e_gl, aes(x = gdd, y = light))+
    geom_tile(data = e_gl[tpd > 0 , ], aes(fill = tpd ))+
    scale_fill_gradient(low = "gray", high = "gray")+
    theme(legend.position = 'none')+
    geom_tile(data = speciesdat.m[value > 0, ], aes(fill = value, group = variable ))+
    facet_wrap(~ variable, ncol = 5 )+
    theme(legend.position = NULL)+
    xlab("Growing degree days")+
    ylab("Proportion of surface irradiance\nremaining at substrate")+
    theme(strip.text = element_text(face = "italic"))
  #plot only the ususal suspects
  inv_GDDLight <- ggplot(e_gl, aes(x = gdd, y = light))+
    geom_tile(data = e_gl[tpd > 0 , ], aes(fill = tpd ))+
    scale_fill_gradient(low = "gray", high = "gray")+
    theme(legend.position = NULL)+
    geom_tile(data = speciesdat.m[value > 0 &
                                    variable %in% c("Potamogeton crispus", "Myriophyllum spicatum"), ], aes(fill = value))+
    facet_wrap(~ variable, ncol = 2 )+
    # scale_fill_gradient(low = "steelblue", high = "red", name = "Dissimilarity") +
    theme(legend.position = "none")+
    xlab("Growing degree days")+
    ylab("Proportion of surface irradiance\nremaining at substrate")+
    theme(strip.text = element_text(face = "italic"))

# library of niches depth x light -----------------------------------------

  # depth x light
  #effort data
  e_dl <- data.table(dep = TPDs_effort_ld$data$evaluation_grid$V2,
                     light = TPDs_effort_ld$data$evaluation_grid$proplight ,
                     tpd = TPDs_effort_ld$TPDs$`Samplous distributionous`)
  #make species TPDs into data.table
  speciesdat <- data.table(dep = TPDs_deplight$data$evaluation_grid$V1,
                           light = TPDs_deplight$data$evaluation_grid$proplight,
  #make long format
  speciesdat.m <- melt(speciesdat, id.vars = c('dep', 'light' ))
  lib_DepthLight <- ggplot(e_dl, aes(x = dep, y = light))+
    geom_tile(data = e_dl[tpd > 0 , ], aes(fill = tpd ))+
    scale_fill_gradient(low = "gray", high = "gray")+
    theme(legend.position = 'none')+
    geom_tile(data = speciesdat.m[value > 0, ], aes(fill = value, group = variable ))+
    facet_wrap(~ variable, ncol = 5 )+
    theme(legend.position = NULL)+
    ylab("Proportion of surface irradiance\nremaining at substrate")+
    xlab("Depth (m)")+
    theme(strip.text = element_text(face = "italic"))
  #plot only the ususal suspects
  inv_DepthLight <- ggplot(e_dl, aes(x = dep, y = light))+
    geom_tile(data = e_dl[tpd > 0 , ], aes(fill = tpd ))+
    scale_fill_gradient(low = "gray", high = "gray")+
    theme(legend.position = NULL)+
    geom_tile(data = speciesdat.m[value > 0 &
                                    variable %in% c("Potamogeton crispus", "Myriophyllum spicatum"), ], aes(fill = value))+
    facet_wrap(~ variable, ncol = 2 )+
    # scale_fill_gradient(low = "steelblue", high = "red", name = "Dissimilarity") +
    theme(legend.position = "none")+
    ylab("Proportion of surface irradiance\nremaining at substrate")+
    xlab("Depth (m)")+
    theme(strip.text = element_text(face = "italic"))


# invader niche plots -----------------------------------------------------

  fig_invaderNiche <- grid.arrange(inv_GDDDepth, inv_GDDLight, inv_DepthLight)  

  # Write to file:
  tiff(file = "Fig_InvaderNiches.tif", width=8.5, height=11, units="in", res = 600, compression = "lzw")
  grid.arrange(inv_GDDDepth, inv_GDDLight, inv_DepthLight)
## png 
##   2
# library of niches dimensional -------------------------------------------------------

  # lib_GDDDepth
  # lib_GDDLight
  # lib_DepthLight
  # Write to file:
  tiff(file = "Fig_LibraryGDDDepth.tif", width=10, height=13, units="in", res = 600, compression = "lzw")
## png 
##   2
  tiff(file = "Fig_LibraryGDDLight.tif", width=10, height=13, units="in", res = 600, compression = "lzw")
## png 
##   2
  tiff(file = "Fig_LibraryDepthLight.tif", width=10, height=13, units="in", res = 600, compression = "lzw")
## png 
##   2
# stat diff in niche dimensional diffs between clp & ewm -------------------------------

Statistical tests referenced in text

  mean_traits <- plantocc[ ,.(gdd_hat = mean(gdd), proplight_hat = mean(proplight) , depthmeter_hat = mean(DEPTH_FT*0.3048) ) , by = TAXON ]  
  community_means <- plantocc[!TAXON %in% c('Myriophyllum spicatum', 'Potamogeton crispus'),.(gdd_hat = mean(gdd), proplight_hat = mean(proplight) , depthmeter_hat = mean(DEPTH_FT*0.3048) ) ]
  invader_means <- plantocc[TAXON %in% c('Myriophyllum spicatum', 'Potamogeton crispus'),.(gdd_hat = mean(gdd), proplight_hat = mean(proplight) , depthmeter_hat = mean(DEPTH_FT*0.3048) ), TAXON ]
  inv_occ <- plantocc[ TAXON %in% c('Myriophyllum spicatum', 'Potamogeton crispus'),.(TAXON,gdd, proplight, depm=DEPTH_FT*0.3048 )]
  inv_occ[ , gdd_cs := scale(gdd) ,] 
  inv_occ[ , proplight_cs := scale(proplight) ,] 
  inv_occ[ , depm_cs := scale(depm) ,] 
  #' comparing TPDs by axis:
  t.test(inv_occ[TAXON == 'Myriophyllum spicatum', gdd ], inv_occ[TAXON == 'Potamogeton crispus', gdd ])
##  Welch Two Sample t-test
## data:  inv_occ[TAXON == "Myriophyllum spicatum", gdd] and inv_occ[TAXON == "Potamogeton crispus", gdd]
## t = 95.999, df = 21337, p-value < 2.2e-16
## alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  591.8439 616.5158
## sample estimates:
## mean of x mean of y 
## 1350.9295  746.7496
  t.test(inv_occ[TAXON == 'Myriophyllum spicatum', proplight ], inv_occ[TAXON == 'Potamogeton crispus', proplight ])
##  Welch Two Sample t-test
## data:  inv_occ[TAXON == "Myriophyllum spicatum", proplight] and inv_occ[TAXON == "Potamogeton crispus", proplight]
## t = 61.633, df = 20926, p-value < 2.2e-16
## alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  0.09822972 0.10468287
## sample estimates:
##  mean of x  mean of y 
## 0.18077178 0.07931548
  t.test(inv_occ[TAXON == 'Myriophyllum spicatum', depm ], inv_occ[TAXON == 'Potamogeton crispus', depm ])
##  Welch Two Sample t-test
## data:  inv_occ[TAXON == "Myriophyllum spicatum", depm] and inv_occ[TAXON == "Potamogeton crispus", depm]
## t = -36.437, df = 30426, p-value < 2.2e-16
## alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  -0.3691724 -0.3314826
## sample estimates:
## mean of x mean of y 
##  1.687721  2.038048
  #with z-transformed vars
  t.test(inv_occ[TAXON == 'Myriophyllum spicatum', gdd_cs ], inv_occ[TAXON == 'Potamogeton crispus', gdd_cs ])
##  Welch Two Sample t-test
## data:  inv_occ[TAXON == "Myriophyllum spicatum", gdd_cs] and inv_occ[TAXON == "Potamogeton crispus", gdd_cs]
## t = 95.999, df = 21337, p-value < 2.2e-16
## alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  0.9477379 0.9872458
## sample estimates:
##  mean of x  mean of y 
##  0.6800391 -0.2874527
  t.test(inv_occ[TAXON == 'Myriophyllum spicatum', proplight_cs ], inv_occ[TAXON == 'Potamogeton crispus', proplight_cs ])
##  Welch Two Sample t-test
## data:  inv_occ[TAXON == "Myriophyllum spicatum", proplight_cs] and inv_occ[TAXON == "Potamogeton crispus", proplight_cs]
## t = 61.633, df = 20926, p-value < 2.2e-16
## alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  0.6460729 0.6885163
## sample estimates:
##  mean of x  mean of y 
##  0.4690339 -0.1982607
  t.test(inv_occ[TAXON == 'Myriophyllum spicatum', depm_cs ], inv_occ[TAXON == 'Potamogeton crispus', depm_cs ])
##  Welch Two Sample t-test
## data:  inv_occ[TAXON == "Myriophyllum spicatum", depm_cs] and inv_occ[TAXON == "Potamogeton crispus", depm_cs]
## t = -36.437, df = 30426, p-value < 2.2e-16
## alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  -0.3576708 -0.3211552
## sample estimates:
##  mean of x  mean of y 
## -0.2385696  0.1008434
  #Kolmogorov–Smirnov test
  ks.test(inv_occ[TAXON == 'Myriophyllum spicatum', gdd ], inv_occ[TAXON == 'Potamogeton crispus', gdd ])
## Warning in ks.test(inv_occ[TAXON == "Myriophyllum spicatum", gdd], inv_occ[TAXON
## == : p-value will be approximate in the presence of ties
##  Two-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test
## data:  inv_occ[TAXON == "Myriophyllum spicatum", gdd] and inv_occ[TAXON == "Potamogeton crispus", gdd]
## D = 0.41283, p-value < 2.2e-16
## alternative hypothesis: two-sided
  ks.test(inv_occ[TAXON == 'Myriophyllum spicatum', proplight ], inv_occ[TAXON == 'Potamogeton crispus', proplight ])
## Warning in ks.test(inv_occ[TAXON == "Myriophyllum spicatum", proplight], : p-
## value will be approximate in the presence of ties
##  Two-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test
## data:  inv_occ[TAXON == "Myriophyllum spicatum", proplight] and inv_occ[TAXON == "Potamogeton crispus", proplight]
## D = 0.31699, p-value < 2.2e-16
## alternative hypothesis: two-sided
  ks.test(inv_occ[TAXON == 'Myriophyllum spicatum', depm ], inv_occ[TAXON == 'Potamogeton crispus', depm ])
## Warning in ks.test(inv_occ[TAXON == "Myriophyllum spicatum", depm],
## inv_occ[TAXON == : p-value will be approximate in the presence of ties
##  Two-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test
## data:  inv_occ[TAXON == "Myriophyllum spicatum", depm] and inv_occ[TAXON == "Potamogeton crispus", depm]
## D = 0.15968, p-value < 2.2e-16
## alternative hypothesis: two-sided
  #with z-transformed vars
  ks.test(inv_occ[TAXON == 'Myriophyllum spicatum', gdd_cs ], inv_occ[TAXON == 'Potamogeton crispus', gdd_cs ])
## Warning in ks.test(inv_occ[TAXON == "Myriophyllum spicatum", gdd_cs],
## inv_occ[TAXON == : p-value will be approximate in the presence of ties
##  Two-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test
## data:  inv_occ[TAXON == "Myriophyllum spicatum", gdd_cs] and inv_occ[TAXON == "Potamogeton crispus", gdd_cs]
## D = 0.41283, p-value < 2.2e-16
## alternative hypothesis: two-sided
  ks.test(inv_occ[TAXON == 'Myriophyllum spicatum', proplight_cs ], inv_occ[TAXON == 'Potamogeton crispus', proplight_cs ])
## Warning in ks.test(inv_occ[TAXON == "Myriophyllum spicatum", proplight_cs], : p-
## value will be approximate in the presence of ties
##  Two-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test
## data:  inv_occ[TAXON == "Myriophyllum spicatum", proplight_cs] and inv_occ[TAXON == "Potamogeton crispus", proplight_cs]
## D = 0.31699, p-value < 2.2e-16
## alternative hypothesis: two-sided
  ks.test(inv_occ[TAXON == 'Myriophyllum spicatum', depm_cs ], inv_occ[TAXON == 'Potamogeton crispus', depm_cs ])
## Warning in ks.test(inv_occ[TAXON == "Myriophyllum spicatum", depm_cs],
## inv_occ[TAXON == : p-value will be approximate in the presence of ties
##  Two-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test
## data:  inv_occ[TAXON == "Myriophyllum spicatum", depm_cs] and inv_occ[TAXON == "Potamogeton crispus", depm_cs]
## D = 0.15968, p-value < 2.2e-16
## alternative hypothesis: two-sided

Now testing for who has more cases of non-shared exceeding

# map of data -------------------------------------------------------------

Map the data

Here’s all the data we started from:

  #plant surveys
  plants_map <- fread(file = "plants_DRUM.csv", drop = 1)
  locs <- plants_map[is.na(TAXON) == F , .(.N, unique(center_utm), unique(center_u_1)), by = DOWLKNUM]
  weatherlocs <- plants_map[is.na(TAXON) == F , .(.N, longitude = unique(Long_WX), latitude = unique(Lat_WX)), by = STATION.NAME]
  #drop added plants layer
##    DOWLKNUM               N                 V2               V3         
##  Length:1499        Min.   :    1.0   Min.   :208956   Min.   :4817240  
##  Class :character   1st Qu.:   50.5   1st Qu.:299707   1st Qu.:4980617  
##  Mode  :character   Median :  129.0   Median :393954   Median :5062676  
##                     Mean   :  381.1   Mean   :389070   Mean   :5075833  
##                     3rd Qu.:  327.0   3rd Qu.:460782   3rd Qu.:5184050  
##                     Max.   :11082.0   Max.   :721551   Max.   :5429064  
##                                       NA's   :39       NA's   :39
  #drop waterbodies w/o any location data (these are NWI numbered wetlands)
  locs <- na.omit(locs, cols = c("V2","V3"))
  locsutm <- SpatialPointsDataFrame(locs[,.(V2,V3),], locs, proj4string=CRS("+proj=utm +zone=15N +datum=WGS84"))  
  locsgeo <- spTransform(locsutm, CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84"))
## Formal class 'SpatialPointsDataFrame' [package "sp"] with 5 slots
##   ..@ data       :'data.frame':  1460 obs. of  4 variables:
##   .. ..$ DOWLKNUM: chr [1:1460] "1000100" "1001600" "1003400" "1003500" ...
##   .. ..$ N       : int [1:1460] 285 40 82 153 147 111 127 103 133 99 ...
##   .. ..$ V2      : num [1:1460] 494097 492017 483970 479140 482832 ...
##   .. ..$ V3      : num [1:1460] 5114741 5184698 5173669 5170765 5190458 ...
##   ..@ coords.nrs : num(0) 
##   ..@ coords     : num [1:1460, 1:2] -93.1 -93.1 -93.2 -93.3 -93.2 ...
##   .. ..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
##   .. .. ..$ : NULL
##   .. .. ..$ : chr [1:2] "V2" "V3"
##   ..@ bbox       : num [1:2, 1:2] -96.7 43.5 -90 49
##   .. ..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
##   .. .. ..$ : chr [1:2] "V2" "V3"
##   .. .. ..$ : chr [1:2] "min" "max"
##   ..@ proj4string:Formal class 'CRS' [package "sp"] with 1 slot
##   .. .. ..@ projargs: chr "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs"
  locs_sf <- st_as_sf(locsgeo)
##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
##       1      50     130     380     322   11082
  locs_sf$bin <- cut(locs_sf$N, breaks = c(0,50, 100, 250, 500, 1000, 5000, 10000, 15000), 
                     labels = c("50", "100", "250", "500", "1000", "5000", "10000", "12000") )
  #drop WX station NAs:
  weatherlocs <- na.omit(weatherlocs, cols = c("longitude","latitude"))
  wxlocsutm <- SpatialPointsDataFrame(weatherlocs[,.(longitude, latitude),], weatherlocs, proj4string=CRS("+proj=longlat +zone=15N +datum=WGS84"))  
  wxlocsgeo <- spTransform(wxlocsutm, CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84"))
## Formal class 'SpatialPointsDataFrame' [package "sp"] with 5 slots
##   ..@ data       :'data.frame':  16 obs. of  4 variables:
##   .. ..$ N           : int [1:16] 20791 25808 64577 140771 198868 7281 5908 62677 11960 3999 ...
##   .. ..$ longitude   : num [1:16] -92.2 -92.8 -94.1 -95.1 -93.2 ...
##   .. ..$ latitude    : num [1:16] 46.8 47.4 45.5 46.9 44.9 ...
##   ..@ coords.nrs : num(0) 
##   ..@ coords     : num [1:16, 1:2] -92.2 -92.8 -94.1 -95.1 -93.2 ...
##   .. ..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
##   .. .. ..$ : NULL
##   .. .. ..$ : chr [1:2] "longitude" "latitude"
##   ..@ bbox       : num [1:2, 1:2] -97.5 43.2 -88.5 49
##   .. ..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
##   .. .. ..$ : chr [1:2] "longitude" "latitude"
##   .. .. ..$ : chr [1:2] "min" "max"
##   ..@ proj4string:Formal class 'CRS' [package "sp"] with 1 slot
##   .. .. ..@ projargs: chr "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs"
  wxlocs_sf <- st_as_sf(wxlocsgeo)
  #other data for fig
  usa <- map_data("usa")
  canada <- map_data("world", region = "canada")
  states <- map_data("state")
   mn_df <- subset(states, region == c("minnesota"))

   # MN DNR Ecological Classification System retrievd from: https://gisdata.mn.gov/dataset/geos-ecological-class-system
   mn_er <- st_read("ecs_provinces_of_mn_v99a.shp")
## Reading layer `ecs_provinces_of_mn_v99a' from data source `E:\My Drive\Documents\UMN\Grad School\Larkin Lab\R_projects\macropheno\UMN_DRUM_upload\ecs_provinces_of_mn_v99a.shp' using driver `ESRI Shapefile'
## Simple feature collection with 4 features and 9 fields
## geometry type:  POLYGON
## dimension:      XY
## bbox:           xmin: 189775.3 ymin: 4816305 xmax: 761662.3 ymax: 5472414
## projected CRS:  NAD83 / UTM zone 15N
  #TNC ecoregions from resilient sites analysis retrievd from: https://gisdata.mn.gov/dataset/env-resilient-sites-tnc
  tnc_er<- st_read("Ecoregions.shp")
## Reading layer `Ecoregions' from data source `E:\My Drive\Documents\UMN\Grad School\Larkin Lab\R_projects\macropheno\UMN_DRUM_upload\Ecoregions.shp' using driver `ESRI Shapefile'
## Simple feature collection with 8 features and 20 fields
## geometry type:  MULTIPOLYGON
## dimension:      XY
## bbox:           xmin: -1015929 ymin: 4282384 xmax: 2054137 ymax: 6195680
## projected CRS:  NAD83 / UTM zone 15N
  tnc_er <- tnc_er[c(2,3,4,8) , ]
    study_map <- ggplot(locs_sf)+
      geom_sf(data = tnc_er, aes(fill = ECO_NAME), alpha = 0.2 )+
    #geom_sf(data = mn_er, aes(fill = PROVNAME), alpha = 0.2 )+
    geom_sf( size = 3, shape = 16, colour = "black",  alpha = 0.3)+
    geom_sf(data = wxlocs_sf, shape = 10 , colour = "red", alpha = 1.0, size = 5)+
    geom_polygon(data = states, aes(x=long, y = lat, group = group), color = "black", alpha = .0, lwd = .75)+
    coord_sf(xlim = c(-98, -87.5),  ylim = c(43, 49.5))+
    theme(text = element_text(size=15))+
    theme(legend.position = c(.755,.29),
          legend.background = element_rect(fill = "white"))+
  inset <- ggplotGrob(
    ggplot() +
      geom_polygon(data = usa,
                   aes(x=long, y = lat, group = group),
                   fill = "gray90", color = "gray50", size = 0.3) +
      # geom_polygon(data = canada, aes(x=long, y = lat, group = group),
                   # fill = "gray90", color = "gray50", size = 0.3) +
      coord_fixed(xlim = c(-110, -55),  ylim = c(25, 60), ratio = 1.2) +
      geom_polygon(data = mn_df, aes(x = long, y = lat), color = "black", size = 0.3,
                   fill = "gray40") +
      geom_polygon(data = states, aes(x=long, y = lat, group = group), color = "black", alpha = .0, lwd = .75)+
      theme_bw() +
      theme(axis.title = element_blank(), axis.ticks = element_blank(), axis.text = element_blank())+
## Coordinate system already present. Adding new coordinate system, which will replace the existing one.
  g3 <- study_map +
    north(mn_df, anchor = c(x = -88.15, y = 44)) +
    annotation_custom(grob = inset, xmin = -91.5, xmax = -87.75,
                     ymin = 42.7)+
    scalebar(mn_df, dist = 50, dist_unit = "km",
             transform = TRUE, model = "WGS84", st.size = 3)
  # figure construction -----------------------------------------------------
  tiff("Map.tiff", res = 600, width = 9, height = 12, units = "in", compression = "lzw", type = "cairo")
  plot(g3) # Make plot
## png 
##   2
  # footer ------------------------------------------------------------------
  #' ## Document footer 
  #' Session Information:
  #+ sessionInfo
## R version 3.6.1 (2019-07-05)
## Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)
## Running under: Windows 10 x64 (build 18363)
## Matrix products: default
## locale:
## [1] LC_COLLATE=English_United States.1252 
## [2] LC_CTYPE=English_United States.1252   
## [3] LC_MONETARY=English_United States.1252
## [4] LC_NUMERIC=C                          
## [5] LC_TIME=English_United States.1252    
## attached base packages:
## [1] grid      stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods  
## [8] base     
## other attached packages:
##  [1] moments_0.14      ggsn_0.5.0        rgdal_1.5-18      sp_1.4-4         
##  [5] maps_3.3.0        sf_0.9-6          ngram_3.0.4       GGally_2.0.0     
##  [9] ggnewscale_0.4.3  gridExtra_2.3     TPD_1.1.0         ks_1.11.7        
## [13] data.table_1.13.2 ezknitr_0.6       ggplot2_3.3.2     knitr_1.30       
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##  [4] lattice_0.20-41     tidyr_1.1.2         png_0.1-7          
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## [13] httr_1.4.2          highr_0.8           pillar_1.4.6       
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## [37] bitops_1.0-6        nlme_3.1-149        gtable_0.3.0       
## [40] lifecycle_0.2.0     DBI_1.1.0           magrittr_1.5       
## [43] units_0.6-7         scales_1.1.1        KernSmooth_2.23-17 
## [46] stringi_1.5.3       mapproj_1.2.7       farver_2.0.3       
## [49] ellipsis_0.3.1      generics_0.0.2      vctrs_0.3.4        
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