Minnesota Geological Survey M-118, One Hundred Years of Mining: Alterations to the Physical and Cultural Geography of the Western Half of the Mesabi Iron Range, Northern Minnesota Compiled and authored by R.S. Lively, G.B. Morey, and Emily J. Bauer Reference as: One hundred years of mining: alterations to the physical and cultural geography of the western half of the Mesabi Iron Range, northern Minnesota. R.S. Lively, G.B. Morey, and E.J. Bauer. 2002. MGS Miscellaneous Map Series, M-118, 4 pls. Scale 1:100,000. Paper plots. Pl. 1, land-surface topography; pl. 2, drainage and cultural features; pl. 3, topographic disturbance; pl. 4 bedrock geology. The data and results of this project are presented as ArcView Shape files that are compiled within an ArcView project entitled m118.apr. All of the map and plate files are include. The files can be unzipped, using the WinZip program available on the Internet, to other drives and retain their original read/write permissions. A copy of the zipped files and the unzipped project can also be obtained on a CD by contacting the MGS Map Sales office at 612-627-4780, ex. 238. Paper plots of the map plates can also be obtained. Each sheet is approximately 50 inches long by 42 inches high. Be aware that the ArcView project m118.apr requires the ArcView extensions Spatial Analyst and 3-d Analyst to open and properly display the map plates in ArcView. The metadata for various grids, lines and shapefiles are included. A list of the files in the project is given below: Folder: m-118 m118.apr—ArcView 3.x project-requires Spatial Analyst and 3-d Analyst to run. Grids dnrgd—surface elevation grid of study area, derived from 1999 DNR Mesabi Elevation Project dnrgdcl1—clipped surface elevation DNR grid for inset on Plate 3. grid12—grid used to create the shaded-relief map of the 1899 surface grid18—grid used to create the shaded-relief map of the modern surface grid24—grid used to create the shaded-relief map of the difference between the modern and the 1899 surface leitcl1—clipped surface grid used to create the 1899 surface inset map on Plate 3 leithgd—grid of the 1899-1900 topographic surface within the study area resicl1—clipped elevation difference grid for inset on Plate 3 residualgd—grid of the difference between the 1899 and 1999 surface grids Shape or Image Files: bdrkclpd1—modern bedrock geology polygons clipped to study area colrnclpd—Cretaceous geology polygons clipped to study area contourlns—contour lines of the 1899-1900 topographic surface dnrleith2adj.bmp—regional 1999 topography with 1899 data overlay for comparison faults—fault lines to go with modern geology glg_1899—geology polygons from the 1899 field maps insetcontln—clipped contour lines from the 1899 surface used on Plate 3 insettiff—TIFF image of one of the original USGS field maps leith drainage-lakes—lake outlines from the original 1899 maps leithtrclp—Township and Range lines clipped to study area leithtrsclp—Section lines clipped to study area mesablakes—lake outlines from topographic maps minepts—point locations of mines from the 1899 maps mncomdt--polygon file of Minnesota counties outcropclpd—outcrop polygon locations from modern mapping papg—outline of study area railroads—railroad lines from topographic maps readme—this document rivers—river lines from topographic maps roads1—major roads roads2--minor roads and streets studyarea—generalized outline of Mesabi Iron range showing western half as study area testpits and outcrops—point files showing location of outcrops and other features from the 1899 maps westdmp2—mine dump polys from 1899 maps westhy—streams from 1899 maps westmf—roads, railroads, trails and street from 1899 maps westmine—mine polygons from 1899 maps wrkmrk-Uof Mn wordmark wwpt—water well and drillhole points and data from CWI Other folders and files Files 1_350,000rake.tif and 1_350k_rake.tif rake scales as tiff images. pl1edited.txt—text for plate 1 pl2edited.txt—text for plate 2 pl3edited.txt—text for plate 3 pl4edited.txt—text for plate 4 readme.txt—this file in text with line breaks format Folders avls—legend files 1899bgpg—legend for 1899 geology polys 1899pt—legend for 1899 point data digitized from field maps k—Cretaceous legend modbgpg—legend for modern geology polys wells—legend for cwi well point data info—Info files associated with the grids. It is very important not to delete this folder metadata--metadata information for the shapefiles and grids in this project. Metadata for thems such as TRS, and roads etc from topographic maps can be found at the Minneosta Dept. of Natural Resources Data Deli web site: deli.dnr.state.mn.us/ bgpg1999—bedrock geology metadata, also applies to the Cretaceous bedrock theme. cultural1899—metadata for all point feature themes digitized from USGS 1899-1900 field maps culturalmod—metadata for all features such as road, rails, streams etc. obtained from DNR and USGS maps Cwiverr.doc—metadata for CWI water well points. differencegd—metadata for grid showing the difference between the 1899 and 1999 topographic surface glg_1899--metadata for 1903 geology map mgsattribute.pdf—metadata about MGS attributes used in some of the data tables oc1999-metadata for 1999 outcrop data pits_oc1899—metadata for 1899 point data topo1899—metadata for 1899 topographic grid and shaded-relief map topo1999-- metadata for 1999 topographic grid and shaded-relief map